コード例 #1
ファイル: Variants.cs プロジェクト: JeroenBos/ASDE
		/// <summary> Creates a new math variants table by reading it from the specified stream. </summary>
		/// <param name="reader"> The correctly positioned stream to read from. </param>
		public VariantsTable(BinaryReader reader)
			Contract.Requires(reader != null);

			long start = reader.BaseStream.Position;//the index in the reader of the start of this variants table

			//gather all elements in this variants
			MinConnectorOverlap = reader.ReadUInt16();
			uint verticalGlyphCoverageOffset = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();
			uint horizontalGlyphCoverageOffset = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();

			//get the offsets where the glyph constructions are
			var verticalGlyphOffsets = new uint[reader.ReadUInt16()];
			var horizontalGlyphOffsets = new uint[reader.ReadUInt16()];
			for (int i = 0; i < verticalGlyphOffsets.Length; i++)
				verticalGlyphOffsets[i] = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();
			for (int i = 0; i < horizontalGlyphOffsets.Length; i++)
				horizontalGlyphOffsets[i] = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();

			//read the glyph constructions
			var verticalGlyphConstructions = new GlyphConstruction[verticalGlyphOffsets.Length];
			var horizontalGlyphConstructions = new GlyphConstruction[horizontalGlyphOffsets.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < verticalGlyphOffsets.Length; i++)
				reader.BaseStream.Position = start + verticalGlyphOffsets[i];
				verticalGlyphConstructions[i] = new GlyphConstruction(reader);
			for (int i = 0; i < horizontalGlyphOffsets.Length; i++)
				reader.BaseStream.Position = start + horizontalGlyphOffsets[i];
				horizontalGlyphConstructions[i] = new GlyphConstruction(reader);

			//get coverages at their locations:
			reader.BaseStream.Position = start + verticalGlyphCoverageOffset;
			VerticalCoverage = reader.ReadCoverageTable();

			reader.BaseStream.Position = start + horizontalGlyphCoverageOffset;
			HorizontalCoverage = reader.ReadCoverageTable();
コード例 #2
ファイル: MathTable.cs プロジェクト: JeroenBos/ASDE
		/// <summary> Creates a new header by reading it from the specified stream. </summary>
		/// <param name="reader"> The correctly positioned stream to read from. The caller is responsible for disposal. </param>
		public MathTable(BinaryReader reader)
			Contract.Requires(reader != null);

			long mathTableOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;
			MainVersion = reader.ReadUInt16(); //section 4.3 of the specs says 16.16 bits for anything of type 'Fixed' (i.e. main version dot subversion)
			SubVersion = reader.ReadUInt16();

			uint offsetToConstantsTable = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();
			uint offsetToGlyphInfo = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();
			uint offsetToVariants = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();

			reader.BaseStream.Position = mathTableOffset + offsetToConstantsTable;
			Constants = new ConstantsTable(reader);

			reader.BaseStream.Position = mathTableOffset + offsetToGlyphInfo;
			Glyphs = new GlyphInfo(reader);

			reader.BaseStream.Position = mathTableOffset + offsetToVariants;
			Variants = new VariantsTable(reader);
コード例 #3
ファイル: KernInfoRecord.cs プロジェクト: JeroenBos/ASDE
		/// <summary> Creates a new kern info table by reading it from the specified stream. </summary>
		/// <param name="reader"> The correctly positioned stream to read from. </param>
		/// <param name="kernInfoTableStart"> The offsets to be read are relative to the start of the MathKernInfoTable, which is to be provided as argument here. </param>
		public KernInfoRecord(BinaryReader reader, long kernInfoTableStart)
			Contract.Requires(reader != null);

			uint topRightKernOffset = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();
			uint topLeftKernOffset = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();
			uint bottomRightKernOffset = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();
			uint bottomLeftKernOffset = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();

			long end = reader.BaseStream.Position;
			if (topRightKernOffset != 0)
				reader.BaseStream.Position = kernInfoTableStart + topRightKernOffset;
				TopRightKern = new Kern(reader);

			if (topLeftKernOffset != 0)
				reader.BaseStream.Position = kernInfoTableStart + topLeftKernOffset;
				TopLeftKern = new Kern(reader);

			if (bottomRightKernOffset != 0)
				reader.BaseStream.Position = kernInfoTableStart + bottomRightKernOffset;
				BottomRightKern = new Kern(reader);

			if (bottomLeftKernOffset != 0)
				reader.BaseStream.Position = kernInfoTableStart + bottomLeftKernOffset;
				BottomLeftKern = new Kern(reader);

			reader.BaseStream.Position = end;//restore position, such that the next KernInfo can be read. It would be neat to do this everywhere, regardless of whether it is necessary.
コード例 #4
		/// <summary> Creates a new italics correction info table by reading it from the specified stream. </summary>
		/// <param name="reader"> The correctly positioned stream to read from. </param>
		public ItalicsCorrectionInfoTable(BinaryReader reader)
			Contract.Requires(reader != null);

			long start = reader.BaseStream.Position;//the start of this correction info table

			uint offsetToCoverageTable = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();

			//read corrections
			var corrections = new short[reader.ReadUInt16()];
			for (int i = 0; i < corrections.Length; i++)
				corrections[i] = reader.ReadValueRecord();
			Corrections = new ReadOnlyCollection<short>(corrections);
			//read coverage table
			reader.BaseStream.Position = start + offsetToCoverageTable;
			CoverageTable = reader.ReadCoverageTable();
コード例 #5
ファイル: KernInfo.cs プロジェクト: JeroenBos/ASDE
		/// <summary> Creates a new math glyph info by reading it from the specified stream. </summary>
		/// <param name="reader"> The correctly positioned stream to read from. </param>
		public KernInfoTable(BinaryReader reader)
			Contract.Requires(reader != null);

			long start = reader.BaseStream.Position;
			uint coverageOffset = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();

			int count = reader.ReadInt16();
			var backingArray = new KernInfoRecord[count];
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				backingArray[i] = new KernInfoRecord(reader, start);
			KernInfoRecords = new ReadOnlyCollection<KernInfoRecord>(backingArray);

			if (coverageOffset != 0)
				reader.BaseStream.Position = start + coverageOffset;
				Coverage = reader.ReadCoverageTable();

コード例 #6
ファイル: GlyphConstruction.cs プロジェクト: JeroenBos/ASDE
		/// <summary> Creates a new glyph construction table by reading it from the specified stream. </summary>
		/// <param name="reader"> The correctly positioned stream to read from. </param>
		public GlyphConstruction(BinaryReader reader)
			Contract.Requires(reader != null);

			long start = reader.BaseStream.Position; //the index in the reader of the start of this glyph construction table

			uint assemblyOffset = reader.ReadUInt16EvenThoughSpecsSays32();

			//get glyph variants:
			var glyphVariants = new GlyphVariantRecord[reader.ReadUInt16()];
			for (int i = 0; i < glyphVariants.Length; i++)
				glyphVariants[i] = new GlyphVariantRecord(reader);
			GlyphVariants = new ReadOnlyCollection<GlyphVariantRecord>(glyphVariants);

			//get glyph assembly:
			if (assemblyOffset != 0)
				reader.BaseStream.Position = start + assemblyOffset;
				GlyphAssembly = new GlyphAssemblyTable(reader);