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Mvc.JQuery.Datatables (MVC6 with taghelpers)

Build status License nuget package

##1. Install Package

To install, run the following command in the Package Manager Console.

PM> Install-Package Mvc6.JQuery.Datatables -Pre

##2. Configuration Add the following to the _ViewImports.cshtml file

@addTagHelper "*, Mvc6.JQuery.Datatables"

##3. Create a controller action in your controller

        public JsonResult GetAll([FromBody]DataTablesRequest dTRequest)=>
            new DataTables().GetJSonResult(Ctx.Users, dTRequest);

##4. create a view.

##5 Add the following javascript to your project

##6. Run your project

##6. See Demo This Demo Usermanagement is an example of.

  • jquery Datatables with 5
  • JQuery datatable tools
  • JQuery datatable edit (light)
  • Bootstrap Material design

the demo uses a CI integration with appveyor and azure

Why this package.

There are more MVC packges but they have a different approach. problem with other packages.

  • layout of the view is defined in the controller, .cshtml and javascript
  • Field must be specified in view, controller and javascript

This package will make the use of jquery.datatable easier by.

  • Define your fields only in your view (th tag in .cshtml)
  • Define your layout only in your .cshtml file
  • Use only one javascript for all your tables
  • Make use of taghelpers for your fields and other options and use intellisense to support your design