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PHydrate - An alternative to NHibernate

What is the motivation?

I have come across many projects at my job that benefit from using ORM libraries such as NHibernate (our current ORM of choice). Our DBA has placed a restriction on us that applications may only access the database via stored procedures. I realized that when this restriction is in place, much of NHibernate becomes useless. It no longer needs to generate SQL, and configuration becomes difficult, especially when using tools such as ReSharper.

The goal of this project is to create an ORM that embraces the stored procedure paradigm. Instead of creating mapping files (or classes, if you use Fluent NHibernate), objects can be mapped using attributes. Besides some startup configuration, PHydrate will stay out of your code's way.

At this point, everything else is in flux. As I solidify things, I will add to this README.

Example code can be found in the PHydrate.Tests.Integration project. I will be adding to this as I add functionality and/or find use cases that I didn't think of.


A stored-procedure based alternative to the NHibernate ORM







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