コード例 #1
        // NOTE: this is the magic method where the nio and net implementations come together
        public static DhcpV6Message HandleMessage(IPAddress localAddress, DhcpV6Message dhcpMessage, IPAddress v4IPAddress = null)
            DhcpV6Message replyMessage = null;

            if (dhcpMessage is DhcpV6RelayMessage)
                //if (dhcpMessage.GetMessageType() == DhcpConstants.V6MESSAGE_TYPE_RELAY_FORW)
                //    DhcpV6RelayMessage relayMessage = (DhcpV6RelayMessage)(dhcpMessage);
                //    replyMessage = DhcpV6MessageHandler.HandleRelayForward(relayMessage);
                //    _log.ErrorFormat("Unsupported message type: {0}", dhcpMessage.GetMessageType());
                _log.InfoFormat("Handling client request on local client link address: {0}", localAddress.ToString());
                replyMessage = DhcpV6MessageHandler.HandleClientRequest(localAddress, dhcpMessage, v4IPAddress);
コード例 #2
        private static DhcpV6RelayMessage HandleRelayForward(DhcpV6RelayMessage relayMessage)
            IPAddress linkAddr = relayMessage.GetLinkAddress();

            _log.Info(("Handling relay forward on link address: " + linkAddr.ToString()));
            DhcpV6RelayOption relayOption = relayMessage.GetRelayOption();

            if ((relayOption != null))
                DhcpV6Message relayOptionMessage = relayOption.GetDhcpMessage();
                while ((relayOptionMessage != null))
                    //  check what kind of message is in the option
                    if ((relayOptionMessage is DhcpV6RelayMessage))
                        //  encapsulated message is another relay message
                        DhcpV6RelayMessage anotherRelayMessage = ((DhcpV6RelayMessage)(relayOptionMessage));
                        //  flip this inner relay_forward into a relay_reply,
                        //  because we reuse the relay message "stack" for the reply
                        //  reset the client link reference
                        linkAddr = anotherRelayMessage.GetLinkAddress();
                        //  reset the current relay option reference to the
                        //  encapsulated relay message's relay option
                        relayOption = anotherRelayMessage.GetRelayOption();
                        //  reset the relayOptionMessage reference to recurse
                        relayOptionMessage = relayOption.GetDhcpMessage();
                        //  we've peeled off all the layers of the relay message(s),
                        //  so now go handle the client request
                        _log.Info(("Handling client request on remote client link address: " + linkAddr.ToString()));
                        DhcpV6Message replyMessage = DhcpV6MessageHandler.HandleClientRequest(linkAddr, relayOptionMessage, null);
                        if ((replyMessage != null))
                            //  replace the original client request message inside
                            //  the relayed message with the generated Reply message
                            //  flip the outer-most relay_foward into a relay_reply
                            //  return the relay message we started with,
                            //  with each relay "layer" flipped from a relay_forward
                            //  to a relay_reply, and the lowest level relayOption
                            //  will contain our Reply for the client request

                        relayOptionMessage = null;
                        //  done with relayed messages
                _log.Error("Relay message does not contain a relay option");

            //  if we get here, no reply was generated