コード例 #1
ファイル: BaseHouse.cs プロジェクト: zerodowned/angelisland
		public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

			int version = reader.ReadInt();
			int count;
			bool idocannc = false;

			m_Region = new HouseRegion(this);

			switch (version)
				case 20:
						m_NPCData = reader.ReadUInt32();
						goto case 19;
				case 19:
						m_RestartDecay = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
						goto case 18;
				case 18:
						m_Flags = (ImplFlags)reader.ReadUInt32();
						goto case 17;
				case 17:
						m_UpgradeCosts = reader.ReadUInt32();
						goto case 16;
				case 16:
						m_LockBoxData = reader.ReadUInt32();
						goto case 15;
				case 15:
						m_SecurePremises = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 14;
				case 14:
						idocannc = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 13;
				case 13:
						m_DecayMinutesStored = reader.ReadDouble();
						m_NeverDecay = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 11; //note, this isn't a mistake - we want to skip 12
				case 12:
						DateTime tempDT = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
						//StructureDecayTime = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
						m_DecayMinutesStored = (tempDT - DateTime.Now).TotalMinutes;

						m_NeverDecay = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 11;
				case 11:
						m_MaxLockBoxes = reader.ReadInt();
						m_LockBoxCount = reader.ReadInt();

						goto case 9;
				case 10: // just a signal for updates
				case 9:
						m_Visits = reader.ReadInt();
						goto case 8;
				case 8:
						m_Price = reader.ReadInt();
						goto case 7;
				case 7:
						m_Access = reader.ReadMobileList();
						goto case 6;
				case 6:
						m_BuiltOn = reader.ReadDateTime();
						m_LastTraded = reader.ReadDateTime();
						goto case 5;
				case 5: // just removed fields
				case 4:
						m_Addons = reader.ReadItemList();
						goto case 3;
				case 3:
						count = reader.ReadInt();
						m_Secures = new ArrayList(count);

						for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
							SecureInfo info = new SecureInfo(reader);

							if (info.Item != null)
								info.Item.IsSecure = true;
								info.Item.CancelFreezeTimer();        // don't initiate for Deserialize

						goto case 2;
				case 2:
						m_Public = reader.ReadBool();
						goto case 1;
				case 1:
						m_Region.GoLocation = reader.ReadPoint3D();
						goto case 0;
				case 0:

						if (version < 16)
							LockBoxCeling = (uint)m_MaxLockBoxes * 2;   // high limit
							LockBoxFloor = (uint)m_MaxLockBoxes;        // low limit

						if (version < 12)
							m_NeverDecay = false;

						if (version < 4)
							m_Addons = new ArrayList();

						if (version < 7)
							m_Access = new ArrayList();

						if (version < 8)
							m_Price = DefaultPrice;

						m_Owner = reader.ReadMobile();

						if (version < 5)
							count = reader.ReadInt();

							for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)



						m_CoOwners = reader.ReadMobileList();
						m_Friends = reader.ReadMobileList();
						m_Bans = reader.ReadMobileList();

						m_Sign = reader.ReadItem() as HouseSign;
						m_Trash = reader.ReadItem() as TrashBarrel;

						m_Doors = reader.ReadItemList();
						m_LockDowns = reader.ReadItemList();

						for (int i = 0; i < m_LockDowns.Count; ++i)
							Item item = m_LockDowns[i] as Item;
							if (item != null)
								item.IsLockedDown = true;
								item.CancelFreezeTimer();        // don't initiate for Deserialize

						if (version < 3)
							ArrayList items = reader.ReadItemList();
							m_Secures = new ArrayList(items.Count);

							for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; ++i)
								Container c = items[i] as Container;

								if (c != null)
									c.IsSecure = true;
									m_Secures.Add(new SecureInfo(c, SecureLevel.CoOwners));

						m_MaxLockDowns = reader.ReadInt();
						m_MaxSecures = reader.ReadInt();

						if ((Map == null || Map == Map.Internal) && Location == Point3D.Zero)

						if (m_Owner != null)
							ArrayList list = (ArrayList)m_Table[m_Owner];

							if (list == null)
								m_Table[m_Owner] = list = new ArrayList();


			// patch m_NPCData to hold the default barkeep count
			if (version < 20)
				MaximumBarkeepCount = 2;		

			if (version <= 1)
				ChangeSignType(0xBD2);//private house, plain brass sign

			if (version < 10)
				/* NOTE: This can exceed the house lockdown limit. It must be this way, because
				 * we do not want players' items to decay without them knowing. Or not even
				 * having a chance to fix it themselves.

				Timer.DelayCall(TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerCallback(FixLockdowns_Sandbox));

			if (idocannc) // idoc announcement was running when we saved, re-create it
				string[] lines = new string[1];
				lines[0] = String.Format("Lord British has condemned the estate of {0} near {1}.", this.Owner.Name, DescribeLocation());
				m_IDOC_Broadcast_TCE = new TownCrierEntry(lines, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(m_DecayMinutesStored), Serial.MinusOne);