コード例 #1
        /** Find the Midi notes that occur in the current time.
         *  Shade those notes on the piano displayed.
         *  Un-shade the those notes played in the previous time.
        public void ShadeNotes(int currentPulseTime, int prevPulseTime)
            if (notes == null || notes.Count == 0)
            if (graphics == null)
                graphics = CreateGraphics();
            graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.None;
            graphics.TranslateTransform(margin + BlackBorder, margin + BlackBorder);

            /* Loop through the Midi notes.
             * Unshade notes where StartTime <= prevPulseTime < next StartTime
             * Shade notes where StartTime <= currentPulseTime < next StartTime
            int lastShadedIndex = FindClosestStartTime(prevPulseTime - maxShadeDuration * 2);

            for (int i = lastShadedIndex; i < notes.Count; i++)
                int start          = notes[i].StartTime;
                int end            = notes[i].EndTime;
                int notenumber     = notes[i].Number;
                int nextStart      = NextStartTime(i);
                int nextStartTrack = NextStartTimeSameTrack(i);
                end = Math.Max(end, nextStartTrack);
                end = Math.Min(end, start + maxShadeDuration - 1);

                /* If we've past the previous and current times, we're done. */
                if ((start > prevPulseTime) && (start > currentPulseTime))

                /* If shaded notes are the same, we're done */
                if ((start <= currentPulseTime) && (currentPulseTime < nextStart) &&
                    (currentPulseTime < end) &&
                    (start <= prevPulseTime) && (prevPulseTime < nextStart) &&
                    (prevPulseTime < end))

                /* If the note is in the current time, shade it */
                if ((start <= currentPulseTime) && (currentPulseTime < end))
                    if (useTwoColors)
                        if (notes[i].Channel == 1)
                            ShadeOneNote(graphics, notenumber, shade2Brush);
                            ShadeOneNote(graphics, notenumber, shadeBrush);
                        ShadeOneNote(graphics, notenumber, shadeBrush);

                /* If the note is in the previous time, un-shade it, draw it white. */
                else if ((start <= prevPulseTime) && (prevPulseTime < end))
                    int num = notenumber % 12;
                    if (num == 1 || num == 3 || num == 6 || num == 8 || num == 10)
                        ShadeOneNote(graphics, notenumber, gray1Brush);
                        ShadeOneNote(graphics, notenumber, Brushes.White);
            graphics.TranslateTransform(-(margin + BlackBorder), -(margin + BlackBorder));
            graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
コード例 #2
        /* Shade the given note with the given brush.
         * We only draw notes from notenumber 24 to 96.
         * (Middle-C is 60).
        private void ShadeOneNote(Graphics g, int notenumber, Brush brush)
            int octave    = notenumber / 12;
            int notescale = notenumber % 12;

            octave -= 2;
            if (octave < 0 || octave >= MaxOctave)

            g.TranslateTransform(octave * WhiteKeyWidth * KeysPerOctave, 0);
            int x1, x2, x3;

            int bottomHalfHeight = WhiteKeyHeight - (BlackKeyHeight + 3);

            /* notescale goes from 0 to 11, from C to B. */
            switch (notescale)
            case 0: /* C */
                x1 = 2;
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[0] - 2;
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, 0, x2 - x1, BlackKeyHeight + 3);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, BlackKeyHeight + 3, WhiteKeyWidth - 3, bottomHalfHeight);

            case 1: /* C# */
                x1 = blackKeyOffsets[0];
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[1];
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, 0, x2 - x1, BlackKeyHeight);
                if (brush == gray1Brush)
                    g.FillRectangle(gray2Brush, x1 + 1,
                                    BlackKeyHeight - BlackKeyHeight / 8,
                                    BlackKeyWidth - 2, BlackKeyHeight / 8);

            case 2: /* D */
                x1 = WhiteKeyWidth + 2;
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[1] + 3;
                x3 = blackKeyOffsets[2] - 2;
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x2, 0, x3 - x2, BlackKeyHeight + 3);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, BlackKeyHeight + 3, WhiteKeyWidth - 3, bottomHalfHeight);

            case 3: /* D# */
                x1 = blackKeyOffsets[2];
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[3];
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, 0, BlackKeyWidth, BlackKeyHeight);
                if (brush == gray1Brush)
                    g.FillRectangle(gray2Brush, x1 + 1,
                                    BlackKeyHeight - BlackKeyHeight / 8,
                                    BlackKeyWidth - 2, BlackKeyHeight / 8);

            case 4: /* E */
                x1 = WhiteKeyWidth * 2 + 2;
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[3] + 3;
                x3 = WhiteKeyWidth * 3 - 1;
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x2, 0, x3 - x2, BlackKeyHeight + 3);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, BlackKeyHeight + 3, WhiteKeyWidth - 3, bottomHalfHeight);

            case 5: /* F */
                x1 = WhiteKeyWidth * 3 + 2;
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[4] - 2;
                x3 = WhiteKeyWidth * 4 - 2;
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, 0, x2 - x1, BlackKeyHeight + 3);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, BlackKeyHeight + 3, WhiteKeyWidth - 3, bottomHalfHeight);

            case 6: /* F# */
                x1 = blackKeyOffsets[4];
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[5];
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, 0, BlackKeyWidth, BlackKeyHeight);
                if (brush == gray1Brush)
                    g.FillRectangle(gray2Brush, x1 + 1,
                                    BlackKeyHeight - BlackKeyHeight / 8,
                                    BlackKeyWidth - 2, BlackKeyHeight / 8);

            case 7: /* G */
                x1 = WhiteKeyWidth * 4 + 2;
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[5] + 3;
                x3 = blackKeyOffsets[6] - 2;
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x2, 0, x3 - x2, BlackKeyHeight + 3);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, BlackKeyHeight + 3, WhiteKeyWidth - 3, bottomHalfHeight);

            case 8: /* G# */
                x1 = blackKeyOffsets[6];
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[7];
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, 0, BlackKeyWidth, BlackKeyHeight);
                if (brush == gray1Brush)
                    g.FillRectangle(gray2Brush, x1 + 1,
                                    BlackKeyHeight - BlackKeyHeight / 8,
                                    BlackKeyWidth - 2, BlackKeyHeight / 8);

            case 9: /* A */
                x1 = WhiteKeyWidth * 5 + 2;
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[7] + 3;
                x3 = blackKeyOffsets[8] - 2;
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x2, 0, x3 - x2, BlackKeyHeight + 3);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, BlackKeyHeight + 3, WhiteKeyWidth - 3, bottomHalfHeight);

            case 10: /* A# */
                x1 = blackKeyOffsets[8];
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[9];
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, 0, BlackKeyWidth, BlackKeyHeight);
                if (brush == gray1Brush)
                    g.FillRectangle(gray2Brush, x1 + 1,
                                    BlackKeyHeight - BlackKeyHeight / 8,
                                    BlackKeyWidth - 2, BlackKeyHeight / 8);

            case 11: /* B */
                x1 = WhiteKeyWidth * 6 + 2;
                x2 = blackKeyOffsets[9] + 3;
                x3 = WhiteKeyWidth * KeysPerOctave - 1;
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x2, 0, x3 - x2, BlackKeyHeight + 3);
                g.FillRectangle(brush, x1, BlackKeyHeight + 3, WhiteKeyWidth - 3, bottomHalfHeight);

            g.TranslateTransform(-(octave * WhiteKeyWidth * KeysPerOctave), 0);