コード例 #1
        public ResponseStruct UpgradeLevel(string SeasonID, string LevelName, string BalanceType)
            ResponseStruct Result;

            LauncherClientInformations aClient;
            if (!OverallInformations.Clients.TryGetValue(SeasonID, out aClient))
                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Client không tồn tại." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Khởi động lại Launcher để tiếp tục sử dụng." } };
            else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aClient.UserName))
                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Chưa đăng nhập." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Tiến hành đăng nhập để tiếp tục sử dụng." } };
            else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LevelName))
                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Level không hợp lệ." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Sử dụng level được cung cấp trong danh sách." } };
                string UserName = aClient.UserName;

                MySqlConnection DbConnection = new MySqlConnection(OverallInformations.TradingSystemDBConnectionString);

                string SqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shop_players_progress WHERE UserName=@UserName";
                MySqlCommand DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserName;

                int Count = Convert.ToInt32(DbCommand.ExecuteScalar());


                if (Count == 1)
                    SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM shop_players_progress WHERE UserName=@UserName";
                    DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                    DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserName;

                    MySqlDataReader DbReader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    string CurrentLevel = null;

                    while (DbReader.Read())
                        if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("CurrentLevel")))
                            CurrentLevel = DbReader.GetString("CurrentLevel");

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentLevel))
                        SqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shop_levels_and_ranks WHERE ParentLevelName=@ParentLevelName AND LevelName=@LevelName";
                        DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                        DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@ParentLevelName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = CurrentLevel;
                        DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@LevelName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = LevelName;

                        Count = Convert.ToInt32(DbCommand.ExecuteScalar());

                        if (Count == 1)
                            SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM shop_levels_and_ranks WHERE ParentLevelName=@ParentLevelName AND LevelName=@LevelName";
                            DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@ParentLevelName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = CurrentLevel;
                            DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@LevelName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = LevelName;

                            DbReader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader();

                            ShopLevelInformations NextLevel = new ShopLevelInformations() { LevelName = null, LevelFullName = null, Level = -1, ParentLevelName = null, TShockGroupName = null, StandardPrice = -1, PremiumPrice = -1 };
                            while (DbReader.Read())
                                if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("LevelName")))
                                    NextLevel.LevelName = DbReader.GetString("LevelName");

                                if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("LevelFullName")))
                                    NextLevel.LevelFullName = DbReader.GetString("LevelFullName");

                                if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("Level")))
                                    NextLevel.Level = DbReader.GetInt32("Level");

                                if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("ParentLevelName")))
                                    NextLevel.ParentLevelName = DbReader.GetString("ParentLevelName");

                                if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("TShockGroupName")))
                                    NextLevel.TShockGroupName = DbReader.GetString("TShockGroupName");

                                if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("StandardPrice")))
                                    NextLevel.StandardPrice = DbReader.GetInt32("StandardPrice");

                                if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("PremiumPrice")))
                                    NextLevel.PremiumPrice = DbReader.GetInt32("PremiumPrice");

                            if (NextLevel.StandardPrice == -1 && BalanceType == "Standard Balance")
                                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Level không sử dụng Standard Balance để nâng cấp." } };
                            else if (NextLevel.PremiumPrice == -1 && BalanceType == "Premium Balance")
                                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Level không sử dụng Premium Balance để nâng cấp." } };
                            else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NextLevel.TShockGroupName))
                                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "TShock Group không hợp lệ." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Báo cho Admin level và lỗi này nếu có thể." } };
                                if (BalanceType == "Standard Balance")
                                    long Balance;
                                    if (!Int64.TryParse(Convert.ToString(GetBalance(aClient.SeasonID, "Standard Balance").Content), out Balance))
                                        Balance = 0;

                                    if (NextLevel.StandardPrice > Balance)
                                        Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Standard Balance không đủ để có thể nâng cấp." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "-_-" } };
                                        string ChangeGroupResonseString;
                                        if (LauncherServerSendRequestToTShockInstance.SendRequest(new Request02() { RequestType = "ChangeUserGroup", AuthCode = OverallInformations.AuthCode, Parameters = new List<string>() { UserName, NextLevel.TShockGroupName } }, out ChangeGroupResonseString))
                                            ResponseStruct ChangeGroupResult = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseStruct>(ChangeGroupResonseString);
                                            if (ChangeGroupResult.Status == ResponseStatusType.Done)
                                                SqlQuery = "UPDATE shop_players_progress SET CurrentLevel=@NextLevel WHERE UserName=@UserName";
                                                DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                                                DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@NextLevel", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = NextLevel.LevelName;
                                                DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserName;


                                                string SubtractPlayerResponse;
                                                if (LauncherServerSendRequestToTShockInstance.SendRequest(new Request02() { RequestType = "SubtractPlayerBalance", AuthCode = OverallInformations.AuthCode, Parameters = new List<string>() { UserName, Convert.ToString(NextLevel.StandardPrice), String.Format("Upgrade to {0}.", NextLevel.LevelFullName) } }, out SubtractPlayerResponse))
                                                    ResponseStruct SubtractResult = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseStruct>(SubtractPlayerResponse);
                                                    if (SubtractResult.Status == ResponseStatusType.Done)
                                                        Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Done, Error = new List<string>() { }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { String.Format("Tài khoản \"{0}\" vừa nâng cấp lên {1}.\nChi phí: {2} Credits {3}.", UserName, NextLevel.LevelFullName, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:#,#0}", NextLevel.StandardPrice), BalanceType) } };
                                                        LogWriter(UserName: UserName, Task: "Upgrade Level - Standard Balance", Details: String.Join("\n", String.Join("\n", Result.Error), String.Join("\n", Result.Broadcast)));
                                                    else if (SubtractResult.Status == ResponseStatusType.Fail)
                                                        Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Không thể trừ tài khoản SEconomy của User." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { String.Format("Tài khoản \"{0}\" vừa nâng cấp lên {1}.\nChi phí: {2} Credits {3}.", UserName, NextLevel.LevelFullName, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:#,#0}", NextLevel.StandardPrice), BalanceType) } };
                                                        LogWriter(UserName: UserName, Task: "Pending Transaction", Details: String.Join("\n", String.Join("\n", Result.Error), String.Join("\n", Result.Broadcast)));
                                                        Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Không rõ dữ liệu trả về từ TShock Server." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { String.Format("Tài khoản \"{0}\" vừa nâng cấp lên {1}.\nChi phí: {2} Credits {3}.", UserName, NextLevel.LevelFullName, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:#,#0}", NextLevel.StandardPrice), BalanceType) } };
                                                        LogWriter(UserName: UserName, Task: "Pending Transaction", Details: String.Join("\n", String.Join("\n", Result.Error), String.Join("\n", Result.Broadcast)));
                                                    Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "TShock Server không đáp ứng yêu cầu." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { String.Format("Tài khoản \"{0}\" vừa nâng cấp lên {1}.\nChi phí: {2} Credits {3}.", UserName, NextLevel.LevelFullName, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:#,#0}", NextLevel.StandardPrice), BalanceType) } };
                                                    LogWriter(UserName: UserName, Task: "Pending Transaction", Details: String.Join("\n", String.Join("\n", Result.Error), String.Join("\n", Result.Broadcast)));
                                            else if (ChangeGroupResult.Status == ResponseStatusType.Fail)
                                                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = ChangeGroupResult.Error, Broadcast = ChangeGroupResult.Broadcast };
                                                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Không rõ kết quả trả về từ TShock Server." } };
                                            Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "TShock Server không đáp ứng." } };
                                else if (BalanceType == "Premium Balance")
                                    long Balance;
                                    if (!Int64.TryParse(Convert.ToString(GetBalance(aClient.SeasonID, "Premium Balance").Content), out Balance))
                                        Balance = 0;

                                    if (NextLevel.PremiumPrice > Balance)
                                        Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Premium Balance không đủ để có thể nâng cấp." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "-_-" } };
                                        string ChangeGroupResonseString;
                                        if (LauncherServerSendRequestToTShockInstance.SendRequest(new Request02() { RequestType = "ChangeUserGroup", AuthCode = OverallInformations.AuthCode, Parameters = new List<string>() { UserName, NextLevel.TShockGroupName } }, out ChangeGroupResonseString))
                                            ResponseStruct ChangeGroupResult = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseStruct>(ChangeGroupResonseString);
                                            if (ChangeGroupResult.Status == ResponseStatusType.Done)
                                                SqlQuery = "UPDATE shop_players_progress SET CurrentLevel=@NextLevel WHERE UserName=@UserName";
                                                DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                                                DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@NextLevel", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = NextLevel.LevelName;
                                                DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserName;


                                                SqlQuery = "UPDATE shop_accounts SET Balance=@Balance WHERE UserName=@UserName";
                                                DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                                                DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@Balance", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = int.Parse((Balance - NextLevel.PremiumPrice).ToString());
                                                DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserName;


                                                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Done, Broadcast = new List<string>() { String.Format("Tài khoản \"{0}\" vừa nâng cấp lên {1}.\nChi phí: {2} Credits {3}.", UserName, NextLevel.LevelFullName, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:#,#0}", NextLevel.PremiumPrice), BalanceType) } };
                                                LogWriter(UserName, "Upgrade Level - Premium Balance", String.Join("\n", Result.Broadcast));
                                            else if (ChangeGroupResult.Status == ResponseStatusType.Fail)
                                                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = ChangeGroupResult.Error, Broadcast = ChangeGroupResult.Broadcast };
                                                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Không rõ kết quả trả về từ TShock Server." } };
                                            Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "TShock Server không đáp ứng." } };
                                    Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Tài khoản thanh toán không hợp lệ." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Chọn tài khoản để thanh toán theo danh sách có sẵn." } };
                        else if (Count == 0)
                            Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Level được yêu cầu không hợp lệ." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Cung cấp level hợp lệ để tiếp tục." } };
                            Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Lỗi cơ sở dữ liệu." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Thông báo cho Admin nếu có thể." } };
                        Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Lỗi cơ sở dữ liệu." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Báo cho Admin nếu có thể." } };
                else if (Count == 0)
                    Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Người chơi phải chọn class để có thể nâng cấp độ theo class đó." } };
                    Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Lỗi cơ sở dữ liệu, thông báo cho Admin nếu có thể." } };


            return Result;
コード例 #2
        private bool GetInformationsAboutALevel(string LevelName, out ShopLevelInformations aLevel)
            bool Result;
            aLevel = null;

            MySqlConnection DbConnection = new MySqlConnection(OverallInformations.TradingSystemDBConnectionString);

            string SqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shop_levels_and_ranks WHERE LevelName=@LevelName";
            MySqlCommand DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
            DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@LevelName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = LevelName;

            int Count = Convert.ToInt32(DbCommand.ExecuteScalar());

            if (Count == 1)
                Result = true;
                aLevel = new ShopLevelInformations() { LevelName = null, LevelFullName = null, Level = -1, ParentLevelName = null, TShockGroupName = null, StandardPrice = -1, PremiumPrice = -1 };

                SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM shop_levels_and_ranks WHERE LevelName=@LevelName";
                DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@LevelName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = LevelName;

                MySqlDataReader DbReader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader();

                while (DbReader.Read())
                    if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("LevelName")))
                        aLevel.LevelName = DbReader.GetString("LevelName");

                    if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("LevelFullName")))
                        aLevel.LevelFullName = DbReader.GetString("LevelFullName");

                    if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("Level")))
                        aLevel.Level = DbReader.GetInt32("Level");

                    if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("ParentLevelName")))
                        aLevel.ParentLevelName = DbReader.GetString("ParentLevelName");

                    if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("TShockGroupName")))
                        aLevel.TShockGroupName = DbReader.GetString("TShockGroupName");

                    if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("StandardPrice")))
                        aLevel.StandardPrice = DbReader.GetInt32("StandardPrice");

                    if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("PremiumPrice")))
                        aLevel.PremiumPrice = DbReader.GetInt32("PremiumPrice");
                Result = false;


            return Result;
コード例 #3
        public ResponseStruct GetAvailableLevelsForUpgrade(string SeasonID)
            ResponseStruct Result;

            LauncherClientInformations aClient;
            if (!OverallInformations.Clients.TryGetValue(SeasonID, out aClient))
                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Client không tồn tại." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Khởi động lại Launcher để tiếp tục sử dụng." } };
            else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(aClient.UserName))
                Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Chưa đăng nhập." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Tiến hành đăng nhập để tiếp tục sử dụng." } };
                MySqlConnection DbConnection = new MySqlConnection(OverallInformations.TradingSystemDBConnectionString);

                string SqlQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shop_players_progress WHERE UserName=@UserName";
                MySqlCommand DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = aClient.UserName;

                int Count = Convert.ToInt32(DbCommand.ExecuteScalar());


                if (Count == 1)
                    SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM shop_players_progress WHERE UserName=@UserName";
                    DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                    DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@UserName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = aClient.UserName;

                    MySqlDataReader DbReader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader();

                    string CurrentLevel = null;

                    while (DbReader.Read())
                        if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("CurrentLevel")))
                            CurrentLevel = DbReader.GetString("CurrentLevel");

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentLevel))
                        SqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM shop_levels_and_ranks WHERE ParentLevelName=@ParentLevelName";
                        DbCommand = new MySqlCommand(SqlQuery, DbConnection);
                        DbCommand.Parameters.Add("@ParentLevelName", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = CurrentLevel;

                        DbReader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader();

                        List<ShopLevelInformations> ListOfLevels = new List<ShopLevelInformations>();

                        while (DbReader.Read())
                            ShopLevelInformations aLevel = new ShopLevelInformations() { LevelName = null, LevelFullName = null, Level = -1, ParentLevelName = null, TShockGroupName = null, StandardPrice = -1, PremiumPrice = -1 };

                            if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("LevelName")))
                                aLevel.LevelName = DbReader.GetString("LevelName");

                            if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("LevelFullName")))
                                aLevel.LevelFullName = DbReader.GetString("LevelFullName");

                            if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("Level")))
                                aLevel.Level = DbReader.GetInt32("Level");

                            if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("ParentLevelName")))
                                aLevel.ParentLevelName = DbReader.GetString("ParentLevelName");

                            if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("TShockGroupName")))
                                aLevel.TShockGroupName = DbReader.GetString("TShockGroupName");

                            if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("StandardPrice")))
                                aLevel.StandardPrice = DbReader.GetInt32("StandardPrice");

                            if (!DbReader.IsDBNull(DbReader.GetOrdinal("PremiumPrice")))
                                aLevel.PremiumPrice = DbReader.GetInt32("PremiumPrice");


                        Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Done, Content = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ListOfLevels) };
                        Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Lỗi cơ sở dữ liệu." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Báo cho Admin nếu có thể." } };
                else if (Count == 0)
                    Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Người chơi phải chọn class để có thể nâng cấp độ theo class đó." } };
                    Result = new ResponseStruct() { Status = ResponseStatusType.Fail, Error = new List<string>() { "Lỗi cơ sở dữ liệu." }, Broadcast = new List<string>() { "Báo cho Admin nếu có thể." } };


            return Result;