コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destUri">The <see cref="Uri"/> of the destination (can be null)</param>
        /// <param name="xukAble">The source <see cref="IXukAble"/> (cannot be null)</param>
        /// <param name="destStream">The destination <see cref="Stream"/> (cannot be null)</param>
        public SaveXukAction(Project proj, IXukAble xukAble, Uri destUri, Stream destStream)
            m_Project = proj;
            if (destStream == null)
                throw new exception.MethodParameterIsNullException(
                          "The destination Stream of the SaveXukAction cannot be null");
            if (xukAble == null)
                throw new exception.MethodParameterIsNullException(
                          "The source XukAble of the SaveXukAction cannot be null");
            mDestUri       = destUri;
            mSourceXukAble = xukAble;
            mDestStream    = destStream;

            bool pretty = mSourceXukAble.PrettyFormat;

            XmlWriterSettings settings = XmlReaderWriterHelper.GetDefaultXmlWriterConfiguration(pretty);

            mXmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(mDestStream, settings);

            if (pretty && mXmlWriter is XmlTextWriter)
                ((XmlTextWriter)mXmlWriter).Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destUri">The <see cref="Uri"/> of the destination (cannot be null)</param>
        /// <param name="xukAble">The source <see cref="IXukAble"/>(cannot be null)</param>
        public SaveXukAction(Project proj, IXukAble xukAble, Uri destUri, bool skipBackup)
            if (proj == null)
                throw new exception.MethodParameterIsNullException(
                          "The source Project of the SaveXukAction cannot be null");
            if (destUri == null)
                throw new exception.MethodParameterIsNullException(
                          "The destination URI of the SaveXukAction cannot be null");
            if (xukAble == null)
                throw new exception.MethodParameterIsNullException(
                          "The source XukAble of the SaveXukAction cannot be null");

            m_Project      = proj;
            mDestUri       = destUri;
            mSourceXukAble = xukAble;

            int currentPercentage = 0;

            EventHandler <ProgressEventArgs> progressing = delegate(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e)
                double val = e.Current;
                double max = e.Total;

                int percent = (int)((val / max) * 100);

                if (percent != currentPercentage)
                    currentPercentage = percent;
                    reportProgress_Throttle(currentPercentage, val + " / " + max);

                if (RequestCancellation)

            Progress += progressing;

            Finished += delegate(object sender, FinishedEventArgs e)
                Progress -= progressing;

            Cancelled += delegate(object sender, CancelledEventArgs e)
                Progress -= progressing;

            string path      = mDestUri.LocalPath;
            string parentdir = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

            if (!Directory.Exists(parentdir))

            if (!skipBackup)

            mDestStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);

            bool pretty = mSourceXukAble.PrettyFormat;

            XmlWriterSettings settings = XmlReaderWriterHelper.GetDefaultXmlWriterConfiguration(pretty);

            mXmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(mDestStream, settings);

            if (pretty && mXmlWriter is XmlTextWriter)
                ((XmlTextWriter)mXmlWriter).Formatting = Formatting.Indented;