コード例 #1
		public override void Initialize (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string contextMenuPath)
			base.Initialize (builders, options, contextMenuPath);
			foreach (WorkspaceItem it in IdeApp.Workspace.Items)
				treeView.AddChild (it);
			base.TreeView.Tree.Name = "solutionBrowserTree";
コード例 #2
		public ExtensionModelBrowserWidget ()
			this.Build ();
			NodeBuilder[] builders = new NodeBuilder [] {
				new ExtensionNodeBuilder (),
				new ExtensionNodeNodeBuilder (),
				new ExtensionPointNodeBuilder (),
				new AddinNodeBuilder (),
				new SolutionNodeBuilder (true),
				new RegistryNodeBuilder (),
				new AddinCategoryNodeBuilder (),
				new MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Pads.ProjectPad.WorkspaceNodeBuilder (),
				new MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Pads.ProjectPad.SolutionFolderNodeBuilder ()
			TreePadOption[] options = new TreePadOption [] {
				new TreePadOption ("ShowExistingNodes", GettextCatalog.GetString ("Show existing nodes"), true)
			tree = new ExtensibleTreeView (builders, options);
			tree.ShowAll ();
			paned.Add1 (tree);
			foreach (Solution sol in IdeApp.Workspace.GetAllSolutions ())
				AddSolution (sol);
			docView = new Gtk.Label ();
			paned.Add2 (docView);
			tree.ShadowType = Gtk.ShadowType.In;
			tree.Tree.Selection.Changed += HandleSelectionChanged;
			AddinAuthoringService.RegistryChanged += OnRegistryChanged;
			IdeApp.Workspace.WorkspaceItemLoaded += OnSolutionLoaded;
			IdeApp.Workspace.WorkspaceItemUnloaded += OnSolutionUnloaded;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ProfilingPad.cs プロジェクト: Kalnor/monodevelop
		public override void Initialize (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string menuPath)
			base.Initialize (builders, options, menuPath);
			vbox.PackStart (base.Control, true, true, 0);
			vbox.ShowAll ();

			TreeView.LoadTree (ProfilingService.ProfilingSnapshots);
コード例 #4
		public override void Initialize (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string contextMenuPath)
			base.Initialize (builders, options, contextMenuPath);

			Refresh (UnityModeAddin.UnityProjectState);
			UnityModeAddin.UnityProjectStateChanged += Refresh;

			TreeView.ShowSelectionPopupButton = true;
コード例 #5
		public override void Initialize (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string contextMenuPath)
			base.Initialize (builders, options, contextMenuPath);
			vbox.PackStart (base.Control, true, true, 0);
			vbox.ShowAll ();

			TreeView.Clear ();
			TreeView.LoadTree (ConnectionContextService.DatabaseConnections);
コード例 #6
		public override void Initialize (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string contextMenuPath)
			base.Initialize (builders, options, contextMenuPath);
			var aliases = new Dictionary<string,string> ();
			aliases.Add ("SystemFile", "MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Pads.ProjectPad.SystemFile");
			aliases.Add ("ProjectFolder", "MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Pads.ProjectPad.ProjectFolder");
			TreeView.ContextMenuTypeNameAliases = aliases;
			TreeView.EnableDragUriSource (n => {
				var pf = n as ProjectFile;
				if (pf != null) {
					return new Uri (pf.FilePath).AbsoluteUri;
				return null;
コード例 #7
		public override void Initialize (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string contextMenuPath)
			base.Initialize (builders, options, contextMenuPath);

			IdeApp.Workspace.ItemAddedToSolution += Refresh;
			IdeApp.Workspace.FileAddedToProject += Refresh;
			IdeApp.Workspace.FileRemovedFromProject += Refresh;
			IdeApp.Workspace.FileRenamedInProject += Refresh;
			IdeApp.Workspace.WorkspaceItemOpened += Refresh;
			//IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocumentChanged += OnWindowChanged;*/
			Refresh (UnityModeAddin.UnityProjectState);

			UnityModeAddin.UnityProjectStateChanged += Refresh;
コード例 #8
			internal static bool HasChildNodes (ITreeBuilder tb, NodeBuilder[] chain, object dataObject)
				NodePosition pos = tb.CurrentPosition;
				foreach (NodeBuilder nb in chain) {
					try {
						bool res = nb.HasChildNodes (tb, dataObject);
						if (res) return true;
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ());
					} finally {
						tb.MoveToPosition (pos);
				return false;
コード例 #9
			void BuildNode (Gtk.TreeIter it, NodeBuilder[] chain, NodeAttributes ats, object dataObject)
				Gtk.TreeIter oldIter = currentIter;
				object oldItem = DataItem;

				InitIter (it, dataObject);
				// It is *critical* that we set this first. We will
				// sort after this call, so we must give as much info
				// to the sort function as possible.
				store.SetValue (it, ExtensibleTreeView.DataItemColumn, dataObject);
				store.SetValue (it, ExtensibleTreeView.BuilderChainColumn, chain);
				UpdateNode (chain, ats, dataObject);
				bool hasChildren = HasChildNodes (this, chain, dataObject);
				store.SetValue (currentIter, ExtensibleTreeView.FilledColumn, !hasChildren);
				if (hasChildren)
					store.AppendNode (currentIter);	// Dummy node

				InitIter (oldIter, oldItem);
コード例 #10
			internal static NodeAttributes GetAttributes (ITreeBuilder tb, NodeBuilder[] chain, object dataObject)
				NodePosition pos = tb.CurrentPosition;
				NodeAttributes ats = NodeAttributes.None;
				foreach (NodeBuilder nb in chain) {
					try {
						nb.GetNodeAttributes (tb, dataObject, ref ats);
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ());
					tb.MoveToPosition (pos);
				return ats;
コード例 #11
			void UpdateNode (TreeNode n, NodeBuilder[] chain, NodeAttributes ats, object dataObject)
				string text;
				Gdk.Pixbuf icon;
				Gdk.Pixbuf closedIcon;
				TreeBuilder.GetNodeInfo (tree, this, chain, dataObject, out text, out icon, out closedIcon);

				n.Text = text;
				n.Icon = icon;
				n.ClosedIcon = closedIcon;
				if (chain != null && chain.Length > 0)
					n.Name = ((TypeNodeBuilder)chain[0]).GetNodeName (this, n.DataItem);
					n.Name = n.Text;
				n.Modified = true;
コード例 #12
		public void Initialize (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options)
			Initialize (builders, options, null);
コード例 #13
		public TreeViewPad (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options)
			Initialize (builders, options);
コード例 #14
			public AssemblyBrowserTreeView (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options) : base (builders, options)
コード例 #15
			void CreateChildren (NodeBuilder[] chain, object dataObject)
				Gtk.TreeIter it = currentIter;
				foreach (NodeBuilder builder in chain) {
					try {
						builder.BuildChildNodes (this, dataObject);
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ());
					MoveToIter (it);
コード例 #16
			void UpdateNode (NodeBuilder[] chain, NodeAttributes ats, object dataObject)
				string text;
				Gdk.Pixbuf icon;
				Gdk.Pixbuf closedIcon;
				GetNodeInfo (pad, this, chain, dataObject, out text, out icon, out closedIcon);
				SetNodeInfo (currentIter, ats, text, icon, closedIcon);
コード例 #17
			internal static NodeInfo GetNodeInfo (NodeInfo nodeInfo, ExtensibleTreeView tree, ITreeBuilder tb, NodeBuilder[] chain, object dataObject)
				NodePosition pos = tb.CurrentPosition;

				foreach (NodeBuilder builder in chain) {
					try {
						builder.BuildNode (tb, dataObject, nodeInfo);
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ());
					tb.MoveToPosition (pos);
				if (nodeInfo.ClosedIcon == null) nodeInfo.ClosedIcon = nodeInfo.Icon;
				if (tree.CopyObjects != null && ((IList)tree.CopyObjects).Contains (dataObject) && tree.CurrentTransferOperation == DragOperation.Move) {
					var gicon = tree.BuilderContext.GetComposedIcon (nodeInfo.Icon, "fade");
					if (gicon == null) {
						gicon = nodeInfo.Icon.WithAlpha (0.5);
						tree.BuilderContext.CacheComposedIcon (nodeInfo.Icon, "fade", gicon);
					nodeInfo.Icon = gicon;
					gicon = tree.BuilderContext.GetComposedIcon (nodeInfo.ClosedIcon, "fade");
					if (gicon == null) {
						gicon = nodeInfo.ClosedIcon.WithAlpha (0.5);
						tree.BuilderContext.CacheComposedIcon (nodeInfo.ClosedIcon, "fade", gicon);
					nodeInfo.ClosedIcon = gicon;
				return nodeInfo;
コード例 #18
			void UpdateNode (NodeBuilder[] chain, NodeAttributes ats, object dataObject)
				bool isNew = false;

				var ni = (NodeInfo)store.GetValue (currentIter, ExtensibleTreeView.NodeInfoColumn);
				if (ni == null || ni.IsShared) {
					ni = new NodeInfo ();
					isNew = true;
					ni.Reset ();

				GetNodeInfo (ni, pad, this, chain, dataObject);

				if (isNew)
					store.SetValue (currentIter, ExtensibleTreeView.NodeInfoColumn, ni);
					store.EmitRowChanged (store.GetPath (currentIter), currentIter);
コード例 #19
ファイル: TreeBuilder.cs プロジェクト: Kalnor/monodevelop
			void UpdateNode (NodeBuilder[] chain, NodeAttributes ats, object dataObject)
				var ni = GetNodeInfo (pad, this, chain, dataObject);
				SetNodeInfo (currentIter, ats, ni);
コード例 #20
			internal static void GetNodeInfo (ExtensibleTreeView tree, ITreeBuilder tb, NodeBuilder[] chain, object dataObject, out string text, out Gdk.Pixbuf icon, out Gdk.Pixbuf closedIcon)
				icon = null;
				closedIcon = null;
				text = string.Empty;
				NodePosition pos = tb.CurrentPosition;
				foreach (NodeBuilder builder in chain) {
					try {
						builder.BuildNode (tb, dataObject, ref text, ref icon, ref closedIcon);
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						LoggingService.LogError (ex.ToString ());
					tb.MoveToPosition (pos);
				if (closedIcon == null) closedIcon = icon;
				if (tree.CopyObjects != null && ((IList)tree.CopyObjects).Contains (dataObject) && tree.CurrentTransferOperation == DragOperation.Move) {
					Gdk.Pixbuf gicon = tree.BuilderContext.GetComposedIcon (icon, "fade");
					if (gicon == null) {
						gicon = ImageService.MakeTransparent (icon, 0.5);
						tree.BuilderContext.CacheComposedIcon (icon, "fade", gicon);
					icon = gicon;
					gicon = tree.BuilderContext.GetComposedIcon (closedIcon, "fade");
					if (gicon == null) {
						gicon = ImageService.MakeTransparent (closedIcon, 0.5);
						tree.BuilderContext.CacheComposedIcon (closedIcon, "fade", gicon);
					closedIcon = gicon;
コード例 #21
ファイル: DProfilerPad.cs プロジェクト: foerdi/Mono-D
        public override void Initialize(NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string contextMenuPath)
            base.Initialize (builders, options, contextMenuPath);

コード例 #22
ファイル: NodeBuilder.cs プロジェクト: yayanyang/monodevelop
		// Helper methods
		internal static bool HasAttribute (ITreeNavigator treeNavigator, NodeAttributes attr, NodeBuilder[] chain, object dataObject)
			NodeAttributes nodeAttr = NodeAttributes.None;
			NodePosition pos = treeNavigator.CurrentPosition;
			foreach (NodeBuilder nb in chain) {
				nb.GetNodeAttributes (treeNavigator, dataObject, ref nodeAttr);
				treeNavigator.MoveToPosition (pos);
			return (nodeAttr & attr) != 0;
コード例 #23
            void UpdateNode(TreeNode n, NodeBuilder[] chain, NodeAttributes ats, object dataObject)
                var ni = new NodeInfo ();
                n.NodeInfo = TreeBuilder.GetNodeInfo (ni, tree, this, chain, dataObject);

                if (chain != null && chain.Length > 0)
                    n.Name = ((TypeNodeBuilder)chain[0]).GetNodeName (this, n.DataItem);
                    n.Name = n.NodeInfo.Label;

                n.Modified = true;
コード例 #24
ファイル: TestPad.cs プロジェクト: llucenic/monodevelop
		public override void Initialize (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string menuPath)
			base.Initialize (builders, options, menuPath);
			testChangedHandler = (EventHandler) DispatchService.GuiDispatch (new EventHandler (OnDetailsTestChanged));
			testService.TestSuiteChanged += (EventHandler) DispatchService.GuiDispatch (new EventHandler (OnTestSuiteChanged));
			paned = new VPaned ();
			VBox vbox = new VBox ();
			DockItemToolbar topToolbar = Window.GetToolbar (PositionType.Top);
			buttonRunAll = new Button (new Gtk.Image (Gtk.Stock.GoUp, IconSize.Menu));
			buttonRunAll.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnRunAllClicked);
			buttonRunAll.Sensitive = true;
			buttonRunAll.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Run all tests");
			topToolbar.Add (buttonRunAll);
			buttonRun = new Button (new Gtk.Image (Gtk.Stock.Execute, IconSize.Menu));
			buttonRun.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnRunClicked);
			buttonRun.Sensitive = true;
			buttonRun.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Run test");
			topToolbar.Add (buttonRun);
			buttonStop = new Button (new Gtk.Image (Gtk.Stock.Stop, IconSize.Menu));
			buttonStop.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnStopClicked);
			buttonStop.Sensitive = false;
			buttonStop.TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Cancel running test");
			topToolbar.Add (buttonStop);
			topToolbar.ShowAll ();
			vbox.PackEnd (base.Control, true, true, 0);
			vbox.FocusChain = new Gtk.Widget [] { base.Control };
			paned.Pack1 (vbox, true, true);
			detailsPad = new VBox ();
			EventBox eb = new EventBox ();
			HBox header = new HBox ();
			eb.Add (header);

			detailLabel = new HeaderLabel ();
			detailLabel.Padding = 6;
			Button hb = new Button (new Gtk.Image ("gtk-close", IconSize.SmallToolbar));
			hb.Relief = ReliefStyle.None;
			hb.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnCloseDetails);
			header.PackEnd (hb, false, false, 0);
			hb = new Button (new Gtk.Image ("gtk-go-back", IconSize.SmallToolbar));
			hb.Relief = ReliefStyle.None;
			hb.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnGoBackTest);
			header.PackEnd (hb, false, false, 0);
			header.Add (detailLabel);
			Gdk.Color hcol = eb.Style.Background (StateType.Normal);
			hcol.Red = (ushort) (((double)hcol.Red) * 0.9);
			hcol.Green = (ushort) (((double)hcol.Green) * 0.9);
			hcol.Blue = (ushort) (((double)hcol.Blue) * 0.9);
		//	eb.ModifyBg (StateType.Normal, hcol);
			detailsPad.PackStart (eb, false, false, 0);
			VPaned panedDetails = new VPaned ();
			panedDetails.BorderWidth = 3;
			VBox boxPaned1 = new VBox ();
			chart = new TestChart ();
			chart.ButtonPressEvent += OnChartButtonPress;
			chart.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler (OnChartDateChanged);
			chart.HeightRequest = 50;
			Toolbar toolbar = new Toolbar ();
			toolbar.IconSize = IconSize.SmallToolbar;
			toolbar.ToolbarStyle = ToolbarStyle.Icons;
			toolbar.ShowArrow = false;
			ToolButton but = new ToolButton ("gtk-zoom-in");
			but.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnZoomIn);
			toolbar.Insert (but, -1);
			but = new ToolButton ("gtk-zoom-out");
			but.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnZoomOut);
			toolbar.Insert (but, -1);
			but = new ToolButton ("gtk-go-back");
			but.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnChartBack);
			toolbar.Insert (but, -1);
			but = new ToolButton ("gtk-go-forward");
			but.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnChartForward);
			toolbar.Insert (but, -1);
			but = new ToolButton ("gtk-goto-last");
			but.Clicked += new EventHandler (OnChartLast);
			toolbar.Insert (but, -1);
			boxPaned1.PackStart (toolbar, false, false, 0);
			boxPaned1.PackStart (chart, true, true, 0);
			panedDetails.Pack1 (boxPaned1, false, false);
			// Detailed test information --------
			infoBook = new ButtonNotebook ();
			infoBook.PageLoadRequired += new EventHandler (OnPageLoadRequired);
			// Info - Group summary
			Frame tf = new Frame ();
			ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			detailsTree = new TreeView ();
			detailsTree.HeadersVisible = true;
			detailsTree.RulesHint = true;
			detailsStore = new ListStore (typeof(object), typeof(string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string));
			CellRendererText trtest = new CellRendererText ();
			CellRendererText tr;
			TreeViewColumn col3 = new TreeViewColumn ();
			col3.Expand = false;
//			col3.Alignment = 0.5f;
			col3.Widget = new Gtk.Image (CircleImage.Success);
			col3.Widget.Show ();
			tr = new CellRendererText ();
//			tr.Xalign = 0.5f;
			col3.PackStart (tr, false);
			col3.AddAttribute (tr, "markup", 2);
			detailsTree.AppendColumn (col3);
			TreeViewColumn col4 = new TreeViewColumn ();
			col4.Expand = false;
//			col4.Alignment = 0.5f;
			col4.Widget = new Gtk.Image (CircleImage.Failure);
			col4.Widget.Show ();
			tr = new CellRendererText ();
//			tr.Xalign = 0.5f;
			col4.PackStart (tr, false);
			col4.AddAttribute (tr, "markup", 3);
			detailsTree.AppendColumn (col4);
			TreeViewColumn col5 = new TreeViewColumn ();
			col5.Expand = false;
//			col5.Alignment = 0.5f;
			col5.Widget = new Gtk.Image (CircleImage.NotRun);
			col5.Widget.Show ();
			tr = new CellRendererText ();
//			tr.Xalign = 0.5f;
			col5.PackStart (tr, false);
			col5.AddAttribute (tr, "markup", 4);
			detailsTree.AppendColumn (col5);
			TreeViewColumn col1 = new TreeViewColumn ();
//			col1.Resizable = true;
//			col1.Expand = true;
			col1.Title = "Test";
			col1.PackStart (trtest, true);
			col1.AddAttribute (trtest, "markup", 1);
			detailsTree.AppendColumn (col1);
			detailsTree.Model = detailsStore;
			sw.Add (detailsTree);
			tf.Add (sw);
			tf.ShowAll ();
			TestSummaryPage = infoBook.AddPage (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Summary"), tf);
			// Info - Regressions list
			tf = new Frame ();
			sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			tf.Add (sw);
			regressionTree = new TreeView ();
			regressionTree.HeadersVisible = false;
			regressionTree.RulesHint = true;
			regressionStore = new ListStore (typeof(object), typeof(string), typeof (Pixbuf));
			CellRendererText trtest2 = new CellRendererText ();
			var pr = new CellRendererPixbuf ();
			TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn ();
			col.PackStart (pr, false);
			col.AddAttribute (pr, "pixbuf", 2);
			col.PackStart (trtest2, false);
			col.AddAttribute (trtest2, "markup", 1);
			regressionTree.AppendColumn (col);
			regressionTree.Model = regressionStore;
			sw.Add (regressionTree);
			tf.ShowAll ();
			TestRegressionsPage = infoBook.AddPage (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Regressions"), tf);
			// Info - Failed tests list
			tf = new Frame ();
			sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			tf.Add (sw);
			failedTree = new TreeView ();
			failedTree.HeadersVisible = false;
			failedTree.RulesHint = true;
			failedStore = new ListStore (typeof(object), typeof(string), typeof (Pixbuf));
			trtest2 = new CellRendererText ();
			pr = new CellRendererPixbuf ();
			col = new TreeViewColumn ();
			col.PackStart (pr, false);
			col.AddAttribute (pr, "pixbuf", 2);
			col.PackStart (trtest2, false);
			col.AddAttribute (trtest2, "markup", 1);
			failedTree.AppendColumn (col);
			failedTree.Model = failedStore;
			sw.Add (failedTree);
			tf.ShowAll ();
			TestFailuresPage = infoBook.AddPage (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Failed tests"), tf);
			// Info - results
			tf = new Frame ();
			sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			tf.Add (sw);
			resultView = new TextView ();
			resultView.Editable = false;
			sw.Add (resultView);
			tf.ShowAll ();
			TestResultPage = infoBook.AddPage (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Result"), tf);
			// Info - Output
			tf = new Frame ();
			sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
			tf.Add (sw);
			outputView = new TextView ();
			outputView.Editable = false;
			sw.Add (outputView);
			tf.ShowAll ();
			TestOutputPage = infoBook.AddPage (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Output"), tf);
			panedDetails.Pack2 (infoBook, true, true);
			detailsPad.PackStart (panedDetails, true, true, 0);
			paned.Pack2 (detailsPad, true, true);
			paned.ShowAll ();
			infoBook.HidePage (TestResultPage);
			infoBook.HidePage (TestOutputPage);
			infoBook.HidePage (TestSummaryPage);
			infoBook.HidePage (TestRegressionsPage);
			infoBook.HidePage (TestFailuresPage);
			detailsPad.Sensitive = false;
			detailsPad.Hide ();
			detailsTree.RowActivated += new Gtk.RowActivatedHandler (OnTestActivated);
			regressionTree.RowActivated += new Gtk.RowActivatedHandler (OnRegressionTestActivated);
			failedTree.RowActivated += new Gtk.RowActivatedHandler (OnFailedTestActivated);
			foreach (UnitTest t in testService.RootTests)
				TreeView.AddChild (t);
コード例 #25
		public virtual void Initialize (NodeBuilder[] builders, TreePadOption[] options, string contextMenuPath)
			treeView.Initialize (builders, options, contextMenuPath);