コード例 #1
        public static BalanceTeamsResult BalanceTeams(LobbyHostingContext context, bool isGameStart, int? allyCount, bool? clanWise)
            var playerCount = context.Players.Count(x => !x.IsSpectator);

            if (clanWise == null && (context.Mode == AutohostMode.Teams)) clanWise = true;

            var res = PerformBalance(context, isGameStart, allyCount, clanWise);

            if (context.Mode != AutohostMode.None && context.Mode != AutohostMode.GameChickens)
                if (isGameStart)
                    // dont allow to start alone
                    if (playerCount <= 1)
                        return new BalanceTeamsResult
                            CanStart = false,
                            Message = "Sorry this room type needs more human players, open cooperative battle to fight against bots."
            if (isGameStart) VerifySpecCheaters(context, res);

            return res;
コード例 #2
 public void SetForHosting(LobbyHostingContext startContext,
     string ip,
     int? port,
     string myUser,
     string myPassword)
     LobbyStartContext = startContext;
     EngineVersion = startContext.EngineVersion;
     IsHosting = true;
     IpAddress = ip ?? "";
     Port = port ?? 8452;
     MyUserName = myUser;
     MyPassword = myPassword;
     ActualPlayers =
             x =>
                 new BattlePlayerResult(x.Name)
                     AllyNumber = x.AllyID,
                     IsSpectator = x.IsSpectator,
                     IsVictoryTeam = false,
                     IsIngameReady = false,
                     IsIngame = false,
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Writes join messages and tells <see cref="Springie" /> to force spectate player if needed
        /// </summary>
        public static PlayerJoinResult AutohostPlayerJoined(LobbyHostingContext context, int accountID)
            var res = new PlayerJoinResult();
            var mode = context.Mode;

            if (mode == AutohostMode.Planetwars)
                using (var db = new ZkDataContext())
                    var planet = db.Galaxies.Single(x => x.IsDefault).Planets.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Resource.InternalName == context.Map);
                    if (planet == null)
                        res.PublicMessage = "Invalid map";
                        return res;
                    var account = db.Accounts.Find(accountID); // accountID is in fact lobbyID

                    if (account != null)
                        var owner = "";
                        if (planet.Account != null) owner = planet.Account.Name;
                        var facRoles = string.Join(",",
                            account.AccountRolesByAccountID.Where(x => !x.RoleType.IsClanOnly).Select(x => x.RoleType.Name).ToList());
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(facRoles)) facRoles += " of " + account.Faction.Name + ", ";

                        var clanRoles = string.Join(",",
                            account.AccountRolesByAccountID.Where(x => x.RoleType.IsClanOnly).Select(x => x.RoleType.Name).ToList());
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clanRoles)) clanRoles += " of " + account.Clan.ClanName;

                        res.PublicMessage = string.Format("Greetings {0} {1}{2}, welcome to {3} planet {4} {6}/PlanetWars/Planet/{5}",

                        return res;

            return null;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Sets up all the things that Springie needs to know for the battle: how to balance, who to get extra commanders,
        ///     what PlanetWars structures to create, etc.
        /// </summary>
        public static LobbyHostingContext GetDedicatedServerStartSetup(LobbyHostingContext context)
            var ret = context;
                var mode = context.Mode;

               var commProfiles = new LuaTable();
                var db = new ZkDataContext();

                // calculate to whom to send extra comms
                var accountIDsWithExtraComms = new List<int>();
                if (mode == AutohostMode.Planetwars || mode == AutohostMode.GameFFA || mode == AutohostMode.Teams)
                    var groupedByTeam = context.Players.Where(x => !x.IsSpectator).GroupBy(x => x.AllyID).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count());
                    var biggest = groupedByTeam.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (biggest != null)
                        foreach (var other in groupedByTeam.Skip(1))
                            var cnt = biggest.Count() - other.Count();
                            if (cnt > 0)
                                foreach (var a in
                                    other.Select(x => db.Accounts.First(y => y.AccountID == x.LobbyID))
                                        .OrderByDescending(x => x.Elo*x.EloWeight)
                                        .Take(cnt)) accountIDsWithExtraComms.Add(a.AccountID);

                // write Planetwars details to modoptions (for widget)
                Faction attacker = null;
                Faction defender = null;
                Planet planet = null;
                if (mode == AutohostMode.Planetwars)
                    planet = db.Galaxies.First(x => x.IsDefault).Planets.First(x => x.Resource.InternalName == context.Map);
                    attacker =
                        context.Players.Where(x => x.AllyID == 0 && !x.IsSpectator)
                            .Select(x => db.Accounts.First(y => y.AccountID == x.LobbyID))
                            .Where(x => x.Faction != null)
                            .Select(x => x.Faction)

                    defender = planet.Faction;

                    if (attacker == defender) defender = null;

                    ret.ModOptions["attackingFaction"] = attacker.Shortcut;
                    if (defender != null) ret.ModOptions["defendingFaction"] = defender.Shortcut;
                    ret.ModOptions["planet"] = planet.Name;

                // write player custom keys (level, elo, is muted, etc.)
                foreach (var p in context.Players)
                    var user = db.Accounts.Where(x=>x.AccountID == p.LobbyID).Include(x=>x.RelalationsByOwner).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (user != null)
                        var userParams = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        ret.UserParameters[p.Name] = userParams;

                        userParams["LobbyID"] = user.AccountID.ToString();
                        userParams["CountryCode"] = user.Country;

                        var userBanMuted = user.PunishmentsByAccountID.Any(x => !x.IsExpired && x.BanMute);
                        if (userBanMuted) userParams["muted"] = "1";
                        userParams["faction"] = user.Faction != null ? user.Faction.Shortcut : "";
                        userParams["clan"] = user.Clan != null ? user.Clan.Shortcut : "";
                        userParams["clanfull"] = user.Clan != null ? user.Clan.ClanName : "";
                        userParams["level"] = user.Level.ToString();
                        var elo = user.EffectiveMmElo;
                        userParams["elo"] = Math.Round(elo).ToString(); 
                        userParams["skill_order"] = ((context.IsMatchMakerGame ? user.CompetitiveRank : user.CasualRank) ?? int.MaxValue).ToString(); // send order of skills (For lists). Note this should be improved by sendng normalized list instead of ranks

                        userParams["avatar"] = user.Avatar;
                        userParams["admin"] = user.IsZeroKAdmin ? "1" : "0";

                        var userSpecChatBlocked = user.PunishmentsByAccountID.Any(x => !x.IsExpired && x.BanSpecChat);
                        userParams["can_spec_chat"] = userSpecChatBlocked ? "0" : "1";

                        userParams["ignored"] = string.Join(",", user.RelalationsByOwner.Where(x => x.Relation == Relation.Ignore).Select(x=>x.Target.Name));
                        userParams["friends"] = string.Join(",", user.RelalationsByOwner.Where(x => x.Relation == Relation.Friend).Select(x=>x.Target.Name));
                        if (!p.IsSpectator)
                            // set valid PW structure attackers
                            if (mode == AutohostMode.Planetwars)
                                var allied = user.Faction != null && defender != null && user.Faction != defender &&
                                             defender.HasTreatyRight(user.Faction, x => x.EffectPreventIngamePwStructureDestruction == true, planet);

                                if (!allied && user.Faction != null && (user.Faction == attacker || user.Faction == defender))
                                    userParams["canAttackPwStructures"] = "1";

                            if (accountIDsWithExtraComms.Contains(user.AccountID)) userParams["extracomm"] = "1";

                            var commProfileIDs = new LuaTable();
                            var userCommandersBanned = user.PunishmentsByAccountID.Any(x => !x.IsExpired && x.BanCommanders);
                            if (!userCommandersBanned)
                                // set up commander data
                                foreach (var c in user.Commanders.Where(x => x.Unlock != null && x.ProfileNumber <= GlobalConst.CommanderProfileCount)
                                        var commProfile = new LuaTable();

                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Name) || c.Name.Any(x => x == '"'))
                                            c.Name = c.CommanderID.ToString();
                                        commProfiles.Add("c" + c.CommanderID, commProfile);
                                        commProfileIDs.Add("c" + c.CommanderID);

                                        // process decoration icons
                                        var decorations = new LuaTable();
                                        foreach (var d in
                                            c.CommanderDecorations.Where(x => x.Unlock != null).OrderBy(x => x.SlotID).Select(x => x.Unlock))
                                            var iconData = db.CommanderDecorationIcons.FirstOrDefault(x => x.DecorationUnlockID == d.UnlockID);
                                            if (iconData != null)
                                                string iconName = null, iconPosition = null;
                                                // FIXME: handle avatars and preset/custom icons
                                                if (iconData.IconType == (int)DecorationIconTypes.Faction)
                                                    iconName = user.Faction != null ? user.Faction.Shortcut : null;
                                                else if (iconData.IconType == (int)DecorationIconTypes.Clan)
                                                    iconName = user.Clan != null ? user.Clan.Shortcut : null;

                                                if (iconName != null)
                                                    iconPosition = CommanderDecoration.GetIconPosition(d);
                                                    var entry = new LuaTable();
                                                    entry.Add("image", iconName);
                                                    decorations.Add("icon_" + iconPosition.ToLower(), entry);
                                            else decorations.Add(d.Code);

                                        commProfile["name"] = c.Name.Substring(0, Math.Min(25, c.Name.Length));
                                        commProfile["chassis"] = c.Unlock.Code;
                                        commProfile["decorations"] = decorations;

                                        var modules = new LuaTable();
                                        commProfile["modules"] = modules;

                                        for (var i = 1; i <= GlobalConst.NumCommanderLevels; i++)
                                            var modulesForLevel = new LuaTable();
                                            var modulesOrdered = c.CommanderModules.Where(x => x.CommanderSlot.MorphLevel == i).ToList();
                                            var slots = db.CommanderSlots.ToList().Where(x => x.MorphLevel == i && (x.ChassisID == null || (x.ChassisID == c.ChassisUnlockID))).ToList();
                                            slots.Sort(delegate (CommanderSlot x, CommanderSlot y)
                                                UnlockTypes type1 = x.UnlockType;
                                                UnlockTypes type2 = x.UnlockType;
                                                if (type1 == UnlockTypes.WeaponManualFire || type1 == UnlockTypes.WeaponBoth)
                                                    type1 = UnlockTypes.Weapon;
                                                if (type2 == UnlockTypes.WeaponManualFire || type2 == UnlockTypes.WeaponBoth)
                                                    type2 = UnlockTypes.Weapon;
                                                int result = type1.CompareTo(type2);
                                                if (result == 0) return x.CommanderSlotID.CompareTo(y.CommanderSlotID);
                                                else return result;
                                            foreach (var slot in slots)
                                                String value = String.Empty;
                                                var module = c.CommanderModules.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SlotID == slot.CommanderSlotID);
                                                if (module != null)
                                                    value = module.Unlock.Code;
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        throw new ApplicationException(
                                            $"Error processing commander: {c.CommanderID} - {c.Name} of player {user.AccountID} - {user.Name}",
                            else userParams["jokecomm"] = "1";

                            userParams["commanders"] = commProfileIDs.ToBase64String();
                ret.ModOptions["commanderTypes"] = commProfiles.ToBase64String();

                // set PW structures
                if (mode == AutohostMode.Planetwars)
                    var owner = planet.Faction != null ? planet.Faction.Shortcut : "";

                    var pwStructures = new LuaTable();
                    foreach (
                        var s in planet.PlanetStructures.Where(x => x.StructureType != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.StructureType.IngameUnitName)))
                        pwStructures.Add("s" + s.StructureTypeID,
                            new LuaTable
                                { "unitname", s.StructureType.IngameUnitName },
                                //{ "isDestroyed", s.IsDestroyed ? true : false },
                                    "name", $"{owner} {s.StructureType.Name} ({(s.Account != null ? s.Account.Name : "unowned")})" },
                                { "description", s.StructureType.Description }
                    ret.ModOptions["planetwarsStructures"] = pwStructures.ToBase64String();

                return ret;
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #5
 public LobbyHostingContext GetContext()
     var ret = new LobbyHostingContext();
     ret.FounderName = FounderName;
     ret.Map = MapName;
     ret.Mod = ModName;
     ret.Title = Title;
     ret.EngineVersion = EngineVersion;
     ret.IsMission = IsMission;
     ret.Players = Users.Values.Select(x => x.ToPlayerTeam()).ToList();
     ret.Bots = Bots.Values.Select(x => x.ToBotTeam()).ToList();
     ret.ModOptions = new Dictionary<string, string>(ModOptions);
     ret.Mode = Mode;
     ret.IsMatchMakerGame = IsMatchMakerBattle; 
     return ret;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     The function that actually moves players arounds
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teamCount"></param>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <param name="unmovablePlayers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        BalanceTeamsResult LegacyBalance(int teamCount, BalanceMode mode, LobbyHostingContext b, params List<Account>[] unmovablePlayers)
            var ret = new BalanceTeamsResult();

            if (b.IsMatchMakerGame) mode = BalanceMode.Party; // override, for matchmaker mode is always party
                ret.CanStart = true;
                ret.Players = b.Players.ToList();

                var db = new ZkDataContext();
                var nonSpecList = b.Players.Where(y => !y.IsSpectator).Select(y => (int?)y.LobbyID).ToList();
                var accs = db.Accounts.Where(x => nonSpecList.Contains(x.AccountID)).ToList();
                if (accs.Count < 1)
                    ret.CanStart = false;
                    return ret;
                if (teamCount < 1) teamCount = 1;
                if (teamCount > accs.Count) teamCount = accs.Count;
                if (teamCount == 1)
                    foreach (var p in ret.Players) p.AllyID = 0;
                    return ret;

                maxTeamSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(accs.Count / (double)teamCount);

                for (var i = 0; i < teamCount; i++)
                    var team = new BalanceTeam();
                    if (unmovablePlayers != null && unmovablePlayers.Length > i)
                        var unmovables = unmovablePlayers[i];
                        team.AddItem(new BalanceItem(b.IsMatchMakerGame, unmovablePlayers[i].ToArray()) { CanBeMoved = false });
                        accs.RemoveAll(x => unmovables.Any(y => y.AccountID == x.AccountID));

                balanceItems = new List<BalanceItem>();
                if (mode == BalanceMode.Party)
                    var clanGroups = accs.GroupBy(x => b.Players.First(p => p.Name == x.Name).PartyID ?? x.AccountID).ToList();
                    if (teamCount > clanGroups.Count() || clanGroups.Any(x => x.Count() > maxTeamSize)) mode = BalanceMode.Normal;
                    else balanceItems.AddRange(clanGroups.Select(x => new BalanceItem(b.IsMatchMakerGame, x.ToArray())));

                if (mode == BalanceMode.ClanWise)
                    var clanGroups = accs.GroupBy(x => b.Players.First(p => p.Name == x.Name).PartyID ?? x.ClanID ?? x.AccountID).ToList();
                    if (teamCount > clanGroups.Count() || clanGroups.Any(x => x.Count() > maxTeamSize)) mode = BalanceMode.Normal;
                    else balanceItems.AddRange(clanGroups.Select(x => new BalanceItem(b.IsMatchMakerGame, x.ToArray())));
                if (mode == BalanceMode.FactionWise)
                    var factionGroups = accs.GroupBy(x => x.FactionID ?? x.AccountID).ToList();
                    balanceItems.AddRange(factionGroups.Select(x => new BalanceItem(b.IsMatchMakerGame, x.ToArray())));

                if (mode == BalanceMode.Normal)
                    balanceItems.AddRange(accs.Select(x => new BalanceItem(b.IsMatchMakerGame, x)));

                var sw = new Stopwatch();

                if (bestTeams == null)
                    var fallback = new Balancer().LegacyBalance(teamCount, BalanceMode.ClanWise, b, null);
                    fallback.Message += "\nWarning: STANDARD TEAM BALANCE USED, PlanetWars not possible with those teams, too many from one faction";
                    return fallback;

                var minSize = bestTeams.Min(x => x.Count);
                var maxSize = bestTeams.Max(x => x.Count);
                var sizesWrong = maxSize / (double)minSize > MaxTeamSizeDifferenceRatio;

                // cbalance failed, rebalance using normal
                if (mode == BalanceMode.ClanWise && (bestTeams == null || GetTeamsDifference(bestTeams) > MaxCbalanceDifference || sizesWrong)) return new Balancer().LegacyBalance(teamCount, BalanceMode.Normal, b, unmovablePlayers);
                // cbalance failed, rebalance using normal

                if (sizesWrong && mode == BalanceMode.FactionWise)
                    var fallback = new Balancer().LegacyBalance(teamCount, BalanceMode.ClanWise, b, null);
                    fallback.Message += "\nWarning: STANDARD TEAM BALANCE USED, PlanetWars not possible with those teams, too many from one faction";
                    return fallback; // fallback standard balance if PW balance fails
                    /*ret.CanStart = false;
                    ret.Message = string.Format("Failed to balance - too many people from same faction");
                    return ret;*/

                if (unmovablePlayers != null && unmovablePlayers.Length > 0)
                    var minElo = bestTeams.Min(x => x.AvgElo);
                    var maxElo = bestTeams.Max(x => x.AvgElo);
                    if (maxElo - minElo > GlobalConst.MaxPwEloDifference)
                        var fallback = new Balancer().LegacyBalance(teamCount, BalanceMode.ClanWise, b, null);
                        fallback.Message +=
                            "\nWarning: STANDARD TEAM BALANCE USED, PlanetWars not possible with those teams, too many from one faction";
                        return fallback; // fallback standard balance if PW balance fails
                        ret.CanStart = false;
                        ret.Message = string.Format("Team difference is too big - win chance {0}% - spectate some or wait for more people",
                                                    Utils.GetWinChancePercent(maxElo - minElo));
                        return ret;*/

                if (bestTeams == null)
                    ret.CanStart = false;
                    ret.Message =
                            "Failed to balance {0} - too many people from same clan or faction (in teams game you can try !random and !forcestart)");
                    return ret;
                if (unmovablePlayers == null || unmovablePlayers.Length == 0) bestTeams = bestTeams.Shuffle(); // permute when not unmovable players present

                var text = "( ";

                var lastTeamElo = 0.0;
                var allyNum = 0;
                foreach (var team in bestTeams)
                    if (allyNum > 0) text += " : ";
                    text += string.Format("{0}", (allyNum + 1));
                    if (allyNum > 0) text += string.Format("={0}%)", Utils.GetWinChancePercent(lastTeamElo - team.AvgElo));
                    lastTeamElo = team.AvgElo;

                    foreach (var u in team.Items.SelectMany(x => x.LobbyId)) ret.Players.Single(x => x.LobbyID == u).AllyID = allyNum;
                text += ")";

                ret.Message = string.Format(
                    "{0} players balanced {2} to {1} teams {3}. {4} combinations checked, spent {5}ms of CPU time",
                    bestTeams.Sum(x => x.Count),
            catch (Exception ex)
                ret.Message = ex.ToString();
                ret.CanStart = false;
            return ret;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Makes <see cref="Springie" /> print a message if two or more people have the same IP
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="res">The <see cref="BalanceTeamsResult" /> to write the message to</param>
        static void VerifySpecCheaters(LobbyHostingContext context, BalanceTeamsResult res)
                // find specs with same IP as some player and kick them
                using (var db = new ZkDataContext())
                    var ids = context.Players.Select(y => (int?)y.LobbyID).ToList();
                    var ipByLobbyID = db.Accounts.Where(x => ids.Contains(x.AccountID))
                        .ToDictionary(x => x.AccountID, x => x.AccountIPs.OrderByDescending(y => y.LastLogin).Select(y => y.IP).FirstOrDefault());
                    // lobbyid -> ip mapping

                    foreach (var grp in context.Players.GroupBy(x => ipByLobbyID[x.LobbyID]).Where(x => x.Count() > 1)) res.Message +=
                        $"\nThese people are in same location: {string.Join(", ", grp.Select(x => x.Name))}";
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceError("Error checking speccheaters: {0}", ex);
コード例 #8
        BalanceTeamsResult PlanetwarsBalance(LobbyHostingContext context)
            var res = new BalanceTeamsResult();
            res.CanStart = true;
            res.DeleteBots = true;

            using (var db = new ZkDataContext())
                res.Message = "";
                var planet = db.Galaxies.Single(x => x.IsDefault).Planets.First(x => x.Resource.InternalName == context.Map);

                // todo hackvar info = PlanetWarsMatchMaker.GetBattleInfo(context.AutohostName);
                PlanetWarsMatchMaker.AttackOption info = null;
                if (info == null)
                    res.Message = "Start battle using matchmaker";
                    res.CanStart = false;
                    return res;
                foreach (var matchUser in info.Attackers) AddPwPlayer(context, matchUser, res, 0);

                foreach (var matchUser in info.Defenders) AddPwPlayer(context, matchUser, res, 1);

                foreach (var p in context.Players.Where(x => !res.Players.Any(y => y.Name == x.Name)))
                    p.IsSpectator = true;

                // bots game
                var cnt = 0;
                if (planet.PlanetStructures.Any(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.StructureType.EffectBots)))
                    foreach (var b in planet.PlanetStructures.Select(x => x.StructureType).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.EffectBots))) res.Bots.Add(new BotTeam { AllyID = 2, BotAI = b.EffectBots, BotName = "Aliens" + cnt++ });

                    res.Message += "This planet is infested by aliens, fight for your survival";
                    return res;
                return res;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calls <see cref="LegacyBalance" /> with the appropriate parameters depending on game settings and conditions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isGameStart">
        ///     If true and <see cref="AutohostMode" /> is none, do nothing (i.e. don't autobalance custom
        ///     rooms at start)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="allyCount"></param>
        /// <param name="clanWise"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <remarks>Also removes bots from team games, and tells people to add bots to a chicken game if absent</remarks>
        static BalanceTeamsResult PerformBalance(
            LobbyHostingContext context,
            bool isGameStart,
            int? allyCount,
            bool? clanWise)
            var res = new BalanceTeamsResult();
            var mode = context.Mode;

            using (var db = new ZkDataContext())
                switch (mode)
                    case AutohostMode.None:
                            if (!isGameStart) res = new Balancer().LegacyBalance(allyCount ?? 2, clanWise == true ? BalanceMode.ClanWise : BalanceMode.Normal, context);
                    case AutohostMode.Teams:
                    case AutohostMode.Game1v1:
                            res = new Balancer().LegacyBalance(allyCount ?? 2, clanWise == false ? BalanceMode.Normal : BalanceMode.ClanWise, context);
                            res.DeleteBots = true;
                    case AutohostMode.GameChickens:
                            res.Players = context.Players.ToList();
                            res.Bots = context.Bots.ToList();
                            foreach (var p in res.Players) p.AllyID = 0;
                            foreach (var b in res.Bots) b.AllyID = 1;

                            // add chickens via modoptions hackish thingie
                            string chickBot = null;
                            if (context.ModOptions?.TryGetValue("chickenailevel", out chickBot) == true && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(chickBot) && chickBot != "none")
                                res.Bots.Add(new BotTeam() { AllyID = 1, BotName = "default_Chicken", BotAI = chickBot });

                            if (!res.Bots.Any() && res.Players.Count > 0)
                                //res.Message = "Add some bot (computer player) as your enemy. Use button on bottom left. Chicken or CAI is recommended.";
                                var map = db.Resources.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InternalName == context.Map);
                                if (map?.MapIsChickens == true) res.Bots.Add(new BotTeam() { AllyID = 1, BotName = "default_Chicken", BotAI = "Chicken: Normal", });
                                else res.Bots.Add(new BotTeam() { AllyID = 1, BotName = "cai", BotAI = "CAI", });
                                res.Message = "Adding computer AI player for you";
                    case AutohostMode.GameFFA:
                            res.DeleteBots = true;
                            var map = db.Resources.Single(x => x.InternalName == context.Map);
                            if (map.MapFFAMaxTeams != null)
                                res = new Balancer().LegacyBalance(
                                    allyCount ?? map.MapFFAMaxTeams.Value,
                                    clanWise == false ? BalanceMode.Normal : BalanceMode.ClanWise,
                                res = new Balancer().LegacyBalance(
                                    allyCount ?? map.MapFFAMaxTeams ?? 8,
                                    clanWise == false ? BalanceMode.Normal : BalanceMode.ClanWise,
                            return res;
                    case AutohostMode.Planetwars:

                        return new Balancer().PlanetwarsBalance(context);
                return res;
コード例 #10
        public event EventHandler<SpringLogEventArgs> GameOver; // game has ended

        public string HostGame(LobbyHostingContext startContext, string host, int port)
            if (!File.Exists(paths.GetDedicatedServerPath(startContext.EngineVersion))) throw new ApplicationException($"Dedicated server executable not found: {paths.GetDedicatedServerPath(startContext.EngineVersion)}");

            Context = new SpringBattleContext();
            Context.SetForHosting(startContext, host, port, null, null);

            if (!IsRunning)
                talker = new Talker();
                talker.SpringEvent += talker_SpringEvent;
                Context.IsHosting = true;

                scriptPath = Utils.MakePath(paths.WritableDirectory, "script_" + startContext.FounderName + ".txt").Replace('\\', '/');

                var script = ScriptGenerator.GenerateHostScript(Context, talker.LoopbackPort);

                return script;
            else Trace.TraceError("Dedicated server already running");
            return null;
コード例 #11
 static void AddPwPlayer(LobbyHostingContext context, string matchUser, BalanceTeamsResult res, int allyID)
     var player = context.Players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == matchUser);
     if (player == null)
         player = new PlayerTeam { Name = matchUser };
         ConnectedUser us;
         // todo hack if (Global.Server.ConnectedUsers.TryGetValue(matchUser, out us)) player.LobbyID = us.User.AccountID;
         //  else
             var db = new ZkDataContext();
             var acc = Account.AccountByName(db, matchUser);
             if (acc != null) player.LobbyID = acc.AccountID;
         new PlayerTeam { AllyID = allyID, IsSpectator = false, Name = player.Name, LobbyID = player.LobbyID });
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Picks a map and writes a message if applicable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The battle whose map needs selection</param>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     <para>
        ///         For Planetwars, picks the map given by the Planetwars matchmaker; else picks a featured map with the
        ///         appropriate tags
        ///     </para>
        ///     <para>For team and chickens games, picks a map of appropriate size based on current player count</para>
        ///     <para>
        ///         For FFA, prefer maps that have a number of boxes equal to player count, or at least a number of boxes that is
        ///         a multiple of player count
        ///     </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public static Resource GetRecommendedMap(LobbyHostingContext context)
            var mode = context.Mode;
            using (var db = new ZkDataContext())
                List<Resource> list = null;
                var players = context.Players.Count(x => !x.IsSpectator);

                var level = context.IsMatchMakerGame ? MapSupportLevel.MatchMaker : MapSupportLevel.Featured;

                switch (mode)
                    case AutohostMode.Teams:
                    case AutohostMode.None:
                        var ret =
                                x => x.TypeID == ResourceType.Map && x.MapSupportLevel >= level && x.MapIsTeams != false && x.MapIsSpecial != true);
                        if (players > 11) ret = ret.Where(x => x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth > 16*16);
                        else if (players > 8)
                            ret =
                                    x =>
                                        x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth > 16*16 &&
                                        x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth <= 24*24);
                        else if (players > 5) ret = ret.Where(x => x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth <= 24*24 || x.MapIs1v1 == true);
                        else ret = ret.Where(x => x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth <= 16*16 || x.MapIs1v1 == true);
                        list = ret.ToList();

                    case AutohostMode.Game1v1:
                        list =
                                x => x.TypeID == ResourceType.Map && x.MapSupportLevel >= level && x.MapIs1v1 == true && x.MapIsSpecial != true).ToList();
                    case AutohostMode.GameChickens:
                        ret =
                                x =>
                                    x.TypeID == ResourceType.Map && x.MapSupportLevel >= level && x.MapIsSpecial != true &&
                                    (x.MapIsChickens == true || x.MapWaterLevel == 1));
                        if (players > 5) ret = ret.Where(x => x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth > 16*16);
                        else if (players > 4)
                            ret =
                                    x =>
                                        x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth > 16*16 &&
                                        x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth <= 24*24);
                        else if (players > 2) ret = ret.Where(x => x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth <= 24*24 || x.MapIs1v1 == true);
                        else ret = ret.Where(x => x.MapHeight*x.MapHeight + x.MapWidth*x.MapWidth <= 16*16 || x.MapIs1v1 == true);
                        list = ret.ToList();

                    case AutohostMode.GameFFA:
                        list =
                                x => x.TypeID == ResourceType.Map && x.MapSupportLevel >= level && x.MapIsFfa == true && x.MapFFAMaxTeams == players)
                        if (!list.Any())
                            list =
                                    x =>
                                        x.TypeID == ResourceType.Map && x.MapSupportLevel>=level && x.MapIsFfa == true &&
                                        (players%x.MapFFAMaxTeams == 0)).ToList();
                        if (!list.Any()) list = db.Resources.Where(x => x.TypeID == ResourceType.Map && x.MapSupportLevel>=level && x.MapIsFfa == true).ToList();

                if (list != null)
                    var r = new Random();
                    if (list.Count > 0)
                        var resource = list[r.Next(list.Count)];
                        return resource;
            return null;
コード例 #13
        public string HostGame(LobbyHostingContext startContext, string host, int port, string myName, string myPassword)
            if (!File.Exists(paths.GetSpringExecutablePath(startContext.EngineVersion))) throw new ApplicationException($"Spring executable not found: {paths.GetSpringExecutablePath(startContext.EngineVersion)}");

            Context = new SpringBattleContext();
            Context.SetForHosting(startContext, host, port, myName, myPassword);

            if (!IsRunning)
                Context.IsHosting = true;

                scriptPath = Utils.MakePath(paths.WritableDirectory, "script_" + myName + ".txt").Replace('\\', '/');

                var script = ScriptGenerator.GenerateHostScript(Context, 0);

                return script;
            else Trace.TraceError("Spring already running");
            return null;