コード例 #1
 public TectonicPoint WorldPointToTectonicPoint(WorldPoint wp, TectonicPlate plate)
     if (!plate.Points.ContainsKey(wp.Pos - plate.WorldPointCenter.Pos))
     return(plate.Points[wp.Pos - plate.WorldPointCenter.Pos]);
コード例 #2
 public void RecalculateWorldPoints(TectonicPlate plate)
     //foreach (TectonicPlate plate in Plates)
         List <TectonicPoint> badPoints = new List <TectonicPoint>();
         foreach (TectonicPoint point in plate.Points.Values)
             WorldPoint wp = plate.TectonicPointToWorldPoint(point);
             if (wp != null)
                 bool continueAfter = true;
                 if (wp.TecPoint != null)
                     //one plate subducts
                     TectonicPoint otherPlatePoint = wp.TecPoint;
                     if (otherPlatePoint.age > point.age)
                         //the other plate is older and more dense, and that one subducts
                         List <TectonicPoint> neighbors = otherPlatePoint.plate.GetNeighbors(otherPlatePoint);
                         foreach (TectonicPoint n in neighbors)
                             otherPlatePoint.plate.SubductionForce += n.Pos - otherPlatePoint.Pos;
                         //this plate is older and more dense, this one subducts
                         continueAfter = false;
                         List <TectonicPoint> neighbors = plate.GetNeighbors(point);
                         foreach (TectonicPoint n in neighbors)
                             plate.SubductionForce += n.Pos - point.Pos;
                 if (continueAfter)
                     wp.TecPoint = point;
         foreach (TectonicPoint badPoint in badPoints)
     foreach (TectonicPoint point in plate.Points.Values)
         WorldPoint wp = plate.TectonicPointToWorldPoint(point);
         if (wp != null)
             wp.go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = point.plate.c;
     plate.WorldPointCenter.go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.black;
コード例 #3
        public void Move(TectonicPlate plate)
            foreach (TectonicPoint tp in plate.Points.Values)
                WorldPoint wp = plate.TectonicPointToWorldPoint(tp);
                if (wp == null)
                wp.OldTectonicPoint = tp;
                wp.TecPoint         = null;
            Vector2 plateDirection = plate.SubductionForce.normalized;

            foreach (TectonicPoint point in plate.Points.Values.Where(p => p.Edge))
                WorldPoint wp = plate.TectonicPointToWorldPoint(point);
                if (wp == null)
                // if (md.MantleHeat[wp.Pos]) //if the mantle is hot, move plates away
                    List <TectonicPoint> neighbors = plate.GetNeighbors(point);
                    foreach (TectonicPoint n in neighbors)
                        plateDirection += (n.Pos - point.Pos) / 10f;
            float maxVal = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(plateDirection.normalized.x), Mathf.Abs(plateDirection.normalized.y));

            if (maxVal == 0)
            Vector2 direction = plateDirection.normalized * 1 / maxVal;//new Vector2(Random.Range(-1, 2), Random.Range(-1, 2));

            direction = new Vector2((int)direction.x, (int)direction.y);
            Vector2 newPoint = plate.WorldPointCenter.Pos + direction;

            if (newPoint.x > 99)
                newPoint += new Vector2(-100, 0);
            if (newPoint.x < 0)
                newPoint += new Vector2(100, 0);
            if (newPoint.y < 0 || newPoint.y > 99)
            plate.WorldPointCenter = WorldPoints[newPoint];
            plate.SubductionForce  = Vector2.zero;
コード例 #4
        public void CreateVoronoi()
            int        voronoiCount = 7;
            List <int> ages         = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < voronoiCount; i++)
                Vector2       point  = new Vector2(Random.Range(0, 100), Random.Range(0, 100));
                WorldPoint    center = WorldPoints[point];
                TectonicPlate tp     = new TectonicPlate(this, center);
                Color c = new Color(Random.Range(0, 255f) / 255f, Random.Range(0, 255f) / 255f, Random.Range(0, 255f) / 255f);
                tp.c = c;
                ages.Add(Random.Range(1, 100));
            foreach (WorldPoint wp in WorldPoints.Values)
                float         shortestDist = 999999;
                TectonicPlate tp           = null;
                Color         finalColor   = Color.black;
                for (int i = 0; i < voronoiCount; i++)
                    Vector2 center = Plates[i].WorldPointCenter.Pos;
                    float   dist   = Vector2.Distance(center, wp.Pos);
                    if (dist < shortestDist)
                        tp           = Plates[i];
                        finalColor   = colors[i];
                        shortestDist = dist;
                if (wp.Pos - tp.WorldPointCenter.Pos != Vector2.zero)
                    tp.Points.Add(wp.Pos - tp.WorldPointCenter.Pos, new TectonicPoint(wp.Pos - tp.WorldPointCenter.Pos, ages[Plates.IndexOf(tp)], tp));
            foreach (TectonicPlate plate in Plates)
                foreach (TectonicPoint point in plate.Points.Values)
                    WorldPoint wp = plate.TectonicPointToWorldPoint(point);
                    wp.TecPoint = point;
                    GameObject go = Instantiate(cubePrefab);
                    go.transform.position = wp.Pos;
                    go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material       = Resources.Load <Material>("green");
                    go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = plate.c;
                    wp.go = go;
コード例 #5
 public void AddToVoids()
     foreach (WorldPoint wp in WorldPoints.Values.Where(p => p.TecPoint == null))
         if (wp.OldTectonicPoint == null)
         TectonicPlate tp = wp.OldTectonicPoint.plate;
         TectonicPoint createdTecPoint = new TectonicPoint(wp.Pos - tp.WorldPointCenter.Pos, -age, tp);
         wp.TecPoint = createdTecPoint;
         tp.Points.Add(createdTecPoint.Pos, createdTecPoint);
         wp.go.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = tp.c;
コード例 #6
 public TectonicPoint(Vector2 pos, int age_, TectonicPlate plate_)
     Pos   = pos;
     age   = age_;
     plate = plate_;