コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read Prescriptions to Complete XML
        /// </summary>
        public void ReadToDoPrescriptionsFile()
            XmlDocument PrescriptionFile = new XmlDocument();

            PrescriptionFile.Load("Prescriptions.xml");                                    //Read XML file
            XmlNodeList Prescript = PrescriptionFile.GetElementsByTagName("Prescription"); //Get a List of Prescriptions
            int         index     = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode node in Prescript)                                 //For Every Prescription
                string       Name             = node["Name"].InnerText;         //Get Patient Name
                string       Doctor           = node["Doctor"].InnerText;       //Get Doctor Name
                string       instructions     = node["Instructions"].InnerText; //Get Instructions
                XmlNodeList  Items            = node.SelectNodes("Item");       //Make a list of Items
                Prescription CurrentPrescript = new Prescription(Name);         //Create New CLass
                CurrentPrescript.SetDoctorName(Doctor);                         //Set Doc Name
                CurrentPrescript.SetInstructions(instructions);                 //Set Instructions
                foreach (XmlNode node2 in Items)                                //For each item in prescription
                    string NameItem = node2.InnerText;                          //Get Item Name
                    CurrentPrescript.AddItemNameList(NameItem);                 //Add to Class
                    string Number = node2.Attributes["Quantity"].InnerText;     //Get Quantity
                    CurrentPrescript.AddQuantity(Number);                       //Add to CLass
                ToDoPrescriptList.Add(CurrentPrescript);                        //Add Class to Class list
                PrescriptionList.Items.Add(CurrentPrescript.GetPatientName());  //Add to Complete List
                index++;                                                        //Next prescription
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// When a new prescription is selected in the drop down
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void PrescriptionList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListViewItem listviewitem;                                                                                                   // Used for creating listview items.

            PrescriptionItemView.Items.Clear();                                                                                          //Reset old items
            if (PrescriptionList.SelectedIndex > -1)                                                                                     //if something is selected
                Prescription loadprescript = ToDoPrescriptList[PrescriptionList.SelectedIndex];                                          //load prescription class
                for (int totalitems = 0; totalitems < loadprescript.ItemName.Count; totalitems++)                                        //for every item
                    listviewitem = new ListViewItem(loadprescript.ItemName[totalitems]);                                                 //add item to list view
                    listviewitem.SubItems.Add(loadprescript.Quantity[totalitems]);                                                       //add quantity
                    string price = DodgyBobStockControl.StockControl.ASK("'" + loadprescript.ItemName[totalitems] + "' cost please");    //get items price
                    listviewitem.SubItems.Add(price);                                                                                    //add price to list view
                    string expiry = DodgyBobStockControl.StockControl.ASK("'" + loadprescript.ItemName[totalitems] + "' expiry please"); //get expiry date
                    listviewitem.SubItems.Add(expiry);                                                                                   //add expiry date to list view
                    PatientName = loadprescript.GetPatientName();                                                                        //These are used later on for saving completed prescriptions
                    DoctorName  = loadprescript.GetDoctorName();                                                                         //**
                    this.PrescriptionItemView.Items.Add(listviewitem);                                                                   //add to list view
                UpdateColumnSize();                                                                                                      //update column size
                txtInstructions.Text = loadprescript.GetInstruction();                                                                   //set instructions
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Finish button click
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Complete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double TotalPrice = 0;                                                //Prescription total

            if (PrescriptionItemView.Items.Count > 0 && PharmaCombo.Text != null) //If Fields are filledin
                for (int i = 0; i < PrescriptionItemView.Items.Count; i++)        //for each of the items
                    #region Total Price
                    string pricestring    = PrescriptionItemView.Items[i].SubItems[2].Text.Substring(1);                                  //get items price
                    string quantitystring = PrescriptionItemView.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text;                                               //get items quantity
                    double price          = double.Parse(pricestring);                                                                    //Items Price
                    int    quantity       = int.Parse(quantitystring);                                                                    //Items Quantity
                    price       = price * quantity;                                                                                       //price is quantity times items price
                    TotalPrice += price;                                                                                                  //add the price to the total price
                    DodgyBobStockControl.StockControl.DO("'" + PrescriptionItemView.Items[i].Text + "' consume " + quantity + " please"); //remove from stock
                DodgyBobStockControl.StockControl.SAVE();                                                                                 //Saves the stock update
                #region Saving the data to a class
                Prescription tempprescrip = new Prescription(PatientName);                                                                //create class
                if (Collecting.Checked == true)                                                                                           //if patient is collecting now
                    tempprescrip.SetCompleted("Completed");                                                                               //set status to completed
                    tempprescrip.SetCompleted("Not Completed");                                                                                      //this means they are waiting
                tempprescrip.SetDoctorName(DoctorName);                                                                                              //set doc name
                tempprescrip.SetPharmacistName(PharmaCombo.Text);                                                                                    //set pharmacist name
                tempprescrip.SetDateExpiry(DateExpiry.Text);                                                                                         //set date expiry
                tempprescrip.SetDateIssued(DateIssue.Text);                                                                                          //set date issued
                tempprescrip.SetPrice(TotalPrice.ToString());                                                                                        //set price
                for (int i = 0; i < PrescriptionItemView.Items.Count; i++)                                                                           //for every single item
                    string itemnamestring = PrescriptionItemView.Items[i].Text;                                                                      //get item name
                    string quantitystring = PrescriptionItemView.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text;                                                          //get quantity
                    tempprescrip.ItemName.Add(itemnamestring);                                                                                       //add item name
                    tempprescrip.Quantity.Add(quantitystring);                                                                                       //add quantity
                ParentListHolder.FinalPrescriptionList.Add(tempprescrip);                                                                            //add class to class list
                UpdatePrescriptionsToCollect();                                                                                                      // updates prescriptions XML file
                #region Tidying Up
                for (int i = 0; i < ToDoPrescriptList.Count; i++)                                                                                    //Removes the completed prescription from the old list
                    Prescription node = ToDoPrescriptList[i];                                                                                        //get prescription class
                    if (node.GetPatientName() == PatientName && node.GetDoctorName() == DoctorName && node.GetInstruction() == txtInstructions.Text) //check its the right one
                        ToDoPrescriptList.Remove(node);                                                                                              //remove it
                        break;                                                                                                                       //leave loop

                WriteToDoPrescription();            //Re-Writes To Do Prescriptions without
                ToDoPrescriptList.Clear();          //Cleans the List
                PrescriptionList.Items.Clear();     //Reset items in list
                ReadToDoPrescriptionsFile();        //Reads the Prescriptions Back
                PrescriptionItemView.Items.Clear(); //Reset items in list
                txtInstructions.Text = "";          //set instruction to blank
                Collecting.Checked   = false;       //reset collecting variable
                SetPrice             = 0.1;         //Reset Fixed or Free

                if (File.Exists("CompletedPrescription.xml") == true)                   //if completed file exist
                    ReadPrescriptionsFile();                                            //read old one first
                WritePrescription();                                                    //write it out

                if (SetPrice != 0.1)                                                    //if price is a set one
                    TotalPrice = SetPrice;                                              //set total price
                ToPay Newform = new ToPay("£" + string.Format("{0:0.00}", TotalPrice)); //formats the price with two decimal places
            else //if no prescription is selected
                MessageBox.Show("No Prescription Selected"); //show error message