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StudioV is working on a mixed reality production platform. Taking advantage of real-time rendering ability of game engine Unity, we produce CGI content that syncing environment, character skeleton tracking animation and facial expression animation in real-time. During production, actors will also be immersed in the virtual environment, which can help actors set up the mood.

The end product of production can distribute to multiple platforms, including VR, AR, 360 video.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

- Unity 2017.2
- Motion capture system: e.g. Optitrack motion capture system + software Motive 2.0
- VR system: e.g. HTC Vive + steamVR


A step by step series of examples that tell you have to get a development env running.

Note: In all instructions, we will only provide explanations of the components that we are using, if you want to use other hardware or software, you can try to work on your own or contact studio.

Before Unity project configuration

  1. Prepare motion capture system Motion capture system is required to track skeleton and rigidbody movement, and stream tracking data to Unity. Follow the instruction in following link to set up motion capture system

  2. Prepare VR system VR system allows actors see the scene, other actors and themselves immersively. You need a VR compatible computer to run VR application. Follow the link to set up VR system

  3. Prepare face tracking

Configure project step by step

  1. Download this project and open it in Unity 2017.2

  2. Import the unity assets/plugins you need, please check Appendix A for a list of assets we use

Note: After clicking Clear in Console, there shouldn’t be any complie errors after you import these 3 assets.

  • Import BinaryVR SDK (Recommended): you can get the SDK after purchase
    1. Go to path binarysdk/examples/Unity/Assets/ExampleScene/Scripts/, copy and replace FaceExpressionController.cs into Assets/Scripts/AvatarSpecific/ in the project.
    2. Go to path binarysdk/examples/Unity/Assets/BinaryFaceHMD/, copy this folder and place it under Assets folder in the project.
    3. Go to path binarysdk/examples/Unity/Assets/StreamingAssets/, copy the file model.bfh in this folder to Assets/StreamingAssets/ in the project
    4. Refer to example scene in binarysdk to set it up


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Read the documentation file for details


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