コード例 #1
		public void RegisterFont(EFonts _font, string _fileName, int _pointSize)
                throw new ApplicationException("Не найден файл " + Path.GetFullPath(_fileName));
			var charSet = new List<char>();
			for (var c = ' '; c < '}'; ++c)
			for (var c = 'А'; c <= 'я'; ++c)
			var s = new string(charSet.ToArray());
			var qfc = new QFontBuilderConfiguration
			          		charSet = s,
                            TextGenerationRenderHint = TextGenerationRenderHint.SizeDependent | TextGenerationRenderHint.AntiAlias,
							SuperSampleLevels = 4,
			var qFont = new QFont(_fileName, _pointSize, FontStyle.Bold, qfc);

			m_fonts[_font] = qFont;
コード例 #2
 public QuickFontWrapper(Font font)
     qf = new QuickFont.QFont(font, new QuickFont.QFontBuilderConfiguration(true) { TextGenerationRenderHint = QuickFont.TextGenerationRenderHint.ClearTypeGridFit });
     qf.Options.CharacterSpacing = -0.1f;
     qf.Options.WordSpacing = 0.5f;
     qf.Options.LineSpacing = 1.2f;
コード例 #3
        public PlayerNameState(GameEngine engine, MainMenuState ms)
            eng = engine;
            mouse = eng.Mouse;
            savedGameStates = new Stack<XmlNodeList>();
            savedGameChoices = new Stack<string>();
            _ms = ms;

            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, 2);
            eye = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);

            _old_state = OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState(); // Get the current state of the keyboard

            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("menu", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.menu.png"));
            menu = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("menu");

            saveFont = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            saveFont.Options.DropShadowActive = true;

            start_x = saveFont.Measure("Name: ").Width;

            //title = QFont.FromQFontFile("myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            title = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myRock.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            title.Options.DropShadowActive = true;

            name = "";          

            numOfButtons = savedGameChoices.Count - 1;
コード例 #4
ファイル: SubmenuInfo.cs プロジェクト: mimic2300/WormsGL
        public SubmenuInfo(WormsGame game, GameMenu menu)
            this.game = game;
            this.menu = menu;

            font = new QFont(new Font(game.DefaultFontFamily, 13f));
コード例 #5
ファイル: FontCache.cs プロジェクト: HaKDMoDz/Psy
        public IFont GetFont(string name, int size, Weight weight, bool italic)
            var fontStyle = GetFontStyle(weight, italic);

            var fce = new FontCacheEntry
                FontFace = name,
                FontSize = size,
                FontStyle = fontStyle

            QFont font;

            var config = new QFontBuilderConfiguration(false)
                TextGenerationRenderHint = GetFontFaceRenderHintingPreference(name),
                GlyphMargin = 2,
                TransformToCurrentOrthogProjection = true,
                KerningConfig =
                    alphaEmptyPixelTolerance = 40,

            if (!_fontCache.TryGetValue(fce, out font))
                var sysFont = GetFontBestSizeFit(name, size, fontStyle);

                font = new QFont(sysFont, config);

                _fontCache[fce] = font;

            return new WrappedFont(font);
コード例 #6
        // End Fonts

        public PauseMenuState(GameEngine engine, MainMenuState menustate)
            eng = engine;
            menu = menustate;
            lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, 2);
            eye = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);
//             _p1 = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("p1");
//             _p2 = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("p2");
//             _p3 = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("p3");
//             _p4 = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("p4");

            // QFont
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("menu", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.menu.png"));
            bg = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("menu");

            _buttons = new List<String>();            
			_buttons.Add("Main Menu");
            button = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            button.Options.DropShadowActive = true;
            //title = QFont.FromQFontFile("myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            title = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myRock.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            title.Options.DropShadowActive = false;
            buttonHighlight = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans2.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            buttonHighlight.Options.DropShadowActive = true;
            //QFont.CreateTextureFontFiles("Fonts/Rock.TTF", 48, "myRock"); // Use this to create new Fonts that you will texture
            // End QFonts

			// Set the current image to be displayed at 0 which is the first in the sequence
			curFrame = 0.0;

コード例 #7
 public TextBlock(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool staticImage, string text, Sprite background)
     : base(x, y, width, height, staticImage)
     _font = new QFont (SystemFonts.DialogFont);
     _background = background;
     _text = text;
コード例 #8
        public static QFont FromQFontFile(string filePath, float downSampleFactor, QFontLoaderConfiguration loaderConfig)
            QFont qfont = new QFont();

            qfont.fontLoadDescription = new FontLoadDescription(filePath, downSampleFactor, loaderConfig);
コード例 #9
        public SizeF Print(QFont font, ProcessedText processedText, Vector3 position, Color?colour = null, Rectangle clippingRectangle = default(Rectangle))
            var dp   = new QFontDrawingPimitive(font);
            var size = (colour.HasValue)
                    ? dp.Print(processedText, position, colour.Value)
                    : dp.Print(processedText, position);

コード例 #10
ファイル: FontGroup.cs プロジェクト: Pireax/neovim.cs
        public FontGroup(Font font)
            _normal = new QFont(new Font(font, FontStyle.Regular));
            _normal.Options.Monospacing = QFontMonospacing.Yes;

            _bold = new QFont(new Font(font, FontStyle.Bold));
            _bold.Options.Monospacing = QFontMonospacing.Yes;

            _italic = new QFont(new Font(font, FontStyle.Italic));
            _italic.Options.Monospacing = QFontMonospacing.Yes;
コード例 #11
        public static void AddText(this QFontDrawing renderer, string text, QFont font, Color color, RectangleF bounds,
                                   StringAlignment vAlign = StringAlignment.Near,
                                   StringAlignment hAlign = StringAlignment.Near)
            var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font, new QFontRenderOptions()
                Colour = color, LockToPixel = true

            AddText(dp, text, bounds, vAlign, hAlign);
コード例 #12
ファイル: QFontDrawing.cs プロジェクト: rosemanor/reptek
        /// <summary>
        /// Prints the specified text with the given alignment, color and clipping rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="font">The <see cref="QFont"/> to print the text with</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text to print</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position of the text</param>
        /// <param name="alignment">The alignment of the text</param>
        /// <param name="color">The colour of the text</param>
        /// <param name="clippingRectangle">The clipping rectangle to scissor test the text with</param>
        /// <returns>The size of the printed text</returns>
        public SizeF Print(QFont font, string text, Vector3 position, QFontAlignment alignment, Color?color = null, Rectangle clippingRectangle = default(Rectangle))
            var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font);

            if (color.HasValue)
                return(dp.Print(text, position, alignment, color.Value, clippingRectangle));
            return(dp.Print(text, position, alignment, clippingRectangle));
コード例 #13
        public static QFont FromQFontFile(string filePath, float downSampleFactor, QFontShadowConfiguration shadowConfig)
            QFont qfont = new QFont();

            qfont.fontData = Builder.LoadQFontDataFromFile(filePath, downSampleFactor, shadowConfig);
            if (shadowConfig != null)
                qfont.options.DropShadowActive = true;

コード例 #14
		public QFont Load(string path, float downSampleFactor, QFontLoaderConfiguration loaderConfig)
			if (loaderConfig == null)
				loaderConfig = new QFontLoaderConfiguration();

			TransformViewport? transToVp = null;
			float fontScale = 1f;
			if (loaderConfig.TransformToCurrentOrthogProjection)
				transToVp = QFont.OrthogonalTransform(out fontScale);

			QFont qfont = new QFont();
			qfont.fontData = new QFontData ();

			QFontDataInformation fontInfo = null;
			using (var fs = File.OpenRead (path))
				fontInfo = qfont.fontData.LoadFromStream (fs);
			var bitmapFiles = fontInfo.GenerateBitmapPageNames (path);

			var bitmapPages = new List<QBitmap> ();
			foreach (var bitmapFileName in bitmapFiles)
				// TODO : GDI+ require the bitmap files to be locked as indexed image
				// during the lifetime i.e. maybe reloaded from disk
				using (var fs = File.OpenRead (bitmapFileName))
				using (var b = new Bitmap(fs))				
					var qb = new QBitmap (bitmapFileName);
					bitmapPages.Add (qb);
			var glyphList = qfont.fontData.InitialiseQFontData (fontInfo, ref bitmapPages, downSampleFactor, loaderConfig);

			if (loaderConfig.ShadowConfig != null)
				qfont.DropShadow = Helper.BuildDropShadow<QFont, QBitmap> (
					glyphList.ToArray (),
					Helper.ToArray (fontInfo.CharSet),
			qfont.fontData.InitialiseKerningPairs (fontInfo, bitmapPages, glyphList, loaderConfig);

			if (loaderConfig.ShadowConfig != null)
				qfont.Options.DropShadowActive = true;
			if (transToVp != null)
				qfont.Options.TransformToViewport = transToVp;

			return qfont;
コード例 #15
        public SizeF Print(QFont font, ProcessedText processedText, Vector3 position, Color?colour = null, Rectangle clippingRectangle = default(Rectangle))
            var dp = new QFontDrawingPimitive(font);

            if (colour.HasValue)
                return(dp.Print(processedText, position, colour.Value));
                return(dp.Print(processedText, position));
コード例 #16
ファイル: WormsGame.cs プロジェクト: mimic2300/WormsGL
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            // základní prvky samotné okno hry
            font = new QFont(new Font(DefaultFontFamily, 16f));
            cursor = LoadCursor("cursor_normal.cur");

            // přídavky
            gameMenu = new GameMenu(this);

            // získá poslední velikost a pozici okna
            prevWindowRect = new Rectangle(Location.X, Location.Y, Width, Height);
コード例 #17
ファイル: GameMenu.cs プロジェクト: mimic2300/WormsGL
        private int submenu = 0; // hlavní menu

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public GameMenu(WormsGame game)
            this.game = game;

            subInfo = new SubmenuInfo(game, this);

            items = new List<MenuItem>();
            font = new QFont(new Font(game.DefaultFontFamily, 28f));
            fontSelected = new QFont(new Font(game.DefaultFontFamily, 32f));

                new MenuItem("Play", null),
                new MenuItem("Options", null),
                new MenuItem("Score", null),
                new MenuItem("Info", null),
                new MenuItem("Exit", () => { game.Exit(); })
コード例 #18
        public LoadGameState(GameEngine engine, MainMenuState ms)
            eng = engine;
            mouse = eng.Mouse;
            savedGameStates = new Stack<XmlNodeList>();
            savedGameChoices = new Stack<string>();
            _ms = ms;

            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            musicFile = new AudioFile(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Music.Menu.ogg"));

            // Clear the color to work with the SplashScreen so it doesn't white out
            //GL.ClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);

            lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, 2);
            eye = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);

            _old_state = OpenTK.Input.Keyboard.GetState(); // Get the current state of the keyboard

            eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("menu", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.menu.png"));
            menu = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("menu");

            saveFont = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            saveFont.Options.DropShadowActive = true;

            //title = QFont.FromQFontFile("myHappySans.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            title = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myRock.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            title.Options.DropShadowActive = true;

            saveFontHighlighted = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myHappySans2.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));
            saveFont.Options.DropShadowActive = true;

            //QFont.CreateTextureFontFiles("Fonts/HappySans.ttf", 48, "myHappySans2");

            // Load available saved games
            // Setup saved game data 

            numOfButtons = savedGameChoices.Count - 1;
コード例 #19
        public object LoadContent(ContentManager contentManager, string contentName, bool background)
            Stream stream = FileSystemManager.Instance.OpenStream(contentName);

            if (stream == null)
                return null;

            byte[] bytes = new byte[stream.Length];
            stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            IntPtr unmanagedPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bytes.Length);
            Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, unmanagedPointer, bytes.Length);

            // TODO: Turn this more flexibile, maybee transfer this code to some font manager
            QFont result = new QFont(unmanagedPointer, bytes.Length, 8, FontStyle.Regular, new QFontBuilderConfiguration(false));


            return result;
コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates node list object associated with the text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="bounds"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ProcessedText ProcessText(QFont font, QFontRenderOptions options, string text, SizeF maxSize, QFontAlignment alignment)
            //TODO: bring justify and alignment calculations in here
            maxSize.Width = TransformWidthToViewport(maxSize.Width, options);

            var nodeList = new TextNodeList(text);

            nodeList.MeasureNodes(font.FontData, options);

            //we "crumble" words that are two long so that that can be split up
            var nodesToCrumble = new List <TextNode>();

            foreach (TextNode node in nodeList)
                if ((!options.WordWrap || node.Length >= maxSize.Width) && node.Type == TextNodeType.Word)

            foreach (TextNode node in nodesToCrumble)
                nodeList.Crumble(node, 1);

            //need to measure crumbled words
            nodeList.MeasureNodes(font.FontData, options);

            var processedText = new ProcessedText();

            processedText.textNodeList = nodeList;
            processedText.maxSize      = maxSize;
            processedText.alignment    = alignment;

コード例 #21
        // End Fonts

        public LevelStoryState(GameEngine engine, int lvl_being_loaded)
            cur_page = 0;
            eng = engine;
           // _ps = ps;
            lookat = new Vector3(0, 0, 2);
            eye = new Vector3(0, 0, 5);

            lvl = lvl_being_loaded;

            // QFont
            //Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            //eng.StateTextureManager.LoadTexture("menu", assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures.menu.png"));
            //bg = eng.StateTextureManager.GetTexture("menu");

            credit = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myStoryWhite.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true, false));
            credit.Options.DropShadowActive = false;

            button = QFont.FromQFontFile("Fonts/myStoryBright.qfont", new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true, false));
            button.Options.DropShadowActive = true;
            // Set the current image to be displayed at 0 which is the first in the sequence
            curFrame = 0.0;
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the glyph at the position given.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The x.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The y.</param>
        /// <param name="c">The character to print.</param>
        internal void RenderGlyph(float x, float y, char c, QFont font, IList <QVertex> store, Rectangle clippingRectangle)
            QFontGlyph glyph = font.FontData.CharSetMapping[c];

            //note: it's not immediately obvious, but this combined with the paramteters to
            //RenderGlyph for the shadow mean that we render the shadow centrally (despite it being a different size)
            //under the glyph
            if (font.FontData.isDropShadow)
                x -= (int)(glyph.rect.Width * 0.5f);
                y -= (int)(glyph.rect.Height * 0.5f + glyph.yOffset);
                RenderDropShadow(x, y, c, glyph, font.FontData.dropShadowFont, ref clippingRectangle);

            y = -y;

            TexturePage sheet = font.FontData.Pages[glyph.page];

            float tx1 = (float)(glyph.rect.X) / sheet.Width;
            float ty1 = (float)(glyph.rect.Y) / sheet.Height;
            float tx2 = (float)(glyph.rect.X + glyph.rect.Width) / sheet.Width;
            float ty2 = (float)(glyph.rect.Y + glyph.rect.Height) / sheet.Height;

            float vx      = x + PrintOffset.X;
            float vy      = y - glyph.yOffset + PrintOffset.Y;
            float vwidth  = glyph.rect.Width;
            float vheight = glyph.rect.Height;

            if (clippingRectangle != default(Rectangle) && ScissorsTest(ref vx, ref vy, ref vwidth, ref vheight, ref tx1, ref ty1, ref tx2, ref ty2, clippingRectangle))

            var tv1 = new Vector2(tx1, ty1);
            var tv2 = new Vector2(tx1, ty2);
            var tv3 = new Vector2(tx2, ty2);
            var tv4 = new Vector2(tx2, ty1);

            Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(vx, vy, PrintOffset.Z);
            Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(vx, vy - vheight, PrintOffset.Z);
            Vector3 v3 = new Vector3(vx + vwidth, vy - vheight, PrintOffset.Z);
            Vector3 v4 = new Vector3(vx + vwidth, vy, PrintOffset.Z);

            Color color;

            if (font.FontData.isDropShadow)
                color = this.Options.DropShadowColour;
                color = this.Options.Colour;

            Vector4 colour = Helper.ToVector4(color);

            store.Add(new QVertex()
                Position = v1, TextureCoord = tv1, VertexColor = colour
            store.Add(new QVertex()
                Position = v2, TextureCoord = tv2, VertexColor = colour
            store.Add(new QVertex()
                Position = v3, TextureCoord = tv3, VertexColor = colour

            store.Add(new QVertex()
                Position = v1, TextureCoord = tv1, VertexColor = colour
            store.Add(new QVertex()
                Position = v3, TextureCoord = tv3, VertexColor = colour
            store.Add(new QVertex()
                Position = v4, TextureCoord = tv4, VertexColor = colour
コード例 #23
 public static void Load()
     BlockOverlays.Add(TetraminoType.I, new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "I.png")));
       BlockOverlays.Add(TetraminoType.O, new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "O.png")));
       BlockOverlays.Add(TetraminoType.J, new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "J.png")));
       BlockOverlays.Add(TetraminoType.L, new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "L.png")));
       BlockOverlays.Add(TetraminoType.S, new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "S.png")));
       BlockOverlays.Add(TetraminoType.Z, new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "Z.png")));
       BlockOverlays.Add(TetraminoType.T, new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "T.png")));
       BlockOverlaysSmall.Add(TetraminoType.I,    new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "Is.png")));
       BlockOverlaysSmall.Add(TetraminoType.O,    new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "Os.png")));
       BlockOverlaysSmall.Add(TetraminoType.J,    new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "Js.png")));
       BlockOverlaysSmall.Add(TetraminoType.L,    new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "Ls.png")));
       BlockOverlaysSmall.Add(TetraminoType.S,    new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "Ss.png")));
       BlockOverlaysSmall.Add(TetraminoType.Z,    new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "Zs.png")));
       BlockOverlaysSmall.Add(TetraminoType.T,    new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "Ts.png")));
       BlockOverlaysSmall.Add(TetraminoType.Null, new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "Ns.png")));
       LoadTexture(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "tetrion.png"), out TetrionTexture, out TetrionTextureSampler);
       LoadTexture(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "block.png"), out Block, out BlockSampler);
       LoadTexture(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "blockGhost.png"), out BlockGhost, out BlockGhostSampler);
       PanelBase = new Bitmap(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), TEXTURES_DIR), "panel.png"));
       using (Stream tmp = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), MODELS_DIR), "blockCyan.xml"), FileMode.Open))
     Blocks.Add(TetraminoColor.Cyan, new MeshRenderer((Mesh)modelSerializer.Deserialize(tmp)));
       using (Stream tmp = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), MODELS_DIR), "blockYellow.xml"), FileMode.Open))
     Blocks.Add(TetraminoColor.Yellow, new MeshRenderer((Mesh)modelSerializer.Deserialize(tmp)));
       using (Stream tmp = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), MODELS_DIR), "blockPurple.xml"), FileMode.Open))
     Blocks.Add(TetraminoColor.Purple, new MeshRenderer((Mesh)modelSerializer.Deserialize(tmp)));
       using (Stream tmp = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), MODELS_DIR), "blockGreen.xml"), FileMode.Open))
     Blocks.Add(TetraminoColor.Green, new MeshRenderer((Mesh)modelSerializer.Deserialize(tmp)));
       using (Stream tmp = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), MODELS_DIR), "blockRed.xml"), FileMode.Open))
     Blocks.Add(TetraminoColor.Red, new MeshRenderer((Mesh)modelSerializer.Deserialize(tmp)));
       using (Stream tmp = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), MODELS_DIR), "blockBlue.xml"), FileMode.Open))
     Blocks.Add(TetraminoColor.Blue, new MeshRenderer((Mesh)modelSerializer.Deserialize(tmp)));
       using (Stream tmp = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), MODELS_DIR), "blockOrange.xml"), FileMode.Open))
     Blocks.Add(TetraminoColor.Orange, new MeshRenderer((Mesh)modelSerializer.Deserialize(tmp)));
       using (Stream tmp = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), MODELS_DIR), "tetrion.xml"), FileMode.Open))
     Tetrion = new MeshRenderer((Mesh)modelSerializer.Deserialize(tmp));
       using (Stream tmp = File.Open(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), MODELS_DIR), "panel.xml"), FileMode.Open))
     Panel = new MeshRenderer((Mesh)modelSerializer.Deserialize(tmp));
       using (StreamReader vs = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), SHADERS_DIR), "vs_simple.glsl")))
     using (StreamReader fs = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), SHADERS_DIR), "fs_simple.glsl")))
       LoadShader(vs.ReadToEnd(), fs.ReadToEnd(), out Simple_vs, out Simple_fs, out Simple_Shader);
       LightPositionUniform = GL.GetUniformLocation(Simple_Shader, "lightPosition");
       LightDiffuseUniform = GL.GetUniformLocation(Simple_Shader, "lightDiffuse");
       SamplerUniform = GL.GetUniformLocation(Simple_Shader, "color_texture");
       LiberationSans = new QFont(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(START_DIR, RESOURCE_DIR), FONTS_DIR), "LiberationSans.ttf"), 64);
       LiberationSans.Options.Colour = new Color4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
コード例 #24
ファイル: QFont.cs プロジェクト: Pireax/neovim.cs
 public static QFont FromQFontFile(string filePath, float downSampleFactor, QFontLoaderConfiguration loaderConfig)
     QFont qfont = new QFont();
     qfont.fontLoadDescription = new FontLoadDescription(filePath,downSampleFactor,loaderConfig);
     return qfont;
コード例 #25
        private void PrintComment(QFont font, string comment,QFontAlignment alignment, ref float yOffset){

                yOffset += 20;
                GL.Translate(30f, yOffset, 0f);
                font.Print(comment, Width - 60, alignment);
                yOffset += font.Measure(comment, Width - 60, alignment).Height;

コード例 #26
ファイル: WorldState.cs プロジェクト: Robmaister/RoversSpirit
        public void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);

            font = new QFont("Resources/Fonts/Cousine-Regular-Latin.ttf", 24);

            player = new Player();

            Resources.Audio["wind.wav"].Looping = true;
            Resources.Audio["shipStaticLoop.wav"].Looping = true;
コード例 #27
 private void RenderDropShadow(float x, float y, char c, QFontGlyph nonShadowGlyph, QFont shadowFont, ref Rectangle clippingRectangle)
     //note can cast drop shadow offset to int, but then you can't move the shadow smoothly...
     if (shadowFont != null && this.Options.DropShadowActive)
         float xOffset = (_font.FontData.meanGlyphWidth * this.Options.DropShadowOffset.X + nonShadowGlyph.rect.Width * 0.5f);
         float yOffset = (_font.FontData.meanGlyphWidth * this.Options.DropShadowOffset.Y + nonShadowGlyph.rect.Height * 0.5f + nonShadowGlyph.yOffset);
         this.RenderGlyph(x + xOffset, y + yOffset, c, shadowFont, this.ShadowVertexRepr, clippingRectangle);
コード例 #28
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates node list object associated with the text.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="bounds"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ProcessedText ProcessText(QFont font, QFontRenderOptions options, string text, SizeF maxSize, QFontAlignment alignment)
     return(ProcessText(font.FontData, options, text, maxSize, alignment));
コード例 #29
ファイル: GLRenderer.cs プロジェクト: swax/CodePerspective
        public QFont GetQFont(Font font)
            QFont qfont;
            if(FontMap.TryGetValue(font, out qfont))
                return qfont;

            var config = new QFontBuilderConfiguration()
                UseVertexBuffer = true,
                TextGenerationRenderHint = TextGenerationRenderHint.AntiAliasGridFit

            qfont = new QFont(font, config);
            qfont.Options.TransformToViewport = null;
            qfont.Options.WordWrap = false;

            FontMap[font] = qfont;
            return qfont;
コード例 #30
 public QFontDrawingPimitive(QFont font)
     Font    = font.FontData;
     Options = new QFontRenderOptions();
コード例 #31
ファイル: Game.cs プロジェクト: nbasakuragi/PongGL
        /// <summary>Load resources here.</summary>
        /// <param name="e">Not used.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            _heading1 = QFont.FromQFontFile("woodenFont.qfont", 1.0f, new QFontLoaderConfiguration(true));

            GL.ClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
コード例 #32
        //public static void AddText(this QFontDrawing renderer, string text, QFont font, Color color, PointF position, QFontAlignment alignment = QFontAlignment.Left)
        //    AddText(renderer, text, font, color, new Vector2(position.X, position.Y), alignment);

        //public static void AddText(this QFontDrawing renderer, string text, QFont font, Color color, Vector2 position, QFontAlignment alignment = QFontAlignment.Left)
        //    var dp = new QFontDrawingPrimitive(font, new QFontRenderOptions() { Colour = color, LockToPixel = true });
        //    dp.Print(text, new Vector3(position), alignment);
        //    renderer.DrawingPrimitives.Add(dp);

        public static void AddText(this QFontDrawing renderer, string text, QFont font, Color color, Vector4 bounds,
                                   StringAlignment vAlign = StringAlignment.Near,
                                   StringAlignment hAlign = StringAlignment.Near)
            AddText(renderer, text, font, color, new RectangleF(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Z, bounds.W), vAlign, hAlign);
コード例 #33
        private void PrintCommentWithLine(QFont font, string comment, QFontAlignment alignment, float xOffset, ref float yOffset)

            yOffset += 20;
            GL.Translate((int)xOffset, yOffset, 0f);
            font.Print(comment, alignment);
            var bounds = font.Measure(comment, Width-60, alignment);

                GL.Color4(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); GL.Vertex2(0f, 0f);
                GL.Color4(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 1f); GL.Vertex2(0f, bounds.Height + 20f);

            yOffset += bounds.Height;


コード例 #34
 public QFontDrawingPimitive(QFont font, QFontRenderOptions options)
     _font   = font;
     Options = options;
コード例 #35
 public QFontDrawingPimitive(QFont font)
     _font   = font;
     Options = new QFontRenderOptions();
コード例 #36
        private void InitOpenGLResources()
            String fragSource = Properties.Resources.ps_FrontBack;
            String vertSource = Properties.Resources.vs_FrontBack;
            shader_frontback = GLEx.CreateShaderProgramStrings(vertSource, fragSource);

            GL.ClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0f);

            // Setup VBO state

                codeText = new QFont("consolab.ttf", Properties.Resources.consolab, 10, FontStyle.Bold);
            catch (System.Exception ex)

            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0);
コード例 #37
        public void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            camera = new Camera();
            entities = new List<Entity>();

            player = new Player();
            map = new LevelMap(new Texture("Resources/Levels/" + level + ".png"), new Texture("Resources/Levels/" + level + "_col.png"));

            helpFont = new QFont("Resources/Fonts/anarchysans.ttf", 22);
            helpFont.Options.Colour = Color4.DarkRed;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("Resources/Levels/" + level + ".txt"))
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    string line = reader.ReadLine();
                    string[] values = line.Split(' ');
                    Vector2 pos = new Vector2(int.Parse(values[1]), int.Parse(values[2]));

                    switch (values[0])
                        case "Spawn":
                            player.Position = pos;
                            player.Position = pos;
                        case "Generator":
                            generator = new Generator(pos);
                        case "Lift":
                            lift = new Lift(pos);
                        case "Pickaxe":
                            entities.Add(new Pickaxe(pos, 0, true));
                        case "PickaxeB":
                            entities.Add(new Pickaxe(pos, 0, false));
                        case "Skeleton":
                            entities.Add(new Skeleton(0, pos));
                        case "Goblin":
                            entities.Add(new Goblin(pos));
                        case "GameEnd":
                            entities.Add(new Endgame(pos));

            fadeIn = new Mesh(1024, 768, Texture.Zero);
            fadePercent = 1f;
            fadingIn = true;

            GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
コード例 #38
ファイル: QFont.cs プロジェクト: swax/QuickFont
        public static QFont FromQFontFile(string filePath, float downSampleFactor, QFontLoaderConfiguration loaderConfig)
            if (loaderConfig == null)
                loaderConfig = new QFontLoaderConfiguration();

            TransformViewport? transToVp = null;
            float fontScale = 1f;
            if (loaderConfig.TransformToCurrentOrthogProjection)
                transToVp = OrthogonalTransform(out fontScale);

            QFont qfont = new QFont();
            qfont.fontData = Builder.LoadQFontDataFromFile(filePath, downSampleFactor * fontScale, loaderConfig);

            if (loaderConfig.ShadowConfig != null)
                qfont.Options.DropShadowActive = true;
            if (transToVp != null)
                qfont.Options.TransformToViewport = transToVp;

            return qfont;
コード例 #39
ファイル: FontLibrary.cs プロジェクト: opcon/Substructio
 public GameFont(QFont font, string fontType, Vector2 screenDimensions)
     Font = font;
     FontType = fontType;
     OptimalScreenDimensions = screenDimensions;
コード例 #40
        private void PrintWithBounds(QFont font, string text, RectangleF bounds, QFontAlignment alignment, ref float yOffset)

            GL.Color4(1.0f, 0f, 0f, 1.0f);

            float maxWidth = bounds.Width;

            float height = font.Measure(text, maxWidth, alignment).Height;

                GL.Vertex3(bounds.X, bounds.Y, 0f);
                GL.Vertex3(bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y, 0f);
                GL.Vertex3(bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y + height, 0f);
                GL.Vertex3(bounds.X, bounds.Y + height, 0f);

            font.Print(text, maxWidth, alignment, new Vector2(bounds.X,bounds.Y));

            yOffset += height;

コード例 #41
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: angjminer/rawbots
        public Game()
            : base(800, 600, GraphicsMode.Default, "Rawbots")
            VSync = VSyncMode.On;

            renderModeCount = 0;
            shadingModeCount = 0;

            if (IsWindows())
                useFonts = true;

            config = Config.Load();

            this.Width = config.ScreenWidth;
            this.Height = config.ScreenHeight;

            if (config.Fullscreen)
                this.WindowState = WindowState.Fullscreen;

            resourcePath = DetectResourcePath();

            Mouse.Move += new EventHandler<MouseMoveEventArgs>(OnMouseMove);
            Keyboard.KeyDown += new EventHandler<KeyboardKeyEventArgs>(OnKeyDown);
            Keyboard.KeyUp += new EventHandler<KeyboardKeyEventArgs>(OnKeyUp);

            Console.WriteLine("{0}", resourcePath);

            if (useFonts)
                font = new QFont(resourcePath + "/Fonts/Ubuntu-R.ttf", 16);
                font.Options.Colour = new Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                font.Options.DropShadowActive = false;

                monoFont = new QFont(resourcePath + "/Fonts/UbuntuMono-R.ttf", 16);
                monoFont.Options.Colour = new Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                monoFont.Options.DropShadowActive = false;

コード例 #42
ファイル: FontLibrary.cs プロジェクト: opcon/Substructio
 public GameFont(QFont font, GameFontType fontType, Vector2 screenDimensions)
     Font = font;
     OptimalScreenDimensions = screenDimensions;
     FontType = GetLookupString(fontType);
コード例 #43
 public static void Draw(QFont font, string text, QFontAlignment alignment, Vector2 position)
     position.Y -= font.Measure(text, alignment).Height / 2;
     font.Options.UseDefaultBlendFunction = false;
     font.Print(text, alignment, position);
コード例 #44
ファイル: QFont.cs プロジェクト: rumkex/QuickFont
 public static QFont FromQFontFile(IFontRenderer renderer, string filePath, float downSampleFactor = 1.0f, QFontLoaderConfiguration loaderConfig = null)
     QFont qfont = new QFont(renderer);
     qfont.fontLoadDescription = new FontLoadDescription(filePath,downSampleFactor,loaderConfig);
     return qfont;