コード例 #1
 /// <summary>Finds triangles touching the input bounds. </summary>
 /// <param name="bounds">Bounds to test against. In object or world space depending on NxQueryFlags. Range: See NxBounds3</param>
 /// <param name="flags">Controls if the bounds are in object or world space and if we return first contact only. See NxQueryFlags. </param>
 /// <param name="callback">Used to return triangles which intersect the AABB </param>
 public virtual bool overlapAABBTriangles(NxBounds3 bounds, uint flags, NxUserEntityReport callback)
     if (doSetFunctionPointers)
         throw new System.NotSupportedException("Cannot call abstract base member");
     return(NxTriangleMeshShape_overlapAABBTriangles_1_INVOKE(ClassPointer, doSetFunctionPointers, (bounds != null ? bounds.ClassPointer : NullRef), flags, (callback != null ? callback.ClassPointer : NullRef)));
コード例 #2
 private bool overlapAABBTriangles_virtual(IntPtr bounds, uint flags, IntPtr callback)
     return(overlapAABBTriangles(NxBounds3.GetClass(bounds), flags, NxUserEntityReport.GetClass(callback)));