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TEDCore is a Unity framework. The major purpose is to provide modules and tools for game developing in convenient ways.



Singleton is based on Singleton design pattern. There are two class of it, Singleton and MonoSingleton.




using UnityEngine;  
using TEDCore;  

public class EventManager : Singleton<EventManager>  
    public void SendEvent(){}  

public class ResourceSystem : MonoSingleton<ResourceSystem>  
    public void Load() { }  

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour  
    private void Awake()  


State and Task modules are the most important parts in this library. The major concept is based on State design pattern. Each State is a single hierarchy and processing Task that is registered inside it. State module consists two parts, State, and StateManager. State just likes the scenes in Unity Engine and have the higher control level than Unity scene.



Public Methods - StateManager

Name Parameters Description
ChangeState(State newState) newState: The new state you want to switch to ChangeState is called when you want to switch from current state to a new state
Update(float deltaTime) deltaTime: The Time.deltaTime for the game environment Update is called every frame, it should connect with MonoBehaviour.Update() and sync Time.deltaTime for it.
FixedUpdate(float deltaTime) deltaTime: The Time.fixedDeltaTime for the game environment FixedUpdate is called every physics frame, it should connect with MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate() and sync Time.fixedDeltaTime for it.
LateUpdate(float deltaTime) deltaTime: The Time.deltaTime for the game environment LateUpdate is called every frame, it should connect with MonoBehaviour.LateUpdate() and sync Time.deltaTime for it.


using TEDCore.StateManagement;

public class NewState : State
    private enum ENewState


    public NewState(StateManager stateManager) : base(stateManager)

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private StateManager m_stateManager;

    private void Awake()
        m_stateManager = new StateManager();
        m_stateManager.ChangeState(new EmptyState(m_stateManager));

    private void Update()

    private void FixedUpdate()

    private void LateUpdate()


Task module need to cooperate with with State Manager. In each State, you can register multiple Task inside it and each Task works as a single station of the game logic which means we need to follow Single Responsibility Principle in each specific Task. Then change the task state in TaskManager can process the specific Task. Task Manager consists two parts, Task, and TaskManager.



Public Methods - TaskManager

Name Parameters Description
AddTask(Task task, params Enum[] activeStates) task: The task you want to register
activeStates: The activie states you want to register for the task
Register the task to the active states with enum type
AddTask(Task task, long activeStates) task: The task you want to register
activeStates: The activie states you want to register for the task
Register the task to the active states with long type
ChangeState(Enum activeState) activeState: The state you want to active Change the state to the active state
Update (float deltaTime) deltaTime: The Time.deltaTime for the game environment Update is called every frame, it should connect with MonoBehaviour.Update() and sync Time.deltaTime for it.
FixedUpdate(float deltaTime) deltaTime: The Time.fixedDeltaTime for the game environment FixedUpdate is called every physics frame, it should connect with MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdate() and sync Time.fixedDeltaTime for it.
LateUpdate(float deltaTime) deltaTime: The Time.deltaTime for the game environment LateUpdate is called every frame, it should connect with MonoBehaviour.LateUpdate() and sync Time.deltaTime for it.


using TEDCore.StateManagement;  

public class NewTask : Task  
    public NewTask() : base()  


    public override void Show (bool show)  


    public override void Update (float deltaTime)  


    public override void FixedUpdate (float deltaTime)  


    public override void LateUpdate (float deltaTime)  


    public override void Destroy()  
using TEDCore.StateManagement;

public class NewState : State
    private enum ENewState

    public NewState(StateManager stateManager) : base(stateManager)
        TaskManager.AddTask(new NewTask(), ENewState.New);


Event is designed to a central event receiver and transmitter. The concept is based on Observer design pattern. The main purpose of Event Manager is to send events to other parts of the script without being dependant on their interface or having the explicit of it. It can help us to prevent involving in the dependency hell. It consists parts, EventResult, EventListener, and EventManager.



Public Methods - EventManager

Name Parameters Description
RegisterListener(int eventId, IEventListener listener, int priority = 0) eventId: The event id you want to register
listener: The listener you want to register
priority: The priority of the listener
Register the listener on the event id
RemoveListener(int eventId, IEventListener listener) eventId: The event id you want to remove
listener: The listener you want to remove
Remove the listener on the event id
SendEvent(int eventId, object eventData = null) eventId: The event id you want to send
eventData: The event data you want to send
Send the event data to the event listener on the event id


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore;
using TEDCore.Event;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private enum EExampleEvent

    private EventListener m_eventListener;

    private void Awake()
        m_eventListener = new EventListener();
        m_eventListener.ListenForEvent(EExampleEvent.ExampleEvent1.GetHashCode(), OnExampleEvent1);
        m_eventListener.ListenForEvent(EExampleEvent.ExampleEvent2.GetHashCode(), OnExampleEvent2);
        m_eventListener.ListenForEvent(EExampleEvent.ExampleEvent3.GetHashCode(), OnExampleEvent3);

    private void Start()
        EventManager.Instance.SendEvent(EExampleEvent.ExampleEvent2.GetHashCode(), 0);
        EventManager.Instance.SendEvent(EExampleEvent.ExampleEvent3.GetHashCode(), "example");

    private EventResult OnExampleEvent1(object eventData)
        TEDDebug.Log("Received ExampleEvent1 event.");
        return null;

    private EventResult OnExampleEvent2(object eventData)
        TEDDebug.LogFormat("Received ExampleEvent2 event with int '{0}'.", (int)eventData);
        return null;

    private EventResult OnExampleEvent3(object eventData)
        TEDDebug.LogFormat("Received ExampleEvent3 event with string '{0}'.", (string)eventData);
        return null;


An AssetBundle is an archive file containing platform specific Assets(Model, Textures, Prefabs, Audio clips, and even entire Scenes) that can be loaded at runtime. The module is designed to access AssetBundle and you don’t need to use AssetBundle Manager because Resource Manager would handle everything for you directly.



Public Methods - AssetBundleManager

Name Parameters Description
Initialize(AssetBundleInitializeData initializeData) initializaData: The initialize data for AssetBundleManager Initialize AssetBundleManager with the data.
Download(Action<AssetBundleDownloadProgress> onAssetBundleDownloadProgressChanged) onAssetBundleDownloadProgressChanged: The callback method for AssetBundle download progress changed Start downloading all AssetBundle files which don't cache in the device.


Type Parameters Description
int MaxDownloadRequest The maximum amount of the download request.
string DownloadURL The URL path for downloading AssetBundles
AssetBundleLoadType LoadType The load type, Simulate, StreamingAssets, and Network
Action<bool> onInitializeFinish The initialize callback method


The module is designed to get the asset from Resources folder or AssetBundle automatically. You can simply load or load asynchronously the asset to memory through Resource Manager.



Public Methods - ResourceManager

Name Parameters Description
LoadAsync<T>(string assetName, Action<T> callback, bool unloadAutomatically = true) T: The load type of the asset
assetName: The asset name or path you want to load
callback: The callback when the asynchronously loads is completed
unloadAutomatically: Unload the asset automatically or not
Asynchronously loads asset.
LoadAsync<T>(string assetBundleName, string assetName, Action<T> callback, bool unloadAutomatically = true) T: The load type of the asset
assetBundleName: The AssetBundle name you want to load
assetName: The asset name or path you want to load
callback: The callback when the asynchronously loads is completed
unloadAutomatically: Unload the asset automatically or not
Asynchronously loads asset.
LoadAllAsync<T>(string assetName, Action<List<T>> callback, bool unloadAutomatically = true) T: The load type of the asset
assetName: The asset name or path you want to load
callback: The callback when the asynchronously loads is completed
unloadAutomatically: Unload the asset automatically or not
Asynchronously loads all assets.
LoadAllAsync<T>(string assetBundleName, string assetName, Action<List<T>> callback, bool unloadAutomatically = true) T: The load type of the asset
assetBundleName: The AssetBundle name you want to load
assetName: The asset name or path you want to load
callback: The callback when the asynchronously loads is completed
unloadAutomatically: Unload the asset automatically or not
Asynchronously loads all assets.
Unload<T>(string assetName) T: The load type of the asset
assetName: The asset name or path you want to unload
Unload asset
Unload<T>(string assetBundleName, string assetName) T: The load type of the asset
assetBundleName: The AssetBundle name you want to unload
assetName: The asset name or path you want to unload
Unload asset
Release() Release memory.


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore.Resource;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private void Start()
        ResourceManager.Instance.LoadAsync<GameObject>("EmptyAsset", OnLoadResourceAssetComplete);
        ResourceManager.Instance.LoadAsync<GameObject>("assetbundle", "EmptyAsset", OnLoadResourceAssetComplete);

    private void OnLoadResourceAssetComplete(GameObject cache)

    private void OnLoadAssetBundleAssetComplete(GameObject cache)


ObjectPool module is in charge of Object Pools. It can help the developers create object pool easily.



Public Methods - ObjectPoolManager

Name Parameters Description
RegisterPool(string key, GameObject referenceAsset, int initialSize) key: The key for the pool
referenceAsset: The asset for the pool
initialSize: The initial size for the pool
Create a new object pool for the asset with the key.
Get(string key) key: The key for the pool Get the asset from the object pool with the key.
Recycle(string key, GameObject instance) key: The key for the pool
instance: The asset you want to recycle
Recycle the asset to the object pool with the key.
Clear() Remove all existing object pools.


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using TEDCore.ObjectPool;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private GameObject m_emptyAsset;
    private Queue<GameObject> m_emptyAssets = new Queue<GameObject>();

    private void Start()
        ObjectPoolManager.Instance.AddPool("EmptyAsset", m_emptyAsset, 5);

    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && m_emptyAssets.Count > 0)
            ObjectPoolManager.Instance.Recycle("EmptyAsset", m_emptyAssets.Dequeue());


BGM module is designed for playgin BGM. The developer could play the BGM and adjust the volumn of it.



Public Methods - BGMManager

Name Parameters Description
SetVolume(float volume) volumn: The volumn value Set the BGM volumn direclty.
SetVolume(float volume, float duration) volumn: The volumn value
duration: The duration to the target volumn
Set the BGM volumn with the fading duration.
Play(string assetName) assetName: The asset name you want to play Play the BGM with the asset name.
Play(string bundleName, string assetName) bundleName: The AssetBundle name you want to play
assetName: The asset name you want to play
Play the BGM with the AssetBundle name and asset name.
Stop() Stop playing the BGM.


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore.Audio;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private void Update()

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
            BGMManager.Instance.Play("assetbundle", "BGM2");

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3))

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4))
            BGMManager.Instance.SetVolume(0, 2);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha5))


SFX module is designed for playgin SFX. The developer could play the SFX and adjust the volumn of it. It handle the object pool for it, so would recycle the sfx object once the audio clip was finished.



Public Methods - SFXManager

Name Parameters Description
SetVolume(float volume) volumn: The volumn value Set the SFX volumn direclty.
Play(string assetName) assetName: The asset name you want to play Play the SFX with the asset name.
Play(string bundleName, string assetName) bundleName: The AssetBundle name you want to play
assetName: The asset name you want to play
Play the SFX with the AssetBundle name and asset name.


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore.Audio;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private void Update()

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
            SFXManager.Instance.Play("assetbundle", "SFX2");

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3))

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4))


UI module is designed to the UI prefab in Unity. It could help the developers load, show, hide and destroy the UI prefabs.



Public Methods - UIManager

Name Parameters Description
LoadUIAsync<T>(string assetName, Action<T> callback) assetName: The asset name you want to load with an UI
callback: The callback method when the asset was loaded
Asynchronously load the UI prefab
LoadUIAsync<T>(string bundleName, string assetName, Action<T> callback) bundleName: The AssetBundle name you want to load
assetName: The asset name you want to load with an UI
callback: The callback method when the asset was loaded
Asynchronously load the UI prefab
DestroyUI(GameObject ui) ui: The UI you want to destroy Destory the UI prefab
SetUIActive(GameObject ui, bool active) ui: The UI you want to set
active: Active or deactive value
Set the UI active or deactive


using UnityEngine;

public class EmptyUIView : MonoBehaviour

using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore.UI;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private EmptyUIView m_view;

    private void Start()
        UIManager.Instance.LoadUIAsync<EmptyUIView>("EmptyUI", OnEmptyUILoaded);

    private void Update()
        if (null == m_view)

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
            UIManager.Instance.SetUIActive(m_view.gameObject, true);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
            UIManager.Instance.SetUIActive(m_view.gameObject, false);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3))

    private void OnEmptyUILoaded(EmptyUIView view)
        m_view = view;


HttpRequest module is designed to implement the RESTful API.



Public Methods - HttpRequestManager

Name Parameters Description
Init(string generalServerUrl, string gameServerUrl, string appId, string apiVersion, string gameVersion) generalServerUrl: The url of the general backend server
gameServerUrl: The url of the game backend server
apiVersion: The API version
gameVersion: The game version
Need to use this method when the game start. It would set up the backend data, API version and game version.
Auth(object jsonData, WebRequest.OnDataCallback callback) jsonData: The auth data
callback: The callback method when the request finish
After Init(), you can use this method to authorize and get the account session.
SetSession(string session) session: The account session Set the session.
Post(BackendServerType serverType, string endPoint, object jsonData, WebRequest.OnDataCallback callback, object userData) serverType: The backend server type
endPoint: The API url
jsonData: The data you want to post
callback: The callback method when the POST request finish
userData: The user data you want to pass it on to the callback method
After SetSession(), you can use this method to do RESTful POST.
Get(BackendServerType serverType, string endPoint, WebRequest.OnDataCallback callback, object userData) serverType: The backend server type
endPoint: The API url
callback: The callback method when the GET request finish
userData: The user data you want to pass it on to the callback method
After SetSession(), you can use this method to do RESTful GET.
Delete(BackendServerType serverType, string endPoint, WebRequest.OnDataCallback callback, object userData) serverType: The backend server type
endPoint: The API url
callback: The callback method when the request finish
callback: The callback method when the DELETE request finish
userData: The user data you want to pass it on to the callback method
After SetSession(), you can use this method to do RESTful DELETE.
GetTexture(string url, WebRequest.OnTextureCallback callback, object userData) url: The url of the texture you want to get
callback: The callback method when the request finish
userData: The user data you want to pass it on to the callback method
You can use this method directly to get the texture from the url.


using UnityEngine;  
using UnityEngine.UI;  
using TEDCore.Http;  

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour  
    [SerializeField] private RawImage m_rawImage;  

    private void Awake()  
        HttpRequestManager.Instance.Init(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty);  

    private void Update()  
            HttpRequestManager.Instance.Get(HttpRequestManager.BackendServerType.Game, "");

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
            HttpRequestManager.Instance.Get(HttpRequestManager.BackendServerType.Game, "");

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3))
            HttpRequestManager.Instance.GetTexture("", OnTextureLoaded);

    private void OnTextureLoaded(int id, Texture data, object userData)  
        m_rawImage.texture = data;  


Notification module is designed to implement Local Notifications on the iOS platform.



Public Methods - NotificationManager

Name Parameters Description
Schedule(int seconds, string description) seconds: After X seconds, the local notification will show.
description: The local notification description
Setup the local notification with seconds and descriptoin.


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore.Notification;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private void Awake()
        NotificationManager.Instance.Schedule(60, "Display the local notifcation after 60 seconds");
        NotificationManager.Instance.Schedule(120, "Display the local notifcation after 120 seconds");
        NotificationManager.Instance.Schedule(300, "Display the local notifcation after 300 seconds");


Coroutine module would help developers to handle Unity Coroutine with dependencies. It utilize the method chain for allowing the coroutines to be chained together in a single statement without requiring variables to store the intermediate results.



Public Methods - CoroutineManager

Name Parameters Description
Create() Create a new empty coroutine chain.
Create(IEnumerator coroutine) coroutine: The coroutine you want to add default Create a new coroutine chain with the coroutine.

Public Methods - CoroutineChain

Name Parameters Description
Enqueue(IEnumerator coroutine) coroutine: The coroutine you want to add Add a coroutine to the coroutine chain.
Enqueue(Action action) action: The action you want to add Add a action callback to the coroutine chain.
Enqueue<T>(Action<T> action, T data) action: The action you want to add
data: The data for the action
Add a action callback to the coroutine chain with the data.
StartCoroutine() Start the coroutine chain.
StopCoroutine() Stop the coroutine chain.

Public Methods - CoroutineUtils

Name Parameters Description
WaitForSeconds(float seconds) seconds: The seconds you want to wait Create a new WaitForSeconds coroutine.
WaitForEndOfFrame() Create a new WaitForEndOfFrame coroutine.
WaitUntil(Func<bool> predicate) predicate: The predicate you want to wait Create a new WaitUtil coroutine.
WaitWhile(Func<bool> predicate) predicate: The predicate you want to wait Create a new WaitWhile coroutine.


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore;
using TEDCore.Coroutine;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private bool m_waitUntil1;
    [SerializeField] private bool m_waitUntil2;
    [SerializeField] private bool m_waitWhile;
    private CoroutineChain m_coroutineChain;

    private void Start()
        m_coroutineChain = CoroutineChainManager.Instance.Create()
                                                .Enqueue(CoroutineUtils.WaitUntil(() => m_waitUntil1))
                                                .Enqueue(CoroutineUtils.WaitUntil(() => m_waitUntil2))
                                                .Enqueue(WaitUntil2, "finish")
                                                .Enqueue(CoroutineUtils.WaitWhile(() => !m_waitWhile))
                                                .Enqueue(WaitWhile, 1)

    private void Update()
            m_coroutineChain = null;

    private void WaitForSeconds()
        TEDDebug.Log("Call WaitForSeconds()");

    private void WaitForEndOfFrame()
        TEDDebug.Log("Call WaitForEndOfFrame()");

    private void WaitUntil1()
        TEDDebug.Log("Call WaitUntil1()");

    private void WaitUntil2(string value)
        TEDDebug.LogFormat("Call WaitUntil2() with string '{0}'", value);

    private void WaitWhile(int value)
        TEDDebug.LogFormat("Call WaitWhile() with int '{0}'", value);

    private void Finish()
        TEDDebug.Log("Call Finish()");


Cipher module is in charge of encryption and decryption. It can help developers to encypt and decrypt the text.



Public Methods - CipherManager

Name Parameters Description
Encrypt(string plainText) plainText: The text you want to encrypt Encrypt the text.
Decrypt(string cipherText) cipherText: The text you want to decrypt Decrypt the text.


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore;
using TEDCore.Cipher;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private string m_plainText = "Example";
    [SerializeField] private string m_cipherText;

    private void Update()
            m_cipherText = CipherManager.Instance.Encrypt(m_plainText);



PlayerData module could hlep developers to save the player data in the client side. It would also cipher the file name and the data inside it.



Public Methods - PlayerDataUtils

Name Parameters Description
Save(T data) where T : PlayerData T: The class type of the data
data: The data you want to save
Save the data.
Load() where T : PlayerData, new() T: The class type of the data Load the data.


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore;
using TEDCore.PlayerData;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    public class TestData : PlayerData
        public override string FileName
                return "TestData.dat";

        public int id;
        public string name;

    private void Update()
            TestData testData = new TestData();
   = 1;
   = "ExampleName";


            TestData testData = PlayerDataUtils.Load<TestData>();

            TEDDebug.Log("id = " +;
            TEDDebug.Log("name = " +;


Log module would be in charge of recording the logs during the project. It could help the developers to debug the game with log error and exception. The log file would be generated at ProjectPath/LogData/.



Public Methods - LogManager

Name Parameters Description
StartRecording() Start recording the logs during the project.


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore;
using TEDCore.Log;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private void Update()

            TEDDebug.LogException(new System.Exception("LogException"));


Timer module is design for scheduling the timer. It help the developer create a sequence schedule with easy steps. It consists of Timer and TimerManager.



Public Methods - TimerManager

Name Parameters Description
Create() Create a new empty timer.

Public Methods - Timer

Name Parameters Description
SetDuration(float duration) duration: The duration of the timer Create a new empty timer.
OnUpdate(Action onUpdate) onUpdate: The method while the duration is changing Register the method while duration is changing.
OnComplete(Action onComplete) onComplete: The method when the timer completed Register the method when the timer complete.


using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore;
using TEDCore.Timer;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private void Start()

    private void OnTimerUpdate(float value)
        TEDDebug.LogFormat("OnTimerUpdate = {0}", value);

    private void OnTimerComplete()



TEDDebug.dll repackage UnityEngine.Debug so that the developer can turn on/off the log with a simply parameter EnableLog.



Assembly Info

Target .NET 3.5

Source Script

using UnityEngine;

namespace TEDCore  
    public class TEDDebug  
        public static bool EnableLog = true;  

        public static void Log(object message)  
            if (!EnableLog)  


        public static void Log(object message, Object context)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.Log(message, context);  

        public static void LogFormat(string format, params object[] args)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.LogFormat(format, args);  

        public static void LogFormat(Object context, string format, params object[] args)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.LogFormat(context, format, args);  

        public static void LogWarning(object message)  
            if (!EnableLog)  


        public static void LogWarning(object message, Object context)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.LogWarning(message, context);  

        public static void LogWarningFormat(string format, params object[] args)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.LogWarningFormat(format, args);  

        public static void LogWarningFormat(Object context, string format, params object[] args)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.LogWarningFormat(context, format, args);  

        public static void LogError(object message)  
            if (!EnableLog)  


        public static void LogError(object message, Object context)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.LogError(message, context);  

        public static void LogErrorFormat(string format, params object[] args)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.LogErrorFormat(format, args);  

        public static void LogErrorFormat(Object context, string format, params object[] args)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.LogErrorFormat(context, format, args);  

        public static void LogException(System.Exception exception)  
            if (!EnableLog)  


        public static void LogException(System.Exception exception, Object context)  
            if (!EnableLog)  

            Debug.LogException(exception, context);  


using UnityEngine
using TEDCore;  

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour  
    private void Awake()  
        TEDDebug.Log("Test TEDDebug.Log");  
        TEDDebug.LogFormat("Test TEDDebug.LogFormat {0}", "finished");  

        TEDDebug.LogWarning("Test TEDDebug.LogWarning");  
        TEDDebug.LogWarningFormat("Test TEDDebug.LogWarningFormat {0}", "finished");  

        TEDDebug.LogError("Test TEDDebug.LogError");  
        TEDDebug.LogErrorFormat("Test TEDDebug.LogErrorFormat {0}", "finished");  

AssetBundle Tool

AssetBundle Tool would handle everything for you to build AssetBundle.

Menu Items

Item Description
TEDCore/AssetBundles/AssetBundle Build Window Open the AssetBundle build window

Build Tool

Build Tool can help the developers to build the project with the file name automatically. Currently, it support to build StanlaloneOSX and Android version.

Menu Items

Item Description
TEDCore/Build/Build StandaloneOSX Develop Build StandaloneOSX with development mode
TEDCore/Build/Build StandaloneOSX Release Build StandaloneOSX with release mode
TEDCore/Build/Build Android Develop Build Android with development mode
TEDCore/Build/Build Android Release Build Android with release mode

DefineSymbol Tool

The main purpose of DefineSymbol Tool is to make sure all developers are on the same page of the scripting define symbol in the project they are working on.

It would create a file DefineSymbol/DefineSymbolSettings.asset when the developers save the define symbol at the first time. And the DefineSymbolSettings.asset should be committed to Git, then other developers could get the same DefineSymbolSettings.asset and they should be on the same page of the scripting define symbol with its description.

Menu Items

Item Description
TEDCore/Define Symbol Window Open the define symbol window

TemplateScript Tool

TemplateScript tool could help the developers create the template script. It helps developers to create State, Task, and View template script in the current version.

Menu Items

Item Description
Assets/Create/C# Template Scripts/Empty State Create an empty State template that you can no longer worry about miss something on it.
Assets/Create/C# Template Scripts/Empty Task Create an empty Task template that you can no longer worry about miss something on it.
Assets/Create/C# Template Scripts/Empty View Create an empty View template. Basically it is a empty class which inherit MonoBehaviour.

ClientDatabase Tool

ClientDatabase Tool is designed to load the content from Google Sheets and generate the script automatically. The designers could modify the content in Google Sheets and then export the content with csv format. Then, the engineers could generate the referenced scripts by single click.

Support Data Type

  • bool
  • float
  • int
  • string
  • bool[]
  • float[]
  • int[]
  • string[]


  1. Modify datas in Google Sheet (PS. The first row should be DataType/DataName)
  2. Save the table to .csv format
  3. Click TEDCore/Client Database/Initialize Plugin to generate the default folders
  4. Put .csv files to Assets/ClientDatabase/CsvResources folder
  5. Click TEDCore/Client Database/Generate Scripts to generate the scripts automatically
  6. The scripts and scriptable objects would generate to ClientDatabase/GenerateScripts and ClientDatabase/Resources

Public Methods

Name Parameters Description
Initialize() Initialize the manager, load the database from Resources
GetDatabase() T: The Database type you want to get Get the database of type


string/Key string/Name int/Hp
1 Monster_1 10
2 Monster_2 20
3 Monster_3 30
4 Monster_4 40
5 Monster_5 50
6 Monster_6 60
7 Monster_7 70
8 Monster_8 80
9 Monster_9 90
10 Monster_10 100
using UnityEngine;
using TEDCore;
using TEDCore.ClientDatabase;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour
    private void Awake()

    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            MonsterDatabase testDatabase = ClientDatabaseManager.Instance.GetDatabase<MonsterDatabase>();
            MonsterData testData = null;

            for (int i = 1; i <= testDatabase.GetCount(); i++)
                testData = testDatabase.GetData(i);
                TEDDebug.LogFormat("id {0}, name {1}, hp {2}", testData.Key, testData.Name, testData.Hp);


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