コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Set required files from the XML document
        /// </summary>
        private void SetRequiredFiles()
            // Itterate through the RF XML and populate the RF collection
            XmlNodeList fileNodes = _requiredFilesXml.SelectNodes("/files/file");

            foreach (XmlNode file in fileNodes)
                RequiredFile rf = new RequiredFile();

                XmlAttributeCollection attributes = file.Attributes;

                rf.FileType    = attributes["type"].Value;
                rf.Downloading = false;
                rf.Complete    = false;
                rf.LastChecked = DateTime.Now;
                rf.ChunkOffset = 0;
                rf.ChunkSize   = 0;

                // Fill in some information that we already know
                if (rf.FileType == "media")
                    rf.Id        = int.Parse(attributes["id"].Value);
                    rf.Path      = attributes["path"].Value;
                    rf.SaveAs    = (attributes["saveAs"] == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributes["saveAs"].Value)) ? rf.Path : attributes["saveAs"].Value;
                    rf.Http      = (attributes["download"].Value == "http");
                    rf.ChunkSize = 512000;
                else if (rf.FileType == "layout")
                    rf.Id   = int.Parse(attributes["id"].Value);
                    rf.Path = attributes["path"].Value;
                    rf.Http = (attributes["download"].Value == "http");

                    if (rf.Http)
                        rf.SaveAs = attributes["saveAs"].Value;
                        rf.Path   = rf.Path + ".xlf";
                        rf.SaveAs = rf.Path;

                    rf.ChunkSize = rf.Size;
                else if (rf.FileType == "resource")
                    // Do something special here. Check to see if the resource file already exists otherwise add to RF
                        // Set the ID to be some random number
                        rf.Id       = int.Parse(attributes["id"].Value);
                        rf.LayoutId = int.Parse(attributes["layoutid"].Value);
                        rf.RegionId = attributes["regionid"].Value;
                        rf.MediaId  = attributes["mediaid"].Value;
                        rf.Path     = rf.MediaId + ".htm";
                        rf.SaveAs   = rf.Path;

                        // Set the size to something arbitary
                        rf.Size = 10000;

                        // Check to see if this has already been downloaded
                        if (File.Exists(ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\" + rf.MediaId + ".htm"))
                            // Has it expired?
                            int updated = 0;

                                updated = int.Parse(attributes["updated"].Value);
                            catch (Exception) {}

                            DateTime updatedDt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                            updatedDt = updatedDt.AddSeconds(updated);

                            if (File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\" + rf.MediaId + ".htm") > updatedDt)
                                rf.Complete = true;

                        // Add to the Rf Node
                        // Forget about this resource

                // This stuff only executes for Layout/Files items
                rf.Md5  = attributes["md5"].Value;
                rf.Size = double.Parse(attributes["size"].Value);

                // Does this file already exist in the RF node? We might receive duplicates.
                bool found = false;

                foreach (RequiredFile existingRf in RequiredFileList)
                    if (existingRf.Id == rf.Id && existingRf.FileType == rf.FileType)
                        found = true;

                if (found)
                    Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("RequiredFiles - SetRequiredFiles", "Duplicate file detected, ignoring. FileId = " + rf.Id), LogType.Audit.ToString());

                // Does this file exist?
                if (File.Exists(ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\" + rf.SaveAs))
                    // Compare MD5 of the file we currently have, to what we should have
                    if (rf.Md5 != _cacheManager.GetMD5(rf.SaveAs))
                        Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("RequiredFiles - SetRequiredFiles", "MD5 different for existing file: " + rf.SaveAs), LogType.Info.ToString());

                        // They are different

                        // TODO: Resume the file download under certain conditions. Make sure its not bigger than it should be.
                        // Make sure it is fairly fresh
                        FileInfo info = new FileInfo(ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\" + rf.SaveAs);

                        if (info.Length < rf.Size && info.LastWriteTime > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1))
                            // Continue the file
                            rf.ChunkOffset = (int)info.Length;
                            // Delete the old file as it is wrong
                                File.Delete(ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\" + rf.SaveAs);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("CompareAndCollect", "Unable to delete incorrect file because: " + ex.Message));
                        // The MD5 is equal - we already have an up to date version of this file.
                        rf.Complete = true;
                        _cacheManager.Add(rf.SaveAs, rf.Md5);
                    // File does not exist, therefore remove it from the cache manager (on the off chance that it is in there for some reason)

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the Layout.. rendering all the necessary controls
        /// </summary>
        private void PrepareLayout(string layoutPath)
            // Get this layouts XML
            XmlDocument layoutXml = new XmlDocument();
            DateTime    layoutModifiedTime;

            // Default or not
            if (layoutPath == ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\Default.xml" || String.IsNullOrEmpty(layoutPath))
                throw new Exception("Default layout");
                // try to open the layout file
                    using (FileStream fs = File.Open(layoutPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Write))
                        using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fs))

                catch (IOException ioEx)
                    Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("MainForm - PrepareLayout", "IOException: " + ioEx.ToString()), LogType.Error.ToString());

                layoutModifiedTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(layoutPath);

            // Attributes of the main layout node
            XmlNode layoutNode = layoutXml.SelectSingleNode("/layout");

            XmlAttributeCollection layoutAttributes = layoutNode.Attributes;

            // Set the background and size of the form
            _layoutWidth  = int.Parse(layoutAttributes["width"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            _layoutHeight = int.Parse(layoutAttributes["height"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Scaling factor, will be applied to all regions
            _scaleFactor = Math.Min(_clientSize.Width / _layoutWidth, _clientSize.Height / _layoutHeight);

            // Want to be able to center this shiv - therefore work out which one of these is going to have left overs
            int backgroundWidth  = (int)(_layoutWidth * _scaleFactor);
            int backgroundHeight = (int)(_layoutHeight * _scaleFactor);

            double leftOverX;
            double leftOverY;

                leftOverX = Math.Abs(_clientSize.Width - backgroundWidth);
                leftOverY = Math.Abs(_clientSize.Height - backgroundHeight);

                if (leftOverX != 0)
                    leftOverX = leftOverX / 2;
                if (leftOverY != 0)
                    leftOverY = leftOverY / 2;
                leftOverX = 0;
                leftOverY = 0;

            // New region and region options objects
            _regions = new Collection <Region>();
            RegionOptions options = new RegionOptions();

            options.LayoutModifiedDate = layoutModifiedTime;

            // Deal with the color
                if (layoutAttributes["bgcolor"].Value != "")
                    this.BackColor          = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(layoutAttributes["bgcolor"].Value);
                    options.backgroundColor = layoutAttributes["bgcolor"].Value;
                this.BackColor          = Color.Black; // Default black
                options.backgroundColor = "#000000";

            // Get the background
                if (layoutAttributes["background"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(layoutAttributes["background"].Value))
                    string bgFilePath = ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\backgrounds\" + backgroundWidth + "x" + backgroundHeight + "_" + layoutAttributes["background"].Value;

                    // Create a correctly sized background image in the temp folder
                    if (!File.Exists(bgFilePath))
                        GenerateBackgroundImage(layoutAttributes["background"].Value, backgroundWidth, backgroundHeight, bgFilePath);

                    BackgroundImage         = new Bitmap(bgFilePath);
                    options.backgroundImage = bgFilePath;
                    // Assume there is no background image
                    BackgroundImage         = null;
                    options.backgroundImage = "";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("MainForm - PrepareLayout", "Unable to set background: " + ex.Message), LogType.Error.ToString());

                // Assume there is no background image
                this.BackgroundImage    = null;
                options.backgroundImage = "";

            // Get the regions
            XmlNodeList listRegions = layoutXml.SelectNodes("/layout/region");
            XmlNodeList listMedia   = layoutXml.SelectNodes("/layout/region/media");

            // Check to see if there are any regions on this layout.
            if (listRegions.Count == 0 || listMedia.Count == 0)
                Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("PrepareLayout",
                                               string.Format("A layout with {0} regions and {1} media has been detected.", listRegions.Count.ToString(), listMedia.Count.ToString())),

                if (_schedule.ActiveLayouts == 1)
                    Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("PrepareLayout", "Only 1 layout scheduled and it has nothing to show."), LogType.Info.ToString());

                    throw new Exception("Only 1 layout schduled and it has nothing to show");
                    Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("PrepareLayout",
                                                   string.Format(string.Format("An empty layout detected, will show for {0} seconds.", ApplicationSettings.Default.EmptyLayoutDuration.ToString()))), LogType.Info.ToString());

                    // Put a small dummy region in place, with a small dummy media node - which expires in 10 seconds.
                    XmlDocument dummyXml = new XmlDocument();
                    dummyXml.LoadXml(string.Format("<region id='blah' width='1' height='1' top='1' left='1'><media id='blah' type='text' duration='{0}'><raw><text></text></raw></media></region>",

                    // Replace the list of regions (they mean nothing as they are empty)
                    listRegions = dummyXml.SelectNodes("/region");

            // Create a start record for this layout
            _stat            = new Stat();
            _stat.type       = StatType.Layout;
            _stat.scheduleID = _scheduleId;
            _stat.layoutID   = _layoutId;
            _stat.fromDate   = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

            foreach (XmlNode region in listRegions)
                // Is there any media
                if (region.ChildNodes.Count == 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine("A region with no media detected");

                //each region
                XmlAttributeCollection nodeAttibutes = region.Attributes;

                options.scheduleId  = _scheduleId;
                options.layoutId    = _layoutId;
                options.regionId    = nodeAttibutes["id"].Value.ToString();
                options.width       = (int)(Convert.ToDouble(nodeAttibutes["width"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * _scaleFactor);
                options.height      = (int)(Convert.ToDouble(nodeAttibutes["height"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * _scaleFactor);
                options.left        = (int)(Convert.ToDouble(nodeAttibutes["left"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * _scaleFactor);
                options.top         = (int)(Convert.ToDouble(nodeAttibutes["top"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * _scaleFactor);
                options.scaleFactor = _scaleFactor;

                // Store the original width and original height for scaling
                options.originalWidth  = (int)Convert.ToDouble(nodeAttibutes["width"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                options.originalHeight = (int)Convert.ToDouble(nodeAttibutes["height"].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                // Set the backgrounds (used for Web content offsets)
                options.backgroundLeft = options.left * -1;
                options.backgroundTop  = options.top * -1;

                // Account for scaling
                options.left = options.left + (int)leftOverX;
                options.top  = options.top + (int)leftOverY;

                // All the media nodes for this region / layout combination
                options.mediaNodes = region.SelectNodes("media");

                Region temp = new Region(ref _statLog, ref _cacheManager);
                temp.DurationElapsedEvent += new Region.DurationElapsedDelegate(temp_DurationElapsedEvent);

                Debug.WriteLine("Created new region", "MainForm - Prepare Layout");

                // Dont be fooled, this innocent little statement kicks everything off
                temp.regionOptions = options;


                Debug.WriteLine("Adding region", "MainForm - Prepare Layout");

            // We have loaded a layout and therefore are no longer showing the splash screen
            _showingSplash = false;

            // Null stuff
            listRegions = null;
            listMedia   = null;