コード例 #1
 public BurstParticleCollisionConstraintsBatch(BatchData batchData) : base()
     this.batchData = batchData;
コード例 #2
            public unsafe void Execute()
                // Initialize batch data array
                for (int i = 0; i < batchData.Length; ++i)
                    batchData[i] = new BatchData(i, maxBatches);

                // temporary array containing an open work item for each batch.
                WorkItem *workItems = stackalloc WorkItem[maxBatches];

                for (int i = 0; i < maxBatches; i++)
                    workItems[i] = new WorkItem();

                // find a batch for each constraint:
                for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Length; ++i)
                    // OR together the batch masks of all entities involved in the constraint:
                    int batchMask = batchMasks[contacts[i].GetParticle(0)] | batchMasks[contacts[i].GetParticle(1)];

                    // look up the first free batch index for this constraint:
                    int batchIndex = batchIndices[i] = lut.batchIndex[batchMask];

                    // update the amount of constraints in the batch:
                    var batch = batchData[batchIndex];
                    batchData[batchIndex] = batch;

                    // add the constraint to the last work item of the batch:
                    if (workItems[batchIndex].Add(i))
                        // if this work item does not belong to the last batch:
                        if (batchIndex != maxBatches - 1)
                            // tag all entities in the work item with the batch mask to close it.
                            // this way we know constraints referencing any of these entities can no longer be added to this batch.
                            for (int j = 0; j < workItems[batchIndex].constraintCount; j++)
                                K contact = contacts[workItems[batchIndex].constraints[j]];
                                batchMasks[contact.GetParticle(0)] |= batch.batchID;
                                batchMasks[contact.GetParticle(1)] |= batch.batchID;

                        // reuse the work item.
                        workItems[batchIndex].constraintCount = 0;

                // fill batch data:
                activeBatchCount[0] = 0;
                int numConstraints = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < batchData.Length; ++i)
                    var batch = batchData[i];

                    // bail out when we find the first empty batch:
                    if (batch.constraintCount == 0)

                    // calculate work item size, count, and index of the first constraint
                    batch.workItemSize  = math.min(minWorkItemSize, batch.constraintCount);
                    batch.workItemCount = (batch.constraintCount + batch.workItemSize - 1) / batch.workItemSize;
                    batch.startIndex    = numConstraints;

                    numConstraints += batch.constraintCount;

                    batchData[i] = batch;

                // write out constraints, sorted according to batches:
                for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Length; ++i)
                    var batch       = batchData[batchIndices[i]];
                    int sortedIndex = batch.startIndex + (batch.activeConstraintCount++);
                    sortedContacts[sortedIndex] = contacts[i];
                    batchData[batchIndices[i]]  = batch;