コード例 #1
        private static Task <ValidateResult> ValidateHoursPerDay(TimeRegistrationModel model, object state)
            ValidateResult result = new ValidateResult()
                IsValid = true

            // if the input is not a string, it's not valid in any case
            if (!(state is string))
                result.Value    = false;
                result.Feedback = "That doesn't seem to be a correct input, please retry. I need 5 numbers, separated by spaces.";

            string inputToValidate = (string)state;

            // split the input string by space and ensure
            string[] hours = inputToValidate.Trim().Split(' ');
            if (!hours.All(h =>
                if (double.TryParse(h, out double parseResult))
                result.Value    = false;
                result.Feedback = "Seems you entered a value that's not a number, please use only numbers.";

            if (hours.Length != 5)
                result.IsValid  = false;
                result.Feedback = "That input was not correct. You need to specify five values, separated by spaces.";

            result.Value = inputToValidate;

コード例 #2
        private async Task <TimeRegistrationModel> TimeRegistrationCompleted(IBotContext context, TimeRegistrationModel model)
            var message = "Booking your hours in Exact, just a sec...";
            await context.PostAsync(message);

            ExactOnlineConnector connector = ExactOnlineHelper.GetConnector();

            TimeRegistrationConnector timeConnector = new TimeRegistrationConnector();

            Guid projectId  = String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Project) || model.Project == "none" ? Guid.Empty : new Guid(model.Project);
            Guid customerId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Customer) ? Guid.Empty : new Guid(model.Customer);
            Guid hourTypeId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.HourType) ? Guid.Empty : new Guid(model.HourType);

                // the user will have booked time for either this week or for a specific date
                if (!model.ThisWeek)
                    timeConnector.BookHours(connector.EmployeeId, customerId, hourTypeId, projectId, model.Date, model.Amount, connector);
                    // if the hours were booked for the entire will, there will be 5 numbers in the string that need to be split
                    // out and entered for each day of the week individually
                    int      dayOfWeek  = DateTimeUtils.GetISODayOfWeek(DateTime.Now);
                    DateTime currentDay = DateTime.Now.AddDays((dayOfWeek - 1) * -1);

                    string[] hours = model.AmountPerDay.Trim().Split(' ');

                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        double amount = Double.Parse(hours[i]);

                        if (amount > 0)
                            timeConnector.BookHours(connector.EmployeeId, customerId, hourTypeId, projectId, currentDay, amount, connector);

                        currentDay = currentDay.AddDays(1);
            catch (RequestFailedException ex)
                await context.PostAsync($"Hmm, that didn't work. The request failed, it returned the following:");

                await context.PostAsync($"\"{ ex.Message}\"");

                await context.PostAsync($"Sorry about that. Please try again or notify my maker.");


            await context.PostAsync("All set! Anything else I can do for you?");
