コード例 #1
		}																									// 1.0.010

		public TabEventArgs(																				// 1.0.001
			TdhTabPage theTabPage, 																// 1.0.001
			TabEventArgs.TabEvents theTabEvent)													// 1.0.001
		{																									// 1.0.001
			this._TabPage = theTabPage;																		// 1.0.001
			this._TabEvent = theTabEvent;																	// 1.0.001
		}																									// 1.0.001
コード例 #2
ファイル: TdhTabCtl.cs プロジェクト: mzkabbani/XMLParser
		// private void cmnuTabRect_New_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		// private void cmnuTabRect_Rename_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		// private void cmnuTabRect_Reorder_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		// private void cmnuTabRect_CloseAll_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		// private void cmnuTabRect_CloseAllBut_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		// private void cmnuTabRect_CloseSelect_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		// private void cmnuTabRect_CloseThis_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
		private void cmnuTabRect_New_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)								// 1.0.001
		{																									// 1.0.001
			System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItem = (System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem)sender;					// 1.0.011
			if( (this._tabsContextMenuAllowOpen																// 1.0.001
				&&(menuItem == this.cmnuTabRect_New)														// 1.0.011
				)																							// 1.0.011
			|| (this._tabsBase_ContextMenuAllowOpen															// 1.0.001
				&&(menuItem == this.cmnuTabRect_New_TabsBase)												// 1.0.011
				)																							// 1.0.011
			)																								// 1.0.001
			{																								// 1.0.001
				// If "New-TabPage" action is rejected; ensure that [this.SelectedIndex] doesn't change		// 1.0.003
				this._thisSelectedIndex = this.SelectedIndex;												// 1.0.003

				System.Windows.Forms.TabPage theTabPage;													// 1.0.011
				if (menuItem == this.cmnuTabRect_New)														// 1.0.011
				{																							// 1.0.011
					//theTabPage = new TDHTabCtl.TdhTabPage(this.components);								// 1.0.011
					theTabPage = new TdhTabPage();												// 1.0.011
				}																							// 1.0.011
				else																						// 1.0.011
				//if (menuItem == this.cmnuTabRect_New_TabsBase)											// 1.0.011
				{																							// 1.0.011
					theTabPage = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage();										// 1.0.011
				}																							// 1.0.011
				string tabPageName = "Page"+ (this.TabCount + 1).ToString();								// 1.0.001
				theTabPage.Name = tabPageName;																// 1.0.001
				theTabPage.Text = tabPageName;																// 1.0.001
				theTabPage.TabIndex = this.TabCount;														// 1.0.011

				//this.TabPages.Add(theTabPage);															// 1.0.001
				this.TdhTabPages.Add(theTabPage);															// 1.0.010

				this.cmnuTabRect_TabRect_Idx = this.TabCount - 1;											// 1.0.001
				this.cmnuTabRect_Built = false;																// 1.0.001
				this._OnTabEvents_RenameIsAdd = true;														// 1.0.001

				this.SelectedIndex = this.cmnuTabRect_TabRect_Idx;											// 1.0.003
				TabPage_Rename(theTabPage, this.cmnuTabRect_TabRect_Idx);									// 1.0.001
			}																								// 1.0.001
		}																									// 1.0.001
コード例 #3
ファイル: TdhTabCtl.cs プロジェクト: mzkabbani/XMLParser
		}																									// 1.0.001

		#region Novel Public Methods
		// public bool TabPages_Remove(bool overridePermission, TDHTabCtl.TdhTabPage theTabPage)
		// public bool TabPages_Remove(bool overridePermission, System.Windows.Forms.TabPage theTabPage)
		// public bool TabPages_RemoveAt(bool overridePermission, int index)
		// public bool TabPages_RemoveRange(bool overridePermission, int indexStart, int indexEnd)
		public bool TabPages_Remove(bool overridePermission, TdhTabPage theTabPage)				// 1.0.012
		{																									// 1.0.012
			return TabPages_Remove(overridePermission, (System.Windows.Forms.TabPage)theTabPage);			// 1.0.012
		}																									// 1.0.012
コード例 #4
		}																									// 1.0.010

		public void Insert(int index, TdhTabPage theTabPage)										// 1.0.004
		{																									// 1.0.004
			InsertRange(false, index, theTabPage);			// Insert [theTabPage] at [index] 				// 1.0.004
		}																									// 1.0.004
コード例 #5
		}																									// 1.0.010

		public void Add(TdhTabPage theTabPage)													// 1.0.001
		{																									// 1.0.001
			// Any special processing may be done here														// 1.0.001
			//																								// 1.0.001
			_owner.cmnuTabRect_Built = false;																// 1.0.001
			base.Add(theTabPage);																			// 1.0.001
		}																									// 1.0.001
コード例 #6
		}																									// 1.0.001

		public bool Contains(TdhTabPage theTabPage)												// 1.0.001
		{																									// 1.0.001
			return base.Contains(theTabPage);																// 1.0.001
		}																									// 1.0.001
コード例 #7
		}																									// 1.0.010

		public TabEventArgs(																				// 1.0.003
			int theNewTabIndex, int theOldTabIndex, 														// 1.0.003
			TdhTabPage theTabPage,																// 1.0.003
			TabEventArgs.TabEvents theTabEvent)													// 1.0.003
		{																									// 1.0.003
			this._TabIndex = theNewTabIndex;																// 1.0.003
			this._oldTabIndex = theOldTabIndex;																// 1.0.003
			this._TabPage = theTabPage;																		// 1.0.003
			this._TabEvent = theTabEvent;																	// 1.0.003
		}																									// 1.0.003