コード例 #1
        public XElement WriteObject(ElementNode value)
            object elementXmlElements = null;

            if (value.IsLeaf)
                // Leaf - reference the single element by id
                if (value.Element != null)
                    elementXmlElements = new XAttribute(ATTR_ELEMENT_ID, value.Element.Id.ToString());
                // Branch - include the child nodes inline
                elementXmlElements = value.Children.Select(WriteObject);

            XmlPropertyCollectionSerializer propertyCollectionSerializer = new XmlPropertyCollectionSerializer();
            XElement propertyCollectionElement = propertyCollectionSerializer.WriteObject(value.Properties.Select(x => x.Descriptor.TypeId));

            //XmlModuleLocalDataSetSerializer dataSetSerializer = new XmlModuleLocalDataSetSerializer();
            //XElement propertyDataElement = dataSetSerializer.WriteObject(value.Properties.PropertyData);
            return(new XElement(ELEMENT_NODE,
                                new XAttribute(ATTR_NAME, value.Name),
                                new XAttribute(ATTR_ID, value.Id),
コード例 #2
        public ElementNode ReadObject(XElement element)
            try {
                System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref readCount);

                string name = XmlHelper.GetAttribute(element, ATTR_NAME);
                if (name == null)

                Guid?id = XmlHelper.GetGuidAttribute(element, ATTR_ID);
                if (id == null)

                // check if we have already loaded the node with this GUID (ie. if it's a node that's referenced twice,
                // in different groups). If we have, return that node instead, and don't go any deeper into child nodes.
                // (we'll just assume that the XML data for this one is identical to the earlier XML node that was written
                // out. To be a bit more proper, we should probably change the WriteXML() to not fully write out repeat
                // ElementNodes, and instead do some sort of soft reference to the first one (ie. GUID only). )
                ElementNode existingNode = VixenSystem.Nodes.GetElementNode(id.Value);
                if (existingNode != null)

                // Children or element reference
                ElementNode node      = null;
                Guid?       elementId = XmlHelper.GetGuidAttribute(element, ATTR_ELEMENT_ID);
                if (elementId == null)
                    // Branch
                    IEnumerable <ElementNode> childNodes = element.Elements(ELEMENT_NODE).Select(ReadObject).Where(x => x != null);
                    node = new ElementNode(id.Value, name, null, childNodes);
                    // Leaf
                    Element elem = _underlyingElements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == elementId);
                    if (elem != null)
                        node = new ElementNode(id.Value, name, elem, null);

                if (node != null)
                    //// Property data
                    //// It's not necessary to load the data before the properties, but it will
                    //// save it from creating data for each module and then dumping it.
                    //XmlModuleLocalDataSetSerializer dataSetSerializer = new XmlModuleLocalDataSetSerializer();
                    //node.Properties.PropertyData = dataSetSerializer.ReadObject(element);

                    // Properties
                    XmlPropertyCollectionSerializer       propertyCollectionSerializer = new XmlPropertyCollectionSerializer();
                    IEnumerable <IPropertyModuleInstance> properties = propertyCollectionSerializer.ReadObject(element);
                    foreach (IPropertyModuleInstance instance in properties)

            } catch (Exception e) {
                logging.ErrorException("Error loading Element Node from XML", e);