コード例 #1
ファイル: LargeObject.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		private Boolean closed = false; // true when we are closed

		 * This opens a large object.
		 * <p>If the object does not exist, then an NpgsqlException is thrown.
		 * @param fp FastPath API for the connection to use
		 * @param oid of the Large Object to open
		 * @param mode Mode of opening the large object
		 * (defined in LargeObjectManager)
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs.
		 * @see org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObjectManager

		public LargeObject(Fastpath fp, Int32 oid, Int32 mode)
			this.fp = fp;
			this.oid = oid;

			FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[2];
			args[0] = new FastpathArg(oid);
			args[1] = new FastpathArg(mode);
			this.fd = fp.GetInteger("lo_open", args);
コード例 #2
ファイル: LargeObject.cs プロジェクト: zhxjdwh/revenj
         * This method closes the object. You must not call methods in this
         * object after this is called.
         * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs.

        public void Close()
            if (!closed)
                // finally close
                FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
                args[0] = new FastpathArg(fd);
                fp.FastpathCall("lo_close", false, args);                 // true here as we dont care!!
                closed = true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FastPath.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		private Object FastpathV3(Int32 fnid, Boolean resulttype, FastpathArg[] args)
			// give  thread safety
			lock (stream)
				// send the function call

					Int32 l_msgLen = 0;
					l_msgLen += 16;
					for (Int32 i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
						l_msgLen += args[i].SendSize();

					PGUtil.WriteInt32(stream, l_msgLen);
					PGUtil.WriteInt32(stream, fnid);
					PGUtil.WriteInt16(stream, 1);
					PGUtil.WriteInt16(stream, 1);
					PGUtil.WriteInt16(stream, (short)args.Length);

					for (Int32 i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)

					PGUtil.WriteInt16(stream, 1);

					// This is needed, otherwise data can be lost

				// Now handle the result

				// Now loop, reading the results
				Object result = null; // our result
				Exception error = null;
				Int32 c;
				Boolean l_endQuery = false;

				while (!l_endQuery)
					c = (Char)stream.ReadByte();

					switch (c)
						case 'A': // Asynchronous Notify
							Int32 msglen = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, buffer);
							Int32 pid = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, buffer);
							String msg = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, queue);
							PGUtil.ReadString(stream, queue);
							String param = PGUtil.ReadString(stream, queue);

						// Error message returned
						case 'E':
							NpgsqlError e = new NpgsqlError(stream, buffer, queue);
							throw new NpgsqlException(e.ToString());

						// Notice from backend
						case 'N':
							Int32 l_nlen = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, buffer);

							conn.Connector.FireNotice(new NpgsqlError(stream, buffer, queue));


						case 'V':
							Int32 l_msgLen = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, buffer);
							Int32 l_valueLen = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, buffer);

							if (l_valueLen == -1)
								//null value
							else if (l_valueLen == 0)
								result = new Byte[0];
								// Return an Integer if
								if (resulttype)
									result = PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, buffer);
									Byte[] buf = new Byte[l_valueLen];

									Int32 bytes_from_stream = 0;
									Int32 total_bytes_read = 0;
									Int32 size = l_valueLen;
										bytes_from_stream = stream.Read(buf, total_bytes_read, size);
										total_bytes_read += bytes_from_stream;
										size -= bytes_from_stream;
									while (size > 0);

									result = buf;

						case 'Z':
							//TODO: use size better
							if (PGUtil.ReadInt32(stream, buffer) != 5)
								throw new NpgsqlException("Received Z");
							//TODO: handle transaction status
							Char l_tStatus = (Char)stream.ReadByte();
							l_endQuery = true;

							throw new NpgsqlException(string.Format("postgresql.fp.protocol received {0}", c));

				if (error != null)
					throw error;

				return result;
コード例 #4
         * This deletes a large object.
         * @param oid describing object to delete
         * @exception NpgsqlException on error

        public void Delete(Int32 oid)
            FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
            args[0] = new FastpathArg(oid);
            fp.FastpathCall("lo_unlink", false, args);
コード例 #5
         * This creates a large object, returning its OID
         * @param mode a bitmask describing different attributes of the new object
         * @return oid of new object
         * @exception NpgsqlException on error

        public Int32 Create(Int32 mode)
            FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
            args[0] = new FastpathArg(mode);
            return(fp.GetInteger("lo_creat", args));
コード例 #6
         * This creates a large object, returning its OID.
         * <p>It defaults to READWRITE for the new object's attributes.
         * @return oid of new object
         * @exception NpgsqlException on error

        public Int32 Create()
            FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
            args[0] = new FastpathArg(READWRITE);
            return(fp.GetInteger("lo_creat", args));
コード例 #7
ファイル: LargeObject.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * This method closes the object. You must not call methods in this
		 * object after this is called.
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs.

		public void Close()
			if (!closed)
				// finally close
				FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
				args[0] = new FastpathArg(fd);
				fp.FastpathCall("lo_close", false, args); // true here as we dont care!!
				closed = true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: LargeObjectManager.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * This creates a large object, returning its OID
		 * @param mode a bitmask describing different attributes of the new object
		 * @return oid of new object
		 * @exception NpgsqlException on error

		public Int32 Create(Int32 mode)
			FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
			args[0] = new FastpathArg(mode);
			return fp.GetInteger("lo_creat", args);
コード例 #9
ファイル: FastPath.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * This convenience method assumes that the return value is an Integer
		 * @param name Function name
		 * @param args Function arguments
		 * @return byte[] array containing result
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs or no result

		public Byte[] GetData(String name, FastpathArg[] args)
			return (Byte[])FastpathCall(name, false, args);
コード例 #10
ファイル: LargeObject.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * Sets the current position within the object.
		 * <p>This is similar to the fseek() call in the standard C library. It
		 * allows you to have random access to the large object.
		 * @param pos position within object
		 * @param ref Either SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs.

		public void Seek(Int32 pos, Int32 refi)
			FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[3];
			args[0] = new FastpathArg(fd);
			args[1] = new FastpathArg(pos);
			args[2] = new FastpathArg(refi);
			fp.FastpathCall("lo_lseek", false, args);
コード例 #11
ファイル: LargeObject.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * Writes an array to the object
		 * @param buf array to write
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs.

		public void Write(Byte[] buf)
			FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[2];
			args[0] = new FastpathArg(fd);
			args[1] = new FastpathArg(buf);
			fp.FastpathCall("lowrite", false, args);
コード例 #12
ファイル: LargeObject.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * Reads some data from the object, and return as a byte[] array
		 * @param len number of bytes to read
		 * @return byte[] array containing data read
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs.

		public Byte[] Read(Int32 len)
			// This is the original method, where the entire block (len bytes)
			// is retrieved in one go.
			FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[2];
			args[0] = new FastpathArg(fd);
			args[1] = new FastpathArg(len);
			return fp.GetData("loread", args);
コード例 #13
ファイル: LargeObject.cs プロジェクト: zhxjdwh/revenj
         * @return the current position within the object
         * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs.

        public Int32 Tell()
            FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
            args[0] = new FastpathArg(fd);
            return(fp.GetInteger("lo_tell", args));
コード例 #14
ファイル: LargeObjectManager.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * This deletes a large object.
		 * @param oid describing object to delete
		 * @exception NpgsqlException on error

		public void Delete(Int32 oid)
			FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
			args[0] = new FastpathArg(oid);
			fp.FastpathCall("lo_unlink", false, args);
コード例 #15
ファイル: FastPath.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * Send a function call to the PostgreSQL backend by name.
		 * Note: the mapping for the procedure name to function id needs to exist,
		 * usually to an earlier call to addfunction().
		 * This is the prefered method to call, as function id's can/may change
		 * between versions of the backend.
		 * For an example of how this works, refer to org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObject
		 * @param name Function name
		 * @param resulttype True if the result is an integer, false for other
		 * results
		 * @param args FastpathArguments to pass to fastpath
		 * @return null if no data, Integer if an integer result, or byte[] otherwise
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if name is unknown or if a database-access error
		 * occurs.
		 * @see org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObject
		public Object FastpathCall(String name, Boolean resulttype, FastpathArg[] args)
			return FastpathCall(GetID(name), resulttype, args);
コード例 #16
ファイル: FastPath.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * This convenience method assumes that the return value is an Integer
		 * @param name Function name
		 * @param args Function arguments
		 * @return integer result
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs or no result

		public Int32 GetInteger(String name, FastpathArg[] args)
			Int32 i = (Int32)FastpathCall(name, true, args);

			return i;
コード例 #17
ファイル: LargeObject.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * @return the current position within the object
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs.

		public Int32 Tell()
			FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
			args[0] = new FastpathArg(fd);
			return fp.GetInteger("lo_tell", args);
コード例 #18
ファイル: FastPath.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * Send a function call to the PostgreSQL backend
		 * @param fnid Function id
		 * @param resulttype True if the result is an integer, false for other results
		 * @param args FastpathArguments to pass to fastpath
		 * @return null if no data, Integer if an integer result, or byte[] otherwise
		 * @exception NpgsqlException if a database-access error occurs.
		public Object FastpathCall(Int32 fnid, Boolean resulttype, FastpathArg[] args)
				return FastpathV3(fnid, resulttype, args);
			catch (IOException)
				throw new NpgsqlException("The Connection is broken.");
コード例 #19
ファイル: LargeObjectManager.cs プロジェクト: dstimac/revenj
		 * This creates a large object, returning its OID.
		 * <p>It defaults to READWRITE for the new object's attributes.
		 * @return oid of new object
		 * @exception NpgsqlException on error

		public Int32 Create()
			FastpathArg[] args = new FastpathArg[1];
			args[0] = new FastpathArg(READWRITE);
			return fp.GetInteger("lo_creat", args);