コード例 #1
         * Calculate the set of states that are accepting and have a true self loop.
        public void calculateAcceptingTrueLoops()
            _accepting_true_loops = new BitSet();
            //BitSet isAcceptingTrueLoop= *_accepting_true_loops;
            BitSet isAcceptingTrueLoop = _accepting_true_loops;////////changed
            SCCs   sccs = getSCCs();

            for (int scc = 0; scc < sccs.countSCCs(); ++scc)
                if (sccs[scc].cardinality() == 1)
                    int       state_id = sccs[scc].nextSetBit(0);
                    NBA_State state    = _nba[state_id];

                    if (!state.isFinal())
                        // not final, consider next

                    if (!sccs.successors(scc).isEmpty())//////////note here
                        // there are edges leaving this state, consider next

                    bool no_empty_to = true;
                    if (sccs.stateIsReachable(state_id, state_id))
                        // state has at least one self-loop
                        // we have to check that there is no edge with empty To

                        //for (typename NBA_t::edge_iterator eit=state->edges_begin(); eit!=state->edges_end(); ++eit)
                        //BitSet[] edges = state._edge_manager._container._storage;

                        //foreach (BitSet eit in edges)
                        for (KeyValuePair <APElement, BitSet> eit = state.edges_begin(); !state.edges_end(); eit = state.increment())
                            BitSet edge = eit.Value;
                            if (edge.isEmpty())
                                // not all edges lead back to the state...
                                no_empty_to = false;

                        if (no_empty_to)
                            // When we are here the state is a final true loop
                            //	  std::cerr << "True Loop: " << state_id << std::endl;
コード例 #2
        /** Checks to see if NBA has only accepting (final) states.
         * @return true iff all states are accepting
        public bool areAllStatesFinal()
            //for (typename NBA_t::iterator it=_nba.begin(); it!=_nba.end(); ++it)
            for (int i = 0; i < _nba._index.Count; i++)
                NBA_State it = _nba[i];
                if (!it.isFinal())

コード例 #3
         * Remove states from the set of accepting (final) states when this is redundant.
         * @param sccs the SCCs of the NBA
        public void removeRedundantFinalStates(SCCs sccs)
            for (int scc = 0; scc < sccs.countSCCs(); ++scc)
                if (sccs[scc].cardinality() == 1)
                    int       state_id = sccs[scc].nextSetBit(0);
                    NBA_State state    = this[state_id];

                    if (state.isFinal())
                        if (!sccs.stateIsReachable(state_id, state_id))
                            // The state is final and has no self-loop
                            //  -> the final flag is redundant
                            //	  std::cerr << "Removing final flag for " << state_id << std::endl;