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Nethereum is a .Net Client for Ethereum, it allows you to interact with Ethereum in similar way as the Javascript Etherum Web3 RPC Client Library.

Currently supports most of the JSON RPC / IPC methods, together with a simplified usage of Smart contracts. These includes the deployment of contracts, function calling, and transaction encoding and decoding. It also includes a simplified log event filtering and decoding of topics.

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###Nuget RC1

Here is a list of all the nuget packages, if in doubt use Nethereum.Portable as it includes all the packages apart from IPC which is windows specific.

PM > Install-Package Nethereum.Portable -Pre

Another quick start option if targetting dnx41, core50 or net451 is use the Web3 package, which the top level package that includes all the dependencies. If you have issues intalling the packages make sure you have a reference to System.Runtime specific to your environment.

PM > Install-Package Nethereum.Web3 -Pre
Package Nuget
Nethereum.Portable NuGet version
Nethereum.Web3 NuGet version
Nethereum.ABI NuGet version
Nethereum.RPC NuGet version
Nethereum.Hex NuGet version
Nethereum.JsonRpc.IpcClient NuGet version

##Getting Started

If you need to start a development chain you can use this Ethereum test genesis. Other useful resources are the online solidity compiler, editor with syntax higlighting Visual Studio Code Solidity and of course Mix

###Web 3 Create an instance of Web3, this is the wrapper to interact with an Ethereum client like Geth. The parameterless constructor uses the defaults address "http://localhost:8545/", or you can supply your own.

    var web3 = new Nethereum.Web3.Web3();

From Web3 you can access Eth, Net, Shh RPC methods, and from Eth categorised by functionality Transactions, Filters, Mining, Compilers, etc.


Each object is an RPC command which can be executed Async as:

    await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);


The communication uses the JSON RPC interface, the full documentation can be found in the Ethereum wiki

###RPC Data Types

The simplest datatypes to communicate with Ethereum are Numeric and Data.

Numeric: A HexBigInteger data type has been created to allow the simple conversion of the input and output of numbers from the RPC. This types also handles the conversion to and from Big Endian, together with specific usages for Eth "0x0"

    var number = new HexBigInteger(21000);
    var anotherNumber = new HexBigInteger("0x5208");
    var hex = number.HexValue; //0x5208
    BigInteger val = anotherNumber; //2100

Data: The transaction, blocks, uncles, addresses hashes are treated as strings to simplify usage.

Hex strings: Similar to HexBigInteger some strings need to be encoded and decoded Hex. HexString has been created to handle the conversion using UTF8 encoding, from and to Hex.

####DTOs There are varoious RPC Data transfer objects for Block, Transaction, FilterInput, and BlockParameter, to name a few.

The BlockParameter can be either for the latest, earliest, pending or for a given blocknumber, this is defaulted to latest on the requests that uses it. If using Web3, changing the Default Block Parameter, will cascade to all the commands.

##Working with Smart Contracts ###Deployment

Given an example of a simple "multiply" smart contract, which takes as a constructor the intial value to be multiplied, and a function "multiply" with a parameter with the value to be multiplied.

    contract test { 
        uint _multiplier;
        function test(uint multiplier){
             _multiplier = multiplier;
        function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) { 
                    return a * _multiplier; 

To deploy the contract first we will declare the compiled contract and abi interface (the interface is like the wsdl of a web service). You can use the Online Solidity Compiler.

    var contractByteCode =

    var abi =

Now using Web3 and our address we can deploy the contract as follows:

    var addressFrom = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed380d84830c";
    var web3 = new Web3();
    var transactionHash = await web3.Eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(abi, contractByteCode, addressFrom, 7);

In this scenario we are passing a constructor parameter 7, which will be the multiplier of our contract.

Note: Because this is a simple contract we have not passed any gas, as the default will be enough. If you were going to deploy a more complex contract ensure that enough gas is used, as the transaction might be succesful but not code will be deployed.

After deploying the contract we will need to wait for the transaction to be mined to get the contract address. The contract address can be found on the transaction receipt.

   TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
   while (receipt == null)
        await Task.Delay(500);
        receipt = await web3.Eth.Transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);

Using the address we can create a Contract object which we can interact

  var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

###Existing contract

To interact with an existing contract we just need the ABI and the Contract address, it is mainly the last step of deploying a contract.

  var abi =
  var contractAddress = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed386868686c";
  var contract = web3.Eth.GetContract(abi, contractAddress);

###Calling a Function

A function call allows you to execute some contract code without creating a transaction, for example in the multiplication we can execute just the code. Because we are not creating a transaction, in normal occasions no gas will be used.

Using the contract created on the last step, we can get the function "multiply" by using its name. This is the same name as defined in the contract or ABI interface.

    var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");
    var result = await multiplyFunction.CallAsync<int>(69);

On the call we have identified the return type we want, in this scenario we have specified a type of int. Type conversions are supported for simple types and when returning multiple output parameters a DTO object will be necesary to be created.

Here is the complete example for Contract Creation and Call

##DTOs DTOS allow for encoding and decoding of function calls /transactions using objects. This is specially helpful when decoding the output of multiple paramameters.

To create a DTO a class will need to have Fuction attribute with its name and sha3Signature (the need of the signature will be removed shortly). The output class will need FunctionOutput instead.

Each property will need to define a Parameter attribute with its name, type and order.

In this example this class is a an input and output class

        [Function(Name = "test", Sha3Signature = "c6888fa1")]
        public class FunctionMultipleInputOutput
            public string A { get; set; }

            [Parameter("uint[20]", "b", 2)]
            public List<BigInteger> B { get; set; }

            [Parameter("string", 3)]
            public string C { get; set; }

This can be be called as follows:

       var function = contract.GetFunction<FunctionMultipleInputOutput>();
       var functionInput = new FunctionMultipleInputOutput();
       var resultOutput = await function.CallAsync<FunctionMultipleInputOutput>(functionInput);
       var cValue = resultOutput.C;

Because we are encoding and decoding the paramaeters using the same class, it is used to get the function and also as a decoding output of the call.

For more information on the encoding / decoding check the unit tests;

Events, logs and filters

This is a demonstration how you can raise events from your solidity contract and filter and capture them from the logs.

 //The compiled solidity contract to be deployed
           contract test { 
                uint _multiplier;
                event Multiplied(uint indexed a, uint indexed result);
                event MultipliedLog(uint indexed a, uint indexed result, address sender, string hello );
                function test(uint multiplier){
                    _multiplier = multiplier;
                function multiply(uint a) returns(uint d) {
                    d = a * _multiplier;
                    Multiplied(a, d);
                    MultipliedLog(a, d, msg.sender, "Hello world");
                    return d;
                function multiply1(uint a) returns(uint d) {
                    return a * _multiplier;
                function multiply2(uint a, uint b) returns(uint d){
                    return a * b;

            var contractByteCode =

            var abi =

            var addressFrom = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59dae5baed380d84830c";
            var web3 = new Web3();
            var eth = web3.Eth;
            var transactions = eth.Transactions;

            //deploy the contract, including abi and a paramter of 7. 
            var transactionHash = await eth.DeployContract.SendRequestAsync(abi, contractByteCode, addressFrom, new HexBigInteger(900000), 7);

            //the contract should be mining now

            //get the contract address 
            TransactionReceipt receipt = null;
            //wait for the contract to be mined to the address
            while (receipt == null)
                await Task.Delay(5000);
                receipt = await transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transactionHash);

            var code = await web3.Eth.GetCode.SendRequestAsync(receipt.ContractAddress);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(code))
                throw new Exception("Code was not deployed correctly, verify bytecode or enough gas was uto deploy the contract");
            var contract = eth.GetContract(abi, receipt.ContractAddress);

            var multipliedEvent = contract.GetEvent("Multiplied");
            var filterAllContract = await contract.CreateFilterAsync();
            var filterAll = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync();
            //filter on the first indexed parameter
            var filter69 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync(69);
            //filter on the second indexed parameter
            var filter49 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync<object, int>(null, 49);
            //filter OR on the first indexed parameter
            var filter69And18 = await multipliedEvent.CreateFilterAsync(new[] { 69, 18 });

            var multipliedEventLog =  contract.GetEvent("MultipliedLog");
            var filterAllLog = await multipliedEventLog.CreateFilterAsync();

            //get the function by name
            var multiplyFunction = contract.GetFunction("multiply");
            var transaction69 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, 69);
            var transaction18 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, 18);
            var transaction7 = await multiplyFunction.SendTransactionAsync(addressFrom, 7);

            var multiplyFunction2 = contract.GetFunction("multiply2");
            var callResult = await multiplyFunction2.CallAsync<int>(7, 7);

            TransactionReceipt receiptTransaction = null;

            while (receiptTransaction == null)
                await Task.Delay(5000);
                receiptTransaction = await transactions.GetTransactionReceipt.SendRequestAsync(transaction7);

            var logs = await eth.Filters.GetFilterChangesForEthNewFilter.SendRequestAsync(filterAllContract);    
            var eventLogsAll = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filterAll);
            var eventLogs69 = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filter69);
            var eventLogsResult49 = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filter49);
            var eventLogsFor69and18 = await multipliedEvent.GetFilterChanges<EventMultiplied>(filter69And18);

            var multipliedLogEvents = await multipliedEventLog.GetFilterChanges<EventMultipliedSenderLog>(filterAllLog);

            return "All logs :" + eventLogsAll.Count + " Multiplied by 69 result: " +
                   eventLogs69.First().Event.Result + " Address is " + multipliedLogEvents.First().Event.Sender;

        public class EventMultiplied
            [Parameter("uint", "a", 1, true)]
            public int A { get; set; }

            [Parameter("uint", "result", 2, true)]
            public int Result { get; set; }

        public class EventMultipliedSenderLog
            [Parameter("uint", "a", 1, true)]
            public int A { get; set; }

            [Parameter("uint", "result", 2, true)]
            public int Result { get; set; }

            [Parameter("address", "sender", 3, false)]
            public string Sender { get; set; }

            [Parameter("string", "hello", 4, false)]
            public string Hello { get; set; }


Running on Linux

  • Install DNX following the guide. (Use coreclr)
  • Run dnu restore at the solution level, to restore all packages and dependencies. dnu restore
  • Compile using only dnxcore dnu build --framework dnxcore50
  • Run using dnx (ie dnx text, dnx run)

Current TODO

This is the current TODO list in order of priority

  • Generic RPC
  • ABI encoding, contract deployment, contract transaction and calls example, together with an end to end example on how Ethereum works.
  • Windows / Linux deployment and unit test
  • Filters, Events and Logging, together with and end to end example for reference on how Ethereum works.
  • Refactor
  • BigIntegers everywhere as opposed to long / int64
  • Hex Types (BigInteger, String) to simplify Rpc encoding
  • ABI Encoding decoding simplification using DTO pattern and attributes for encoding / decoding values
  • Extract projects for RPC / ABI / Web3
  • Create Web3 similar wrapper (wont be the same for contracts / functions) to simplify usage (ie Web3.Eth.Get..)
  • Complete Eth, Net partial Shh
  • Simplify Filtering / Events encoding/decoding on Web3
  • Examples / Documentation (This readme)
  • Add wei conversion support
  • Nuget (alpha)
  • Personal RPC
  • Real example Nethereum.Maker
  • Project generation to support older versions of Visual Studio and / or Xamarin Nethereum.XS and Project Generation
  • IPC (Client, refactor out RPC Client, introduce generic interfaces) Windows Ipc Client
  • Initial Code generation Contracts and Augur generation example Code generator, Nethereum.Augur
  • Initial serpent support
  • Nuget (rc1)

Release 1.0

  • Migration Netstandard, Net CLI
  • Complete Rpc Methods: ssh, miner, admin
  • ABI support for Real as per Web3
  • General bugs and fixes.
  • Nuget (rc2)
  • Platform testing on Linux, Windows, UWP, OSX (Xamarin), Android (Xamarin)
  • Serpent support example (Augur) (not complete api)
  • General bugs and fixes.
  • Nuget (1.0)

Development and tools

  • UWP contract example (Windows, Mobile, RPI2)
  • Azure example
  • Finalisation of Contracts code generation, typed DTO Functions / Events to simplify usage
  • Example of unit testing contracts (.net driven)
  • Example end to end using dapple / dappsys unit testing (solidity driven).
  • Documentation and examples

Logo created by Cass (


Ethereum Web3 RPC Client Library in .Net C#







No packages published


  • C# 98.5%
  • Other 1.5%