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DotNetOgcOwsContext - OGC OWS Context library for .Net

Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc.OwsContext is a library targeting .NET 4.0 and above providing an model to represent and manipulate OWS context documents


Usage examples

OWS Context document creation and serialization

// First create the doc
OwsContextAtomFeed feed = new OwsContextAtomFeed();

// add a display element
OwcDisplay display = new OwcDisplay() { PixelWidth = 800, PixelHeight = 600, MmPerPixel = 100 };
var displayAny = new System.Collections.Generic.List<XmlElement>();
display.Any = displayAny.ToArray();
feed.Display = display;

// date
DateTimeInterval interval = new DateTimeInterval();
interval.StartDate = DateTime.Parse("2010-05-30T05:54:34+02");
interval.EndDate = DateTime.Parse("2010-05-31T20:20:20.000Z");
feed.Date = interval;

// georss
whereType georss =  whereType.Deserialize("<georss:where xmlns:georss=\"\">\n<gml:Polygon xmlns:gml=\"\">\n<gml:exterior>\n<gml:LinearRing>\n<gml:posList>45 -2 45 8 55 8 55 -2 45 -2</gml:posList>\n</gml:LinearRing>\n</gml:exterior>\n</gml:Polygon>\n</georss:where>");
feed.Where = georss;

/// entries
List<OwsContextAtomEntry> items = new List<OwsContextAtomEntry>();
OwsContextAtomEntry item = new OwsContextAtomEntry();
OwcOffering offering = new OwcOffering();
List<XmlNode> offeringAny = new List<XmlNode>();
offering.Any = offeringAny.ToArray();
List<OwcOperation> ops = new List<OwcOperation>();
ops.Add(new OwcOperation("GetCapabilities", new Uri("")));
offering.Operations = ops.ToArray();
item.Offering = offering;

var sw = XmlWriter.Create(Console.Out, new XmlWriterSettings(){Indent = true, NamespaceHandling = NamespaceHandling.OmitDuplicates});
Atom10FeedFormatter atomFormatter = new Atom10FeedFormatter(feed);

Deserialization and OWS Context document manipulation

FileStream geotiff = new FileStream("../../Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc.OwsContext/Schemas/1.0.0/examples/geotiff.xml", FileMode.Open);
OwsContextAtomFeed feed = DeserializeFromStream(geotiff);

Supported Platforms

  • .NET 4.0 (Desktop / Server)
  • Xamarin.iOS / Xamarin.Android / Xamarin.Mac
  • Mono 3.0+

Getting Started

Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc.OwsContext is available as NuGet package in releases.

Install-Package Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc.OwsContext


Terradue.ServiceModel.Ogc.OwsContext is a single assembly designed to be easily deployed anywhere.

To compile it yourself, you’ll need:

  • Visual Studio 2012 or later, or Xamarin Studio

To clone it locally click the "Clone in Desktop" button above or run the following git commands.

git clone DotNetOgcOwsContext


  • More tests

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2014 Terradue

Licensed under the GPL v2 License