コード例 #1
        private void ImportExportSystem(StarSystem system)
            //TODO: need to be able to export a system that will only save systemBodies.
            //for a generated one, just saving the seed should suffice.
            //for a created one we'll have to do more.
            //also need to be able to export a players view of a system. but that would likely be a different function altogether.
            SerializationManager.Export(_game, "testSystemExport", system);
            string jsonString  = SerializationManager.Export(_game, system);
            int    entityCount = system.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>(_smAuthToken).Count;

            _game        = TestingUtilities.CreateTestUniverse(0);
            _smAuthToken = new AuthenticationToken(_game.SpaceMaster);

            StarSystem importedSystem = SerializationManager.ImportSystemJson(_game, jsonString);

            Assert.AreEqual(system.Guid, importedSystem.Guid);

            // See that the entities were imported.
            Assert.AreEqual(entityCount, importedSystem.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>(_smAuthToken).Count);

            // Ensure the system was added to the game's system list.
            List <StarSystem> systems = _game.GetSystems(_smAuthToken);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, systems.Count);

            // Ensure the returned value references the same system as the game's system list
            system = _game.GetSystem(_smAuthToken, system.Guid);
            Assert.AreEqual(importedSystem, system);
コード例 #2
        public void TestSingleSystemSave()
            _game = TestingUtilities.CreateTestUniverse(1);
            _smAuthToken = new AuthenticationToken(_game.SpaceMaster);

            StarSystemFactory starsysfac = new StarSystemFactory(_game);
            StarSystem sol  = starsysfac.CreateSol(_game);
            StaticDataManager.ExportStaticData(sol, "solsave.json");
コード例 #3
        public void GameImportExport()
            // Nubmer of systems to generate for this test. Configurable.
            const int  numSystems   = 10;
            const bool generateSol  = false;
            int        totalSystems = generateSol ? numSystems + 1 : numSystems;

            // lets create a bad save game:

            // Check default nulls throw:
            Assert.Catch <ArgumentNullException>(() => SerializationManager.Export(null, File));
            Assert.Catch <ArgumentException>(() => SerializationManager.Export(_game, (string)null));
            Assert.Catch <ArgumentException>(() => SerializationManager.Export(_game, string.Empty));

            Assert.Catch <ArgumentException>(() => SerializationManager.ImportGame((string)null));
            Assert.Catch <ArgumentException>(() => SerializationManager.ImportGame(string.Empty));
            Assert.Catch <ArgumentNullException>(() => SerializationManager.ImportGame((Stream)null));

            _game = TestingUtilities.CreateTestUniverse(numSystems, _testTime, generateSol);

            // lets create a good saveGame
            SerializationManager.Export(_game, File);

            Assert.IsTrue(System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(SerializationManager.GetWorkingDirectory(), File)));
            Console.WriteLine(Path.Combine(SerializationManager.GetWorkingDirectory(), File));
            // now lets give ourselves a clean game:
            _game = null;

            //and load the saved data:
            _game        = SerializationManager.ImportGame(File);
            _smAuthToken = new AuthenticationToken(_game.SpaceMaster);

            Assert.AreEqual(totalSystems, _game.GetSystems(_smAuthToken).Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(_testTime, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime);
            List <Entity> entities = _game.GlobalManager.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <FactionInfoDB>(_smAuthToken);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, entities.Count);
            entities = _game.GlobalManager.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <SpeciesDB>(_smAuthToken);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, entities.Count);

            // lets check the the refs were hocked back up:
            Entity species     = _game.GlobalManager.GetFirstEntityWithDataBlob <SpeciesDB>(_smAuthToken);
            NameDB speciesName = species.GetDataBlob <NameDB>();

            Assert.AreSame(speciesName.OwningEntity, species);

            // <?TODO: Expand this out to cover many more DBs, entities, and cases.
コード例 #4
        public void SaveGameConsistency()
            const int maxTries = 10;

            for (int numTries = 0; numTries < maxTries; numTries++)
                SerializationManager.Export(_game, File);
                _game = SerializationManager.ImportGame(File);
                SerializationManager.Export(_game, File2);

                var fs1 = new FileStream(Path.Combine(SerializationManager.GetWorkingDirectory(), File), FileMode.Open);
                var fs2 = new FileStream(Path.Combine(SerializationManager.GetWorkingDirectory(), File2), FileMode.Open);

                if (fs1.Length == fs2.Length)
                    // Read and compare a byte from each file until either a
                    // non-matching set of bytes is found or until the end of
                    // file1 is reached.
                    int file1Byte;
                    int file2Byte;
                        // Read one byte from each file.
                        file1Byte = fs1.ReadByte();
                        file2Byte = fs2.ReadByte();
                    } while ((file1Byte == file2Byte) && (file1Byte != -1));

                    // Close the files.

                    // Return the success of the comparison. "file1byte" is
                    // equal to "file2byte" at this point only if the files are
                    // the same.
                    if (file1Byte - file2Byte == 0)
                        Assert.Pass("Save Games consistent on try #" + (numTries + 1));

            Assert.Fail("SaveGameConsistency could not be verified. Please ensure saves are properly loading and saving.");
コード例 #5
        public void EntityImportExport()
            // Ensure we have a test universe.
            _game        = TestingUtilities.CreateTestUniverse(10);
            _smAuthToken = new AuthenticationToken(_game.SpaceMaster);


            // Choose a random system.
            var rand = new Random();
            List <StarSystem> systems = _game.GetSystems(_smAuthToken);
            int        systemIndex    = rand.Next(systems.Count - 1);
            StarSystem system         = systems[systemIndex];

            // Export/Reinport all system bodies in that system.

            foreach (Entity entity in system.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>(_smAuthToken))
                string jsonString = SerializationManager.Export(_game, entity);

                // Clone the entity for later comparison.
                ProtoEntity clone = entity.Clone();

                // Destroy the entity.

                // Ensure the entity was destroyed.
                Entity foundEntity;
                Assert.IsFalse(system.FindEntityByGuid(clone.Guid, out foundEntity));

                // Import the entity back into the manager.
                Entity importedEntity = SerializationManager.ImportEntityJson(_game, jsonString, system);

                // Ensure the imported entity is valid
                // Check to find the guid.
                Assert.IsTrue(system.FindEntityByGuid(clone.Guid, out foundEntity));
                // Check the ID imported correctly.
                Assert.AreEqual(clone.Guid, importedEntity.Guid);
                // Check the datablobs imported correctly.
                Assert.AreEqual(clone.DataBlobs.Where(dataBlob => dataBlob != null).ToList().Count, importedEntity.DataBlobs.Count);
                // Check the manager is the same.
                Assert.AreEqual(system, importedEntity.Manager);
コード例 #6
        public void CompareLoadedGameWithOrigional() //TODO do this after a few game ticks and check the comparitiveTests again.
            //create a new game
            Game newGame = TestingUtilities.CreateTestUniverse(10, _testTime, true);

            Entity     ship        = newGame.GlobalManager.GetFirstEntityWithDataBlob <TransitableDB>();
            StarSystem firstSystem = newGame.Systems.First().Value;
            DateTime   jumpTime    = StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);

            //insert a jump so that we can compair timeloop dictionary
            InterSystemJumpProcessor.SetJump(newGame, jumpTime, firstSystem, jumpTime, ship);

            // lets create a good saveGame
            SerializationManager.Export(newGame, File);
            //then load it:
            Game loadedGame = SerializationManager.ImportGame(File);

            //run some tests
            ComparitiveTests(newGame, loadedGame);
コード例 #7
        public void StarSystemImportExport()
            _game        = TestingUtilities.CreateTestUniverse(10);
            _smAuthToken = new AuthenticationToken(_game.SpaceMaster);


            // Choose a procedural system.
            List <StarSystem> systems = _game.GetSystems(_smAuthToken);
            var        rand           = new Random();
            int        systemIndex    = rand.Next(systems.Count - 1);
            StarSystem system         = systems[systemIndex];


            //Now do the same thing, but with Sol.
            DefaultStartFactory.DefaultHumans(_game, "Humans");

            systems = _game.GetSystems(_smAuthToken);
            system  = systems[systems.Count - 1];
コード例 #8
        private void ImportExportSystem(StarSystem system)
            string jsonString  = SerializationManager.Export(_game, system);
            int    entityCount = system.SystemManager.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>(_smAuthToken).Count;

            _game        = TestingUtilities.CreateTestUniverse(0);
            _smAuthToken = new AuthenticationToken(_game.SpaceMaster);

            StarSystem importedSystem = SerializationManager.ImportSystemJson(_game, jsonString);

            Assert.AreEqual(system.Guid, importedSystem.Guid);

            // See that the entities were imported.
            Assert.AreEqual(entityCount, importedSystem.SystemManager.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <SystemBodyInfoDB>(_smAuthToken).Count);

            // Ensure the system was added to the game's system list.
            List <StarSystem> systems = _game.GetSystems(_smAuthToken);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, systems.Count);

            // Ensure the returned value references the same system as the game's system list
            system = _game.GetSystem(_smAuthToken, system.Guid);
            Assert.AreEqual(importedSystem, system);