public override bool InitInternal() { if ((XDevicePlugin.GetInt(XDevicePlugin.ID_CONTEXT, XDevicePlugin.kField_CtxDeviceVersionInt, 0x4000) & 0xF000) != 0x4000) { return(false); } // if (true) { Vector3 position = PlayerPrefsEx.GetVector3("XimmerseTracker[Outside-in].position"); Vector3 rotation = PlayerPrefsEx.GetVector3("XimmerseTracker[Outside-in].rotation"); XDevicePlugin.SetTrackerPose(m_Handle, position.y, position.z, rotation.x); // XDevicePlugin.GetTrackerPose(m_Handle, out position.y, out position.z, out rotation.x); // int i = m_Controllers.Length; while (i-- > 0) { XDevicePlugin.SetBool(XDevicePlugin.GetInputDeviceHandle(m_Controllers[i].key), XDevicePlugin.kField_IsAbsRotationBool, true); } // //PlayerPrefsEx.SetBool("VRDevice.forceFadeOnBadTracking",true); XDevicePlugin.NativeMethods.XDeviceSetDecoderFeature(XDevicePlugin.FEATURE_BLOB_AUTO); } return(base.InitInternal()); }
public override void UpdateState() { if (m_Handle >= 0) { if (Time.frameCount != m_PrevFrameCount) { int t = m_PrevFrameCount; m_PrevFrameCount = Time.frameCount; if (EnsureAnchor()) { // UpdateAnchor(); m_PrevFrameCount = t; base.UpdateState(); // if (m_EnableEmulatedHand) { for (int i = 0, imax = m_EmulatedHands.Length; i < imax; ++i) { if (m_EmulatedHands[i].handedness != ControllerType.None) { m_EmulatedHands[i].OnControllerUpdate(); if (m_IsRequestVR) { m_EmulatedHands[i].showGizmos = (XDevicePlugin.GetNodePosition(m_Handle, 0, i, null) & TrackingResult.PositionTracked) == 0; } } } } } } } }
public override bool InitInternal() { if ((XDevicePlugin.GetInt(XDevicePlugin.ID_CONTEXT, XDevicePlugin.kField_CtxDeviceVersionInt, 0) & 0xF000) != 0x3000) { return(false); } // TODO : Read offsets from the plugin. #if !true m_AnchorPosition =; m_AnchorRotation = Quaternion.identity; #else VRDevice vrDevice = VRContext.currentDevice; if (vrDevice != null) { m_AnchorPosition = vrDevice.inOutsideMarkPose.position; m_AnchorRotation = vrDevice.inOutsideMarkPose.rotation; } else { m_AnchorPosition =; m_AnchorRotation = Quaternion.identity; } #endif // return(base.InitInternal()); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the device module. /// </summary> public static void InitializeDeviceModule(bool isFirst = true) { if (isInitialized) { return; } if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { Ximmerse.InputSystem.XDevicePlugin.Init(); //Apply logs: XDevicePlugin.SetLogger((int level, string _tag, string log) => { Debug.LogFormat("level:{0} ,tag:{1}, log:{2}", level, _tag, log); }); if (isFirst) { XDevicePlugin.CopyAssetsToPath(kConfigFileDirectory); } DevicerHandle.SlideInContext = XDevicePlugin.NewContext(XDevicePlugin.XContextTypes.kXContextTypeSlideIn);/// 创建SlideIn设备上下文 DevicerHandle.HmdHandle = XDevicePlugin.GetDeviceHandle(DevicerHandle.SlideInContext, "XHawk-0"); if (isFirst) { TagTrackingUtil.ApplyDefaultConfig(); } DeviceConnectionState vpuConn = (DeviceConnectionState)XDevicePlugin.GetInt(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XVpuAttributes.kXVpuAttr_Int_ConnectionState, 0); isVPUConnected = vpuConn == DeviceConnectionState.Connected; XDevicePlugin.RegisterObserver(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XVpuAttributes.kXVpuAttr_Int_ConnectionState, new XDevicePlugin.XDeviceConnectStateChangeDelegate(OnVPUConnectionStateChanged), DevicerHandle.HmdHandle); isInitialized = true; Debug.LogFormat("Slide in HLAPI initialized successfully. HLAPI version : {0}, Algorithm version: {1}", HLAPIVersion.Version, HLAPIVersion.AlgVersion); Debug.LogFormat("VPU device state {0} ", vpuConn); } else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) { Ximmerse.InputSystem.XDevicePlugin.Init(); XDevicePlugin.SetLogger((int level, string _tag, string log) => { Debug.LogFormat("level:{0} ,tag:{1}, log:{2}", level, _tag, log); }); DevicerHandle.SlideInContext = XDevicePlugin.NewContext(XDevicePlugin.XContextTypes.kXContextTypeSlideIn);/// 创建SlideIn设备上下文 DevicerHandle.HmdHandle = XDevicePlugin.GetDeviceHandle(DevicerHandle.SlideInContext, "XHawk-0"); Debug.LogFormat("VPU Context: {0}, Hmd handle:{1}", DevicerHandle.SlideInContext.mNativeHandle.ToInt32(), DevicerHandle.HmdHandle.mNativeHandle.ToInt32()); TagTrackingUtil.ApplyDefaultConfig(); var vpuConn = (DeviceConnectionState)XDevicePlugin.GetInt(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XVpuAttributes.kXVpuAttr_Int_ConnectionState, 0); isVPUConnected = vpuConn == DeviceConnectionState.Connected; XDevicePlugin.RegisterObserver(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XVpuAttributes.kXVpuAttr_Int_ConnectionState, new XDevicePlugin.XDeviceConnectStateChangeDelegate(OnVPUConnectionStateChanged), DevicerHandle.HmdHandle); isInitialized = true; Debug.LogFormat("Slide in HLAPI initialized successfully. HLAPI version : {0}, Algorithm version: {1}", HLAPIVersion.Version, HLAPIVersion.AlgVersion); Debug.LogFormat("VPU device state {0} ", vpuConn); } else { Debug.LogWarningFormat("Tracking Library not available for current platform : {0}. Currently we supports Android/Windows platform.", Application.platform); } }
/// <summary> /// We will lose the VR context,when reloading level. /// Calling this function per frame can ensure that the anchor is alive. /// </summary> public virtual bool EnsureAnchor() { // <!-- TODO: VR Legacy Mode. --> // If the X-Hawk isn't connected,the game will run as legacy VR mode(Gets input events with GearVR touchpad). if (XDevicePlugin.GetInt(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionStateInt, 0) != (int)DeviceConnectionState.Connected) { XDevicePlugin.SetInt(m_HmdInput.handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionStateInt, (int)DeviceConnectionState.Disconnected); return(false); } // if (trackingSpace == null) { trackingSpace = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.TrackingSpace); } // if (anchor == null) { Transform centerEyeAnchor = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.CenterEye); if (m_IsRequestVR && centerEyeAnchor == null) { return(false); } else { CreateAnchor(); // if (m_IsRequestVR) { VRContext.main.onRecenter -= Recenter; VRContext.main.onRecenter += Recenter; } } } return(true); }
public virtual void UpdateAnchorFromPlugin() { XDevicePlugin.GetObject(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_TRSObject, m_UpdateAnchorFromPluginTRS, 0); if (true) { anchor.localPosition = new Vector3( m_UpdateAnchorFromPluginTRS[0], m_UpdateAnchorFromPluginTRS[1], -m_UpdateAnchorFromPluginTRS[2] ); anchor.localRotation = new Quaternion( -m_UpdateAnchorFromPluginTRS[3], -m_UpdateAnchorFromPluginTRS[4], m_UpdateAnchorFromPluginTRS[5], m_UpdateAnchorFromPluginTRS[6] ); // if (makeTrackerForward) { if (trackingSpace != null) { trackingSpace.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, -(anchor.localRotation.eulerAngles.y + 180.0f), 0.0f); } } } }
public static string ToString(TrackerInput input, int[] nodes) { System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(string.Format( "TrackingInput@{0} Timestamp:{1}\n", input.m_Handle, input.m_State.frameCount)); if (XDevicePlugin.GetInt(input.m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionStateInt, 0) != (int)DeviceConnectionState.Connected) { // sb.Append("Connection State=\"" + ((DeviceConnectionState)XDevicePlugin.GetInt(input.m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionStateInt, 0))); sb.Append("\"\nError Code=\"" + XDevicePlugin.GetInt(input.m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ErrorCodeInt, 0) + "\""); } else { Vector3 pos = new Vector3(); int node; for (int i = 0, imax = nodes.Length; i < imax; ++i) { node = nodes[i]; if (input.Exists(node)) { pos = input.GetLocalPosition(node); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Node@{0} is {1}", node, pos.ToString("F3"))); } else { sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Node@{0} is not existed.", node)); } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
protected virtual void Start() { XDevicePlugin.Init(); if (m_Handle == -1) { m_Handle = XDevicePlugin.GetInputDeviceHandle(deviceName); } }
public virtual void Recenter() { XDevicePlugin.SendMessage(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kMessage_RecenterSensor, 0, 0); if (onRecenter != null) { onRecenter.Invoke(); } }
public virtual bool Exists(int node) { if (Controller != null && pointer != null) { return(XDevicePlugin.GetInt(Controller.handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionStateInt, 0) == (int)DeviceConnectionState.Connected && pointer.localPosition.sqrMagnitude > 0.0f); } return(false); }
public override bool InitInternal() { if ((XDevicePlugin.GetInt(XDevicePlugin.ID_CONTEXT, XDevicePlugin.kField_CtxDeviceVersionInt, 0x4000) & 0xF000) != 0x4000) { return(false); } // return(base.InitInternal()); }
public virtual bool Exists(int node) { if (Controller != null) { return(XDevicePlugin.GetInt(Controller.handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_ConnectionStateInt, 0) == (int)DeviceConnectionState.Connected); //return Controller.connectionState==DeviceConnectionState.Connected; } return(false); }
public virtual int InitInput() { if (m_Handle == -1) { m_Handle = XDevicePlugin.GetInputDeviceHandle(deviceName); } // return(m_Handle != -1?0:-1); }
/// <summary> /// Init X-Hawk for different user environments. /// </summary> public virtual bool InitInternal() { // XDevicePlugin.SetInt(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_TrackingOriginInt, (int)VRContext.trackingOrigin); XDevicePlugin.SendMessage(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kMessage_RecenterSensor, 0, 0); // if (true) { int i = 0, imax = m_Controllers.Length; controllers = new TrackedControllerInput[imax]; // ControllerInputManager mgr = ControllerInputManager.instance; ControllerInput ci; if (mgr != null) { for (; i < imax; ++i) { ci = mgr.GetControllerInput(m_Controllers[i].key); if (ci is TrackedControllerInput) { controllers[i] = ci as TrackedControllerInput; controllers[i].inputTracking = this; controllers[i].node = m_Controllers[i].value; } else { controllers[i] = CreateControllerInput(m_Controllers[i].key, this, m_Controllers[i].value); if (controllers[i].handle != -1) { mgr.AddControllerInput(controllers[i].name, controllers[i]); } else { controllers[i] = null; } } // if (i < 2) { m_EmulatedHands[i].Controller = controllers[i]; m_EmulatedHands[i].followGaze = ArmModel.GazeBehavior.Always; m_EmulatedHands[i].Start(); } } } } // VR Context m_HmdInput = ControllerInputManager.GetInput(ControllerType.Hmd); // VRContext must have a CenterEyeAnchor at least. m_IsRequestVR = (VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.CenterEye) != null); EnsureAnchor(); // Log.i("XHawkInput", "Initialize successfully."); // return(true); }
/// <summary> /// De-initialize the module. /// </summary> public static void DeInitializeModule() { if (isInitialized) { isInitialized = false; XDevicePlugin.ReleaseContext(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle); XDevicePlugin.SetLogger(null); XDevicePlugin.Exit(); } }
public virtual void UpdateState() { if (Time.frameCount != m_PrevFrameCount) { m_PrevFrameCount = Time.frameCount; m_PrevState = m_State; // XDevicePlugin.GetInputState(this.handle, ref this.m_State); } }
protected virtual void OnDestroy() { s_InstanceCached = false; // if (onDestroy != null) { onDestroy(); } // XDevicePlugin.Exit(); }
public virtual void Recenter_DK4() { XDevicePlugin.SendMessage(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kMessage_RecenterSensor, 1, 0); UpdateAnchorFromPlugin(); m_AnchorInfoCached = false; // if (m_TrackerFrustum != null) { m_TrackerFrustum.OnTrackerRecenter(); } }
public virtual void OnControllerUpdate() { if (centerEye == null) { centerEye = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.CenterEye); trackingSpace = VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.TrackingSpace); } if (unityHelper == null) { unityHelper = new GameObject("UnityHelper-" + handedness).transform; pointer = new GameObject("Pointer-" + handedness).transform; // unityHelper.SetParent(trackingSpace); unityHelper.localPosition =; unityHelper.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; unityHelper.localScale =; pointer.SetParent(unityHelper); pointer.localPosition =; pointer.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; pointer.localScale =; } if (centerEye != null) { // unityHelper.position = centerEye.position //@Eye - centerEye.rotation * NECK_TO_EYE //@Neck + Quaternion.AngleAxis(centerEye.rotation.eulerAngles.y, Vector3.up) * neckToShoulder; //@Shoulder // Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(Controller.GetRotation() * Vector3.forward, Vector3.up); if (trackingSpace != null) { unityHelper.rotation = trackingSpace.rotation * rotation; } else { unityHelper.rotation = rotation; } // if ((XDevicePlugin.GetInt(Controller.handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_TrackingResultInt, 0) & (int)TrackingResult.PositionTracked) == 0) { } else { if (trackingSpace == null) { pointer.position = Controller.GetPosition(); } else { pointer.position = trackingSpace.TransformPoint(Controller.GetPosition()); } } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public virtual bool InitInternal() { if (m_IsInited) { return(true); } m_IsInited = true; // Plugin context. deviceName = "XHawk-0"; if (m_Handle == -1) { m_Handle = XDevicePlugin.GetInputDeviceHandle(deviceName); } XDevicePlugin.SetInt(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kField_TrackingOriginInt, (int)VRContext.trackingOrigin); XDevicePlugin.SendMessage(m_Handle, XDevicePlugin.kMessage_RecenterSensor, 0, 0); // if (true) { int i = 0, imax = m_Controllers.Length; controllers = new TrackedControllerInput[imax]; // ControllerInputManager mgr = ControllerInputManager.instance; ControllerInput ci; if (mgr != null) { for (; i < imax; ++i) { ci = mgr.GetControllerInput(m_Controllers[i].key); if (ci is TrackedControllerInput) { controllers[i] = ci as TrackedControllerInput; controllers[i].inputTracking = this; controllers[i].node = m_Controllers[i].value; } else { controllers[i] = CreateControllerInput(m_Controllers[i].key, this, m_Controllers[i].value); mgr.AddControllerInput(controllers[i].name, controllers[i]); } } } } // VR Context m_HmdInput = ControllerInputManager.GetInput(ControllerType.Hmd); // VRContext must have a CenterEyeAnchor at least. m_IsRequestVR = (VRContext.GetAnchor(VRNode.CenterEye) != null); EnsureAnchor(); // Log.i("XHawkInput", "Initialize successfully."); // return(true); }
public virtual void StartHaptics(int strength, int frequency, float duration = 0.0f) { DelayedCall.Free(ref m_VibrationDC); // strength = Mathf.Clamp(strength, 0, 100); //[0,100],0 -> Default. XDevicePlugin.SendMessage(handle, XDevicePlugin.kMessage_TriggerVibration, (int)((strength <= 0?20:strength) | ((frequency << 16) & 0xFFFF0000)), (int)(duration * 1000) ); if (duration > 0.0f) { m_VibrationDC = Juggler.Main.DelayCall(StopHaptics, duration); } }
public virtual int InitInput() { if ((XDevicePlugin.GetInt(XDevicePlugin.ID_CONTEXT, XDevicePlugin.kField_CtxDeviceVersionInt, 0) & 0xF000) != 0x1000) { return(-1); } // Override ControllerInput in ControllerInputManager. if (true) { // ControllerInputManager mgr = ControllerInputManager.instance; ControllerInput ci; if (mgr != null) { for (int i = 0, imax = m_Controllers.Length; i < imax; ++i) { if (m_Controllers[i].handedness != ControllerType.None) { ci = mgr.GetControllerInput(m_Controllers[i].name); if (ci is TrackedControllerInput) { m_Controllers[i].Controller = ci as TrackedControllerInput; m_Controllers[i].Controller.inputTracking = m_Controllers[i]; m_Controllers[i].Controller.node = -1; } else { m_Controllers[i].Controller = new TrackedControllerInput(m_Controllers[i].name, m_Controllers[i], -1); if (m_Controllers[i].Controller.handle != -1) { mgr.AddControllerInput(m_Controllers[i].name, m_Controllers[i].Controller); } else { m_Controllers[i].Controller = null; } } // m_Controllers[i].Start(); } } } else { return(-1); } } // return(0); }
public virtual void StartHaptics(int strength, int frequency, float duration = 0.0f) { ++m_HapticsDC; // strength = Mathf.Clamp(strength, 0, 100); //[0,100],0 -> Default. XDevicePlugin.SendMessage(handle, XDevicePlugin.kMessage_TriggerVibration, (int)((strength <= 0?20:strength) | ((frequency << 16) & 0xFFFF0000)), (int)(duration * 1000) ); if (duration > 0.0f) { // TODO : ControllerInputManager.instance.StartCoroutine(StopHapticsDelayed(duration)); } }
public virtual float GetBetterYaw() { float yaw = getHmdYaw(); // if (yaw >= 0 && (XDevicePlugin.GetNodePosition(m_Handle, 0, 2, null) & TrackingResult.PositionTracked) != 0) { return(360.0f - yaw); } else { return(GetRawYaw() + m_YawOffset); } }
protected virtual void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus) { if (m_IsPaused != pauseStatus) { m_IsPaused = pauseStatus; // XDevicePlugin.setHMDRotation(Quaternion.identity); if (m_IsPaused) // OnPause() { } else // OnResume() { AlignHmd(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initialize all the input controller . /// </summary> public virtual void InitAllControllerInputs() { // int ret = XDevicePlugin.Init(); if (ret != 0) { /*...*/ } // if (m_ControllerDataTxt != null) { s_ControllerDatabase = ControllerInfo.ParseFromText( s_ControllerDatabase, m_ControllerDataTxt.text); } // #if XDEVICE_EXT InitExternalControllerDevices(); #endif // int whichBufferSize = XDevicePlugin.GetInputDeviceCount(); int[] whichBuffer = new int[whichBufferSize]; string name; int handle, i = 0, imax = XDevicePlugin.GetInputDevices(1, whichBuffer, whichBufferSize); // if (controllerInputs == null) { controllerInputs = new Dictionary <string, ControllerInput>(imax); } else { controllerInputs.Clear(); } System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("ControllerInput List:"); for (; i < imax; ++i) { handle = whichBuffer[i]; name = XDevicePlugin.GetInputDeviceName(handle); AddControllerInput(name, new ControllerInput(handle, name)); // sb.AppendLine("\t{ControllerInput name=\"" + name + "\" handle=\"" + handle + "\"}"); } Log.i("ControllerInputManager", sb.ToString()); // m_OnInitialized.Invoke(); }
public virtual int ExitInput() { int ret; // for (int i = 0, imax = inputModules.Length; i < imax; ++i) { if (inputModules[i] != null) { ret = inputModules[i].ExitInput(); } } // XDevicePlugin.Exit(); // return(0); }
public override void Recenter() { switch ((XDevicePlugin.GetInt(-1, XDevicePlugin.kField_CtxDeviceVersion, 0x4000) & 0xF000)) { case 0x3000: break; case 0x4000: Recenter_DK4(); break; } // if (onRecenter != null) { onRecenter.Invoke(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets marker tracking state, if marker is not tracked, return false. /// If tracked, out tracked raw position + rotation. /// SubMarkerMask : the bitmask of sub markers. Each submark takes 1 bit. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if marker state was gotten, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns> /// <param name="markerID">Marker I.</param> /// <param name="rawPos">Raw position.</param> /// <param name="rawRotation">Raw rotation.</param> /// <param name="SubMarkerMask">Sub marker mask.</param> internal static bool GetMarkerState(int markerID, out Vector3 rawPos, out Quaternion rawRotation, out ulong SubMarkerMask) { if (IsSupported) { XDevicePlugin.XAttrTrackingInfo marker_info = new XDevicePlugin.XAttrTrackingInfo(0, markerID); XDevicePlugin.GetObject(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XVpuAttributes.kXVpuAttr_Obj_TrackingInfo, ref marker_info); // XDevicePlugin.DoAction(DevicerHandle.HmdHandle, XDevicePlugin.XActions.kXAct_GetMarkerInfo, ref marker_info); rawPos =; rawRotation = Quaternion.identity; SubMarkerMask = 0; if (marker_info.state == (int)TrackingResult.PoseTracked) { var XYZIndex = RawPositionindex; var QIndex = RawRotationIndex; var XYZMul = RawPositionFieldMultiplier; var QMul = RawRotationFieldMultiplier; rawPos = new Vector3( marker_info.position[XYZIndex.x] * XYZMul.x, marker_info.position[XYZIndex.y] * XYZMul.y, marker_info.position[XYZIndex.z] * XYZMul.z); rawRotation = MarkerPosePreTilt * new Quaternion( marker_info.rotation[QIndex.x] * QMul.x, marker_info.rotation[QIndex.y] * QMul.y, marker_info.rotation[QIndex.z] * QMul.z, marker_info.rotation[QIndex.w] * QMul.w) * MarkerPosePostTilt; SubMarkerMask = marker_info.recognized_markers_mask; return(true); } else { return(false); } } else { rawPos =; rawRotation = Quaternion.identity; SubMarkerMask = 0; return(false); } }
protected virtual void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus) { if (m_IsPaused != pauseStatus) { m_IsPaused = pauseStatus; // if (m_IsPaused) { Log.i("Ximmerse.InputSystem.InputManager", "XDevicePlugin.OnPause()"); XDevicePlugin.OnPause(); } else { Log.i("Ximmerse.InputSystem.InputManager", "XDevicePlugin.OnResume()"); XDevicePlugin.OnResume(); } } }