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Naos.Protocol is a framework to create functional units of code making it easier to author distributed computing systems.

  • Units of work to do are defined as Operations and units of work that were done as Events.
  • All other information is stored in traditional Models.
  • Operations and Events can contain Models to share specific domain concepts.
  • Operations are executed by Protocols via an explicit Execute method.
  • Protocols can support the execution of one or many Operations.
  • Events can be recorded by Protocols. There are two flavors of Events:
    • Events that capture that work was done, along with any contextual information (e.g. UserChangedEmailAddressEvent which captures that the user changed their email address. It might contain a Model object that itself contains the old and new email addresses).
    • Events that request work to be done by wrapping an Operation (e.g. PasswordResetRequestedEvent which is generated when a user requests that their password be reset. It would contain an Operation ResetPasswordOp that itself might contain the user's unique identifier in the system.).
  • Events can have Event Handlers, providing the ability to react to Events in a decoupled way.
    • Event Handlers are simply Protocols. They Execute a purpose-specific Operation to handle an Event.
    • Event Handlers can generate other Events that are subsequently handled, in perpetuum, allowing for decomposition of complex workflows into smaller and distributed units of work.


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