コード例 #1
        protected void StartEventListeners()
            // Add callbacks implemented by this client

            // Start the Http service host
            m_httpServiceHost = new WsHttpServiceHost(m_localBinding, m_callbackServiceEndpoints);
            m_httpServiceHost.MaxThreadCount = 5;
            m_httpServiceHost.Start(new ServerBindingContext(m_version));
            System.Ext.Console.Write("Http service host started...");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of a DpwsClient class with a specified eventing callback port number.
        /// </summary>
        public DpwsClient(Binding localBinding, ProtocolVersion v)
            m_threadLock               = new object();
            m_eventClient              = new DpwsEventingClient(v);
            m_mexClient                = new DpwsMexClient(v);
            m_eventCallbacks           = new WsServiceOperations();
            m_callbackServiceEndpoints = new WsServiceEndpoints();
            m_blockingCall             = true;
            m_ignoreRequestFromThisIP  = true;
            m_localBinding             = localBinding;
            m_version                  = v;

            m_discoClient = new DpwsDiscoveryClient(this, v);

            // Add the Hello and Bye discovery disco services
            ClientDiscoveryService = new DpwsDiscoClientService(this, v);

            // Start a Udp discovery service host
            WsUdpServiceHost.Instance.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = m_ignoreRequestFromThisIP;
            WsUdpServiceHost.Instance.MaxThreadCount = 5;
            WsUdpServiceHost.Instance.Start(new ServerBindingContext(v));

            // Add eventing SubscriptionEnd ServiceOperations. By default Subscription End call back
            // to this client
            ServiceOperations.Add(new WsServiceOperation(WsWellKnownUri.WseNamespaceUri, "SubscriptionEnd"));

            // Add callbacks implemented by this client

            // Start the Http service host
            m_httpServiceHost = new WsHttpServiceHost(m_localBinding, m_callbackServiceEndpoints);
            m_httpServiceHost.MaxThreadCount = m_callbackServiceEndpoints.Count;
            m_httpServiceHost.Start(new ServerBindingContext(v));
            System.Ext.Console.Write("Http service host started...");
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the device. This method builds the colletion of internal device services, sets
        /// the devices transport address and adds DPWS required namespaces to the devices namespace collection.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Initialize(Binding binding, ProtocolVersion v)
            m_binding = binding;

            string addr = binding.Transport.EndpointAddress.AbsoluteUri;
            int index = addr.LastIndexOf('/');
            m_address = "urn:uuid:" + addr.Substring(index+1);

            SubscriptionManager = new DpwsWseSubscriptionMgr(binding, v);

            if(v != null) 
                // Add disco services to udp service endpoints collection
                m_discoveryService = new DpwsDeviceDiscoService(v);
                m_discoGreeting = new DpwsDiscoGreeting(v);
                // Create a new udp service host and add the discovery endpoints

            // Add metadata get service endpoint
            m_discoMexService = new DpwsDeviceMexService(v);

            // Add direct probe service endpoint
            if(m_discoveryService != null) m_hostedServices.Add(m_discoveryService);

            // Create a new http service host and add hosted services endpoints
            m_httpServiceHost = new WsHttpServiceHost(m_binding, m_hostedServices);

            System.Ext.Console.Write("IP Address: " + WsNetworkServices.GetLocalIPV4Address());
コード例 #4
ファイル: DpwsClient.cs プロジェクト: prabby/miniclr
        /// <summary>
        /// Stop tranport services and releases the managed resources used by this class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">True to release managed resources</param>
        internal void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                // Stop the transport services

                m_threadLock = null;
                m_discoClient = null;
                m_endpointAddress = null;
                m_eventClient = null;
                m_mexClient = null;
                m_eventCallbacks = null;
                m_transportAddress = null;
                m_bodyParts = null;
                m_discoServiceEndpoints = null;
                m_callbackServiceEndpoints = null;
                m_udpSeviceHost = null;
                m_httpServiceHost = null;
コード例 #5
ファイル: DpwsClient.cs プロジェクト: prabby/miniclr
        private void Init()
            m_discoClient = new DpwsDiscoveryClient(this);

            // Set the initial endpoint address
            m_endpointAddress = "urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid();

            // Add the Hello and Bye discovery disco services
            ClientDiscoveryService = new DpwsDiscoClientService(this);

            // Start a Udp discovery service host
            m_udpSeviceHost = new WsUdpServiceHost(m_discoServiceEndpoints);
            if (!m_udpSeviceHost.IsRunning)
                m_udpSeviceHost.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = m_ignoreRequestFromThisIP;
                m_udpSeviceHost.MaxThreadCount = 5;
                System.Ext.Console.Write("Udp service host started...");
                m_udpSeviceHost = null;

            // Add eventing SubscriptionEnd ServiceOperations. By default Subscription End call back
            // to this client
            ServiceOperations.Add(new WsServiceOperation(WsWellKnownUri.WseNamespaceUri, "SubscriptionEnd"));

            // Add callbacks implemented by this client

            // Start the Http service host
            m_httpServiceHost = new WsHttpServiceHost(m_port, m_callbackServiceEndpoints);
            m_httpServiceHost.MaxThreadCount = m_callbackServiceEndpoints.Count;
            System.Ext.Console.Write("Http service host started...");
コード例 #6
ファイル: DpwsDevice.cs プロジェクト: prabby/miniclr
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the device. This method builds the colletion of internal device services, sets
        /// the devices transport address and adds DPWS required namespaces to the devices namespace collection.
        /// </summary>
        private static void Init()
            // Add disco services to udp service endpoints collection
            m_discoveryService = new DpwsDeviceDiscoService();

            // Create a new udp service host and add the discovery endpoints
            m_udpServiceHost = new WsUdpServiceHost(m_discoServiceEndpoints);
            m_udpServiceHost.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = m_ignoreRequestFromThisIP;

            // Add metadata get service endpoint
            m_discoMexService = new DpwsDeviceMexService();

            // Add directd probe service endpoint

            // Create a new http service host and add hosted services endpoints
            m_httpServiceHost = new WsHttpServiceHost(m_port, m_hostedServices);

            // Set the device endpoint address
            if (m_transportAddress == null)
                m_transportAddress = "http://" + IPV4Address + ":" + m_port + "/" + m_address.Substring(9);
                System.Ext.Console.Write("IP Address: " + IPV4Address);