//private static Facade instance = null; //public static Facade Instance(int row,int col, int lvl, int clearlvl) //{ // if (instance == null) // { // instance = new Facade(row,col,lvl, clearlvl); // } // return instance; //} public Facade(int row, int col, int lvl, int clearlvl) { this.rows = row; this.colums = col; bool gamestatus = false; do { creator = new Creator(colums, rows); table = creator.Create(lvl); board = table.GetBoard(); gamestatus = equal(table.GetBoard()); }while (gamestatus == false); commandS = new CommandSave(table); commandR = new CommandRandom(creator, clearlvl, table); invoker = new Invoker(); invoker.SetCommand(commandS); }
private Session() { int weight = 4, hight = 4, res = 50, i = 4, hardmodN = 0; char hardmodC = 'n'; bool a = true; do { try { Console.Write("\n vv count of stolbsow: "); weight = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar - 48; Console.Write("\n vv count of strok: "); hight = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar - 48; Console.Write("\n vv lvl from 1-10: "); bool countof = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out res); Console.Write("\n Do you whant to on hard mode(y/n):"); hardmodC = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; } catch (InvalidCastException e) { Console.WriteLine("Eror" + e); } if (((weight * hight) - 16 == 0) && (res > 0) && (res <= 10) && ((hardmodC == 'n') || (hardmodC == 'y'))) { a = false; } } while (a); res = res * 10; Creator creator = new Creator(weight, hight); ITable table = creator.Create(res); if (hardmodC == 'y') { hardmodN = 1; } CommandSave commandS = new CommandSave(table); CommandRandom comandR = new CommandRandom(creator, res, table); //CommandUP commandU = new CommandUP(table); Invoker invoker = new Invoker(); invoker.SetCommand(commandS); invoker.Run(); while (equal(table.GetBoard(), weight, hight)) { Console.WriteLine(); if (i % 3 == 0) { invoker.SetCommand(comandR); invoker.Run(); Console.WriteLine("=) ahahaha =)"); } i += hardmodN; invoker.SetCommand(commandS); cout(table.GetBoard()); Console.WriteLine("1 - up, 2 - down, 3 - right, 4 - left, 5 - cansel, 9 - give up"); int side = (int)Console.ReadKey().KeyChar - 48; Console.Clear(); switch (side) { case 1: { invoker.Run(); //invoker.SetCommand(commandU); invoker.Run(); invoker.SetCommand(commandS); invoker.Run(); break; } case 2: { invoker.Run(); table.Down(); invoker.Run(); break; } case 3: { invoker.Run(); table.Right(); invoker.Run(); break; } case 4: { invoker.Run(); table.Left(); invoker.Run(); break; } case 5: { invoker.Cancel(); break; } case 9: { Console.WriteLine("Loser!! ha"); Thread.Sleep(1000); goto Exit; } default: { Console.WriteLine(" - incorect number"); break; } } } cout(table.GetBoard()); Console.WriteLine("WIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!"); Console.ReadKey(); Exit : Environment.Exit(0); }