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Google VR SDK for Unity

Enables Daydream and Cardboard app development in Unity.

Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.

For updates, known issues, and upgrade instructions, see:

For first time users, see the Get Started Guides for Android Cardboard, Android Daydream, and iOS Cardboard.

Please note, we do not accept pull requests.

Migration to Unity 5.6 from GVR Unity SDK 1.40 or lower

Unity versions 5.6 or newer are required as of v1.40 of the GVR Unity SDK. Migration steps:

  1. Update the GVR Unity SDK to 1.40.
  2. Migrate to Unity 5.6.0f3, or any newer version. The SDK will import or remove the unnecessary GVR libraries.
  3. Update the GVR Unity SDK to 1.70 (or latest).

Usage Guide

As of the 1.70 release, the gvr-unity-sdk git repo can be cloned and used directly in a Unity project.

Pod update to the latest GVR iOS SDK

As of Unity 5.6, the generated Cocoapod can be updated to the latest GVR iOS SDK by following these steps.

  • Build an XCode project from Unity.
  • In a terminal, change directories into the XCode project folder.
  • Run the following commands
    • pod deintegrate
    • pod cache clean --all
  • Change the number in the Podfile to 1.70
  • Open the project in XCode, and delete the Pods directory and Pods.xcodeproj if they exist.
  • In the XCode project settings, change the deployment target to 8.0.
  • Quit XCode
  • In Terminal, do pod update
    • "Installing GVRSDK (1.70.0)" should appear in the console.
  • pod install


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