コード例 #1
    //Handle the delete button click event
    public void Delete_Comment(object sender, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
        if ((e.CommandName == "Delete"))
            TableCell iIdKeyNumber = e.Item.Cells[2];
            TableCell iIdCommNumber = e.Item.Cells[3];

            //Instantiate the SQL command object
            CommentInfo DeleteComm = new CommentInfo();

            DeleteComm.ID = int.Parse(iIdKeyNumber.Text);
            DeleteComm.RECID = int.Parse(iIdCommNumber.Text);

            //Perform delete recipe

            //Redirect to confirm delete page
コード例 #2
    //Handles update comment
    public void Update_Comments(Object s, EventArgs e)
        //Instantiate the SQL command object
        CommentInfo UpdateComm = new CommentInfo();

        UpdateComm.ID = int.Parse(Request.Form["KeyIDs"]);
        UpdateComm.Author = Request.Form["Author"];
        UpdateComm.Email = Request.Form["Email"];
        UpdateComm.Comments = Request.Form["Comments"];

        //Notify user if error occured.
        if (UpdateComm.Update() != 0)
            JSLiteral.Text = "Error occured while processing your submit.";

コード例 #3
    //Handles comment posting
    public void Add_Comment(Object s, EventArgs e)
        //Perform spam validation by matching the value of the textbox security code to the session variable
        //that store the random number.
        if (Page.IsValid && (txtsecfield.Text.ToString() == Session["randomStr"].ToString()))
            //Instantiate object
            Utility Util = new Utility();

            //If all the fields are filled correctly, then process the comment post.
            //Instantiate the SQL command object
            CommentInfo AddComm = new CommentInfo();

            AddComm.ID = (int)Util.Val(Request.QueryString["id"]);

            //Filters harmful scripts from input string.
            AddComm.Author = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[AUTHOR.UniqueID]);
            AddComm.Email = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[EMAIL.UniqueID]);
            AddComm.Comments = Util.FormatTextForInput(Request.Form[COMMENTS.UniqueID]);

            #region Comment Form Input Validator
            //Validate for empty name
            if (AddComm.Author.Length == 0)
                JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Error: Name is empty, please enter your name.");
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Name is empty, please enter your name.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";
            //Validate for empty email
            if (AddComm.Email.Length == 0)
                JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Error: Email is empty, please enter your email.");
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Email is empty, please enter your email.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";
            //Validate for empty comments
            if (AddComm.Comments.Length == 0)
                JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Error: Comment is empty, please your comment.");
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Comment is empty, please your comment.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            //Name maximum of 50 char allowed
            if (AddComm.Author.Length > 50)
                JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Error: Name is too long. Max of 50 characters.");
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Name is too long. Max of 50 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                AUTHOR.Value = "";
                txtsecfield.Text = "";
            //Email maximum of 50 char allowed
            if (AddComm.Email.Length > 50)
                JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Error: Email is too long. Max of 50 characters.");
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Email is too long. Max of 50 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                EMAIL.Value = "";
                txtsecfield.Text = "";
            //Comments maximum of 200 char allowed
            if (AddComm.Comments.Length > 200)
                JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Error: Comments is too long. Max of 200 characters.");
                lbvalenght.Text = "<br>Error: Comments is too long. Max of 200 characters.";
                lbvalenght.Visible = true;
                txtsecfield.Text = "";

            //Notify user if error occured.
            if (AddComm.Add() != 0)
                JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("A database error occured while processing your request.");

            //Instantiate email template object
            EmailTemplate SendEmail = new EmailTemplate();

            SendEmail.ItemID = AddComm.ID;
            SendEmail.ItemName = strRName;

            //Send an email notification to the webmaster in HTML format.

            //Release allocated memory
            SendEmail = null;
            AddComm = null;

            //If success, redirect to confirmation and thank you page.

            Util = null;
            //Javascript validation
            JSLiteral.Text = Util.JSAlert("Invalid security code. Make sure you type it correctly.");

           // lblinvalidsecode.Text = "Invalid security code. Make sure you type it correctly.";
           // lblinvalidsecode.Visible = true;