コード例 #1
        public void AddInteraction(ProviderServiceInteraction interaction)
            if (interaction == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("interaction");

            //You cannot have any duplicate interaction defined in a test scope
            if (_testScopedInteractions.Any(x => x.Description == interaction.Description &&
                x.ProviderState == interaction.ProviderState))
                throw new PactFailureException(String.Format("An interaction already exists with the description '{0}' and provider state '{1}' in this test. Please supply a different description or provider state.", interaction.Description, interaction.ProviderState));

            //From a Pact specification perspective, I should de-dupe any interactions that have been registered by another test as long as they match exactly!
            var duplicateInteractions = _interactions.Where(x => x.Description == interaction.Description && x.ProviderState == interaction.ProviderState).ToList();
            if (!duplicateInteractions.Any())
            else if (duplicateInteractions.Any(di => di.AsJsonString() != interaction.AsJsonString()))
                //If the interaction description and provider state match, however anything else in the interaction is different, throw
                throw new PactFailureException(String.Format("An interaction registered by another test already exists with the description '{0}' and provider state '{1}', however the interaction does not match exactly. Please supply a different description or provider state. Alternatively align this interaction to match the duplicate exactly.", interaction.Description, interaction.ProviderState));

コード例 #2
        public void IncrementUsage_WhenCalled_SetsUsageCountToOne()
            var interaction = new ProviderServiceInteraction();


            Assert.Equal(1, interaction.UsageCount);
コード例 #3
        public MissingInteractionComparisonFailure(ProviderServiceInteraction interaction)
            var requestMethod = interaction.Request != null ? interaction.Request.Method.ToString().ToUpperInvariant() : "No Method";
            var requestPath = interaction.Request != null ? interaction.Request.Path : "No Path";

            RequestDescription = String.Format("{0} {1}", requestMethod, requestPath);
            Result = String.Format(
                "The interaction with description '{0}' and provider state '{1}', was not used by the test. Missing request {2}.",
コード例 #4
        public void Handle_WithAPostRequestToInteractions_ReturnsOkResponse()
            var interaction = new ProviderServiceInteraction
                Description = "My description",
                Request = new ProviderServiceRequest
                    Method = HttpVerb.Get,
                    Path = "/test"
                Response = new ProviderServiceResponse
                    Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.NoContent
            var interactionJson = interaction.AsJsonString();

            var jsonStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(interactionJson));

            var requestStream = new RequestStream(jsonStream, jsonStream.Length, true);
            var context = new NancyContext
                Request = new Request("POST", new Url("http://localhost/interactions"), requestStream)

            var handler = GetSubject();

            var response = handler.Handle(context);

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
コード例 #5
        public void Handle_WithAPostRequestToInteractions_AddInteractionIsCalledOnTheMockProviderRepository()
            var interaction = new ProviderServiceInteraction
                Description = "My description",
                Request = new ProviderServiceRequest
                    Method = HttpVerb.Get,
                    Path = "/test"
                Response = new ProviderServiceResponse
                    Status = (int)HttpStatusCode.NoContent
            var interactionJson = interaction.AsJsonString();

            var jsonStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(interactionJson));

            var requestStream = new RequestStream(jsonStream, jsonStream.Length, true);
            var context = new NancyContext
                Request = new Request("POST", new Url("http://localhost/interactions"), requestStream)

            var handler = GetSubject();


            _mockProviderRepository.Received(1).AddInteraction(Arg.Is<ProviderServiceInteraction>(x => x.AsJsonString() == interactionJson));
コード例 #6
        public void Handle_WithAGetRequestToInteractionsVerificationAndCorrectlyMatchedHandledRequest_ReturnsOkResponse()
            var context = new NancyContext
                Request = new Request("GET", "/interactions/verification", "http")
            var interaction = new ProviderServiceInteraction();

            var handler = GetSubject();

            _mockProviderRepository.TestScopedInteractions.Returns(new List<ProviderServiceInteraction>

            _mockProviderRepository.HandledRequests.Returns(new List<HandledRequest>
                new HandledRequest(new ProviderServiceRequest(), interaction)

            var response = handler.Handle(context);

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
コード例 #7
        public void Handle_WithAGetRequestToInteractionsVerificationAndAnInteractionWasSentButNotRegisteredByTheTest_ThrowsPactFailureExceptionWithTheCorrectMessageAndLogsTheUnexpectedRequest()
            const string failure = "An unexpected request POST /tester was seen by the mock provider service.";
            var context = new NancyContext
                Request = new Request("GET", "/interactions/verification", "http")

            var handler = GetSubject();

            var handledRequest = new ProviderServiceRequest();
            var handledInteraction = new ProviderServiceInteraction { Request = handledRequest };

            var unExpectedRequest = new ProviderServiceRequest { Method = HttpVerb.Post, Path = "/tester" };

                .Returns(new List<ProviderServiceInteraction>

                .Returns(new List<HandledRequest>
                    new HandledRequest(handledRequest, handledInteraction),
                    new HandledRequest(unExpectedRequest, null)

            var exception = Assert.Throws<PactFailureException>(() => handler.Handle(context));

            _mockLog.Received().Log(LogLevel.Error, Arg.Any<Func<string>>(), null, Arg.Any<object[]>());
            Assert.Equal(failure, exception.Message);
コード例 #8
        private ComparisonResult ValidateInteraction(ProviderServiceInteraction interaction)
            var expectedResponse = interaction.Response;
            var actualResponse = _httpRequestSender.Send(interaction.Request);

            return _providerServiceResponseComparer.Compare(expectedResponse, actualResponse);
コード例 #9
        public void UsageCount_WhenIncrementUsageIsNotExecuted_DefaultsToZero()
            var interaction = new ProviderServiceInteraction();

            Assert.Equal(0, interaction.UsageCount);
コード例 #10
        public void Handle_WithNancyContext_ConvertIsCalledOnThProviderServiceRequestMapper()
            var expectedRequest = new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path = "/"
            var expectedResponse = new ProviderServiceResponse();
            var nancyContext = new NancyContext
                Request = new Request("GET", "/", "HTTP")
            var handler = GetSubject();


            var interaction = new ProviderServiceInteraction { Request = expectedRequest, Response = expectedResponse };



コード例 #11
        public void Handle_WithNancyContext_AddHandledRequestIsCalledOnTheMockProviderRepository()
            var expectedRequest = new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path = "/"
            var actualRequest = new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path = "/",
                Body = new {}
            var expectedResponse = new ProviderServiceResponse();

            var handler = GetSubject();

            var nancyContext = new NancyContext
                Request = new Request("GET", "/", "HTTP")

            var interaction = new ProviderServiceInteraction { Request = expectedRequest, Response = expectedResponse };




            _mockProviderRepository.Received(1).AddHandledRequest(Arg.Is<HandledRequest>(x => x.ActualRequest == actualRequest && x.MatchedInteraction == interaction));
コード例 #12
        public void Handle_WithNancyContextRequestThatMatchesExpectedRequest_ReturnsNancyResponse()
            var expectedRequest = new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path = "/Test"
            var actualRequest = new ProviderServiceRequest
                Method = HttpVerb.Get,
                Path = "/Test"
            var expectedResponse = new ProviderServiceResponse { Status = 200 };
            var nancyResponse = new Response { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK };

            var handler = GetSubject();

            var nancyContext = new NancyContext
                Request = new Request("GET", "/Test", "HTTP")

            var interaction = new ProviderServiceInteraction { Request = expectedRequest, Response = expectedResponse };


            //mockRequestComparer.Compare Doesnt throw any exceptions

            var response = handler.Handle(nancyContext);

            Assert.Equal(nancyResponse, response);
コード例 #13
        private void ValidateInteraction(ProviderServiceInteraction interaction)
            var request = _httpRequestMessageMapper.Convert(interaction.Request);

            var response = _httpClient.SendAsync(request, CancellationToken.None).Result;

            var expectedResponse = interaction.Response;
            var actualResponse = _providerServiceResponseMapper.Convert(response);

            _providerServiceResponseComparer.Compare(expectedResponse, actualResponse);
コード例 #14
        private void RegisterInteraction()
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_description))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("description has not been set, please supply using the UponReceiving method.");

            if (_request == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("request has not been set, please supply using the With method.");

            if (_response == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("response has not been set, please supply using the WillRespondWith method.");

            var interaction = new ProviderServiceInteraction
                ProviderState = _providerState,
                Description = _description,
                Request = _request,
                Response = _response

            _testScopedInteractions = _testScopedInteractions ?? new List<ProviderServiceInteraction>();
            _interactions = _interactions ?? new List<ProviderServiceInteraction>();

            if (_testScopedInteractions.Any(x => x.Description == interaction.Description &&
                x.ProviderState == interaction.ProviderState))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("An interaction already exists with the description \"{0}\" and provider state \"{1}\". Please supply a different description or provider state.", interaction.Description, interaction.ProviderState));

            if (!_interactions.Any(x => x.Description == interaction.Description &&
                x.ProviderState == interaction.ProviderState))


コード例 #15
        public void Handle_WithAGetRequestToInteractionsVerificationAndAnInteractionWasSentButNotRegisteredByTheTest_ReturnsFailureResponseContent()
            const string failure = "An unexpected request POST /tester was seen by the mock provider service.";
            var context = new NancyContext
                Request = new Request("GET", "/interactions/verification", "http")

            var handler = GetSubject();

            var handledRequest = new ProviderServiceRequest();
            var handledInteraction = new ProviderServiceInteraction { Request = handledRequest };

            var unExpectedRequest = new ProviderServiceRequest { Method = HttpVerb.Post, Path = "/tester" };

                .Returns(new List<ProviderServiceInteraction>

                .Returns(new List<HandledRequest>
                    new HandledRequest(handledRequest, handledInteraction),
                    new HandledRequest(unExpectedRequest, null)

            var response = handler.Handle(context);

            var content = ReadResponseContent(response);

            Assert.Equal(failure, content);
コード例 #16
        private void VerifyInteraction(ComparisonResult comparisonResult, ProviderServiceInteraction registeredInteraction, bool mayBeUsedMoreThanOnce = false)
            var interactionUsages = _mockProviderRepository.HandledRequests.Where(x => x.MatchedInteraction != null && x.MatchedInteraction == registeredInteraction).ToList();

            if (interactionUsages == null || !interactionUsages.Any())
                comparisonResult.RecordFailure(new MissingInteractionComparisonFailure(registeredInteraction));
            else if (interactionUsages.Count() > 1 && !mayBeUsedMoreThanOnce)
                comparisonResult.RecordFailure(new ErrorMessageComparisonFailure(String.Format("The interaction with description '{0}' and provider state '{1}', was used {2} time/s by the test.", registeredInteraction.Description, registeredInteraction.ProviderState, interactionUsages.Count())));