コード例 #1
        public static async Task <List <UserStory> > GetAll(long projectId, AuthHttpClient httpClient)
            var _usList = new List <UserStory>();
            var dict    = new Dictionary <string, List <UserStory> >();

            using (var response = await httpClient.GetAsync("userstories?project=" + projectId))
                var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                content = content.Replace("ref", "reference");
                if (content.Length != 0)
                    _usList = JArray.Parse(content).ToObject <List <UserStory> >();

            var _status = await Status.GetAllUserStoryStatus(httpClient, projectId);

            var _milestone = await Milestone.GetAll(projectId, httpClient);

            foreach (var u in _usList)
                u.status_str = _status.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.status).name;
                if (u.milestone != null)
                    u.milestone_str   = _milestone.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.milestone).name;
                    u.milestone_start = _milestone.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.milestone).created_date;
                    if (_milestone.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.milestone).total_points > 0)
                        u.total_points = _milestone.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.milestone).total_points;
コード例 #2
        static public async Task CreateReports()
            List <Project>   projects    = new List <Project>();
            List <UserStory> userStories = new List <UserStory>();
            List <Issue>     issues      = new List <Issue>();

            List <string> uniqueUsers = new List <string>();

            using (var client = new AuthHttpClient())
                //get token and authenticate
                await client.GetToken();

                //collect all projects
                projects = await Project.GetAll(client);

                foreach (var p in projects)
                    //get milestones
                    var _milestones = await Milestone.GetAll(p.id, client);

                    //get points
                    var _points = await Point.GetAll(p.id, client);

                    //list of users for open issues
                    List <User> _users = await User.GetAll(p.id, client);

                    //get unique names
                    uniqueUsers = _users.Select(x => x.full_name).Distinct().ToList();

                    p.userStories = new List <UserStory>();
                    p.userStories = await UserStory.GetAll(p.id, client);

                    //add username to the userlist
                    foreach (var u in p.userStories)
                        if (u.assigned_to != null && _users.Any(x => x.id == u.assigned_to))
                            u.assigned_to_name = _users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.assigned_to).full_name;
                        if (u.owner != null && _users.Any(x => x.id == u.owner))
                            u.owner_name = _users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.owner).full_name;
                        if (u.milestone != null && _milestones.Any(x => x.project == p.id))
                            u.milestone_str = _milestones.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.milestone).name;

                        int?k = 0;
                        foreach (var pt in u.points)
                            if (_points.Any(x => x.id.ToString().Equals(pt.Value.ToString())) && _points.Where(x => x.id.ToString().Equals(pt.Value.ToString())).FirstOrDefault().value != null)
                                k += _points.Where(x => x.id.ToString().Equals(pt.Value.ToString())).FirstOrDefault().value;
                        u.total_us_points = k;

                    //update project name
                    var j = p.userStories.Where(x => !x.status_str.ToLower().Equals("archived"));
                    j.ForEach(x => x.project_str = p.name);
                    //create user specific list

                    p.issues = new List <Issue>();
                    p.issues = await Issue.GetAll(p.id, client);

                    foreach (var u in p.issues)
                        if (u.assigned_to != null && _users.Any(x => x.id == u.assigned_to))
                            u.assigned_to_name = _users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.assigned_to).full_name;
                        if (u.owner != null && _users.Any(x => x.id == u.owner))
                            u.owner_name = _users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == u.owner).full_name;
                    var i = p.issues.Where(x => !x.status_str.ToLower().Equals("archived"));
                    i.ForEach(x => x.project_str = p.name);
                // userStories = UserStory.Filter(userStories);
                Console.WriteLine("US details");
                userStories = await UserStory.GetDetails(userStories, client);

                // issues = Issue.Filter(issues);
                Console.WriteLine("Issue details");
                issues = await Issue.GetDetails(issues, client);
            }//end using

            //*** CSV Writing ***//
            CSVReportWriter.OutputIssues(path, issues, "issues");
            CSVReportWriter.OutputUserStories(path, userStories, "user_stories");
            Reports.ByUser(path + "/ByUser", uniqueUsers, userStories, issues);