コード例 #1
         * Lookup information contained in the gadget spec.
        private OAuthServiceProvider lookupSpecInfo(ISecurityToken securityToken, OAuthArguments arguments,
                                                    AccessorInfoBuilder accessorBuilder, OAuthResponseParams responseParams)
            GadgetSpec spec      = findSpec(securityToken, arguments, responseParams);
            OAuthSpec  oauthSpec = spec.getModulePrefs().getOAuthSpec();

            if (oauthSpec == null)
                throw responseParams.oauthRequestException(OAuthError.BAD_OAUTH_CONFIGURATION,
                                                           "Failed to retrieve OAuth URLs, spec for gadget " +
                                                           securityToken.getAppUrl() + " does not contain OAuth element.");
            OAuthService service = oauthSpec.getServices()[arguments.getServiceName()];

            if (service == null)
                throw responseParams.oauthRequestException(OAuthError.BAD_OAUTH_CONFIGURATION,
                                                           "Failed to retrieve OAuth URLs, spec for gadget does not contain OAuth service " +
                                                           arguments.getServiceName() + ".  Known services: " +
                                                           String.Join(",", oauthSpec.getServices().Keys.AsEnumerable().ToArray()) + '.');
            // In theory some one could specify different parameter locations for request token and
            // access token requests, but that's probably not useful.  We just use the request token
            // rules for everything.
            accessorBuilder.setParameterLocation(getStoreLocation(service.getRequestUrl().location, responseParams));
            accessorBuilder.setMethod(getStoreMethod(service.getRequestUrl().method, responseParams));
            OAuthServiceProvider provider = new OAuthServiceProvider(

コード例 #2
         * Retrieve an AccessorInfo and OAuthAccessor that are ready for signing OAuthMessages.  To do
         * this, we need to figure out:
         * - what consumer key/secret to use for signing.
         * - if an access token should be used for the request, and if so what it is.   *
         * - the OAuth request/authorization/access URLs.
         * - what HTTP method to use for request token and access token requests
         * - where the OAuth parameters are located.
         * Note that most of that work gets skipped for signed fetch, we just look up the consumer key
         * and secret for that.  Signed fetch always sticks the parameters in the query string.
        public AccessorInfo getOAuthAccessor(ISecurityToken securityToken,
                                             OAuthArguments arguments, OAuthClientState clientState, OAuthResponseParams responseParams)
            AccessorInfoBuilder accessorBuilder = new AccessorInfoBuilder();

            // Does the gadget spec tell us any details about the service provider, like where to put the
            // OAuth parameters and what methods to use for their URLs?
            OAuthServiceProvider provider = null;

            if (arguments.mayUseToken())
                provider = lookupSpecInfo(securityToken, arguments, accessorBuilder, responseParams);
                // This is plain old signed fetch.

            // What consumer key/secret should we use?
            OAuthStore.ConsumerInfo consumer;
                consumer = store.getConsumerKeyAndSecret(
                    securityToken, arguments.getServiceName(), provider);
            catch (GadgetException e)
                throw responseParams.oauthRequestException(OAuthError.UNKNOWN_PROBLEM,
                                                           "Unable to retrieve consumer key", e);

            // Should we use the OAuth access token?  We never do this unless the client allows it, and
            // if owner == viewer.
            if (arguments.mayUseToken() &&
                securityToken.getOwnerId() != null &&
                lookupToken(securityToken, consumer, arguments, clientState, accessorBuilder, responseParams);

コード例 #3
         * Retrieve an AccessorInfo and OAuthAccessor that are ready for signing OAuthMessages.  To do
         * this, we need to figure out:
         * - what consumer key/secret to use for signing.
         * - if an access token should be used for the request, and if so what it is.   *   
         * - the OAuth request/authorization/access URLs.
         * - what HTTP method to use for request token and access token requests
         * - where the OAuth parameters are located.
         * Note that most of that work gets skipped for signed fetch, we just look up the consumer key
         * and secret for that.  Signed fetch always sticks the parameters in the query string.
        public AccessorInfo getOAuthAccessor(ISecurityToken securityToken,
                                             OAuthArguments arguments, OAuthClientState clientState, OAuthResponseParams responseParams)
            AccessorInfoBuilder accessorBuilder = new AccessorInfoBuilder();

            // Does the gadget spec tell us any details about the service provider, like where to put the
            // OAuth parameters and what methods to use for their URLs?
            OAuthServiceProvider provider = null;
            if (arguments.mayUseToken())
                provider = lookupSpecInfo(securityToken, arguments, accessorBuilder, responseParams);
                // This is plain old signed fetch.

            // What consumer key/secret should we use?
            OAuthStore.ConsumerInfo consumer;
                consumer = store.getConsumerKeyAndSecret(
                    securityToken, arguments.getServiceName(), provider);
            catch (GadgetException e)
                throw responseParams.oauthRequestException(OAuthError.UNKNOWN_PROBLEM,
                                                           "Unable to retrieve consumer key", e);

            // Should we use the OAuth access token?  We never do this unless the client allows it, and
            // if owner == viewer.
            if (arguments.mayUseToken()
                && securityToken.getOwnerId() != null
                && securityToken.getViewerId().Equals(securityToken.getOwnerId()))
                lookupToken(securityToken, consumer, arguments, clientState, accessorBuilder, responseParams);

            return accessorBuilder.create(responseParams);
コード例 #4
         * Lookup information contained in the gadget spec.
        private OAuthServiceProvider lookupSpecInfo(ISecurityToken securityToken, OAuthArguments arguments,
                                                    AccessorInfoBuilder accessorBuilder, OAuthResponseParams responseParams)
            GadgetSpec spec = findSpec(securityToken, arguments, responseParams);
            OAuthSpec oauthSpec = spec.getModulePrefs().getOAuthSpec();
            if (oauthSpec == null)
                throw responseParams.oauthRequestException(OAuthError.BAD_OAUTH_CONFIGURATION,
                                                           "Failed to retrieve OAuth URLs, spec for gadget " +
                                                           securityToken.getAppUrl() + " does not contain OAuth element.");
            OAuthService service = oauthSpec.getServices()[arguments.getServiceName()];
            if (service == null)
                throw responseParams.oauthRequestException(OAuthError.BAD_OAUTH_CONFIGURATION,
                                                           "Failed to retrieve OAuth URLs, spec for gadget does not contain OAuth service " +
                                                           arguments.getServiceName() + ".  Known services: " +
                                                           String.Join(",",oauthSpec.getServices().Keys.AsEnumerable().ToArray()) + '.');

            // In theory some one could specify different parameter locations for request token and
            // access token requests, but that's probably not useful.  We just use the request token
            // rules for everything.
            accessorBuilder.setParameterLocation(getStoreLocation(service.getRequestUrl().location, responseParams));
            accessorBuilder.setMethod(getStoreMethod(service.getRequestUrl().method, responseParams));
            OAuthServiceProvider provider = new OAuthServiceProvider(
            return provider;