コード例 #1
ファイル: OTFont.cs プロジェクト: camertron/Font-Validator
         * protected methods

        protected static OffsetTable ReadOffsetTable(OTFile file, uint filepos)
            // read the Offset Table from the file

            const int SIZEOF_OFFSETTABLE = 12;

            OffsetTable ot = null;

            // read the offset table

            MBOBuffer buf = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(filepos, SIZEOF_OFFSETTABLE);

            if (buf != null)
                if (OTFile.IsValidSfntVersion(buf.GetUint(0)))
                    ot = new OffsetTable(buf);

            // now read the directory entries

            if (ot != null)
                const int SIZEOF_DIRECTORYENTRY = 16;

                for (int i = 0; i < ot.numTables; i++)
                    uint      dirFilePos = (uint)(filepos + SIZEOF_OFFSETTABLE + i * SIZEOF_DIRECTORYENTRY);
                    MBOBuffer DirEntBuf  = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(dirFilePos, SIZEOF_DIRECTORYENTRY);

                    if (DirEntBuf != null)
                        DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(DirEntBuf);

コード例 #2
         * protected methods
        protected static OffsetTable ReadOffsetTable(OTFile file, uint filepos)
            // read the Offset Table from the file

            const int SIZEOF_OFFSETTABLE = 12;

            OffsetTable ot = null;

            // read the offset table

            MBOBuffer buf = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(filepos, SIZEOF_OFFSETTABLE);

            if (buf != null)
                if (OTFile.IsValidSfntVersion(buf.GetUint(0)))
                    ot = new OffsetTable(buf);

            // now read the directory entries

            if (ot != null)
                const int SIZEOF_DIRECTORYENTRY = 16;

                for (int i=0; i<ot.numTables; i++)
                    uint dirFilePos = (uint)(filepos+SIZEOF_OFFSETTABLE+i*SIZEOF_DIRECTORYENTRY);
                    MBOBuffer DirEntBuf = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(dirFilePos, SIZEOF_DIRECTORYENTRY);

                    if (DirEntBuf != null)
                        DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(DirEntBuf);

            return ot;
コード例 #3
ファイル: DSIGInfo.cs プロジェクト: HinTak/Font-Validator
        static int Main( string[] args )
            if (args.Length == 0) {
                Console.WriteLine("DSIGInfo [-v] [-v] [-v] fontfile");
                return 0;

            OTFile f = new OTFile();
            Table_DSIG tDSIG = null;
            string filename = null;
            verbose = 0;

            for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++ ) {
                if ( "-v" == args[i] )
                    filename = args[i];

            if ( !f.open(filename) )
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: Cannot open {0} as font file", filename);
                    return 0;

            TTCHeader ttc = null;
            if ( f.IsCollection() )
                ttc = f.GetTTCHeader();
                if ( f.GetTableManager().GetUnaliasedTableName(ttc.DsigTag) == "DSIG" )
                MBOBuffer buf = f.ReadPaddedBuffer(ttc.DsigOffset, ttc.DsigLength);
                tDSIG = (Table_DSIG) f.GetTableManager().CreateTableObject(ttc.DsigTag, buf);
                for (uint i = 0; i < f.GetNumFonts() ; i++)
                    OTFont fn = f.GetFont(i);
                    Table_DSIG memDSIG = (Table_DSIG) fn.GetTable("DSIG");
                    if (memDSIG != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Warning: DSIG in member font");
                OTFont fn = f.GetFont(0);
                tDSIG = (Table_DSIG) fn.GetTable("DSIG");

            Console.WriteLine("{0} DSIG table: {1}", filename,
                              ( tDSIG == null ) ? "Absent" : "Present" );
            if (tDSIG == null)
                return 0;
            if ( f.IsCollection() && ttc.version != 0x00020000 )
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: TTC has DSIG but header version is 0x{0}, != 0x00020000", ttc.version.ToString("X8"));

            if ( tDSIG.usNumSigs != 1 )
            Console.WriteLine("NumSigs = {0}", tDSIG.usNumSigs);
            for ( uint v = 0; v < tDSIG.usNumSigs ; v++ )
                Table_DSIG.SignatureBlock sgb;
                try {
                    sgb = tDSIG.GetSignatureBlock(v);
                } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: Out of Range SignatureBlock {0}", v);

                SignedCms cms = new SignedCms();

                if ( cms.SignerInfos.Count > 1 )
                Console.WriteLine( "#SignerInfos: {0}", cms.SignerInfos.Count );
                foreach ( var si in cms.SignerInfos )
                    if ( Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") == null )
                        foreach ( var ua in si.UnsignedAttributes )
                            foreach ( var asnd in ua.Values )
                                    ASN1 vv = new ASN1(asnd.RawData);
                                    ASN1 t = new ASN1(vv[3][1][1].Value);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Decoded Signing Time: {0}", ASN1Convert.ToDateTime (t) );
                                catch (Exception e)
                                {/* Nothing to do */ }
                Console.WriteLine( "#Certificates: {0}", cms.Certificates.Count );
            #if HAVE_MONO_X509
                certs =  new Mono.Security.X509.X509CertificateCollection ();
                //Mono.Security.X509.X509Chain signerChain = new Mono.Security.X509.X509Chain ();
                foreach ( var x509 in cms.Certificates )
            #if HAVE_MONO_X509
                    certs.Add(new Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate(x509.RawData));
                if ( verbose > 0 )
            #if HAVE_MONO_X509
                Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate x = new Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate(cms.SignerInfos[0].Certificate.RawData);
                Mono.Security.X509.X509Certificate parent = x;
                while (x != null) { // Self-signed is fine - the font bundled CA is self-signed.
                    parent = x; // last valid
                    x = FindCertificateParent (x);
                    if (x != null && x.Equals(parent))
                ASN1 spc = new ASN1(cms.ContentInfo.Content);

                ASN1 playload_oid = null;
                ASN1 oid = null;
                ASN1 digest = null;
                ASN1 obsolete = null;
                if ( Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") == null )
                    // DotNet is much saner!
                    playload_oid = spc[0][0];
                    obsolete = spc[0][1][0];
                    oid = spc[1][0][0];
                    digest = spc[1][1];
                    playload_oid = spc[0];
                    obsolete = spc[1][0];
                    oid = spc[2][0][0];
                    digest = spc[2][1];
                string algo = ASN1Convert.ToOid (oid);
                string algoname = (new Oid(algo)).FriendlyName;
                Console.WriteLine("Digest Algorithm: {0}", algoname);
                byte[] Value = digest.Value;
                StringBuilder hexLine_sig = new StringBuilder ();
                for (int i = 0; i < Value.Length; i++) {
                    hexLine_sig.AppendFormat ("{0} ", Value [i].ToString ("X2"));
                hexLine_sig.AppendFormat (Environment.NewLine);

                switch ( algoname )
                    case "md5":
                        hash = HashAlgorithm.Create ("MD5");
                    case "sha1":
                        hash = HashAlgorithm.Create ("SHA1");
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown HashAlgorithm: " + algoname );

                byte[] cdigest;
                if ( f.IsCollection() )
                    cdigest = get_TTC_digest( f );

                    cdigest = get_TTF_digest( f );
                StringBuilder hexLine = new StringBuilder ();
                for (int i = 0; i < cdigest.Length; i++) {
                    hexLine.AppendFormat ("{0} ", cdigest [i].ToString ("X2"));
                hexLine.AppendFormat (Environment.NewLine);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} Signed Digest:\t{1}", algoname.ToUpper(), hexLine_sig);
                Console.WriteLine("Calculated Digest:\t{0}", hexLine);
                string root_thumb = "";
            #if HAVE_MONO_X509
                root_thumb =
                    (new System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2(parent.RawData)).Thumbprint;
                Console.WriteLine("ChainEnd Name: {0}", parent.SubjectName);
                Console.WriteLine("ChainEnd Self-Signed: {0}", parent.IsSelfSigned);
                Console.WriteLine("ChainEnd: {0}", root_thumb);
                bool trusted = false;
                    string root_id = trusted_roots[root_thumb];
                    Console.WriteLine("RootID: {0}", root_id);
                    trusted = true;
                catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                Console.WriteLine("Trusted: {0}", trusted);

            return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: DSIGInfo.cs プロジェクト: HinTak/Font-Validator
        public DSIGInfo( string filename )
            fontfile = new OTFile();
            tDSIG = null;

            Warn_TTCv1 = false;
            Warn_DSIG_in_memFonts = false;
            Warn_MalformedSIG = false;
            usNumSigs = 0;

            if ( !fontfile.open(filename) )
                        throw new IOException("Cannot open file " + filename );

            TTCHeader ttc = null;
            if ( fontfile.IsCollection() )
                ttc = fontfile.GetTTCHeader();
                if ( fontfile.GetTableManager().GetUnaliasedTableName(ttc.DsigTag) == "DSIG" )
                MBOBuffer buf = fontfile.ReadPaddedBuffer(ttc.DsigOffset, ttc.DsigLength);
                tDSIG = (Table_DSIG) fontfile.GetTableManager().CreateTableObject(ttc.DsigTag, buf);
                for (uint i = 0; i < fontfile.GetNumFonts() ; i++)
                    OTFont fn = fontfile.GetFont(i);
                    Table_DSIG memDSIG = (Table_DSIG) fn.GetTable("DSIG");
                    if (memDSIG != null)
                        Warn_DSIG_in_memFonts = true;
                OTFont fn = fontfile.GetFont(0);
                tDSIG = (Table_DSIG) fn.GetTable("DSIG");

            HaveDSIG = ( ( tDSIG == null ) ? false : true );

            // Officially we should only warn if HaveDSIG true
            if ( fontfile.IsCollection() && ttc.version != 0x00020000 )
                Warn_TTCv1 = true;

            if ( HaveDSIG )
コード例 #5
         * public static methods
        public static TTCHeader ReadTTCHeader(OTFile file)
            TTCHeader ttc = null;

            const int SIZEOF_FIRSTTHREEFIELDS = 12;
            const int SIZEOF_UINT = 4;

            // read the first three fields of the TTC Header
            // starting at the beginning of the file

            MBOBuffer buf = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(0, SIZEOF_FIRSTTHREEFIELDS);
            OTTag tag = null;
            uint version = 0;
            uint DirectoryCount = 0;

            if (buf != null)
                tag = new OTTag(buf.GetBuffer());
                version = buf.GetUint(4);
                DirectoryCount = buf.GetUint(8);

            // if the tag and the version and the dir count seem correct then
            // allocate a TTCHeader object and try to read the rest of the header
            if ((string)tag == "ttcf" &&
                (version == 0x00010000 || version == 0x00020000) &&
                12 + DirectoryCount * SIZEOF_UINT < file.GetFileLength())
                ttc = new TTCHeader();
                ttc.TTCTag = tag;
                ttc.version = version;
                ttc.DirectoryCount = DirectoryCount;

                // Directory offsets
                buf = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(SIZEOF_FIRSTTHREEFIELDS, DirectoryCount*SIZEOF_UINT);
                if (buf != null)
                    for (uint i=0; i<ttc.DirectoryCount; i++)
                        uint offset = buf.GetUint(i*SIZEOF_UINT);

                // only read Dsig fields if version 2.0 and last buffer was successfully read
                if ((version == 0x00010000 || version == 0x00020000) && buf != null)
                    uint filepos = SIZEOF_FIRSTTHREEFIELDS + DirectoryCount*SIZEOF_UINT;
                    buf = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(filepos, 3*SIZEOF_UINT);
                    if (buf != null)
                        // DsigTag
                        ttc.DsigTag = new OTTag(buf.GetBuffer());
                        if ( ( version == 0x00010000 ) && ( (string) ttc.DsigTag != "DSIG" ) )
                            // failed v1 trial - reset & bail
                            ttc.DsigTag = null;
                            return ttc;

                        // DsigLength
                        ttc.DsigLength = buf.GetUint(4);

                        // DsigOffset
                        ttc.DsigOffset = buf.GetUint(8);

            return ttc;
コード例 #6
         * public static methods
        public static TTCHeader ReadTTCHeader(OTFile file)
            TTCHeader ttc = null;

            const int SIZEOF_FIRSTTHREEFIELDS = 12;
            const int SIZEOF_UINT             = 4;

            // read the first three fields of the TTC Header
            // starting at the beginning of the file

            MBOBuffer buf = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(0, SIZEOF_FIRSTTHREEFIELDS);

            OTTag tag            = null;
            uint  version        = 0;
            uint  DirectoryCount = 0;

            if (buf != null)
                tag            = new OTTag(buf.GetBuffer());
                version        = buf.GetUint(4);
                DirectoryCount = buf.GetUint(8);

            // if the tag and the version and the dir count seem correct then
            // allocate a TTCHeader object and try to read the rest of the header
            if ((string)tag == "ttcf" &&
                (version == 0x00010000 || version == 0x00020000) &&
                12 + DirectoryCount * SIZEOF_UINT < file.GetFileLength())
                ttc                = new TTCHeader();
                ttc.TTCTag         = tag;
                ttc.version        = version;
                ttc.DirectoryCount = DirectoryCount;

                // Directory offsets
                buf = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(SIZEOF_FIRSTTHREEFIELDS, DirectoryCount * SIZEOF_UINT);
                if (buf != null)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < ttc.DirectoryCount; i++)
                        uint offset = buf.GetUint(i * SIZEOF_UINT);

                // only read Dsig fields if version 2.0 and last buffer was successfully read
                if ((version == 0x00010000 || version == 0x00020000) && buf != null)
                    uint filepos = SIZEOF_FIRSTTHREEFIELDS + DirectoryCount * SIZEOF_UINT;
                    buf = file.ReadPaddedBuffer(filepos, 3 * SIZEOF_UINT);
                    if (buf != null)
                        // DsigTag
                        ttc.DsigTag = new OTTag(buf.GetBuffer());
                        if ((version == 0x00010000) && ((string)ttc.DsigTag != "DSIG"))
                            // failed v1 trial - reset & bail
                            ttc.DsigTag = null;

                        // DsigLength
                        ttc.DsigLength = buf.GetUint(4);

                        // DsigOffset
                        ttc.DsigOffset = buf.GetUint(8);

コード例 #7
ファイル: DSIGInfo.cs プロジェクト: davelab6/Font-Validator
        static int Main( string[] args )
            if (args.Length == 0) {
                Console.WriteLine("DSIGInfo [-v] [-v] [-v] fontfile");
                return 0;

            OTFile f = new OTFile();
            Table_DSIG tDSIG = null;
            int verbose = 0;
            string filename = null;

            for ( int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++ ) {
                if ( "-v" == args[i] )
                    filename = args[i];

            if ( !f.open(filename) )
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: Cannot open {0} as font file", filename);
                    return 0;

            TTCHeader ttc = null;
            if ( f.IsCollection() )
                ttc = f.GetTTCHeader();
                if ( f.GetTableManager().GetUnaliasedTableName(ttc.DsigTag) == "DSIG" )
                MBOBuffer buf = f.ReadPaddedBuffer(ttc.DsigOffset, ttc.DsigLength);
                tDSIG = (Table_DSIG) f.GetTableManager().CreateTableObject(ttc.DsigTag, buf);
                OTFont fn = f.GetFont(0);
                tDSIG = (Table_DSIG) fn.GetTable("DSIG");

            Console.WriteLine("{0} DSIG table: {1}", filename,
                              ( tDSIG == null ) ? "Absent" : "Present" );
            if (tDSIG == null)
                return 0;
            if ( f.IsCollection() && ttc.version != 0x00020000 )
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: TTC has DSIG but header version is 0x{0}, != 0x00020000", ttc.version.ToString("X8"));

            if ( tDSIG.usNumSigs != 1 )
            Console.WriteLine("NumSigs = {0}", tDSIG.usNumSigs);
            for ( uint v = 0; v < tDSIG.usNumSigs ; v++ )
                Table_DSIG.SignatureBlock sgb;
                try {
                    sgb = tDSIG.GetSignatureBlock(v);
                } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: Out of Range SignatureBlock {0}", v);

                SignedCms cms = new SignedCms();

                if ( cms.SignerInfos.Count > 1 )
                Console.WriteLine( "#SignerInfos: {0}", cms.SignerInfos.Count );
                foreach ( var si in cms.SignerInfos )
                Console.WriteLine( "#Certificates: {0}", cms.Certificates.Count );
                foreach ( var x509 in cms.Certificates )
                if ( verbose > 0 )

                ASN1 spc = new ASN1(cms.ContentInfo.Content);

                ASN1 playload_oid = null;
                ASN1 oid = null;
                ASN1 digest = null;
                ASN1 obsolete = null;
                if ( Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") == null )
                    // DotNet is much saner!
                    playload_oid = spc[0][0];
                    obsolete = spc[0][1][0];
                    oid = spc[1][0][0];
                    digest = spc[1][1];
                    playload_oid = spc[0];
                    obsolete = spc[1][0];
                    oid = spc[2][0][0];
                    digest = spc[2][1];
                string algo = ASN1Convert.ToOid (oid);
                Console.WriteLine("Digest Algorithm: {0}", (new Oid(algo)).FriendlyName);
                byte[] Value = digest.Value;
                StringBuilder hexLine = new StringBuilder ();
                for (int i = 0; i < Value.Length; i++) {
                    hexLine.AppendFormat ("{0} ", Value [i].ToString ("X2"));
                hexLine.AppendFormat (Environment.NewLine);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} Digest: {1}", (new Oid(algo)).FriendlyName, hexLine);
            return 0;