コード例 #1
partial         void OnGoTouched(MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject sender)
                // Match found
            (match) => {

            // Ensure it's a new match
            if (match.IsFirstTurn)
              mGameLauncher = new GameLauncher(this);

            //          float diffi

              mGameLauncher.Launch(VersusToGameSegueId, GameMode.SCORE, GameDifficulty.EASY, new Filter());
            //					else {
            //						var appDelegate = (AppDelegate)UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate;
            //						if (match.IsEnded) {
            //							// See the final score
            //							Dialogs.ShowMatchEnded ();
            //						} else {
            //							if (match.IsPlayerTurn (PlayerCache.Instance.AuthenticatedPlayer.PlayerId)) {
            //								// Player turn
            //								LaunchGame (mode, match.Difficulty, match.Filter);
            //							} else {
            //								// TODO Other player turn: display last score?
            //								Dialogs.ShowNotYourTurn ();
            //							}
            //						}
            //					}
            // Cancel
            () => {
            // Nothing, controller is already dismissed
            // Error
            () => {
            // Display an error dialog?
            UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView(
              "Une erreur est survenue",
              "Nous n'avons pas pu démarrer une nouvelle partie car une erreur est survenue..",

            // Player quit
            () => {
            // Kill the game? Inform the player?
        public override void ItemSelected(UICollectionView collectionView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
            VersusMatch match = matchs[indexPath.Item];

              if (match.IsEnded == false && match.IsPlayerTurn(PlayerCache.Instance.AuthenticatedPlayer.PlayerId))

            mGameLauncher = new GameLauncher(this);
            mGameLauncher.Launch("VersusToGame", GameMode.VERSUS, match.Difficulty, match.Filter);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Pop-up the difficulty chooser
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedMode">Selected mode.</param>
        private void DisplayDifficultyChooser(GameMode selectedMode)
            // Display difficulty view
              if (_challengeViewController == null)
            _challengeViewController = new CardChallengeViewController();
            _challengeViewController.Hidden += HideChallengeCard;
            _challengeViewController.DifficultySelected += (GameMode mode, GameDifficulty difficulty) => {
              var appDelegate = (AppDelegate) UIApplication.SharedApplication.Delegate;

              Filter filter = null;

              // Remember to select Versus match parameters too
              if (mode == GameMode.VERSUS)
            VersusMatch currentMatch = PlayerCache.Instance.AuthenticatedPlayer.CurrentMatch;

            currentMatch.Difficulty = difficulty;
            filter = currentMatch.Filter; // This is weird

              _gameLauncher = new GameLauncher(this);
              _gameLauncher.Launch("MenuToGame", mode, difficulty, filter);

              // Set mode
