コード例 #1
 public PerformanceChecksManager(IHBaseClient hBaseClient,string tableName, ItemMapper itemMapper, ItemsGenerator itemsGenerator, int numOfThreads, int requestsPerThread)
     _hBaseClient = hBaseClient;
     _tableName = tableName;
     _itemMapper = itemMapper;
     _itemsGenerator = itemsGenerator;
     _numOfThreads = numOfThreads;
     _requestsPerThread = requestsPerThread;
     _exceptions = new ConcurrentBag<string>();
コード例 #2
            private static void Main(string[] args)
                const string clusterURL = "http://localhost:5555";
                const string hadoopUsername = "******";
                const string hadoopUserPassword = "******";
                var serializer = new JsonDotNetSerializer();
                // Create a new instance of an HBase client.
                var hbaseClient = new HBaseClient(new ClusterCredentials(new Uri(clusterURL), hadoopUsername, hadoopUserPassword));
                var itemMapper = new ItemMapper(serializer);
                var tableSchema = itemMapper.CreateTableSchema("Items");

                //var perfCheck = new PerformanceChecksManager(hbaseClient, "Items", itemMapper, new ItemsGenerator(),50,100);
                //Generating item.
                var itemsGenerator = new ItemsGenerator();
                var item = itemsGenerator.CreateItem("mycode");

                //Generating cells relevant to the generate item and saving the entity to Hbae.
                var itemCellSet = itemMapper.GetCells(item, "en-US");
                var stausCell = itemCellSet.rows.Single().values.Single(cell => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cell.column).Equals("CF1:Status"));
                stausCell.data = new byte[0];
                hbaseClient.StoreCells("Items", itemCellSet);

                //making sure item stored well.
                var originalItemCells = hbaseClient.GetCells("Items", item.Code);
                var originalItemFetchedFromDb = itemMapper.GetDto(originalItemCells, "en-US");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(originalItemFetchedFromDb.Status))
                    throw new Exception();

                //Describing the conditional update expression.
                var cellToCheck = new Cell { column = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("CF1:Status"), data = new byte[0] };

                //manipulating original item.
                stausCell = itemCellSet.rows.Single().values.Single(cell => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cell.column).Equals("CF1:Status"));
                var newStatusValue = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("new");
                stausCell.data = newStatusValue;
                //Testing new functionality...

                hbaseClient.CheckAndPutCells("Items", itemCellSet, cellToCheck);
                itemCellSet = hbaseClient.GetCells("Items", item.Code);
                var itemFromDb = itemMapper.GetDto(itemCellSet, "en-US");

                if (!itemFromDb.Status.Equals(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(newStatusValue)))
                    throw new Exception();

                #region Old-Helper
                //string clusterURL = "http://localhost:5555";
                //string hadoopUsername = "******";
                //string hadoopUserPassword = "******";
                //string hbaseTableName = "MyCoolTable";

                //// Create a new instance of an HBase client.
                //ClusterCredentials creds = new ClusterCredentials(new Uri(clusterURL), hadoopUsername, hadoopUserPassword);
                //HBaseClient hbaseClient = new HBaseClient(creds);

                //var hbaseHelper = new Helper(hbaseClient, "ThisIsJustATableForShirly1", "DummyKey1ForShirly1");
                //var myClass = new Dto()
                //    Field1 = "1",
                //    Field2 = "2",
                //    Field3 = "3",
                //    Field4 = "4",
                //    Field5 = "5",
                //    NestedData = new NestedDto() { Field1 = "n1", Field2 = "n2" }


                //var dto = hbaseHelper.GetMyDto();