public static DBRef FromDocument(Document doc) { if(IsDocumentDBRef(doc) == false) throw new ArgumentException("Document is not a DBRef"); DBRef ret = new DBRef(); ret.CollectionName = (String)doc["$ref"]; ret.Id = (String)doc["$id"]; return ret; }
public void ShouldReturnAllDataFromCollection() { //Given Mongo db = new Mongo(string.Format("Server={0}:{1}", "localhost", "27017")); db.Connect(); IMongoCollection collection = db["test"]["folks"]; Document doc1 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Bill" }, { "middle_initial", "Q" }, { "last_name", "Jackson" }, { "address", "744 Nottingham St." } }; Document doc2 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Ralph" }, { "middle_initial", "M" }, { "last_name", "Buckingham" }, { "state", "CA" } }; Document doc3 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Ronald" }, { "middle_initial", "Q" }, { "last_name", "Weasly" }, { "city", "Santa Rosa" } }; collection.Insert(doc1); collection.Insert(doc2); collection.Insert(doc3); var queryProvider = new MongoDbCSharpQuery(); try { //When IEnumerable data = queryProvider.RunQuery("localhost", "test", "27017", "folks"); int numberOfRows = 0; foreach (var row in data) numberOfRows++; //Then Assert.AreEqual(3, numberOfRows); } finally { //Clean Up collection.Delete(doc1); collection.Delete(doc2); collection.Delete(doc3); queryProvider.Dispose(); } }
public GridChunk(Document doc) { = (Oid)doc["_id"]; this.filesId = (Object)doc["files_id"]; this.n = Convert.ToInt32(doc["n"]); = (Binary)doc["data"]; }
public void ShouldCopyDataToClipboard() { //Given DictionaryBase doc1 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Bill" }, { "middle_initial", "Q" }, { "last_name", "Jackson" }, { "address", "744 Nottingham St." } }; DictionaryBase doc3 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Ronald" }, { "middle_initial", "Q" }, { "last_name", "Weasly" }, { "city", "Santa Rosa" } }; IList<DictionaryBase> documents = new List<DictionaryBase>() { doc1, doc3 }; IMongoQuery query = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMongoQuery>(); query.Stub(q => q.RunQuery("localhost", "test", "27017", "folks:this.middle_initial == 'Q'")).Return(documents); IMongoQueryFactory queryFactory = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMongoQueryFactory>(); queryFactory.Stub(factory => factory.BuildQuery()).Return(query); IClipboardService clipboardService = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IClipboardService>(); IUserMessageService messageService = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IUserMessageService>(); MainViewModel viewModel = new MainViewModel(queryFactory) { Server = "localhost", Database = "test", Port = "27017", Query = "folks:this.middle_initial == 'Q'", ClipboardService = clipboardService, UserMessageService = messageService }; //When viewModel.RunQueryCommand.Execute(null); viewModel.CopyToClipboardCommand.Execute(null); //Then clipboardService.AssertWasCalled(clipboard => clipboard.SetText( "last_name\tfirst_name\tmiddle_initial\taddress\tcity\t\r\nJackson\tBill\tQ\t744 Nottingham St.\t\t\r\nWeasly\tRonald\tQ\t\tSanta Rosa\t\r\n")); messageService.AssertWasCalled(service => service.ShowMessage("Results copied to clipboard")); }
public async Task<Document> Post(Document document) { document.Key = ObjectId.GenerateNewId().ToString(); await _documents.InsertOneAsync(document); return document; }
/// <summary> /// Create a Nut for a specific application account and in a specific configuration container. /// </summary> /// <param name="account">The application account we are creating the nut for.</param> /// <param name="container">The container we are inserting the nut into (e.g. connectionstrings, endpoints, appconfig, etc).</param> /// <param name="nut">Busta nut.</param> /// <returns>True if the nut was added and false if it already exists, and therefore was not added/updated.</returns> public static bool CreateNut(string account, string container, Nut nut) { bool nutAdded = false; Mongo mongo = new Mongo(); mongo.Connect(); var db = mongo.GetDatabase(WellKnownDb.AppConfiguration); var collection = db.GetCollection(container); var doc = new Document(); doc["account"] = account; doc["name"] = nut.Key; doc["value"] = nut.Value; if (nut.Properties != null) { foreach (var k in nut.Properties.Keys) { doc.Add(k, nut.Properties[k]); } } if (collection.FindOne(doc) == null) { collection.Insert(doc); nutAdded = true; } return nutAdded; }
public void TestEvalWithScope() { int val = 3; Document scope = new Document().Append("x",val); Document result = db.Eval("function(){return x;}", scope); Assert.AreEqual(val, result["retval"]); }
public void ShouldReturnCollectionsFromDatabase() { //Given Mongo db = new Mongo(string.Format("Server={0}:{1}", "localhost", "27017")); db.Connect(); IMongoCollection collection = db["test"]["folks"]; Document doc1 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Bill" }, { "middle_initial", "Q" }, { "last_name", "Jackson" }, { "address", "744 Nottingham St." } }; Document doc2 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Ralph" }, { "middle_initial", "M" }, { "last_name", "Buckingham" }, { "state", "CA" } }; Document doc3 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Ronald" }, { "middle_initial", "Q" }, { "last_name", "Weasly" }, { "city", "Santa Rosa" } }; collection.Insert(doc1); collection.Insert(doc2); collection.Insert(doc3); var queryProvider = new MongoDbCSharpQuery(); try { //When IList<string> collections = queryProvider.GetCollections("localhost", "test", "27017"); //Then Assert.IsNotNull(collections.Where(c => c == "folks").SingleOrDefault()); } finally { //Clean Up collection.Delete(doc1); collection.Delete(doc2); collection.Delete(doc3); queryProvider.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MongoWhereClauseExpressionTreeVisitor"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param> private ProjectionBuilder(IMappingStore mappingStore, ParameterExpression documentParameter) { this.mappingStore = mappingStore; this.resultObjectMappingParameter = documentParameter; this.fields = new Document(); this.memberNames = new Stack<string>(); }
public void ShouldPullInDataFromQueryProvider() { //Given DictionaryBase doc1 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Bill" }, { "middle_initial", "Q" }, { "last_name", "Jackson" }, { "address", "744 Nottingham St." } }; DictionaryBase doc3 = new Document() { { "first_name", "Ronald" }, { "middle_initial", "Q" }, { "last_name", "Weasly" }, { "city", "Santa Rosa" } }; IList<DictionaryBase> documents = new List<DictionaryBase>() {doc1, doc3}; IMongoQuery query = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMongoQuery>(); query.Stub(q => q.RunQuery("localhost", "test", "27017", "folks:this.middle_initial == 'Q'")).Return(documents); IMongoQueryFactory queryFactory = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IMongoQueryFactory>(); queryFactory.Stub(factory => factory.BuildQuery()).Return(query); MainViewModel viewModel = new MainViewModel() { Server = "localhost", Database = "test", Port = "27017", Query = "folks:this.middle_initial == 'Q'", MongoQueryFactory = queryFactory }; //When viewModel.RunQueryCommand.Execute(null); //Then Assert.AreEqual(2, viewModel.Items.Count); Assert.AreEqual(5, viewModel.Headers.Count); }
public void TestRemove() { Document d = new Document(); d["one"] = 1; d.Remove("one"); Assert.IsFalse(d.Contains("one")); }
/// <summary> /// Copies one file to another. The destination file must not exist or an IOException will be thrown. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException">Source file not found.</exception> /// <exception cref="IOException">Destination file already exists.</exception> /// <exception cref="MongoCommandException">A database error occurred executing the copy function.</exception> public void Copy(String src, String dest) { if(Exists(src) == false) throw new FileNotFoundException("Not found in the database.", src); if(Exists(dest) == true) throw new IOException("Destination file already exists."); Document scope = new Document().Append("bucket","srcfile", src).Append("destfile",dest); String func ="function(){\n" + //" print(\"copying \" + srcfile);\n" + " var files = db[bucket + \".files\"];\n" + " var chunks = db[bucket + \".chunks\"];\n" + " var srcdoc = files.findOne({filename:srcfile});\n" + //" return srcdoc; \n" + " if(srcdoc != undefined){\n" + " var srcid = srcdoc._id;\n" + " var newid = ObjectId();\n" + " srcdoc._id = newid\n" + " srcdoc.filename = destfile;\n" + " files.insert(srcdoc);\n" + " chunks.find({files_id:srcid}).forEach(function(chunk){\n" + //" print(\"copying chunk...\");\n" + " chunk._id = ObjectId();\n" + " chunk.files_id = newid;\n" + " chunks.insert(chunk);\n" + " });\n" + " return true;\n" + " }\n" + " return false;\n" + "}"; Document result = db.Eval(func,scope); }
public override void SaveToDataStore(BlogEngine.Core.DataStore.ExtensionType exType, string exId, object settings) { XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(settings.GetType()); string objectXML = string.Empty; using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { xs.Serialize(sw, settings); objectXML = sw.ToString(); } using (var mongo = new MongoDbWr()) { var coll = mongo.BlogDB.GetCollection("DataStoreSettings"); Document spec = new Document(); spec["ExtensionType"] = exType; spec["ExtensionId"] = exId; var res = new Document(); res["Settings"] = objectXML; res["ExtensionType"] = exType; res["ExtensionId"] = exId; coll.Update(res, spec, UpdateFlags.Upsert); } }
public DBRef(Document doc) { if(IsDocumentDBRef(doc) == false) throw new ArgumentException("Document is not a valid DBRef"); collectionName = (String)doc[DBRef.RefName]; id = doc[DBRef.IdName]; this.doc = doc; }
public void TestBuilderSetsAllProperties() { Document query = new Document().Append("x",1); Document scope = new Document().Append("y",2); Document sort = new Document().Append("z",3); MapReduceBuilder mrb = mrcol.MapReduceBuilder(); mrb.Map(mapfunction) .Reduce(reducefunction) .KeepTemp(true) .Limit(5) .Out("outtest") .Query(query) .Scope(scope) .Sort(sort) .Verbose(false); MapReduce mr = mrb.MapReduce; Assert.AreEqual(query.ToString(), mr.Query.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(scope.ToString(), mr.Scope.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(sort.ToString(), mr.Sort.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(true, mr.KeepTemp); Assert.AreEqual(5, mr.Limit); Assert.AreEqual("outtest", mr.Out); Assert.AreEqual(false, mr.Verbose); }
public void DocumentConstructorTest() { string key = string.Empty; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value object value = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value Document target = new Document(key, value); Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Implement code to verify target"); }
public Collection CreateCollection(String name, Document options) { Document cmd = new Document(); cmd.Append("create", name).Update(options); db.SendCommand(cmd); return new Collection(name, connection,; }
public void TestCanAddAFunctionDoc() { string name = "fadddoc"; Code func = new Code("function(x, y){return x + y;}"); Document doc = new Document().Append("_id", name).Append("value", func); js.Add(doc); Assert.IsNotNull(js[name]); }
/// <summary> /// Удаляем статус с заданным Id /// </summary> /// <param name="Id">Id статуса</param> public static void DeleteStatus(string Id) { ConnectToMongo(); var docstatus = new Document(); docstatus["_id"] = Id; db["test"]["statuses"].Delete(docstatus); DisconnectWithMongo(); }
public void TestCreateCollectionWithInvalidOptions() { Document options = new Document().Append("invalidoption",true); DB.MetaData.CreateCollection("createdinvalid",options); List<String> names = DB.GetCollectionNames(); Assert.IsTrue(names.Contains("tests.createdinvalid")); }
public void TestCanAddFunctionByAssignment() { string name = "fassignadd"; Code func = new Code("function(x,y){return x + y;}"); Document doc = new Document().Append("_id", name).Append("value", func); js[name] = doc; Assert.IsNotNull(js[name]); }
public void ReadElement(Document doc) { sbyte typeNum = (sbyte)reader.ReadByte (); position++; String key = ReadString (); Object element = ReadElementType(typeNum); doc.Add (key, element); }
public void TestCreateCollectionWithOptions() { Document options = new Document().Append("capped",true).Append("size",10000); DB.MetaData.CreateCollection("createdcapped",options); List<String> names = DB.GetCollectionNames(); Assert.IsTrue(names.Contains("tests.createdcapped")); }
public void TestCalculateSizeOfEmptyDoc() { Document doc = new Document(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BsonWriter writer = new BsonWriter(ms); Assert.AreEqual(5,writer.CalculateSize(doc)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a DBRef from a document that matches the DBref specification. /// </summary> public DBRef(Document document) { if(IsDocumentDBRef(document) == false) throw new ArgumentException("Document is not a valid DBRef"); collectionName = (String)document[RefName]; id = document[IdName]; this.document = document; if(document.Contains("metadata")) this.MetaData = (Document)document["metadata"]; }
/// <summary> /// TODO Fix any accidental reordering issues. /// </summary> /// <param name="dest"></param> public void CopyTo(Document dest) { foreach (String key in orderedKeys) { if (dest.Contains (key)) dest.Remove (key); dest[key] = this[key]; } }
public MongoQuerySpec(Document query, int limit, int skip, Document fields, Document sortOrder, bool isFirstCall) { Query = query; Limit = limit; Skip = skip; Fields = fields; SortOrder = sortOrder; IsFirstCall = isFirstCall; }
/// <summary> /// Удаляем информацию о пользователе /// </summary> /// <param name="Id"> /// в качестве параметра передаем Id юзера /// </param> public static void DeleteUser(string Id) { ConnectToMongo(); var docuser = new Document(); ///заполняем _id и удаляем запись docuser["_id"] = Id; db["test"]["users"].Delete(docuser); DisconnectWithMongo(); }
public void TestFromDocument() { String colname = "tests"; String id = "32312312"; Document doc = new Document().Append(DBRef.RefName,colname).Append(DBRef.IdName,id); DBRef expected = new DBRef(colname, id); Assert.AreEqual(expected, DBRef.FromDocument(doc)); }
public Cursor(Connection conn, String fullCollectionName, Document spec, int limit, int skip, Document fields) : this(conn,fullCollectionName) { if(spec == null)spec = new Document(); this.spec = spec; this.limit = limit; this.skip = skip; this.fields = fields; }