Contains various application-wide settings. These are set to default, initial values, and may or may not be changeable by the sample. They are to be read by the renderer upon initialization. Will be moved into a definition file later on.
コード例 #1
		public void DemoReflectionApi ()
			if (settings == null){
				var image = UIImage.FromFile ("monodevelop-32.png");
				settings = new Settings () {
					AccountEnabled = true,
					Login = "******",
					TimeSamples = new TimeSettings () {
						Appointment = DateTime.Now,
						Birthday = new DateTime (1980, 6, 24),
						Alarm = new DateTime (2000, 1, 1, 7, 30, 0, 0)
					FavoriteType = TypeCode.Int32,
					Top = image,
					Middle = image,
					Bottom = image
			var bc = new BindingContext (null, settings, "Settings");
			var dv = new DialogViewController (bc.Root, true);
			// When the view goes out of screen, we fetch the data.
			dv.ViewDissapearing += delegate {
				// This reflects the data back to the object instance
				bc.Fetch ();
				// Manly way of dumping the data.
				Console.WriteLine ("Current status:");
				Console.WriteLine (
				    "AccountEnabled: {0}\n" +
				    "Login:          {1}\n" +
				    "Password:       {2}\n" +
				    "Appointment:    {3}\n" +
				    "Birthday:       {4}\n" +
				    "Alarm:          {5}\n" +
				    "Favorite Type:  {6}\n", 
				    settings.AccountEnabled, settings.Login, settings.Password, 
				    settings.TimeSamples.Appointment, settings.TimeSamples.Birthday, settings.TimeSamples.Alarm, settings.FavoriteType);
			navigation.PushViewController (dv, true);	
コード例 #2
		public void DemoReflectionApi ()
			if (settings == null){
				var image = UIImage.FromFile ("monodevelop-32.png");
				settings = new Settings () {
					AccountEnabled = true,
					Login = "******",
					TimeSamples = new TimeSettings () {
						Appointment = DateTime.Now,
						Birthday = new DateTime (1980, 6, 24),
						Alarm = new DateTime (2000, 1, 1, 7, 30, 0, 0)
					FavoriteType = TypeCode.Int32,
					Top = image,
					Middle = image,
					Bottom = image,
					ListOfString = new List<string> () { "One", "Two", "Three" }

			var cb = new Callbacks();
			var bc = new BindingContext (cb, settings, "Settings");

			var dv = new DialogViewController (bc.Root, true);
			// When the view goes out of screen, we fetch the data.
			dv.ViewDisappearing += delegate {
				// This reflects the data back to the object instance
				bc.Fetch ();
				// Manly way of dumping the data.
				Console.WriteLine ("Current status:");
				Console.WriteLine (
				    "AccountEnabled:   {0}\n" +
				    "Login:            {1}\n" +
				    "Password:         {2}\n" +
					"Name:      	   {3}\n" +
				    "Appointment:      {4}\n" +
				    "Birthday:         {5}\n" +
				    "Alarm:            {6}\n" +
				    "Favorite Type:    {7}\n" + 
				    "IEnumerable idx:  {8}\n" +
					"I like ice cream: {9}\n" +
					"I like veggies:   {10}\n" +
					"Animal kinds:     {11}\n" +
					"Animal sizes:     {12}",
				    settings.AccountEnabled, settings.Login, settings.Password, settings.Name,
				    settings.TimeSamples.Appointment, settings.TimeSamples.Birthday, 
				    settings.TimeSamples.Alarm, settings.FavoriteType,
					settings.LikeIceCream, settings.LikeVegetables,
					settings.Kinds, settings.Sizes);
			navigation.PushViewController (dv, true);	