コード例 #1
		private SqlString GenerateLockString()
			ISessionFactoryImplementor factory = lockable.Factory;
			SqlUpdateBuilder update = new SqlUpdateBuilder(factory.Dialect, factory);
			update.SetIdentityColumn(lockable.RootTableIdentifierColumnNames, lockable.IdentifierType);
			update.SetVersionColumn(new string[] { lockable.VersionColumnName }, lockable.VersionType);
			update.AddColumns(new string[] { lockable.VersionColumnName }, null, lockable.VersionType);
			if (factory.Settings.IsCommentsEnabled)
				update.SetComment(lockMode + " lock " + lockable.EntityName);
			return update.ToSqlString();
コード例 #2
		public void UpdateStringSqlTest()
			Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
			ISessionFactory factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();

			ISessionFactoryImplementor factoryImpl = (ISessionFactoryImplementor) factory;
			SqlUpdateBuilder update = new SqlUpdateBuilder(factoryImpl.Dialect, factoryImpl);


			update.AddColumns(new string[] {"intColumn"}, NHibernateUtil.Int32);
			update.AddColumns(new string[] {"longColumn"}, NHibernateUtil.Int64);
			update.AddColumn("literalColumn", false, (ILiteralType) NHibernateUtil.Boolean);
			update.AddColumn("stringColumn", 5.ToString());

			update.SetIdentityColumn(new string[] {"decimalColumn"}, NHibernateUtil.Decimal);
			update.SetVersionColumn(new string[] {"versionColumn"}, (IVersionType) NHibernateUtil.Int32);

			SqlCommandInfo sqlCommand = update.ToSqlCommandInfo();

			Assert.AreEqual(CommandType.Text, sqlCommand.CommandType);
            string falseString = factoryImpl.Dialect.ToBooleanValueString(false);
            string expectedSql =
                "UPDATE test_update_builder SET intColumn = ?, longColumn = ?, literalColumn = " + falseString + ", stringColumn = 5 WHERE decimalColumn = ? AND versionColumn = ? AND a=b";
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedSql, sqlCommand.Text.ToString(), "SQL String");

			SqlType[] actualParameterTypes = sqlCommand.ParameterTypes;
			Assert.AreEqual(4, actualParameterTypes.Length, "Four parameters");

			SqlType[] expectedParameterTypes = new SqlType[]

			Assert.AreEqual(expectedParameterTypes[0], actualParameterTypes[0], "firstParam Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedParameterTypes[1], actualParameterTypes[1], "secondParam Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedParameterTypes[2], actualParameterTypes[2], "thirdParam Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedParameterTypes[3], actualParameterTypes[3], "fourthParam Type");
コード例 #3
		/// <summary> Generate the SQL that updates a row by id (and version)</summary>
		protected internal SqlCommandInfo GenerateUpdateString(bool[] includeProperty, int j, object[] oldFields, bool useRowId)
			SqlUpdateBuilder updateBuilder = new SqlUpdateBuilder(Factory.Dialect, Factory)

			// select the correct row by either pk or rowid
			if (useRowId)
				updateBuilder.SetIdentityColumn(new string[] { rowIdName }, NHibernateUtil.Int32); //TODO: eventually, rowIdName[j]
				updateBuilder.SetIdentityColumn(GetKeyColumns(j), IdentifierType);

			bool hasColumns = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < entityMetamodel.PropertySpan; i++)
				if (includeProperty[i] && IsPropertyOfTable(i, j))
					// this is a property of the table, which we are updating
					updateBuilder.AddColumns(GetPropertyColumnNames(i), propertyColumnUpdateable[i], PropertyTypes[i]);
					hasColumns = hasColumns || GetPropertyColumnSpan(i) > 0;

			if (j == 0 && IsVersioned && entityMetamodel.OptimisticLockMode == Versioning.OptimisticLock.Version)
				// this is the root (versioned) table, and we are using version-based
				// optimistic locking;  if we are not updating the version, also don't
				// check it (unless this is a "generated" version column)!
				if (CheckVersion(includeProperty))
					updateBuilder.SetVersionColumn(new string[] { VersionColumnName }, VersionType);
					hasColumns = true;
			else if (entityMetamodel.OptimisticLockMode > Versioning.OptimisticLock.Version && oldFields != null)
				// we are using "all" or "dirty" property-based optimistic locking
				bool[] includeInWhere =
					OptimisticLockMode == Versioning.OptimisticLock.All
						? PropertyUpdateability
						: includeProperty; //optimistic-lock="dirty", include all properties we are updating this time

				bool[] versionability = PropertyVersionability;
				IType[] types = PropertyTypes;

				for (int i = 0; i < entityMetamodel.PropertySpan; i++)
					bool include = includeInWhere[i] && IsPropertyOfTable(i, j) && versionability[i];
					if (include)
						// this property belongs to the table, and it is not specifically
						// excluded from optimistic locking by optimistic-lock="false"
						string[] _propertyColumnNames = GetPropertyColumnNames(i);
						bool[] propertyNullness = types[i].ToColumnNullness(oldFields[i], Factory);
						SqlType[] sqlt = types[i].SqlTypes(Factory);
						for (int k = 0; k < propertyNullness.Length; k++)
							if (propertyNullness[k])
								updateBuilder.AddWhereFragment(_propertyColumnNames[k], sqlt[k], " = ");
								updateBuilder.AddWhereFragment(_propertyColumnNames[k] + " is null");

			if (Factory.Settings.IsCommentsEnabled)
				updateBuilder.SetComment("update " + EntityName);

			return hasColumns ? updateBuilder.ToSqlCommandInfo() : null;
コード例 #4
		private SqlCommandInfo GenerateVersionIncrementUpdateString()
			SqlUpdateBuilder update = new SqlUpdateBuilder(Factory.Dialect, Factory);
			if (Factory.Settings.IsCommentsEnabled)
				update.SetComment("forced version increment");
			update.AddColumn(VersionColumnName, VersionType);
			update.SetIdentityColumn(IdentifierColumnNames, IdentifierType);
			update.SetVersionColumn(new string[] { VersionColumnName }, VersionType);
			return update.ToSqlCommandInfo();
コード例 #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Generate the SQL that updates rows by id (and version)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="includeProperty"></param>
		/// <returns>An array of SqlStrings</returns>
		protected virtual SqlString[ ] GenerateUpdateStrings( bool[ ] includeProperty )
			SqlString[ ] results = new SqlString[naturalOrderTableNames.Length];

			for( int j = 0; j < naturalOrderTableNames.Length; j++ )
				SqlUpdateBuilder updateBuilder = new SqlUpdateBuilder( factory )
					.SetTableName( naturalOrderTableNames[ j ] )
					.SetIdentityColumn( naturalOrderTableKeyColumns[ j ], IdentifierType );

				if( j == 0 && IsVersioned )
					updateBuilder.SetVersionColumn( new string[ ] {VersionColumnName}, VersionType );

				//TODO: figure out what the hasColumns variable comes into play for??
				bool hasColumns = false;
				for( int i = 0; i < propertyColumnNames.Length; i++ )
					if( includeProperty[ i ] && naturalOrderPropertyTables[ i ] == j )
						updateBuilder.AddColumns( propertyColumnNames[ i ], PropertyTypes[ i ] );
						hasColumns = hasColumns || propertyColumnNames[ i ].Length > 0;
				results[ j ] = hasColumns ?	updateBuilder.ToSqlString() : null;

			return results;
コード例 #6
		protected virtual SqlCommandInfo GenerateUpdateString(bool[] includeProperty, int j, object[] oldFields)
			SqlUpdateBuilder updateBuilder = new SqlUpdateBuilder(Factory)
				.SetIdentityColumn(GetKeyColumns(j), IdentifierType);

			bool hasColumns = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < entityMetamodel.PropertySpan; i++)
				if (includeProperty[i] && IsPropertyOfTable(i, j))
					updateBuilder.AddColumns(GetPropertyColumnNames(i), propertyColumnUpdateable[i], PropertyTypes[i]);
					hasColumns = hasColumns || GetPropertyColumnSpan(i) > 0;

			if (j == 0 && IsVersioned && entityMetamodel.OptimisticLockMode == OptimisticLockMode.Version)
				updateBuilder.SetVersionColumn(new string[] {VersionColumnName}, VersionType);
				hasColumns = true;
			else if (entityMetamodel.OptimisticLockMode > OptimisticLockMode.Version && oldFields != null)
				bool[] versionability = PropertyVersionability;
				bool[] includeInWhere =
					OptimisticLockMode == OptimisticLockMode.All
						? PropertyUpdateability
						: includeProperty;

				for (int i = 0; i < entityMetamodel.PropertySpan; i++)
					bool include = includeInWhere[i] &&
					               IsPropertyOfTable(i, j) &&
					if (include)
						string[] propertyColumnNames = GetPropertyColumnNames(i);
						if (PropertyTypes[i].IsDatabaseNull(oldFields[i]))
							foreach (string column in propertyColumnNames)
								updateBuilder.AddWhereFragment(column + " is null");
							updateBuilder.AddWhereFragment(propertyColumnNames, PropertyTypes[i], "=");

			return hasColumns ? updateBuilder.ToSqlCommandInfo() : null;