コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a TerrainObjectType.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of the TerrainObjectType.</param>
        /// <param name="imgData">The byte sequence that contains the image data of the TerrainObjectType.</param>
        /// <param name="quadSize">The size of the TerrainObjectType in quadratic tiles.</param>
        /// <param name="transparentColor">The transparent color of the TerrainObjectType.</param>
        public void CreateTerrainObjectType(string name, byte[] imgData, RCIntVector quadSize, RCColor transparentColor)
            if (this.isFinalized)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("It is not possible to create new TerrainObjectType for a finalized TileSet!");
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
            if (this.terrainObjectTypes.ContainsKey(name))
                throw new TileSetException(string.Format("TerrainObjectType with name '{0}' already exists!", name));

            TerrainObjectType newTerrainObject = new TerrainObjectType(name, imgData, quadSize, transparentColor, this);

            this.terrainObjectTypes.Add(name, newTerrainObject);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a tile-constraint for a terrain object from the given XML element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="terrainObj">The terrain object.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The tileset being loaded.</param>
        /// <returns>The loaded tile-constraint.</returns>
        private static ITerrainObjectConstraint LoadTileConstraint(XElement fromElem, TerrainObjectType terrainObj, TileSet tileset)
            /// Load the attributes of the constraint.
            XAttribute quadCoordsAttr   = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_TILECONSTRAINT_QUADCOORDS_ATTR);
            XAttribute terrainAttr      = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_TILECONSTRAINT_TERRAIN_ATTR);
            XAttribute terrainAAttr     = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_TILECONSTRAINT_TERRAINA_ATTR);
            XAttribute terrainBAttr     = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_TILECONSTRAINT_TERRAINB_ATTR);
            XAttribute combinationsAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_TILECONSTRAINT_COMBINATIONS_ATTR);

            if (quadCoordsAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Quadratic coordinates not defined for tile constraint element!");
            if (terrainAttr != null && (terrainAAttr != null || terrainBAttr != null || combinationsAttr != null))
                throw new TileSetException("Invalid attributes defined for tile constraint on a simple tile!");
            if (terrainAttr == null && (terrainAAttr == null || terrainBAttr == null || combinationsAttr == null))
                throw new TileSetException("Invalid attributes defined for tile constraint on a mixed tile!");

            RCIntVector quadCoords = XmlHelper.LoadIntVector(quadCoordsAttr.Value);

            if (terrainObj.IsExcluded(quadCoords))
                throw new TileSetException(string.Format("TileConstraint at excluded coordinates {0} cannot be defined!", quadCoords));
            if (terrainAttr != null)
                TerrainType terrain = tileset.GetTerrainTypeImpl(terrainAttr.Value);
                return(new IsoTileConstraint(quadCoords, terrain, tileset));
                TerrainType terrainA = tileset.GetTerrainTypeImpl(terrainAAttr.Value);
                TerrainType terrainB = tileset.GetTerrainTypeImpl(terrainBAttr.Value);
                List <TerrainCombination> combinations = new List <TerrainCombination>();
                string[] combinationStrings            = combinationsAttr.Value.Split(';');
                if (combinationStrings.Length == 0)
                    throw new TileSetException("Terrain combination not defined for tile constraint on a mixed tile!");
                foreach (string combStr in combinationStrings)
                    TerrainCombination combination;
                    if (!EnumMap <TerrainCombination, string> .TryDemap(combStr, out combination) || combination == TerrainCombination.Simple)
                        throw new TileSetException(string.Format("Unexpected terrain combination '{0}' defined for tile constraint!", combStr));

                return(new IsoTileConstraint(quadCoords, terrainA, terrainB, combinations, tileset));
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a terrain object definition from the XML element into the given tileset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromElem">The XML element to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">The TileSet to load to.</param>
        private static void LoadTerrainObject(XElement fromElem, TileSet tileset)
            XAttribute nameAttr        = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_NAME_ATTR);
            XAttribute imageAttr       = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_IMAGE_ATTR);
            XAttribute quadSizeAttr    = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_QUADSIZE_ATTR);
            XAttribute transpColorAttr = fromElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_TRANSPCOLOR_ATTR);

            if (nameAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Name not defined for terrain object!");
            if (imageAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Image not defined for terrain object!");
            if (quadSizeAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Quadratic size not defined for terrain object!");
            if (transpColorAttr == null)
                throw new TileSetException("Transparent color not defined for terrain object!");

            /// Read the image data.
            string imagePath = Path.Combine(tmpImageDir, imageAttr.Value);

            byte[] imageData = File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath);

            TerrainObjectType terrainObj = tileset.GetTerrainObjectTypeImpl(nameAttr.Value);

            /// Apply the defined area exclusions.
            foreach (XElement excludeAreaElem in fromElem.Elements(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_EXCLUDEAREA_ELEM))
                XAttribute rectAttr = excludeAreaElem.Attribute(XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_EXCLUDEAREA_RECT_ATTR);
                if (rectAttr == null)
                    throw new TileSetException("The rectangle of the excluded area not defined!");

            /// Load the constraints and the cell data changesets.
            foreach (XElement childElem in fromElem.Elements())
                if (childElem.Name.LocalName == XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_TILECONSTRAINT_ELEM)
                    ITerrainObjectConstraint constraint = LoadTileConstraint(childElem, terrainObj, tileset);
                else if (childElem.Name.LocalName != XmlTileSetConstants.TERRAINOBJ_EXCLUDEAREA_ELEM)
                    ICellDataChangeSet changeset = LoadCellDataChangeSet(childElem, tileset);
                /// TODO: loading other constraint types can take place here!