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a engine/frame for console application

how to use

write a simple console application enter:

namespace xxx
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var engine = new JasilyConsoleEngine();
            using (var session = engine.StartSession())
                while (true)
                    var line = Console.ReadLine() ?? string.Empty;
                    if (line.ToLower() == "exit") return;

then write a command class:

namespace xxx
    public class Command : ICommand
        public void Execute(Session session, CommandLine line)
            session.WriteLine("hello world!");

or a command method:

namespace xxx
    public class Command // command method don't need interface ICommand
        public void Execute(Session session, CommandLine line)
            session.WriteLine("hello world!");

you also can see my demos:



class command

class command must implement interface ICommand, it is the command enter point.

class command parameter should be perperty with [PropertyParameter].

method command

method command parameter was method parameter.

if method command parameter without [MethodParameter], it is name will auto fill as parameter name.

you can add or not add build-in parameter Session & CommandLine:

public void Test(Session session, CommandLine line) { .. } // work fine
public void Test(CommandLine line) { .. } // work fine
public void Test(Session session) { .. } // work fine
public void Test() } // work fine

it will be auto fill on execute if type match.

sub command

only method can be sub command.

it like this:

[Command("list")] // we use class [Command] to index it.
public class ListCommand // be not need ICommand if class is not a Command
    public void Feed(Session session, CommandLine line)

so we can input list feed -xxxx to call it.


parameter parse

there are a CommandParameterParser in namespace Jasily.Framework.ConsoleEngine.Parameters, it is default parameter parser.

you can write your own parameter parser implement ICommandParameterParser and set to engine.CustomMembers.CommandParameterParser.

build-in class CommandParameterParser was supported this parameter pattern:

start with:

  • --
  • -
  • /
  • \

and split parameter key & parameter value using:

  • :
  • =

you can set CommandParameterParser.Style and CommandParameterParser.SpliterStyle to change it.

parameter convert

all parameter input was string, it can convert to another type using converter.

build-in converter was:

  • int, double, decimal
  • bool
  • enum
  • nullable

you can implement you own IConverter<T> and regist it like:

engine.MapperManager.RegistConverter(new BooleanConverter());
  • method command will ignore Type Session and CommandLine, they will auto fill.

parameter grouping

only class property parameter can group

e.g. for auth, user & pwd was required (as group 0), or token was required (as group 1):

public sealed class AuthCommand : IGroupingCommand
    public string UserName { get; set; }

    public string Password { get; set; }

    public string Token { get; set; }

    public void Execute(Session session, CommandLine line, int[] workedGroupId)
        // ...

    public void Execute(Session session, CommandLine line)
        // ...

when (user & pwd) was seted, or (token) was seted, command will be call.

if class was implement interface IGroupingCommand : ICommand, then enter point will become to IGroupingCommand.Execute(Session, CommandLine, int[]), so engine will call IGroupingCommand.Execute(Session, CommandLine, int[]) only.

if property don't contain [MethodParameterGrouping], it will auto put into group 0.

[MethodParameterGrouping] was allow multiple.

alias & desciption

all alias will work for command and help.

desciption will work for help.

you can add alias & desciption for command or parameter, like:

// class command
public class Command : ICommand { ... }

// class parameter
public string UserName { get; set;

// method command
public void Feed(
    [MethodParameter("id")][Alias("i")][Desciption("id of subscription")] // method parameter
    int id, Session session, CommandLine line)


a engine/frame for console application






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