コード例 #1
        public void TestAnswerRangeTime1()
            #region Arrange
            var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter { QuestionId = 11, Answer = null, AnswerRange = null };
            #endregion Arrange

            #region Act
            var result = ScoreService.ScoreQuestion(QuestionRepository.Queryable, qAndA);
            #endregion Act

            #region Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("Answer is required", result.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Score);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.ResponseId);
            #endregion Assert
コード例 #2
        public void TestAnswerRangeTime11()
            #region Arrange
            var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter { QuestionId = 11, Answer = "12.34 PM", AnswerRange = "12:00 PM" };
            #endregion Arrange

            #region Act
            var result = ScoreService.ScoreQuestion(QuestionRepository.Queryable, qAndA);
            #endregion Act

            #region Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("Answers must be a Time (hh:mm AM/PM)", result.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Score);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.ResponseId);
            #endregion Assert
コード例 #3
        public void TestWhenQuestionHasCorrectAnswer3()
            #region Arrange

            var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter { QuestionId = 2, ResponseId = 4 };
            #endregion Arrange

            #region Act
            var result = ScoreService.ScoreQuestion(QuestionRepository.Queryable, qAndA);
            #endregion Act

            #region Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, result.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Score);
            #endregion Assert
コード例 #4
        public void TestTimeAmPmValueRangeOfNumbersNotScored()
            #region Arrange
            var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter { QuestionId = 10 };

            var dict = new Dictionary<string, int>(); //answer, expected score
            dict.Add("12:00 AM", 9);
            dict.Add("12:44 AM", 9);
            dict.Add("12:45 AM", 9);
            dict.Add("12:46 AM", 1);
            dict.Add("1:30 AM", 1);
            dict.Add("1:37 AM", 1);
            dict.Add("1:38 AM", 2);
            dict.Add("1:45 AM", 2);
            dict.Add("1:52 AM", 2);
            dict.Add("01:53 AM", 3);
            dict.Add("2:00 AM", 3);
            dict.Add("2:29 AM", 3);
            dict.Add("2:30 AM", 4);
            dict.Add("03:00 AM", 4);
            dict.Add("3:59 AM", 4);
            dict.Add("4:00 AM", 5);
            dict.Add("4:59 AM", 5);
            dict.Add("5:00 AM", 5);
            dict.Add("6:29 AM", 5);
            dict.Add("6:30 AM", 6);
            dict.Add("8:00 AM", 6);
            dict.Add("9:00 AM", 6);
            dict.Add("9:59 AM", 6);
            dict.Add("10:00 AM", 7);
            dict.Add("11:59 AM", 7);
            dict.Add("12:00 PM", 7);
            dict.Add("03:14 PM", 7);
            dict.Add("3:15 PM", 8);
            dict.Add("6:30 PM", 8);
            dict.Add("9:14 PM", 8);
            dict.Add("9:15 PM", 12);
            dict.Add("10:00 PM", 12);
            dict.Add("11:59 PM", 12);
            #endregion Arrange

            #region Act
            foreach (var i in dict)
                qAndA.Answer = i.Key;
                var result = ScoreService.ScoreQuestion(QuestionRepository.Queryable, qAndA);
                Assert.IsNotNull(result, string.Format("Unexpected value for {0}", i.Key));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Score, string.Format("Unexpected score for {0}", i.Key));
                Assert.IsFalse(result.Invalid, string.Format("Unexpected value for invalid for {0}", i.Key));
                Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, result.Message);
                Assert.IsTrue(result.ResponseId > 0);
            #endregion Act
コード例 #5
        public void TestAnswerNotTimeAmPm9NotScored()
            #region Arrange

            var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter { QuestionId = 10, Answer = "03::0 AM" };
            #endregion Arrange

            #region Act
            var result = ScoreService.ScoreQuestion(QuestionRepository.Queryable, qAndA);
            #endregion Act

            #region Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("Answer must be a Time (hh:mm AM/PM)", result.Message);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Score);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.ResponseId);
            #endregion Assert
コード例 #6
        public void TestTimeRangeValueRangeOfNumbersNotScored()
            #region Arrange
            var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter { QuestionId = 12 };

            var dict = new Dictionary<int, TestScoreParameters>(); //answer, expected score
            #region Range of zero to .49 Hours
            dict.Add(1, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 1, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "12:00 AM" });
            dict.Add(2, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 1, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "12:01 AM" });
            dict.Add(3, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 1, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "12:29 AM" });
            dict.Add(4, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 1, StartTime = "2:01 PM", EndTime = "2:30 PM" });
            dict.Add(5, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 1, StartTime = "3:30 PM", EndTime = "3:59 PM" });
            dict.Add(6, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 1, StartTime = "1:25 PM", EndTime = "1:30 PM" });
            dict.Add(7, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 1, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "12:28 AM" });
            dict.Add(8, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 1, StartTime = "11:31 PM", EndTime = "12:00 AM" });
            #endregion Range of zero to .49 Hours

            #region Range of 0.5 to 1.24 Hours (:30 to 1:14)
            dict.Add(9, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 2, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "12:30 AM" });
            dict.Add(10, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 2, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "1:14 AM" });
            dict.Add(11, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 2, StartTime = "8:16 AM", EndTime = "8:46 AM" });
            dict.Add(12, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 2, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "1:13 AM" });
            #endregion Range of 0.5 to 1.24 Hours

            #region Range of 1.25 to 1.74
            dict.Add(13, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 3, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "1:15 AM" });
            dict.Add(14, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 3, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "1:44 AM" });
            dict.Add(15, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 3, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "1:43 AM" });
            #endregion Range of 1.25 to 1.74

            #region Range of 1.75 to 2.49
            dict.Add(16, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 4, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "1:45 AM" });
            dict.Add(17, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 4, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "2:29 AM" });
            dict.Add(18, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 4, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "2:28 AM" });
            #endregion Range of 1.75 to 2.49

            #region Range of 3.50 to 3.99
            dict.Add(19, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 5, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "2:30 AM" });
            dict.Add(20, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 5, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "3:59 AM" });
            dict.Add(21, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 5, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "2:29 AM" });
            dict.Add(22, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 5, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "3:58 AM" });
            #endregion Range of 3.50 to 3.99

            #region Range of 4 to 5 to 8.49
            dict.Add(23, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 7, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "4:00 AM" });
            dict.Add(24, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 7, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "5:00 AM" });
            dict.Add(25, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 7, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "8:29 AM" });
            dict.Add(26, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 7, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "3:59 AM" });
            dict.Add(27, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 7, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "8:28 AM" });
            #endregion Range of 4 to 8.49

            #region Range of 8.5 to 14.99
            dict.Add(28, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 8, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "8:30 AM" });
            dict.Add(29, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 8, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "2:59 PM" });
            dict.Add(30, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 8, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "12:00 PM" });
            dict.Add(31, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 8, StartTime = "12:00 PM", EndTime = "1:00 AM" });
            dict.Add(32, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 8, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "8:29 AM" });
            dict.Add(33, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 8, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "2:58 PM" });
            #endregion Range of 8.5 to 14.99

            #region Range of 14.5 to 19.99
            dict.Add(34, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 9, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "3:00 PM" });
            dict.Add(35, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 9, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "7:59 PM" });
            dict.Add(36, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 9, StartTime = "12:00 PM", EndTime = "7:59 AM" });
            dict.Add(38, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 9, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "2:59 PM" });
            dict.Add(39, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 9, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "7:58 PM" });
            #endregion Range of 14.5 to 19.99

            #region Range of 20 to 22.99
            dict.Add(40, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 10, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "8:00 PM" });
            dict.Add(41, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 10, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "10:59 PM" });
            dict.Add(42, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 10, StartTime = "12:00 PM", EndTime = "10:59 AM" });
            dict.Add(43, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 10, StartTime = "11:59 PM", EndTime = "7:59 PM" });
            #endregion Range of 20 to 22.99

            #region Range of 22.99 to 23.99
            dict.Add(44, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 12, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "11:00 PM" });
            dict.Add(45, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 12, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "11:58 PM" });
            dict.Add(46, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 12, StartTime = "12:00 AM", EndTime = "11:59 PM" });
            dict.Add(47, new TestScoreParameters { Score = 12, StartTime = "12:00 PM", EndTime = "11:59 AM" });
            #endregion Range of 22.99 to 23.99

            #endregion Arrange

            #region Act
            foreach (var i in dict)
                qAndA.Answer = i.Value.StartTime;
                qAndA.AnswerRange = i.Value.EndTime;
                var result = ScoreService.ScoreQuestion(QuestionRepository.Queryable, qAndA);
                Assert.IsNotNull(result, string.Format("Unexpected value for {0}", i.Key));
                Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Score, string.Format("Unexpected score for {0}", i.Key));
                Assert.IsFalse(result.Invalid, string.Format("Unexpected value for invalid for {0}", i.Key));
                Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, result.Message);
                Assert.IsTrue(result.ResponseId > 0);
            #endregion Act
コード例 #7
        public void TestCreatePostWhenQuestionsAnswered3()
            #region Arrange
            new FakeResponses(3, ResponseRepository);

            Controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new MockHttpContext(1, new[] { "" });
            var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter[1];
            qAndA[0] = new QuestionAnswerParameter();
            qAndA[0].QuestionId = 1;
            qAndA[0].BypassQuestion = false;

            var questions = new List<Question>();
            questions[0].Category = CreateValidEntities.Category(1);
            questions[0].Survey = CreateValidEntities.Survey(2);
            questions[0].Category.IsActive = true;
            questions[0].IsOpenEnded = true;
            questions[0].OpenEndedQuestionType = (int) QuestionType.TimeRange;
            new FakeQuestions(0, QuestionRepository, questions);

            var surveys = new List<Survey>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                surveys.Add(CreateValidEntities.Survey(i + 1));

            new FakeSurveys(0, SurveyRepository, surveys);

            var qAndAWithError = new QuestionAnswerParameter[1];
            qAndAWithError[0] = new QuestionAnswerParameter();
            qAndAWithError[0].QuestionId = 1;
            qAndAWithError[0].BypassQuestion = false;
            qAndAWithError[0].Invalid = false;
            qAndAWithError[0].Message = null;
            qAndAWithError[0].OpenEndedNumericAnswer = null;
            qAndAWithError[0].ResponseId = 2;
            qAndAWithError[0].Score = 99;
            qAndAWithError[0].Answer = "Now";
            qAndAWithError[0].AnswerRange = "Then";

            ScoreService.Expect(a => a.ScoreQuestion(Arg<IQueryable<Question>>.Is.Anything, Arg<QuestionAnswerParameter>.Is.Anything)).Return(qAndAWithError[0]).Repeat.Any();
            #endregion Arrange

            #region Act
            Controller.Create(2, CreateValidEntities.SurveyResponse(1), qAndA)
                .ToAction<SurveyResponseController>(a => a.Results(1));
            #endregion Act

            #region Assert

            Assert.AreEqual("SurveyResponse Created Successfully", Controller.Message);
            ScoreService.AssertWasCalled(a => a.ScoreQuestion(Arg<IQueryable<Question>>.Is.Anything, Arg<QuestionAnswerParameter>.Is.Anything));
            ScoreService.AssertWasCalled(a => a.CalculateScores(Arg<IRepository>.Is.Anything, Arg<SurveyResponse>.Is.Anything));
            SurveyResponseRepository.AssertWasCalled(a => a.EnsurePersistent(Arg<SurveyResponse>.Is.Anything));
            var args = (SurveyResponse)SurveyResponseRepository.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(a => a.EnsurePersistent(Arg<SurveyResponse>.Is.Anything))[0][0];
            Assert.AreEqual("SID1", args.StudentId);
            Assert.AreEqual("username", args.UserId);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, args.Answers.Count);

            Assert.AreEqual(null, args.Answers[0].OpenEndedAnswer);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, args.Answers[0].Response.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(99, args.Answers[0].Score);
            Assert.AreEqual(false, args.Answers[0].BypassScore);
            Assert.AreEqual("Now_Then", args.Answers[0].OpenEndedStringAnswer);
            #endregion Assert
コード例 #8
        public void TestCreatePostThrowsExceptionIfPassedQuestionIdNotFound()
            var thisFar = false;
                #region Arrange
                Controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new MockHttpContext(1, new[] { "" });
                var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter[1];
                qAndA[0] = new QuestionAnswerParameter();
                qAndA[0].QuestionId = 99;
                new FakeSurveys(3, SurveyRepository);
                #endregion Arrange

                #region Act
                thisFar = true;
                Controller.Create(2, CreateValidEntities.SurveyResponse(1), qAndA);
                #endregion Act
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.AreEqual("Question not found.\n SurveyId: 2\n QuestionId: 99\n Question #: 0", ex.Message);
コード例 #9
        public void TestCreatePostThrowsExceptionIfRelatedSurveyDoesNotMatch()
            var thisFar = false;
                #region Arrange
                Controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new MockHttpContext(1, new[] { "" });
                var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter[1];
                qAndA[0] = new QuestionAnswerParameter();
                qAndA[0].QuestionId = 1;
                new FakeSurveys(3, SurveyRepository);
                var questions = new List<Question>();
                questions[0].Category = CreateValidEntities.Category(1);
                questions[0].Survey = SurveyRepository.GetNullableById(3);
                questions[0].Category.IsActive = true;
                new FakeQuestions(0, QuestionRepository, questions);
                #endregion Arrange

                #region Act
                thisFar = true;
                Controller.Create(2, CreateValidEntities.SurveyResponse(1), qAndA);
                #endregion Act
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.AreEqual("Related Survey does not match passed survey 3--2", ex.Message);
コード例 #10
        public void TestCreatePostServiceParameterCheck()
            #region Arrange
            Controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new MockHttpContext(1, new[] { "" });
            var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter[1];
            qAndA[0] = new QuestionAnswerParameter();
            qAndA[0].QuestionId = 1;
            qAndA[0].BypassQuestion = false;

            var questions = new List<Question>();
            questions[0].Category = CreateValidEntities.Category(1);
            questions[0].Survey = CreateValidEntities.Survey(2);
            questions[0].Category.IsActive = true;
            questions[0].IsOpenEnded = false;
            questions[1].Category = CreateValidEntities.Category(1);
            questions[1].Survey = CreateValidEntities.Survey(2);
            questions[1].Category.IsActive = true;
            questions[1].IsOpenEnded = false;
            new FakeQuestions(0, QuestionRepository, questions);

            var surveys = new List<Survey>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                surveys.Add(CreateValidEntities.Survey(i + 1));

            new FakeSurveys(0, SurveyRepository, surveys);

            var qAndAWithError = new QuestionAnswerParameter[1];
            qAndAWithError[0] = new QuestionAnswerParameter();
            qAndAWithError[0].QuestionId = 1;
            qAndAWithError[0].BypassQuestion = false;
            qAndAWithError[0].Invalid = false;

            ScoreService.Expect(a => a.ScoreQuestion(Arg<IQueryable<Question>>.Is.Anything, Arg<QuestionAnswerParameter>.Is.Anything)).Return(qAndAWithError[0]).Repeat.Any();
            #endregion Arrange

            #region Act
            var result = Controller.Create(2, CreateValidEntities.SurveyResponse(1), qAndA)
            #endregion Act

            #region Assert
            Controller.ModelState.AssertErrorsAre("You must answer all survey questions.");
            Assert.AreEqual("You must answer all survey questions.", Controller.Message);
            var args =
                    a =>
                    a.ScoreQuestion(Arg<IQueryable<Question>>.Is.Anything, Arg<QuestionAnswerParameter>.Is.Anything))[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(2, (args[0] as IQueryable<Question>).Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Name1", (args[0] as IQueryable<Question>).ElementAt(0).Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("Name2", (args[0] as IQueryable<Question>).ElementAt(1).Name);

            #endregion Assert
コード例 #11
        public void TestCreatePostReturnsViewWhenAnswerIsInvalid()
            #region Arrange
            Controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new MockHttpContext(1, new[] { "" });
            var qAndA = new QuestionAnswerParameter[1];
            qAndA[0] = new QuestionAnswerParameter();
            qAndA[0].QuestionId = 1;
            qAndA[0].BypassQuestion = false;

            var questions = new List<Question>();
            questions[0].Category = CreateValidEntities.Category(1);
            questions[0].Survey = CreateValidEntities.Survey(2);
            questions[0].Category.IsActive = true;
            questions[0].IsOpenEnded = false;
            new FakeQuestions(0, QuestionRepository, questions);

            var surveys = new List<Survey>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            new FakeSurveys(0, SurveyRepository, surveys);

            var qAndAWithError = new QuestionAnswerParameter[1];
            qAndAWithError[0] = new QuestionAnswerParameter();
            qAndAWithError[0].QuestionId = 1;
            qAndAWithError[0].BypassQuestion = false;
            qAndAWithError[0].Invalid = true;
            qAndAWithError[0].Message = "Faked Error";

            ScoreService.Expect(a => a.ScoreQuestion(Arg<IQueryable<Question>>.Is.Anything, Arg<QuestionAnswerParameter>.Is.Anything)).Return(qAndAWithError[0]).Repeat.Any();
            #endregion Arrange

            #region Act
            var result = Controller.Create(2, CreateValidEntities.SurveyResponse(1), qAndA)
            #endregion Act

            #region Assert
            Controller.ModelState.AssertErrorsAre("Faked Error");
            Assert.AreEqual("Please correct all errors and submit.", Controller.Message);

            #endregion Assert
コード例 #12
        public ActionResult Create(int id, SurveyResponse surveyResponse, QuestionAnswerParameter[] questions)
            var survey = Repository.OfType<Survey>().GetNullableById(id);
            if (survey == null || !survey.IsActive)
                Message = "Survey not found or not active.";
                return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.Index());

            var surveyResponseToCreate = new SurveyResponse(survey);
            if (questions == null)
                questions = new QuestionAnswerParameter[0];

            //Set non-dynamic surveyResponse values
            surveyResponseToCreate.StudentId = surveyResponse.StudentId;
            surveyResponseToCreate.UserId = CurrentUser.Identity.Name.ToLower();

            //Check each question, create an answer for it if there isn't one.
            var length = questions.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var question = Repository.OfType<Question>().GetNullableById(questions[i].QuestionId);
                Check.Require(question != null, string.Format("Question not found.\n SurveyId: {0}\n QuestionId: {1}\n Question #: {2}", id, questions[i].QuestionId, i));
                Check.Require(question.Category.IsActive, string.Format("Related Category is not active for question Id {0}", questions[i].QuestionId));
                Check.Require(question.Category.IsCurrentVersion, string.Format("Related Category is not current version for question Id {0}", questions[i].QuestionId));
                Check.Require(question.Survey.Id == survey.Id, string.Format("Related Survey does not match passed survey {0}--{1}", question.Survey.Id, survey.Id));

                Answer answer;
                if (surveyResponseToCreate.Answers.Where(a => a.Question.Id == question.Id).Any())
                    answer = surveyResponseToCreate.Answers.Where(a => a.Question.Id == question.Id).First();
                    answer = new Answer();

                //Score question and specify any errors
                questions[i] = _scoreService.ScoreQuestion(surveyResponseToCreate.Survey.Questions.AsQueryable(), questions[i]);

                if (questions[i].Invalid && !questions[i].BypassQuestion)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Format("Questions[{0}]", i), questions[i].Message);

                if (questions[i].BypassQuestion)
                    answer.OpenEndedAnswer = null;
                    answer.Response = null;
                    answer.Score = 0;
                    answer.BypassScore = true;
                    questions[i].Answer = string.Empty;
                    questions[i].ResponseId = 0;
                    answer.OpenEndedAnswer = questions[i].OpenEndedNumericAnswer;
                    if (question.IsOpenEnded && question.OpenEndedQuestionType == (int)QuestionType.TimeRange)
                        answer.OpenEndedStringAnswer = string.Format("{0}_{1}", questions[i].Answer, questions[i].AnswerRange);
                        answer.OpenEndedStringAnswer = questions[i].Answer; // The actual answer they gave.
                    answer.Response = Repository.OfType<Response>().GetNullableById(questions[i].ResponseId);
                    answer.Score = questions[i].Score;
                    answer.BypassScore = false;

                answer.Question = question;
                answer.Category = question.Category;



            if (survey.Questions.Where(a => a.IsActive && a.Category.IsActive && a.Category.IsCurrentVersion).Count() != questions.Count())
                Message = "You must answer all survey questions.";
                ModelState.AddModelError("Question", "You must answer all survey questions.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                _scoreService.CalculateScores(Repository, surveyResponseToCreate);


                Message = "Below are the customized goals for the survey you entered. You can use the \"Print Results\" link below to print this individual goal sheet. If you would like to print a text-only version or goal sheets for multiple participants at one time go to the Educators Dashboard and select the Review & Print section for the survey you are working with.";

                return this.RedirectToAction(a => a.Results(surveyResponseToCreate.Id, null));
                //foreach (var modelState in ModelState.Values.Where(a => a.Errors.Count() > 0))
                //    var x = modelState;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Message))
                    Message = "Please correct all errors and submit.";
                var viewModel = SurveyResponseViewModel.Create(Repository, survey);
                viewModel.SurveyResponse = surveyResponse;
                viewModel.SurveyAnswers = questions;

                return View(viewModel);
コード例 #13
        public ActionResult AnswerNext(int id, QuestionAnswerParameter questions, string byPassAnswer, Guid? publicGuid)
            var surveyResponse = _surveyResponseRepository.GetNullableById(id);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentUser.Identity.Name))
                surveyResponse = (SurveyResponse)Session[publicGuid.ToString()];
            if (surveyResponse == null || !surveyResponse.IsPending)
                Message = "Pending survey not found";
                return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.Index());
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentUser.Identity.Name))
                if (surveyResponse.UserId.ToLower() != CurrentUser.Identity.Name.ToLower())
                    Message = "Not your survey";
                    return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.NotAuthorized());
                if (surveyResponse.UserId.ToLower() != publicGuid.ToString().ToLower())
                    Message = "Not your survey";
                    return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.NotAuthorized());

            ViewBag.surveyimage = string.Format("{0}-survey", surveyResponse.Survey.ShortName.ToLower().Trim());

            var question = Repository.OfType<Question>().GetNullableById(questions.QuestionId);
            if (question == null)
                Message = "Question survey not found";
                return this.RedirectToAction<ErrorController>(a => a.Index());
            Answer answer;
            if (surveyResponse.Answers.Where(a => a.Question.Id == question.Id).Any())
                answer = surveyResponse.Answers.Where(a => a.Question.Id == question.Id).First();
                answer = new Answer();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byPassAnswer) && question.AllowBypass)
                answer.OpenEndedAnswer = null;
                answer.Response = null;
                answer.Score = 0;
                answer.BypassScore = true;
                answer.OpenEndedStringAnswer = byPassAnswer;
                answer.Question = question;
                answer.Category = question.Category;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentUser.Identity.Name))
                    Session[publicGuid.ToString()] = surveyResponse;

                return this.RedirectToAction(a => a.AnswerNext(surveyResponse.Id, publicGuid));
                questions = _scoreService.ScoreQuestion(surveyResponse.Survey.Questions.AsQueryable(), questions);
            if (questions.Invalid)
                ModelState.AddModelError("Questions", questions.Message);
                //It is valid, add the answer.
                answer.Question = question;
                answer.Category = question.Category;
                answer.OpenEndedAnswer = questions.OpenEndedNumericAnswer;
                if (question.IsOpenEnded && question.OpenEndedQuestionType == (int)QuestionType.TimeRange)
                    answer.OpenEndedStringAnswer = string.Format("{0}_{1}", questions.Answer, questions.AnswerRange);
                    answer.OpenEndedStringAnswer = questions.Answer; // The actual answer they gave.
                answer.Response = Repository.OfType<Response>().GetNullableById(questions.ResponseId);
                answer.Score = questions.Score;


            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrentUser.Identity.Name))
                    Session[publicGuid.ToString()] = surveyResponse;
                return this.RedirectToAction(a => a.AnswerNext(surveyResponse.Id, publicGuid));

            var viewModel = SingleAnswerSurveyResponseViewModel.Create(Repository, surveyResponse.Survey, surveyResponse);
            viewModel.PublicGuid = publicGuid;
                viewModel.DisplayBypass = true;
            return View(viewModel);
コード例 #14
ファイル: ScoreService.cs プロジェクト: ucdavis/NuSurvey
        /// <summary>
        /// Score question and check for validity
        /// If an answer is invalid, the Value QuestionAnswerParameter.Invalid will be true and the QuestionAnswerParameter.Message will have the error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="questions"></param>
        /// <param name="questionAnswerParameter"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public QuestionAnswerParameter ScoreQuestion(IQueryable<Question> questions, QuestionAnswerParameter questionAnswerParameter)
            questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
            questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = false;
            questionAnswerParameter.Message = string.Empty;
            questionAnswerParameter.OpenEndedNumericAnswer = null;

            var question = questions.Where(a => a.Id == questionAnswerParameter.QuestionId).Single();
            if (question.IsOpenEnded)
                #region Open Ended Question
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(questionAnswerParameter.Answer))
                    questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                    questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Answer is required";
                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                    int? responseId = null;
                    switch ((QuestionType)question.OpenEndedQuestionType)
                        case QuestionType.WholeNumber:
                            #region Old Way  Open Ended Int Question
                            //int number;
                            //if (int.TryParse(questionAnswerParameter.Answer, out number))
                            //    questionAnswerParameter.OpenEndedNumericAnswer = number;

                            //    #region Exact Match
                            //    var response = question.Responses.Where(a => a.IsActive && a.Value == number.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
                            //    if (response != null)
                            //    {
                            //        responseId = response.Id;
                            //    }
                            //    #endregion Exact Match

                            //    #region High Value
                            //    if (responseId == null)
                            //    {
                            //        //Check For High Value
                            //        response =
                            //            question.Responses.Where(a => a.IsActive && a.Value.Contains("+")).FirstOrDefault();
                            //        if (response != null)
                            //        {
                            //            int highValue;
                            //            if (Int32.TryParse(response.Value, out highValue))
                            //            {
                            //                if (number >= highValue)
                            //                {
                            //                    responseId = response.Id;
                            //                }
                            //            }
                            //        }
                            //    }
                            //    #endregion High Value

                            //    #region Low Value
                            //    if (responseId == null)
                            //    {
                            //        //Check for low value
                            //        response = question.Responses.Where(a => a.IsActive && a.Value.Contains("-")).FirstOrDefault();
                            //        if (response != null)
                            //        {
                            //            int lowValue;
                            //            if (Int32.TryParse(response.Value, out lowValue))
                            //            {
                            //                if (number <= Math.Abs(lowValue))
                            //                {
                            //                    responseId = response.Id;
                            //                }
                            //            }
                            //        }
                            //    }
                            //    #endregion Low Value

                            //    //Found an exact match, or a high/low score
                            //    if (responseId != null)
                            //    {
                            //        questionAnswerParameter.ResponseId = responseId.Value;
                            //        questionAnswerParameter.Score = question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == responseId.Value).Single().Score;
                            //    }
                            //    else
                            //    {
                            //        //questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                            //        questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Matching Value to score not found";
                            //        questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                            //    }
                            //    questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                            //    questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Answer must be a whole number";
                            //    questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                            #endregion Old Way Open Ended Int Question

                            //If it finds an exact match it uses that.
                            //If the passed value is less than smallest response, it uses the smallest response
                            //if the passed value is greater than the largest response, it uses the largest response
                            //If the passed value is between two responses, it uses the one that it is closer to
                            //... if exactly in the middle, it chooses the one with the higher score.
                            #region Open Ended Int Question
                            int number;
                            if (int.TryParse(questionAnswerParameter.Answer, out number))
                                var intDict = new Dictionary<int, int>();
                                int? high = null;

                                //Get a list of all active responses don't use any that can't be changed into a float.
                                foreach (var response in question.Responses.Where(a => a.IsActive))
                                    int tempInt;
                                    if (int.TryParse(response.Value, out tempInt))
                                        intDict.Add(tempInt, response.Id);

                                //Sort the valid responses.
                                var sortedIntDict = intDict.OrderBy(a => a.Key);
                                for (int i = 0; i < sortedIntDict.Count(); i++)
                                    if (number == sortedIntDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        responseId = sortedIntDict.ElementAt(i).Value;
                                    if (number < sortedIntDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        high = i;

                                //Didn't find an exact match
                                if (responseId == null)
                                    if (high != null)
                                        if (high.Value == 0) //Use the lowest value
                                            responseId = sortedIntDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                        else //Somewhere inbetween. pick closest one, or one with highest score
                                            var lowDiff = number - sortedIntDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Key;
                                            var highDiff = sortedIntDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Key - number;
                                            if (lowDiff == highDiff)
                                                if (question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedIntDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value).Single().Score > question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedIntDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value).Single().Score)
                                                    responseId = sortedIntDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                    responseId = sortedIntDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                            else if (lowDiff < highDiff)
                                                responseId = sortedIntDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                responseId = sortedIntDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                    else if (sortedIntDict.Count() > 0) //Use the highest value
                                        responseId = sortedIntDict.ElementAt(sortedIntDict.Count() - 1).Value;

                                //Found an exact match, or a high/low score
                                if (responseId != null)
                                    questionAnswerParameter.ResponseId = responseId.Value;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == responseId.Value).Single().Score;
                                    //questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Matching Value to score not found";
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                                questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Answer must be a whole number";
                                questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                            #endregion Open Ended Int Question

                        case QuestionType.Decimal:
                            //If it finds an exact match it uses that.
                            //If the passed value is less than smallest response, it uses the smallest response
                            //if the passed value is greater than the largest response, it uses the largest response
                            //If the passed value is between two responses, it uses the one that it is closer to
                            //... if exactly in the middle, it chooses the one with the higher score.
                            #region Open Ended Decimal Question
                            float floatNumber;
                            if (float.TryParse(questionAnswerParameter.Answer, out floatNumber))
                                var floatDict = new Dictionary<float, int>();
                                int? high = null;

                                //Get a list of all active responses don't use any that can't be changed into a float.
                                foreach (var response in question.Responses.Where(a => a.IsActive))
                                    float tempFloat;
                                    if (float.TryParse(response.Value, out tempFloat))
                                        floatDict.Add(tempFloat, response.Id);

                                //Sort the valid responses.
                                var sortedDict = floatDict.OrderBy(a => a.Key);
                                for (int i = 0; i < sortedDict.Count(); i++)
                                    if (floatNumber == sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Value;
                                    if (floatNumber < sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        high = i;

                                //Didn't find an exact match
                                if (responseId == null)
                                    if (high != null)
                                        if (high.Value == 0) //Use the lowest value
                                            responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                        else //Somewhere inbetween. pick closest one, or one with highest score
                                            var lowDiff = floatNumber - sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Key;
                                            var highDiff = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Key - floatNumber;
                                            if (lowDiff == highDiff)
                                                if (question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value).Single().Score > question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value).Single().Score)
                                                    responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                    responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                            else if (lowDiff < highDiff)
                                                responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                    } else if (sortedDict.Count() > 0) //Use the highest value
                                        responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(sortedDict.Count()-1).Value;

                                //Found an exact match, or a high/low score
                                if (responseId != null)
                                    questionAnswerParameter.ResponseId = responseId.Value;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == responseId.Value).Single().Score;
                                    //questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Matching Value to score not found";
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                                questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Answer must be a number (decimal ok)";
                                questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                            #endregion Open Ended Decimal Question

                        case QuestionType.Time:
                            //Works the same way as the Decimal above by first converting the time into a float.
                            #region Open Ended Time Question
                            float floatTime;
                            if (questionAnswerParameter.Answer.TimeTryParse(out floatTime))
                                var floatDict = new Dictionary<float, int>();
                                int? high = null;

                                //Get a list of all active responses don't use any that can't be changed into a float.
                                foreach (var response in question.Responses.Where(a => a.IsActive))
                                    float tempFloat;
                                    if (response.Value.TimeTryParse(out tempFloat))
                                        floatDict.Add(tempFloat, response.Id);

                                //Sort the valid responses.
                                var sortedDict = floatDict.OrderBy(a => a.Key);
                                for (int i = 0; i < sortedDict.Count(); i++)
                                    if (floatTime == sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Value;
                                    if (floatTime < sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        high = i;

                                //Didn't find an exact match
                                if (responseId == null)
                                    if (high != null)
                                        if (high.Value == 0) //Use the lowest value
                                            responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                        else //Somewhere inbetween. pick closest one, or one with highest score
                                            var lowDiff = floatTime - sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Key;
                                            var highDiff = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Key - floatTime;
                                            if (lowDiff == highDiff)
                                                if (question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value).Single().Score > question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value).Single().Score)
                                                    responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                    responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                            else if (lowDiff < highDiff)
                                                responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                    } else if (sortedDict.Count() > 0) //Use the highest value
                                        responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(sortedDict.Count()-1).Value;

                                //Found an exact match, or a high/low score
                                if (responseId != null)
                                    questionAnswerParameter.ResponseId = responseId.Value;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == responseId.Value).Single().Score;
                                    //questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Matching Value to score not found";
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                                questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Answer must be a Time (hh:mm)";
                                questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                            #endregion Open Ended Time Question


                        case QuestionType.TimeAmPm:
                            //Works the same way as the Decimal above by first converting the time into a float.
                            #region Open Ended Time AM/PM Question
                            float floatTimeAmPm;
                            if (questionAnswerParameter.Answer.TimeTryParseAmPm(out floatTimeAmPm))
                                var floatDict = new Dictionary<float, int>();
                                int? high = null;

                                //Get a list of all active responses don't use any that can't be changed into a float.
                                foreach (var response in question.Responses.Where(a => a.IsActive))
                                    float tempFloat;
                                    if (response.Value.TimeTryParseAmPm(out tempFloat))
                                        floatDict.Add(tempFloat, response.Id);

                                //Sort the valid responses.
                                var sortedDict = floatDict.OrderBy(a => a.Key);
                                for (int i = 0; i < sortedDict.Count(); i++)
                                    if (floatTimeAmPm == sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Value;
                                    if (floatTimeAmPm < sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        high = i;

                                //Didn't find an exact match
                                if (responseId == null)
                                    if (high != null)
                                        if (high.Value == 0) //Use the lowest value
                                            responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                        else //Somewhere inbetween. pick closest one, or one with highest score
                                            var lowDiff = floatTimeAmPm - sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Key;
                                            var highDiff = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Key - floatTimeAmPm;
                                            if (lowDiff == highDiff)
                                                if (question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value).Single().Score > question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value).Single().Score)
                                                    responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                    responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                            else if (lowDiff < highDiff)
                                                responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                    else if (sortedDict.Count() > 0) //Use the highest value
                                        responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(sortedDict.Count() - 1).Value;

                                //Found an exact match, or a high/low score
                                if (responseId != null)
                                    questionAnswerParameter.ResponseId = responseId.Value;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == responseId.Value).Single().Score;
                                    //questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Matching Value to score not found";
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                                questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Answer must be a Time (hh:mm AM/PM)";
                                questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                            #endregion Open Ended Time AM/PM Question


                        case QuestionType.TimeRange:
                            //Works the same way as the Decimal above by first converting the time into a float.
                            #region Open Ended Time Range Question
                            var timeRangeValid = true;
                            float startTime;
                            float endTime;
                            float ajustedDifference;
                            if (!questionAnswerParameter.Answer.TimeTryParseAmPm(out startTime))
                                timeRangeValid = false;
                            if (!questionAnswerParameter.AnswerRange.TimeTryParseAmPm(out endTime))
                                timeRangeValid = false;

                                if(startTime > endTime)
                                    endTime += 24; //Add a day.
                                ajustedDifference = endTime - startTime;

                                var floatDict = new Dictionary<float, int>();
                                int? high = null;

                                //Get a list of all active responses don't use any that can't be changed into a float.
                                foreach (var response in question.Responses.Where(a => a.IsActive))
                                    float tempFloat;
                                    if (float.TryParse(response.Value, out tempFloat))
                                        floatDict.Add(tempFloat, response.Id);

                                                                //Sort the valid responses.
                                var sortedDict = floatDict.OrderBy(a => a.Key);
                                for (int i = 0; i < sortedDict.Count(); i++)
                                    if (ajustedDifference == sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Value;
                                    if (ajustedDifference < sortedDict.ElementAt(i).Key)
                                        high = i;

                                //Didn't find an exact match
                                if (responseId == null)
                                    if (high != null)
                                        if (high.Value == 0) //Use the lowest value
                                            responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                        else //Somewhere inbetween. pick closest one, or one with highest score
                                            var lowDiff = ajustedDifference - sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Key;
                                            var highDiff = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Key - ajustedDifference;
                                            if (lowDiff == highDiff)
                                                if (question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value).Single().Score > question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value).Single().Score)
                                                    responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                    responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                            else if (lowDiff < highDiff)
                                                responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value - 1).Value;
                                                responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(high.Value).Value;
                                    else if (sortedDict.Count() > 0) //Use the highest value
                                        responseId = sortedDict.ElementAt(sortedDict.Count() - 1).Value;

                                //Found an exact match, or a high/low score
                                if (responseId != null)
                                    questionAnswerParameter.ResponseId = responseId.Value;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == responseId.Value).Single().Score;
                                    //questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Matching Value to score not found";
                                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;

                                questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                                questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Answers must be a Time (hh:mm AM/PM)";
                                questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;

                            #endregion Open Ended Time Range Question

                            Check.Require(false, string.Format("Unknown QuestionType encountered: '{0}'", question.OpenEndedQuestionType));

                #endregion Open Ended Question
                #region Radio Button Question
                var response = question.Responses.Where(a => a.Id == questionAnswerParameter.ResponseId && a.IsActive).FirstOrDefault();
                if (response == null)
                    questionAnswerParameter.Invalid = true;
                    questionAnswerParameter.Message = "Answer is required";
                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;
                    questionAnswerParameter.Score = response.Score;
                #endregion Radio Button Question

            if (question.Category.DoNotUseForCalculations)
                questionAnswerParameter.Score = 0;

            return questionAnswerParameter;