public UniverseScreen(UniverseData data, string loyalty) { //this.perfavg2 = new List<float>(); //this.perfavg3 = new List<float>(); //this.perfavg4 = new List<float>(); //this.perfavg5 = new List<float>(); //this.perfavg = new List<float>(); this.Size = data.Size; this.FTLModifier = data.FTLSpeedModifier; this.EnemyFTLModifier = data.EnemyFTLSpeedModifier; this.GravityWells = data.GravityWells; UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList = data.SolarSystemsList; this.MasterShipList = data.MasterShipList; this.loadFogPath = data.loadFogPath; this.PlayerLoyalty = loyalty; this.playerShip = data.playerShip; EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(loyalty).isPlayer = true; this.ShipToView = this.playerShip; this.loading = true; }
public void InitialzeAOsFromSave(UniverseData data) { foreach (AO area in this.AreasOfOperations) { foreach (SolarSystem sys in data.SolarSystemsList) { foreach (Planet p in sys.PlanetList) { if (p.guid != area.CoreWorldGuid) { continue; } area.SetPlanet(p); } } foreach (SolarSystem sys in data.SolarSystemsList) { foreach (Planet p in sys.PlanetList) { if (Vector2.Distance(p.Position, area.Position) >= area.Radius) { continue; } area.GetPlanets().Add(p); } } foreach (Guid guid in area.OffensiveForceGuids) { foreach (Ship ship in data.MasterShipList) { if (ship.guid != guid)//||ship.GetStrength() <=0) { continue; } area.GetOffensiveForcePool().Add(ship); ship.AddedOnLoad = true; } } foreach (Guid guid in area.ShipsWaitingGuids) { foreach (Ship ship in data.MasterShipList) { if (ship.guid != guid) { continue; } area.GetWaitingShips().Add(ship); ship.AddedOnLoad = true; } } foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Fleet> fleet in this.empire.GetFleetsDict()) { if (fleet.Value.guid != area.fleetGuid) { continue; } area.SetFleet(fleet.Value); } } }
//private float Zrotate; public CreatingNewGameScreen(Empire empire, string size, float StarNumModifier, string EmpireToRemoveName, int numOpponents, RaceDesignScreen.GameMode gamemode, int GameScale, UniverseData.GameDifficulty difficulty, MainMenuScreen mmscreen) { { GlobalStats.RemnantArmageddon = false; GlobalStats.RemnantKills = 0; this.mmscreen = mmscreen; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Ship_Game.Artifact> Artifact in Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ArtifactsDict) { Artifact.Value.Discovered = false; } RandomEventManager.ActiveEvent = null; this.difficulty = difficulty; this.scale = (float)GameScale; if (this.scale == 5) this.scale = 8; if (this.scale == 6) this.scale = 16; this.mode = gamemode; this.numOpponents = numOpponents; this.EmpireToRemoveName = EmpireToRemoveName; EmpireManager.EmpireList.Clear(); XmlSerializer serializer2 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DiplomaticTraits)); //Added by McShooterz: mod folder support this.dtraits = (DiplomaticTraits)serializer2.Deserialize((new FileInfo(File.Exists(string.Concat(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.WhichModPath, "/Diplomacy/DiplomaticTraits.xml")) ? string.Concat(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.WhichModPath, "/Diplomacy/DiplomaticTraits.xml") : "Content/Diplomacy/DiplomaticTraits.xml")).OpenRead()); Ship_Game.ResourceManager.LoadEncounters(); this.playerEmpire = empire; empire.Initialize(); =; =; =; =; = new UniverseData() { FTLSpeedModifier = GlobalStats.FTLInSystemModifier, EnemyFTLSpeedModifier = GlobalStats.EnemyFTLInSystemModifier, GravityWells = GlobalStats.PlanetaryGravityWells, FTLinNeutralSystem = GlobalStats.WarpInSystem }; string str = size; string str1 = str; if (str != null) { if (str1 == "Tiny") { //if (mode == RaceDesignScreen.GameMode.Warlords) //{ // this.numSystems = (int)(12 * StarNumModifier); //} //else this.numSystems = (int)(16f * StarNumModifier); = new Vector2(3500000f, 3500000f); } else if (str1 == "Small") { //if (mode == RaceDesignScreen.GameMode.Warlords) //{ // this.numSystems = (int)(12 * StarNumModifier); //} //else this.numSystems = (int)(30f * StarNumModifier); = new Vector2(7300000f, 7300000f); } else if (str1 == "Medium") { //if (mode == RaceDesignScreen.GameMode.Warlords) //{ // this.numSystems = (int)(12 * StarNumModifier); //} //else this.numSystems = (int)(50f * StarNumModifier); = new Vector2(9350000f, 9350000f); Empire.ProjectorRadius = ( / 70); } else if (str1 == "Large") { //if (mode == RaceDesignScreen.GameMode.Warlords) //{ // this.numSystems = (int)(12 * StarNumModifier); //} //else this.numSystems = (int)(50f * StarNumModifier); Empire.ProjectorRadius = ( / 70); } else if (str1 == "Huge") { //if (mode == RaceDesignScreen.GameMode.Warlords) //{ // this.numSystems = (int)(12 * StarNumModifier); //} //else this.numSystems = (int)(50f * StarNumModifier); = new Vector2(18000000f, 18000000f); Empire.ProjectorRadius = ( / 70); } else if (str1 == "Epic") { //if (mode == RaceDesignScreen.GameMode.Warlords) //{ // this.numSystems = (int)(12 * StarNumModifier); //} //else this.numSystems = (int)(50f * StarNumModifier); = new Vector2(54000000, 54000000); Empire.ProjectorRadius = ( / 70); // = new Vector2(36000000, 36000000); //this.scale = 2; //this.numSystems = (int)(125f * StarNumModifier); // = new Vector2(3.6E+07f, 3.6E+07f); } else if (str1 == "TrulyEpic") { //if (mode == RaceDesignScreen.GameMode.Warlords) //{ // this.numSystems = (int)(12 * StarNumModifier); //} //else this.numSystems = (int)(50f * StarNumModifier); //this.numSystems = (int)(100f * StarNumModifier); = new Vector2(54000000, 54000000); // = new Vector2(7.2E+07f, 7.2E+07f); //this.scale = 4; Empire.ProjectorRadius = ( / 70); } //if (this.numSystems <= this.numOpponents+2) //{ // this.numSystems = this.numOpponents + 2; //} } UniverseData universeDatum =; universeDatum.Size = universeDatum.Size * this.scale;; EmpireManager.EmpireList.Add(empire); this.GalacticCenter = new Vector2( / 2f, / 2f); StatTracker.SnapshotsDict.Clear(); } }
public UniverseScreen(UniverseData data) { this.Size = data.Size; this.FTLModifier = data.FTLSpeedModifier; this.EnemyFTLModifier = data.EnemyFTLSpeedModifier; this.GravityWells = data.GravityWells; UniverseScreen.SolarSystemList = data.SolarSystemsList; this.MasterShipList = data.MasterShipList; this.playerShip = data.playerShip; this.PlayerLoyalty =; this.playerShip.loyalty.isPlayer = true; this.ShipToView = this.playerShip; }
private void AddRemnantPatrol(Planet newOrbital, UniverseData data) { newOrbital.PlanetFleets.Add("Remnant Patrol"); }
private void AddRemnantGarrison(Planet newOrbital, UniverseData data) { newOrbital.PlanetFleets.Add("Remnant Garrison"); }
public void GenerateRandomSystem(string name, UniverseData data, float systemScale) { int WhichSun = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 6f); // CHANGED BY SHAHMATT if (WhichSun > 5) { if ((int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 100f) < 10) // 10% for binary star (so 1/6 * 10% = 1/60 for binary star in system) { WhichSun = 6; } else { WhichSun = 5; } } // END OF CHANGED BY SHAHMATT //int WhichSun = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 6f); //if (WhichSun > 5) //{ // WhichSun = 5; //} if (WhichSun == 1) { this.SunPath = "star_red"; } else if (WhichSun == 2) { this.SunPath = "star_yellow"; } else if (WhichSun == 3) { this.SunPath = "star_green"; } else if (WhichSun == 4) { this.SunPath = "star_blue"; } else if (WhichSun == 5) { this.SunPath = "star_yellow2"; } else if (WhichSun == 6) { this.SunPath = "star_binary"; } this.Name = name; this.numberOfRings = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 6f); // ADDED BY SHAHMATT (more planets in system) if (GlobalStats.ExtraPlanets >0) { this.numberOfRings = this.numberOfRings + (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, (float)GlobalStats.ExtraPlanets); } // END OF ADDED BY SHAHMATT this.RingsCount = this.numberOfRings; this.StarRadius = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(250f, 500f); float ringbase = 10500f; float ringmax = 0; if (this.RingsCount > 0) { ringmax = (95000 - this.StarRadius) / this.numberOfRings; //ringbase = (10000 - this.StarRadius) / this.numberOfRings; } for (int i = 1; i < this.numberOfRings + 1; i++) { if (this.RingList.Count > 1) { ringbase = this.RingList[this.RingList.Count - 1].Distance + 5000;// / this.numberOfRings; Planet p = this.RingList[this.RingList.Count - 1].planet; if (p != null) ringbase += p.ObjectRadius; } //float ringRadius = (float)i * ((float)this.StarRadius + RandomMath.RandomBetween(10500f, 12000f) + 10000f); float ringRadius = ringbase + RandomMath.RandomBetween(0, ringmax);// + 20000f / this.numberOfRings); ringRadius = ringRadius * systemScale; if ((int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 100f) > 80) { float numberOfAsteroids = RandomMath.RandomBetween(150f, 250f); for (int k = 0; (float)k < numberOfAsteroids; k++) { Vector3 asteroidCenter = new Vector3(this.GenerateRandomPointOnCircle(ringRadius + RandomMath.RandomBetween(-3500f * systemScale, 3500f * systemScale), Vector2.Zero), 0f); while (!this.RoidPosOK(asteroidCenter)) { asteroidCenter = new Vector3(this.GenerateRandomPointOnCircle(ringRadius + RandomMath.RandomBetween(-3500f * systemScale, 3500f * systemScale), Vector2.Zero), 0f); } Asteroid newRoid = new Asteroid() { scale = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0.75f, 1.6f), Position3D = asteroidCenter }; int whichRoid = 0; while (whichRoid == 0 || whichRoid == 3) { whichRoid = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 9f); } newRoid.whichRoid = whichRoid; newRoid.Radius = RandomMath.RandomBetween(30f, 90f); this.AsteroidsList.Add(newRoid); } SolarSystem.Ring ring = new SolarSystem.Ring() { Distance = ringRadius, Asteroids = true }; this.RingList.Add(ring); } else { float RandomAngle = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 360f); Vector2 planetCenter = this.findPointFromAngleAndDistance(Vector2.Zero, RandomAngle, ringRadius); Planet newOrbital = new Planet() { Name = string.Concat(this.Name, " ", NumberToRomanConvertor.NumberToRoman(i)), OrbitalAngle = RandomAngle, ParentSystem = this, planetType = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 24f) }; if ((newOrbital.planetType == 22 || newOrbital.planetType == 13) && RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 100f) > 50f) { newOrbital.planetType = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 24f); } float scale = RandomMath.RandomBetween(0.9f, 1.8f); if (newOrbital.planetType == 2 || newOrbital.planetType == 6 || newOrbital.planetType == 10 || newOrbital.planetType == 12 || newOrbital.planetType == 15 || newOrbital.planetType == 20 || newOrbital.planetType == 26) { scale += 2.5f; } float planetRadius = 100f * scale; newOrbital.SetPlanetAttributes(); newOrbital.Position = planetCenter; newOrbital.scale = scale; newOrbital.ObjectRadius = planetRadius; newOrbital.OrbitalRadius = ringRadius; newOrbital.planetTilt = RandomMath.RandomBetween(45f, 135f); if (RandomMath.RandomBetween(1f, 100f) < 15f) { newOrbital.hasRings = true; newOrbital.ringTilt = RandomMath.RandomBetween(-80f, -45f); } float quality = newOrbital.Fertility + newOrbital.MineralRichness + newOrbital.MaxPopulation / 1000f; if (GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo != null && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.customRemnantElements) { if (quality > 6f && quality < 10f) { int iRandom = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 100f); if (iRandom > 20 && iRandom < 50) { this.AddRemnantPatrol(newOrbital, data); } else if (iRandom >= 50) { this.AddRemnantGarrison(newOrbital, data); } } else if (quality > 10f) { int iRandom = (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 100f); if (iRandom > 50 && iRandom < 85) { this.AddMinorRemnantPresence(newOrbital); } else if (iRandom >= 85) { this.AddMajorRemnantPresence(newOrbital); } } } else { if (quality > 6f && quality < 10f) { if ((int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 100f) > 50) { this.AddMinorRemnantPresence(newOrbital); } } else if (quality > 10f && (int)RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 100f) < 50) { this.AddMajorRemnantPresence(newOrbital); } } this.PlanetList.Add(newOrbital); RandomMath.RandomBetween(0f, 3f); SolarSystem.Ring ring = new SolarSystem.Ring() { Distance = ringRadius, Asteroids = false, planet = newOrbital }; this.RingList.Add(ring); } } }
private void LoadEverything(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs ev) { bool stop; List<SolarSystem>.Enumerator enumerator; base.ScreenManager.inter.ObjectManager.Clear(); = new UniverseData(); RandomEventManager.ActiveEvent = this.savedData.RandomEvent; UniverseScreen.DeepSpaceManager = new SpatialManager(); this.ThrusterEffect = base.ScreenManager.Content.Load<Effect>("Effects/Thrust"); int count =; = this.savedData.FogMapName; = UniverseData.GameDifficulty.Normal; = this.savedData.gameDifficulty; = this.savedData.Size; = this.savedData.FTLModifier; = this.savedData.EnemyFTLModifier; = this.savedData.GravityWells; //added by gremlin: adjuse projector radius to map size. but only normal or higher. //this is pretty bad as its not connected to the creating game screen code that sets the map sizes. If someone changes the map size they wont know to change this as well. if ( > 7300000f) Empire.ProjectorRadius = / 70f; EmpireManager.EmpireList.Clear(); if (Empire.universeScreen!=null && Empire.universeScreen.MasterShipList != null) Empire.universeScreen.MasterShipList.Clear(); foreach (SavedGame.EmpireSaveData d in this.savedData.EmpireDataList) { Empire e =new Empire(); = new EmpireData(); e= this.CreateEmpireFromEmpireSaveData(d);; if ( == this.PlayerLoyalty) { e.AutoColonize = this.savedData.AutoColonize; e.AutoExplore = this.savedData.AutoExplore; e.AutoFreighters = this.savedData.AutoFreighters; e.AutoBuild = this.savedData.AutoProjectors; } EmpireManager.EmpireList.Add(e); } foreach (Empire e in { if ( == null) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TechEntry> tech in EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName( { if (!tech.Value.Unlocked) { continue; } EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(,; } } foreach (SavedGame.EmpireSaveData d in this.savedData.EmpireDataList) { Empire e = EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(d.Name); foreach (Relationship r in d.Relations) { e.GetRelations().Add(EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(r.Name), r); if (r.ActiveWar == null) { continue; } r.ActiveWar.SetCombatants(e, EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(r.Name)); } } = new List<SolarSystem>(); foreach (SavedGame.SolarSystemSaveData sdata in this.savedData.SolarSystemDataList) { SolarSystem system = this.CreateSystemFromData(sdata); system.guid = sdata.guid;; } foreach (SavedGame.EmpireSaveData d in this.savedData.EmpireDataList) { Empire e = EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(d.empireData.Traits.Name); foreach (SavedGame.ShipSaveData shipData in d.OwnedShips) { Ship ship = Ship.LoadSavedShip(; ship.guid = shipData.guid; ship.Name = shipData.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(shipData.VanityName)) ship.VanityName = shipData.VanityName; else { if (ship.Role == "troop") { if (shipData.TroopList.Count > 0) { ship.VanityName = shipData.TroopList[0].Name; } else ship.VanityName = shipData.Name; } else ship.VanityName = shipData.Name; } ship.Position = shipData.Position; if (shipData.IsPlayerShip) { this.playerShip = ship; this.playerShip.PlayerShip = true; = this.playerShip; } ship.experience = shipData.experience; ship.kills = shipData.kills; if (!Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict.ContainsKey(shipData.Name)) { = shipData.Hull; Ship newShip = Ship.CreateShipFromShipData(; newShip.SetShipData(; if (!newShip.InitForLoad()) { continue; } newShip.InitializeStatus(); newShip.IsPlayerDesign = false; newShip.FromSave = true; Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict.Add(shipData.Name, newShip); } else if (Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict[shipData.Name].FromSave) { ship.IsPlayerDesign = false; ship.FromSave = true; } float oldbasestr = ship.BaseStrength; float newbasestr = ResourceManager.CalculateBaseStrength(ship); ship.BaseStrength = newbasestr; foreach(ModuleSlotData moduleSD in { ShipModule mismatch =null; bool exists =ResourceManager.ShipModulesDict.TryGetValue(moduleSD.InstalledModuleUID,out mismatch); if (exists) continue; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Concat("mismatch =", moduleSD.InstalledModuleUID)); } ship.PowerCurrent = shipData.Power; ship.yRotation = shipData.yRotation; ship.Ordinance = shipData.Ordnance; ship.Rotation = shipData.Rotation; ship.Velocity = shipData.Velocity; ship.isSpooling = shipData.AfterBurnerOn; ship.InCombatTimer = shipData.InCombatTimer; foreach (Troop t in shipData.TroopList) { t.SetOwner(EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(t.OwnerString)); ship.TroopList.Add(t); } foreach (Rectangle AOO in shipData.AreaOfOperation) { ship.AreaOfOperation.Add(AOO); } ship.TetherGuid = shipData.TetheredTo; ship.TetherOffset = shipData.TetherOffset; if (ship.InCombatTimer > 0f) { ship.InCombat = true; } ship.loyalty = e; ship.InitializeAI(); ship.GetAI().CombatState =; ship.GetAI().FoodOrProd = shipData.AISave.FoodOrProd; ship.GetAI().State = shipData.AISave.state; ship.GetAI().DefaultAIState = shipData.AISave.defaultstate; ship.GetAI().GotoStep = shipData.AISave.GoToStep; ship.GetAI().MovePosition = shipData.AISave.MovePosition; ship.GetAI().OrbitTargetGuid = shipData.AISave.OrbitTarget; ship.GetAI().ColonizeTargetGuid = shipData.AISave.ColonizeTarget; ship.GetAI().TargetGuid = shipData.AISave.AttackTarget; ship.GetAI().SystemToDefendGuid = shipData.AISave.SystemToDefend; ship.GetAI().EscortTargetGuid = shipData.AISave.EscortTarget; bool hasCargo = false; if (shipData.FoodCount > 0f) { ship.AddGood("Food", (int)shipData.FoodCount); ship.GetAI().FoodOrProd = "Food"; hasCargo = true; } if (shipData.ProdCount > 0f) { ship.AddGood("Production", (int)shipData.ProdCount); ship.GetAI().FoodOrProd = "Prod"; hasCargo = true; } if (shipData.PopCount > 0f) { ship.AddGood("Colonists_1000", (int)shipData.PopCount); } AIState state = ship.GetAI().State; if (state == AIState.SystemTrader) { ship.GetAI().OrderTradeFromSave(hasCargo, shipData.AISave.startGuid, shipData.AISave.endGuid); } else if (state == AIState.PassengerTransport) { ship.GetAI().OrderTransportPassengersFromSave(); } e.AddShip(ship); foreach (SavedGame.ProjectileSaveData pdata in shipData.Projectiles) { Weapon w = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.GetWeapon(pdata.Weapon); Projectile p = w.LoadProjectiles(pdata.Velocity, ship); p.Velocity = pdata.Velocity; p.Position = pdata.Position; p.Center = pdata.Position; p.duration = pdata.Duration; ship.Projectiles.Add(p); }; } } foreach (SavedGame.EmpireSaveData d in this.savedData.EmpireDataList) { Empire e = EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(d.Name); foreach (SavedGame.FleetSave fleetsave in d.FleetsList) { Ship_Game.Gameplay.Fleet fleet = new Ship_Game.Gameplay.Fleet() { guid = fleetsave.FleetGuid, IsCoreFleet = fleetsave.IsCoreFleet, facing = fleetsave.facing }; foreach (SavedGame.FleetShipSave ssave in fleetsave.ShipsInFleet) { foreach (Ship ship in { if (ship.guid != ssave.shipGuid) { continue; } ship.RelativeFleetOffset = ssave.fleetOffset; fleet.AddShip(ship); } } foreach (FleetDataNode node in fleetsave.DataNodes) { fleet.DataNodes.Add(node); } foreach (FleetDataNode node in fleet.DataNodes) { foreach (Ship ship in fleet.Ships) { if (!(node.ShipGuid != Guid.Empty) || !(ship.guid == node.ShipGuid)) { continue; } node.SetShip(ship); node.ShipName = ship.Name; break; } } fleet.AssignPositions(fleet.facing); fleet.Name = fleetsave.Name; fleet.TaskStep = fleetsave.TaskStep; fleet.Owner = e; fleet.Position = fleetsave.Position; if (e.GetFleetsDict().ContainsKey(fleetsave.Key)) { e.GetFleetsDict()[fleetsave.Key] = fleet; } else { e.GetFleetsDict().TryAdd(fleetsave.Key, fleet); } e.GetFleetsDict()[fleetsave.Key].SetSpeed(); fleet.findAveragePositionset(); fleet.Setavgtodestination(); } foreach (SavedGame.ShipSaveData shipData in d.OwnedShips) { foreach (Ship ship in e.GetShips()) { if (ship.Position != shipData.Position) { continue; } } } } foreach (SavedGame.EmpireSaveData d in this.savedData.EmpireDataList) { Empire e = EmpireManager.GetEmpireByName(d.Name); e.SpaceRoadsList = new List<SpaceRoad>(); foreach (SavedGame.SpaceRoadSave roadsave in d.SpaceRoadData) { SpaceRoad road = new SpaceRoad(); foreach (SolarSystem s in { if (roadsave.OriginGUID == s.guid) { road.SetOrigin(s); } if (roadsave.DestGUID != s.guid) { continue; } road.SetDestination(s); } foreach (SavedGame.RoadNodeSave nodesave in roadsave.RoadNodes) { RoadNode node = new RoadNode(); foreach (Ship s in { if (nodesave.Guid_Platform != s.guid) { continue; } node.Platform = s; } node.Position = nodesave.Position; road.RoadNodesList.Add(node); } e.SpaceRoadsList.Add(road); } foreach (SavedGame.GoalSave gsave in d.GSAIData.Goals) { Goal g = new Goal() { empire = e, type = gsave.type }; if (g.type == GoalType.BuildShips && gsave.ToBuildUID != null && !Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict.ContainsKey(gsave.ToBuildUID)) { continue; } g.ToBuildUID = gsave.ToBuildUID; g.Step = gsave.GoalStep; g.guid = gsave.GoalGuid; g.GoalName = gsave.GoalName; g.BuildPosition = gsave.BuildPosition; if (gsave.fleetGuid != Guid.Empty) { foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Ship_Game.Gameplay.Fleet> Fleet in e.GetFleetsDict()) { if (Fleet.Value.guid != gsave.fleetGuid) { continue; } g.SetFleet(Fleet.Value); } } foreach (SolarSystem s in { foreach (Planet p in s.PlanetList) { if (p.guid == gsave.planetWhereBuildingAtGuid) { g.SetPlanetWhereBuilding(p); } if (p.guid != gsave.markedPlanetGuid) { continue; } g.SetMarkedPlanet(p); } } foreach (Ship s in { if (gsave.colonyShipGuid == s.guid) { g.SetColonyShip(s); } if (gsave.beingBuiltGUID != s.guid) { continue; } g.SetBeingBuilt(s); } e.GetGSAI().Goals.Add(g); } for (int i = 0; i < d.GSAIData.PinGuids.Count; i++) { e.GetGSAI().ThreatMatrix.Pins.TryAdd(d.GSAIData.PinGuids[i], d.GSAIData.PinList[i]); } e.GetGSAI().UsedFleets = d.GSAIData.UsedFleets; lock (GlobalStats.TaskLocker) { foreach (MilitaryTask task in d.GSAIData.MilitaryTaskList) { task.SetEmpire(e); e.GetGSAI().TaskList.Add(task); if (task.TargetPlanetGuid != Guid.Empty) { enumerator =; try { do { if (!enumerator.MoveNext()) { break; } SolarSystem s = enumerator.Current; stop = false; foreach (Planet p in s.PlanetList) { if (p.guid != task.TargetPlanetGuid) { continue; } task.SetTargetPlanet(p); stop = true; break; } } while (!stop); } finally { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); } } foreach (Guid guid in task.HeldGoals) { foreach (Goal g in e.GetGSAI().Goals) { if (g.guid != guid) { continue; } g.Held = true; } } try { if (task.WhichFleet != -1) { e.GetFleetsDict()[task.WhichFleet].Task = task; } } catch { task.WhichFleet = 0; } } } foreach (SavedGame.ShipSaveData shipData in d.OwnedShips) { foreach (Ship ship in { if (ship.guid != shipData.guid) { continue; } foreach (Vector2 waypoint in shipData.AISave.ActiveWayPoints) { ship.GetAI().ActiveWayPoints.Enqueue(waypoint); } foreach (SavedGame.ShipGoalSave sg in shipData.AISave.ShipGoalsList) { ArtificialIntelligence.ShipGoal g = new ArtificialIntelligence.ShipGoal(sg.Plan, sg.MovePosition, sg.FacingVector); foreach (SolarSystem s in { foreach (Planet p in s.PlanetList) { if (sg.TargetPlanetGuid == p.guid) { g.TargetPlanet = p; ship.GetAI().ColonizeTarget = p; } if (p.guid == shipData.AISave.startGuid) { ship.GetAI().start = p; } if (p.guid != shipData.AISave.endGuid) { continue; } ship.GetAI().end = p; } } if (sg.fleetGuid != Guid.Empty) { foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Ship_Game.Gameplay.Fleet> fleet in e.GetFleetsDict()) { if (fleet.Value.guid != sg.fleetGuid) { continue; } g.fleet = fleet.Value; } } g.VariableString = sg.VariableString; g.DesiredFacing = sg.DesiredFacing; g.SpeedLimit = sg.SpeedLimit; foreach (Goal goal in ship.loyalty.GetGSAI().Goals) { if (sg.goalGuid != goal.guid) { continue; } g.goal = goal; } ship.GetAI().OrderQueue.AddLast(g); } } } } foreach (SavedGame.SolarSystemSaveData sdata in this.savedData.SolarSystemDataList) { foreach (SavedGame.RingSave rsave in sdata.RingList) { Planet p = new Planet(); foreach (SolarSystem s in { foreach (Planet p1 in s.PlanetList) { if (p1.guid != rsave.Planet.guid) { continue; } p = p1; break; } } if (p.Owner == null) { continue; } foreach (SavedGame.QueueItemSave qisave in rsave.Planet.QISaveList) { QueueItem qi = new QueueItem(); if (qisave.isBuilding) { qi.isBuilding = true; qi.Building = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.BuildingsDict[qisave.UID]; qi.Cost = qi.Building.Cost * this.savedData.GamePacing; qi.NotifyOnEmpty = false; foreach (PlanetGridSquare pgs in p.TilesList) { if ((float)pgs.x != qisave.pgsVector.X || (float)pgs.y != qisave.pgsVector.Y) { continue; } pgs.QItem = qi; qi.pgs = pgs; break; } } if (qisave.isTroop) { qi.isTroop = true; qi.troop = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.TroopsDict[qisave.UID]; qi.Cost = qi.troop.GetCost(); qi.NotifyOnEmpty = false; } if (qisave.isShip) { qi.isShip = true; if (!Ship_Game.ResourceManager.ShipsDict.ContainsKey(qisave.UID)) { continue; } qi.sData = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.GetShip(qisave.UID).GetShipData(); qi.DisplayName = qisave.DisplayName; qi.Cost = 0f; foreach (ModuleSlot slot in Ship_Game.ResourceManager.GetShip(qisave.UID).ModuleSlotList) { if (slot.InstalledModuleUID == null) { continue; } QueueItem cost = qi; cost.Cost = cost.Cost + Ship_Game.ResourceManager.GetModule(slot.InstalledModuleUID).Cost * this.savedData.GamePacing; } QueueItem queueItem = qi; queueItem.Cost += qi.Cost *; queueItem.Cost *= (GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo != null && GlobalStats.ActiveModInfo.useHullBonuses && ResourceManager.HullBonuses.ContainsKey(Ship_Game.ResourceManager.GetShip(qisave.UID).GetShipData().Hull) ? 1f - ResourceManager.HullBonuses[Ship_Game.ResourceManager.GetShip(qisave.UID).GetShipData().Hull].CostBonus : 1); if (qi.sData.HasFixedCost) { qi.Cost = (float)qi.sData.FixedCost; } if (qisave.IsRefit) { qi.isRefit = true; qi.Cost = qisave.RefitCost; } } foreach (Goal g in p.Owner.GetGSAI().Goals) { if (g.guid != qisave.GoalGUID) { continue; } qi.Goal = g; qi.NotifyOnEmpty = false; } if (qisave.isShip && qi.Goal != null) { qi.Goal.beingBuilt = Ship_Game.ResourceManager.GetShip(qisave.UID); } qi.productionTowards = qisave.ProgressTowards; p.ConstructionQueue.Add(qi); } } } this.Loaded = true; }
protected void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { lock (this) { if (this.GateKeeper != null) this.GateKeeper.Dispose(); if ( != null); } this.GateKeeper = null; = null; } }