コード例 #1
ファイル: Financial.cs プロジェクト: NewSpring/Excavator
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the pledge.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryable">The queryable.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception>
        private int MapPledge( CSVInstance csvData )
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            var accountList = new FinancialAccountService( lookupContext ).Queryable().AsNoTracking().ToList();
            var importedPledges = new FinancialPledgeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().AsNoTracking()
               .Where( p => p.ForeignId != null )
               .ToDictionary( t => ( int )t.ForeignId, t => ( int? )t.Id );

            var pledgeFrequencies = DefinedTypeCache.Read( new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.FINANCIAL_FREQUENCY ), lookupContext ).DefinedValues;
            int oneTimePledgeFrequencyId = pledgeFrequencies.FirstOrDefault( f => f.Guid == new Guid( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.TRANSACTION_FREQUENCY_ONE_TIME ) ).Id;

            var newPledges = new List<FinancialPledge>();

            int completed = 0;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Verifying pledge import ({0:N0} already exist).", importedPledges.Count ) );

            string[] row;
            // Uses a look-ahead enumerator: this call will move to the next record immediately
            while ( (row = csvData.Database.FirstOrDefault()) != null )
                string amountKey = row[TotalPledge];
                decimal? amount = amountKey.AsType<decimal?>();
                string startDateKey = row[StartDate];
                if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( startDateKey ) )
                    startDateKey = "01/01/0001";
                DateTime? startDate = startDateKey.AsType<DateTime?>();
                string endDateKey = row[EndDate];
                if ( String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( endDateKey ) )
                    endDateKey = "12/31/9999";
                DateTime? endDate = endDateKey.AsType<DateTime?>();
                string pledgeIdKey = row[PledgeId];
                int? pledgeId = pledgeIdKey.AsType<int?>();
                if ( amount != null && !importedPledges.ContainsKey( ( int )pledgeId ) )
                    string individualIdKey = row[IndividualID];
                    int? individualId = individualIdKey.AsType<int?>();

                    var personKeys = GetPersonKeys( individualId );
                    if ( personKeys != null && personKeys.PersonAliasId > 0 )
                        var pledge = new FinancialPledge();
                        pledge.PersonAliasId = personKeys.PersonAliasId;
                        pledge.CreatedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAliasId;
                        pledge.StartDate = ( DateTime )startDate;
                        pledge.EndDate = ( DateTime )endDate;
                        pledge.TotalAmount = ( decimal )amount;
                        pledge.CreatedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                        pledge.ModifiedDateTime = ImportDateTime;
                        pledge.ModifiedByPersonAliasId = ImportPersonAliasId;
                        pledge.ForeignKey = pledgeIdKey;
                        pledge.ForeignId = pledgeId;

                        string frequency = row[PledgeFrequencyName].ToString().ToLower();
                        if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( frequency ) )
                            frequency = frequency.ToLower();
                            if ( frequency.Equals( "one time" ) || frequency.Equals( "one-time" ) || frequency.Equals( "as can" ) )
                                pledge.PledgeFrequencyValueId = oneTimePledgeFrequencyId;
                                pledge.PledgeFrequencyValueId = pledgeFrequencies
                                    .Where( f => f.Value.ToLower().StartsWith( frequency ) || f.Description.ToLower().StartsWith( frequency ) )
                                    .Select( f => f.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                        string fundName = row[FundName] as string;
                        string subFund = row[SubFundName] as string;
                        string fundGLAccount = row[FundGLAccount] as string;
                        string subFundGLAccount = row[SubFundGLAccount] as string;
                        string isFundActiveKey = row[FundIsActive];
                        Boolean? isFundActive = isFundActiveKey.AsType<Boolean?>();
                        string isSubFundActiveKey = row[SubFundIsActive];
                        Boolean? isSubFundActive = isSubFundActiveKey.AsType<Boolean?>();

                        if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( fundName ) )
                            var parentAccount = accountList.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name.Equals( fundName.Truncate( 50 ) ) && a.CampusId == null );
                            if ( parentAccount == null )
                                parentAccount = AddAccount( lookupContext, fundName, string.Empty, null, null, isFundActive );
                                accountList.Add( parentAccount );

                            if ( !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( subFund ) )
                                int? campusFundId = null;
                                // assign a campus if the subfund is a campus fund
                                var campusFund = CampusList.FirstOrDefault( c => subFund.StartsWith( c.Name ) || subFund.StartsWith( c.ShortCode ) );
                                if ( campusFund != null )
                                    // use full campus name as the subfund
                                    subFund = campusFund.Name;
                                    campusFundId = campusFund.Id;

                                // add info to easily find/assign this fund in the view
                                subFund = string.Format( "{0} {1}", subFund, fundName );

                                var childAccount = accountList.FirstOrDefault( c => c.Name.Equals( subFund.Truncate( 50 ) ) && c.ParentAccountId == parentAccount.Id );
                                if ( childAccount == null )
                                    // create a child account with a campusId if it was set
                                    childAccount = AddAccount( lookupContext, subFund, string.Empty, campusFundId, parentAccount.Id, isSubFundActive );
                                    accountList.Add( childAccount );

                                pledge.AccountId = childAccount.Id;
                                pledge.AccountId = parentAccount.Id;

                        newPledges.Add( pledge );
                        if ( completed % (ReportingNumber * 10) < 1 )
                            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "{0:N0} pledges imported.", completed ) );
                        else if ( completed % ReportingNumber < 1 )
                            SavePledges( newPledges );

            if ( newPledges.Any() )
                SavePledges( newPledges );

            ReportProgress( 100, string.Format( "Finished pledge import: {0:N0} pledges imported.", completed ) );
            return completed;