コード例 #1
ファイル: Shape.cs プロジェクト: saltares/urbanrace
        public static bool getAABBAABBCollision(Shape s1, Shape s2)
            // Safe type conversion
            AxisAlignedBox aabb1 = (AxisAlignedBox)s1;
            AxisAlignedBox aabb2 = (AxisAlignedBox)s2;

            // Collision test (axis separating theorem)
            return aabb1.max.X > aabb2.min.X &&
                   aabb1.min.X < aabb2.max.X &&
                   aabb1.max.Y > aabb2.min.Y &&
                   aabb1.min.Y < aabb2.max.Y &&
                   aabb1.max.Z > aabb2.min.Z &&
                   aabb1.min.Z < aabb2.max.Z;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Shape.cs プロジェクト: saltares/urbanrace
        public static bool getSphereSphereCollision(Shape s1, Shape s2)
            // Safe type conversion
            Sphere sphere1 = (Sphere)s1;
            Sphere sphere2 = (Sphere)s2;

            // Collision test
            return (sphere1.center - sphere2.center).LengthSquared() <= (sphere1.radius + sphere2.radius) * (sphere1.radius + sphere2.radius);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Shape.cs プロジェクト: saltares/urbanrace
 public static void addCollisionTest(Shape.Type t1, Shape.Type t2, CollisionTest test)
     collisionTests[new KeyValuePair<Type, Type>(t1, t2)] = new CollisionTest(test);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Shape.cs プロジェクト: saltares/urbanrace
 public static bool getSphereOBBCollision(Shape s1, Shape s2)
     return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Shape.cs プロジェクト: saltares/urbanrace
        public static bool getSphereAABBCollision(Shape s1, Shape s2)
            Sphere sphere;
            AxisAlignedBox aabb;

            // Safe type conversion
            if (s1.type == Shape.Type.Sphere)
                sphere = (Sphere)s1;
                aabb = (AxisAlignedBox)s2;
                sphere = (Sphere)s2;
                aabb = (AxisAlignedBox)s1;

            // Test
            float s = 0.0f;
            float d = 0.0f;

            // Check if the sphere is inside the AABB
            bool centerInsideAABB = (sphere.center.X <= aabb.max.X &&
                                     sphere.center.X <= aabb.min.X &&
                                     sphere.center.Y <= aabb.max.Y &&
                                     sphere.center.Y <= aabb.min.Y &&
                                     sphere.center.Z <= aabb.max.Z &&
                                     sphere.center.Z <= aabb.min.Z);

            if (centerInsideAABB)
                return true;

            // Check if the sphere and the AABB intersect
            if (sphere.center.X < aabb.min.X) {
                s = sphere.center.X - aabb.min.X;
                d += s * s;
            else if (sphere.center.X > aabb.max.X) {
                s = sphere.center.X - aabb.max.X;
                d += s * s;

            if (sphere.center.Y < aabb.min.Y) {
                s = sphere.center.Y - aabb.min.Y;
                d += s * s;
            else if (sphere.center.Y > aabb.max.Y) {
                s = sphere.center.Y - aabb.max.Y;
                d += s * s;

            if (sphere.center.Z < aabb.min.Z) {
                s = sphere.center.Z - aabb.min.Z;
                d += s * s;
            else if (sphere.center.Z > aabb.max.Z) {
                s = sphere.center.Z - aabb.max.Z;
                d += s * s;

            return d <= sphere.radius * sphere.radius;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Shape.cs プロジェクト: saltares/urbanrace
        public static bool getOBBOBBCollision(Shape s1, Shape s2)
            OrientedBox o1 = (OrientedBox)s1;
            OrientedBox o2 = (OrientedBox)s2;

            // Matrix to transform other OBB into my reference to allow me to be treated as an AABB
            Matrix toMe = o2.transform * Matrix.Invert(o1.transform);

            Vector3 centerOther = Utility.Multiply(o2.center, toMe);
            Vector3 extentsOther = o2.extent;
            Vector3 separation = centerOther - o1.center;

            Matrix3 rotations = new Matrix3(toMe);
            Matrix3 absRotations = Utility.Abs(rotations);

            float r, r0, r1, r01;

            //--- Test case 1 - X axis

            r = Math.Abs(separation.X);
            r1 = Vector3.Dot(extentsOther, absRotations.Column(0));
            r01 = o1.extent.X + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 1 - Y axis

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Y);
            r1 = Vector3.Dot(extentsOther, absRotations.Column(1));
            r01 = o1.extent.Y + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 1 - Z axis

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Z);
            r1 = Vector3.Dot(extentsOther, absRotations.Column(2));
            r01 = o1.extent.Z + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 2 - X axis

            r = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rotations.Row(0), separation));
            r0 = Vector3.Dot(o1.extent, absRotations.Row(0));
            r01 = r0 + extentsOther.X;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 2 - Y axis

            r = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rotations.Row(1), separation));
            r0 = Vector3.Dot(o1.extent, absRotations.Row(1));
            r01 = r0 + extentsOther.Y;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 2 - Z axis

            r = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rotations.Row(2), separation));
            r0 = Vector3.Dot(o1.extent, absRotations.Row(2));
            r01 = r0 + extentsOther.Z;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 1

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Z * rotations[0, 1] - separation.Y * rotations[0, 2]);
            r0 = o1.extent.Y * absRotations[0, 2] + o1.extent.Z * absRotations[0, 1];
            r1 = extentsOther.Y * absRotations[2, 0] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[1, 0];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 2

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Z * rotations[1, 1] - separation.Y * rotations[1, 2]);
            r0 = o1.extent.Y * absRotations[1, 2] + o1.extent.Z * absRotations[1, 1];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[2, 0] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[0, 0];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 3

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Z * rotations[2, 1] - separation.Y * rotations[2, 2]);
            r0 = o1.extent.Y * absRotations[2, 2] + o1.extent.Z * absRotations[2, 1];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[1, 0] + extentsOther.Y * absRotations[0, 0];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 4

            r = Math.Abs(separation.X * rotations[0, 2] - separation.Z * rotations[0, 0]);
            r0 = o1.extent.X * absRotations[0, 2] + o1.extent.Z * absRotations[0, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.Y * absRotations[2, 1] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[1, 1];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 5

            r = Math.Abs(separation.X * rotations[1, 2] - separation.Z * rotations[1, 0]);
            r0 = o1.extent.X * absRotations[1, 2] + o1.extent.Z * absRotations[1, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[2, 1] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[0, 1];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 6

            r = Math.Abs(separation.X * rotations[2, 2] - separation.Z * rotations[2, 0]);
            r0 = o1.extent.X * absRotations[2, 2] + o1.extent.Z * absRotations[2, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[1, 1] + extentsOther.Y * absRotations[0, 1];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 7

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Y * rotations[0, 0] - separation.X * rotations[0, 1]);
            r0 = o1.extent.X * absRotations[0, 1] + o1.extent.Y * absRotations[0, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.Y * absRotations[2, 2] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[1, 2];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 8

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Y * rotations[1, 0] - separation.X * rotations[1, 1]);
            r0 = o1.extent.X * absRotations[1, 1] + o1.extent.Y * absRotations[1, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[2, 2] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[0, 2];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 9

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Y * rotations[2, 0] - separation.X * rotations[2, 1]);
            r0 = o1.extent.X * absRotations[2, 1] + o1.extent.Y * absRotations[2, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[1, 2] + extentsOther.Y * absRotations[0, 2];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            return true;  // No separating axis, then we have intersection
コード例 #7
ファイル: Shape.cs プロジェクト: saltares/urbanrace
        public static bool getCollision(Shape s1, Shape s2)
            KeyValuePair<Shape.Type, Shape.Type> key = new KeyValuePair<Shape.Type, Shape.Type>(s1.type, s2.type);
            CollisionTest collisionTest;

            if (collisionTests.TryGetValue(key, out collisionTest))
                return collisionTest(s1, s2);
                return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Shape.cs プロジェクト: saltares/urbanrace
        public static bool getAABBOBBCollision(Shape s1, Shape s2)
            AxisAlignedBox aabb;
            OrientedBox obb;

            // Safe type conversion
            if (s1.type == Shape.Type.AABB)
                aabb = (AxisAlignedBox)s1;
                obb = (OrientedBox)s2;
                aabb = (AxisAlignedBox)s2;
                obb = (OrientedBox)s1;

            OrientedBox o2 = new OrientedBox(aabb.min, aabb.max);

            return getOBBOBBCollision(obb, o2);