コード例 #1
ファイル: SortedSet.cs プロジェクト: Aethon/odo
 public SortedSet(Compare compare, Array items, bool alreadySorted)
     if (compare == null)
         throw new Exception("compare must be provided");
     _compare = compare;
     _items = items ?? new Array();
     if (!alreadySorted)
コード例 #2
        public static bool HaveSameVertices(
            WKSPointZ[] coords1, WKSPointZ[] coords2,
            double xyTolerance, double zTolerance,
            bool ignoreDuplicateVertices = true)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(coords1, nameof(coords1));
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(coords2, nameof(coords2));

            IComparer <WKSPointZ> comparer = new WKSPointZComparer();

            Array.Sort(coords1, comparer);
            Array.Sort(coords2, comparer);

            var i1 = 0;
            var i2 = 0;

            while (i1 < coords1.Length && i2 < coords2.Length)
                WKSPointZ a = coords1[i1];
                WKSPointZ b = coords2[i2];

                if (!GeometryUtils.IsSamePoint(a, b, xyTolerance, zTolerance))

                // Advance to next set of coordinates:

                // Skip identical points in sequence!
                while (ignoreDuplicateVertices && ArePointsEqual(coords1, i1, i1 - 1,

                while (ignoreDuplicateVertices && ArePointsEqual(coords2, i2, i2 - 1,

            return((i1 == coords1.Length) && (i2 == coords2.Length));
コード例 #3
        private IList <WKSPointZ> GetChangedVertices(
            WKSPointZ[] baseCoords, WKSPointZ[] compareCoords,
            bool reportDuplicateVertices, bool baseInsertsOnly)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(baseCoords, nameof(baseCoords));
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(compareCoords, nameof(compareCoords));

            var comparer = new WKSPointZComparer(_xyTolerance, _zTolerance, 0, 0, 0);

            Array.Sort(baseCoords, comparer);
            Array.Sort(compareCoords, comparer);

            var result = new List <WKSPointZ>();

            var i1 = 0;
            var i2 = 0;

            while (i1 < baseCoords.Length && i2 < compareCoords.Length)
                WKSPointZ a = baseCoords[i1];
                WKSPointZ b = compareCoords[i2];

                bool inSync = GeometryUtils.IsSamePoint(a, b, _xyTolerance, _zTolerance);

                if (!inSync)
                    // a is greater than b, advance b until in sync with a
                    bool matchAdvanceCompareCoords = AdvanceIndexUntilMatch(
                        compareCoords, ref i2, a, comparer, result, !baseInsertsOnly,

                    // b is greater than a, advance a until in sync with b
                    bool matchAdvanceBaseCoords = AdvanceIndexUntilMatch(
                        baseCoords, ref i1, b, comparer, result, true, reportDuplicateVertices);

                    if (matchAdvanceCompareCoords || matchAdvanceBaseCoords)
                        inSync = true;

                // Advance to next set of coordinates only if in sync to make sure no difference points are missed
                if (inSync)

                // Skip identical points in sequence otherwise From/To points in rotated ring get reported as changes
                // NOTE: SameCoords tolerates index out of bounds!
                while (WKSPointZUtils.ArePointsEqual(baseCoords, i1, i1 - 1, _xyTolerance,
                    bool compareCoordsHasDuplicateToo =
                        inSync &&
                        WKSPointZUtils.ArePointsEqual(compareCoords, i2, i2 - 1, _xyTolerance,

                    if (compareCoordsHasDuplicateToo)
                        // in sync and both have a duplicate at the same location -> unchanged, do not report
                        // but increment both indexes
                        // not in sync or compare geometry has no duplicate -> changed, report on request
                        if (reportDuplicateVertices)

                    // eventually landing at the next non-identical point:

                // process remaining duplicates at current location (or at original location if not in sync)
                while (WKSPointZUtils.ArePointsEqual(compareCoords, i2, i2 - 1, _xyTolerance,
                    if (reportDuplicateVertices && !baseInsertsOnly)


            AddRemainingPoints(baseCoords, compareCoords, i1, i2, result,
                               reportDuplicateVertices, baseInsertsOnly);

コード例 #4
        public static IList <KeyValuePair <WKSPointZ, List <WKSPointZ> > > GroupPoints(
            [NotNull] WKSPointZ[] coords,
            double xyTolerance,
            double zTolerance)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(coords, nameof(coords));

            IComparer <WKSPointZ> comparer = new WKSPointZComparer();

            Array.Sort(coords, comparer);

            var toleranceGroups = new List <List <WKSPointZ> >();
            var currentGroup    = new List <WKSPointZ> {

            for (var i = 1; i < coords.Length; i++)
                if (!ArePointsEqual(coords, i - 1, i, xyTolerance, zTolerance))
                    currentGroup = new List <WKSPointZ> {



            if (currentGroup.Count > 0)

            var result =
                new List <KeyValuePair <WKSPointZ, List <WKSPointZ> > >();

            // For strict interpretation of tolerance: Consider splitting clusters that are too large (Divisive Hierarchical clustering)
            foreach (List <WKSPointZ> groupedPoints in toleranceGroups)
                if (groupedPoints.Count == 1)
                    result.Add(new KeyValuePair <WKSPointZ, List <WKSPointZ> >(groupedPoints[0],
                    var center = new WKSPointZ
                        X = groupedPoints.Average(p => p.X),
                        Y = groupedPoints.Average(p => p.Y),
                        Z = groupedPoints.Average(p => p.Z)

                    result.Add(new KeyValuePair <WKSPointZ, List <WKSPointZ> >(center, groupedPoints));

コード例 #5
        static void CommonlyUsedGenericInstantiations()
            // Make absolutely sure we include some of the most common
            // instantiations here in mscorlib's ngen image.
            // Note that reference type instantiations are already included
            // automatically for us.

            // Need to sort non null, len > 1 array or paths will short-circuit
            Array.Sort <double>(new double[1]);
            Array.Sort <int>(new int[1]);
            Array.Sort <IntPtr>(new IntPtr[1]);

            new ArraySegment <byte>(new byte[1], 0, 0);

            new Dictionary <Char, Object>();
            new Dictionary <Guid, Byte>();
            new Dictionary <Guid, Object>();
            new Dictionary <Guid, Guid>(); // Added for Visual Studio 2010
            new Dictionary <Int16, IntPtr>();
            new Dictionary <Int32, Byte>();
            new Dictionary <Int32, Int32>();
            new Dictionary <Int32, Object>();
            new Dictionary <IntPtr, Boolean>();
            new Dictionary <IntPtr, Int16>();
            new Dictionary <Object, Boolean>();
            new Dictionary <Object, Char>();
            new Dictionary <Object, Guid>();
            new Dictionary <Object, Int32>();
            new Dictionary <Object, Int64>();       // Added for Visual Studio 2010
            new Dictionary <uint, WeakReference>(); // NCL team needs this
            new Dictionary <Object, UInt32>();
            new Dictionary <UInt32, Object>();
            new Dictionary <Int64, Object>();
            // to genereate mdil for Dictionary instantiation when key is user defined value type
            new Dictionary <Guid, Int32>();

            // Microsoft.Windows.Design
            new Dictionary <System.Reflection.MemberTypes, Object>();
            new EnumEqualityComparer <System.Reflection.MemberTypes>();

            // Microsoft.Expression.DesignModel
            new Dictionary <Object, KeyValuePair <Object, Object> >();
            new Dictionary <KeyValuePair <Object, Object>, Object>();

            NullableHelper <Boolean>();
            NullableHelper <Byte>();
            NullableHelper <Char>();
            NullableHelper <DateTime>();
            NullableHelper <Decimal>();
            NullableHelper <Double>();
            NullableHelper <Guid>();
            NullableHelper <Int16>();
            NullableHelper <Int32>();
            NullableHelper <Int64>();
            NullableHelper <Single>();
            NullableHelper <TimeSpan>();
            NullableHelper <DateTimeOffset>();  // For SQL

            new List <Boolean>();
            new List <Byte>();
            new List <Char>();
            new List <DateTime>();
            new List <Decimal>();
            new List <Double>();
            new List <Guid>();
            new List <Int16>();
            new List <Int32>();
            new List <Int64>();
            new List <TimeSpan>();
            new List <SByte>();
            new List <Single>();
            new List <UInt16>();
            new List <UInt32>();
            new List <UInt64>();
            new List <IntPtr>();
            new List <KeyValuePair <Object, Object> >();
            new List <GCHandle>();  // NCL team needs this
            new List <DateTimeOffset>();

            new KeyValuePair <Char, UInt16>('\0', UInt16.MinValue);
            new KeyValuePair <UInt16, Double>(UInt16.MinValue, Double.MinValue);
            new KeyValuePair <Object, Int32>(String.Empty, Int32.MinValue);
            new KeyValuePair <Int32, Int32>(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MinValue);
            SZArrayHelper <Boolean>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <Byte>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <DateTime>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <Decimal>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <Double>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <Guid>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <Int16>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <Int32>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <Int64>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <TimeSpan>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <SByte>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <Single>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <UInt16>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <UInt32>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <UInt64>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <DateTimeOffset>(null);

            SZArrayHelper <CustomAttributeTypedArgument>(null);
            SZArrayHelper <CustomAttributeNamedArgument>(null);

#pragma warning disable 4014
            // This is necessary to generate MDIL for AsyncVoidMethodBuilder
            AsyncHelper <int>();
            AsyncHelper2 <int>();
#pragma warning restore 4014
コード例 #6
 public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items, int index, int length)
     Array.Sort(keys, items, index, length, (IComparer)null);
コード例 #7
 public static void Sort(Array array, int index, int length)
     Array.Sort(array, index, length, (IComparer)null);
コード例 #8
 public static void Sort(Array keys, Array items)
     Array.Sort(keys, items, (IComparer)null);