コード例 #1
 public PlugwisePowerUsageMessage(PlugwiseMessage msg)
     this.Mac = msg.Owner;
     this.Type = PlugwiseActions.powerinfo;
     string[] values = Regex.Split(msg.Message, "\\|");
     this.EightSec = int.Parse(values[0]);
     this.OneSec = int.Parse(values[1]);
コード例 #2
        public PlugwiseCalibrationMessage(PlugwiseMessage msg)
            this.Mac = msg.Owner;
            this.Type = PlugwiseActions.Calibration;
            string[] values = Regex.Split(msg.Message, "\\|");
            this.GainA = float.Parse(values[0]);

            this.GainB = float.Parse(values[1]);

            this.OffRuis = float.Parse(values[2]);
            this.OffTot = float.Parse(values[3]);
コード例 #3
 public PlugwiseStatusMessage(PlugwiseMessage msg)
     this.Mac = msg.Owner;
     this.Type = PlugwiseActions.Status;
     string[] values = Regex.Split(msg.Message, "\\|");
     this.InternalYear = byte.Parse(values[0]);
     this.InternalMonth = byte.Parse(values[1]);
     this.InternalMinutes = int.Parse(values[2]);
     this.CurrentLogAdr = MessageHelper.ConvertPlugwiseLogHexToInt(int.Parse(values[3]));
     this.State = Convert.ToBoolean(byte.Parse(values[4]));
     this.Hertz = byte.Parse(values[5]);
     this.HardVersion = values[6];
     this.FirmVersion = double.Parse(values[7]);
        // this.On = Convert.ToBoolean(Convert.ToInt32(values[0]));
       //  this.LastLog = MessageHelper.ConvertPlugwiseLogHexToInt((int)ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt32(values[1]));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method reads the serial data and performs a conversion to a message object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serialData">A string array containing the data received by the serial port</param>
        /// <returns>A list of PlugwiseMessages that represent the data that was received by the serial port</returns>
        public List<PlugwiseMessage> Read(string[] serialData)
            List<PlugwiseMessage> output = new List<PlugwiseMessage>();

            string response = "";
            string mac = "";
            string sequence_nb = "";
            string type = "";

            foreach (string raw_msg in serialData)
                PlugwiseMessage msg = new PlugwiseMessage();
            if (raw_msg.Length > 40)
                //Length of serial =7
                type = raw_msg.Substring(0, 4);
                switch (type)
                    //Power information request (current)
                    case "0013":
                        response = raw_msg.Substring(0, 56);
                        sequence_nb = response.Substring(4, 4);
                        mac = response.Substring(8, 16);
                        int oneSec = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt16(response.Substring(24, 4));
                        int eightSec = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt16(response.Substring(28, 4));
                        double allSec = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt32(response.Substring(32, 8));
                        msg.Message = "" + eightSec + "|" + oneSec;
                        msg.Owner = mac;
                        msg.Type = Convert.ToInt16(PlugwiseActions.Status);

                    case "0024":
                        response = raw_msg.Substring(0, 70);
                        sequence_nb = response.Substring(4, 4);
                        mac = response.Substring(8, 16);
                        byte InternalYear = ConversionClass.HexToByte(response.Substring(24, 2));
                        byte InternalMonth = ConversionClass.HexToByte(response.Substring(26, 2));
                        int InternalMinutes = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt16(response.Substring(28, 4));
                        uint CurrentLogAdr = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt32(response.Substring(32, 8));
                        byte State = ConversionClass.HexToByte(response.Substring(40, 2));
                        byte Hertz = ConversionClass.HexToByte(response.Substring(42, 2));
                        string HardVersion = response.Substring(44, 16);
                        double FirmVersion = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt32(response.Substring(60, 10));

                        msg.Message = "" + InternalYear + "|" + InternalMonth + "|" + InternalMinutes + "|" + CurrentLogAdr + "|" + State + "|" + Hertz + "|" + HardVersion + "|" + FirmVersion;
                        msg.Owner = mac;
                        msg.Type = Convert.ToInt16(PlugwiseActions.powerinfo);

                    case "0027":
                        response = raw_msg.Substring(0, 60);
                        sequence_nb = response.Substring(4, 4);
                        mac = response.Substring(8, 16);
                        float gaina = ConversionClass.HexStringToFloat(response.Substring(24, 8));
                        float gainb = ConversionClass.HexStringToFloat(response.Substring(32, 8));
                        float offTot = ConversionClass.HexStringToFloat(response.Substring(40, 8));
                        float offRuis = ConversionClass.HexStringToFloat(response.Substring(48, 8));
                        msg.Message = "" + gaina + "|" + gainb + "|" + offTot + "|" + offRuis;
                        msg.Owner = mac;
                        msg.Type = Convert.ToInt16(PlugwiseActions.Calibration);

                    //Power buffer info
                    case "0049":
                        response = raw_msg.Substring(0, 100);
                        sequence_nb = response.Substring(4, 4);
                        mac = response.Substring(8, 16);
                        string h1 = response.Substring(24, 8);
                        uint v1 = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt32(response.Substring(32, 8));
                        string h2 = response.Substring(40, 8);
                        uint v2 = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt32(response.Substring(48, 8));
                        string h3 = response.Substring(56, 8);
                        uint v3 = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt32(response.Substring(64, 8));
                        string h4 = response.Substring(72, 8);
                        uint v4 = ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt32(response.Substring(80, 8));
                        int logAddres = MessageHelper.ConvertPlugwiseLogHexToInt(int.Parse(response.Substring(88, 8), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber));
                        msg.Message = "" + h1 + "|" + v1 + "|" + h2 + "|" + v2 + "|" + h3 + "|" + v3 + "|" + h4 + "|" + v4 + "|" + logAddres + "|" + ConversionClass.HexStringToUInt32(sequence_nb);
                        msg.Type = Convert.ToInt16(PlugwiseActions.history);

            return output;
コード例 #5
        public PlugwiseHistoryPowerMessage(PlugwiseMessage msg)
            List<PlugwiseMessage> output = new List<PlugwiseMessage>();

            prevHour = nullDate;

            Messages = new List<PlugwiseHistoryMessage>();

            this.Mac = msg.Owner;
            string[] values = Regex.Split(msg.Message, "\\|");
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i=i+2)
               //     PlugwiseHistoryPowerMessage
                PlugwiseHistoryMessage Messag = new PlugwiseHistoryMessage();
                Messag.MeasurementValue = int.Parse(values[i + 1]);
                Messag.RawHourvalue = values[i];
            this.LogAddress = Convert.ToInt32(values[8]);
            this.Type = PlugwiseActions.history;
            this.nb_Sequence = Convert.ToInt32(values[9]);