コード例 #1
        static void ComputeNormalizationFactorsRecurse(
            Tree <AxisAlignedFeatureResponse, GaussianAggregator2d> t,
            int nodeIndex,
            int nTrainingPoints,
            Bounds bounds,
            double[] normalizationFactors)
            GaussianPdf2d g = t.GetNode(nodeIndex).TrainingDataStatistics.GetPdf();

            // Evaluate integral of bivariate normal distribution within this node's bounds
            double u = CumulativeNormalDistribution2d.M(
                (bounds.Upper[0] - g.MeanX) / Math.Sqrt(g.VarianceX),
                (bounds.Upper[1] - g.MeanY) / Math.Sqrt(g.VarianceY),
                g.CovarianceXY / Math.Sqrt(g.VarianceX * g.VarianceY));

            double l = CumulativeNormalDistribution2d.M(
                (bounds.Lower[0] - g.MeanX) / Math.Sqrt(g.VarianceX),
                (bounds.Lower[1] - g.MeanY) / Math.Sqrt(g.VarianceY),
                g.CovarianceXY / Math.Sqrt(g.VarianceX * g.VarianceY));

            normalizationFactors[nodeIndex] = (double)(t.GetNode(nodeIndex).TrainingDataStatistics.SampleCount) / nTrainingPoints * 1.0 / (u - l);

            if (!t.GetNode(nodeIndex).IsLeaf)
                Bounds leftChildBounds = bounds.Clone();
                leftChildBounds.Upper[t.GetNode(nodeIndex).Feature.Axis] = t.GetNode(nodeIndex).Threshold;
                ComputeNormalizationFactorsRecurse(t, nodeIndex * 2 + 1, nTrainingPoints, leftChildBounds, normalizationFactors);

                Bounds rightChildBounds = bounds.Clone();
                rightChildBounds.Lower[t.GetNode(nodeIndex).Feature.Axis] = t.GetNode(nodeIndex).Threshold;
                ComputeNormalizationFactorsRecurse(t, nodeIndex * 2 + 2, nTrainingPoints, rightChildBounds, normalizationFactors);
コード例 #2
        public static Bitmap VisualizeLabels(Forest <LinearFeatureResponse2d, SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator> forest, DataPointCollection trainingData, Size PlotSize, PointF PlotDilation)
            // Generate some test samples in a grid pattern (a useful basis for creating visualization images)
            PlotCanvas plotCanvas = new PlotCanvas(trainingData.GetRange(0), trainingData.GetRange(1), PlotSize, PlotDilation);

            // Apply the trained forest to the test data
            Console.WriteLine("\nApplying the forest to test data...");

            DataPointCollection testData = DataPointCollection.Generate2dGrid(plotCanvas.plotRangeX, PlotSize.Width, plotCanvas.plotRangeY, PlotSize.Height);

            int[][] leafNodeIndices = forest.Apply(testData);

            Bitmap result = new Bitmap(PlotSize.Width, PlotSize.Height);

            // Paint the test data
            GaussianPdf2d[][] leafDistributions = new GaussianPdf2d[forest.TreeCount][];
            for (int t = 0; t < forest.TreeCount; t++)
                leafDistributions[t] = new GaussianPdf2d[forest.GetTree(t).NodeCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < forest.GetTree(t).NodeCount; i++)
                    Node <LinearFeatureResponse2d, SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator> nodeCopy = forest.GetTree(t).GetNode(i);

                    if (nodeCopy.IsLeaf)
                        leafDistributions[t][i] = nodeCopy.TrainingDataStatistics.GaussianAggregator2d.GetPdf();

            // Form a palette of random colors, one per class
            Color[] colors = new Color[Math.Max(trainingData.CountClasses(), 4)];

            // First few colours are same as those in the book, remainder are random.
            colors[0] = Color.FromArgb(183, 170, 8);
            colors[1] = Color.FromArgb(194, 32, 14);
            colors[2] = Color.FromArgb(4, 154, 10);
            colors[3] = Color.FromArgb(13, 26, 188);

            Color grey = Color.FromArgb(255, 127, 127, 127);

            System.Random r = new Random(0); // same seed every time so colours will be consistent
            for (int c = 4; c < colors.Length; c++)
                colors[c] = Color.FromArgb(255, r.Next(0, 255), r.Next(0, 255), r.Next(0, 255));

            int index = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < PlotSize.Height; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < PlotSize.Width; i++)
                    // Aggregate statistics for this sample over all leaf nodes reached
                    HistogramAggregator h = new HistogramAggregator(trainingData.CountClasses());
                    for (int t = 0; t < forest.TreeCount; t++)
                        int leafIndex = leafNodeIndices[t][index];

                        SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator a = forest.GetTree(t).GetNode(leafIndex).TrainingDataStatistics;


                    // Let's muddy the colors with a little grey where entropy is high.
                    float mudiness = 0.5f * (float)(h.Entropy());

                    float R = 0.0f, G = 0.0f, B = 0.0f;

                    for (int b = 0; b < trainingData.CountClasses(); b++)
                        float p = (1.0f - mudiness) * h.GetProbability(b); // NB probabilities sum to 1.0 over the classes

                        R += colors[b].R * p;
                        G += colors[b].G * p;
                        B += colors[b].B * p;

                    R += grey.R * mudiness;
                    G += grey.G * mudiness;
                    B += grey.B * mudiness;

                    Color c = Color.FromArgb(255, (byte)(R), (byte)(G), (byte)(B));

                    result.SetPixel(i, j, c);


            PaintTrainingData(trainingData, plotCanvas, result);

コード例 #3
        public static Forest <LinearFeatureResponse2d, SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator> Train(
            DataPointCollection trainingData,
            TrainingParameters parameters,
            double a_,
            double b_)
            // Train the forest
            Console.WriteLine("Training the forest...");

            Random random = new Random();

            ITrainingContext <LinearFeatureResponse2d, SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator> classificationContext
                = new SemiSupervisedClassificationTrainingContext(trainingData.CountClasses(), random, a_, b_);
            var forest = ForestTrainer <LinearFeatureResponse2d, SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator> .TrainForest(

            // Label transduction to unlabelled leaves from nearest labelled leaf
            List <int> unlabelledLeafIndices = null;
            List <int> labelledLeafIndices   = null;

            int[]      closestLabelledLeafIndices = null;
            List <int> leafIndices = null;

            for (int t = 0; t < forest.TreeCount; t++)
                var tree = forest.GetTree(t);
                leafIndices = new List <int>();

                unlabelledLeafIndices = new List <int>();
                labelledLeafIndices   = new List <int>();

                for (int n = 0; n < tree.NodeCount; n++)
                    if (tree.GetNode(n).IsLeaf)
                        if (tree.GetNode(n).TrainingDataStatistics.HistogramAggregator.SampleCount == 0)


                // Build an upper triangular matrix of inter-leaf distances
                float[,] interLeafDistances = new float[leafIndices.Count, leafIndices.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < leafIndices.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < leafIndices.Count; j++)
                        SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator a = tree.GetNode(leafIndices[i]).TrainingDataStatistics;
                        SemiSupervisedClassificationStatisticsAggregator b = tree.GetNode(leafIndices[j]).TrainingDataStatistics;
                        GaussianPdf2d x = a.GaussianAggregator2d.GetPdf();
                        GaussianPdf2d y = b.GaussianAggregator2d.GetPdf();

                        interLeafDistances[i, j] = (float)(Math.Max(
                                                               x.GetNegativeLogProbability((float)(y.MeanX), (float)(y.MeanY)),
                                                               +y.GetNegativeLogProbability((float)(x.MeanX), (float)(x.MeanY))));

                // Find shortest paths between all pairs of nodes in the graph of leaf nodes
                FloydWarshall pathFinder = new FloydWarshall(interLeafDistances);

                // Find the closest labelled leaf to each unlabelled leaf
                float[] minDistances = new float[unlabelledLeafIndices.Count];
                closestLabelledLeafIndices = new int[unlabelledLeafIndices.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < minDistances.Length; i++)
                    minDistances[i] = float.PositiveInfinity;
                    closestLabelledLeafIndices[i] = -1; // unused so deliberately invalid

                for (int l = 0; l < labelledLeafIndices.Count; l++)
                    for (int u = 0; u < unlabelledLeafIndices.Count; u++)
                        if (pathFinder.GetMinimumDistance(unlabelledLeafIndices[u], labelledLeafIndices[l]) < minDistances[u])
                            minDistances[u] = pathFinder.GetMinimumDistance(unlabelledLeafIndices[u], labelledLeafIndices[l]);
                            closestLabelledLeafIndices[u] = leafIndices[labelledLeafIndices[l]];

                // Propagate class probability distributions to each unlabelled
                // leaf from its nearest labelled leaf.
                for (int u = 0; u < unlabelledLeafIndices.Count; u++)
                    // Unhelpfully, C# only allows us to pass value types by value
                    // so Tree.GetNode() returns only a COPY of the Node. We update
                    // this copy and then copy it back over the top of the
                    // original via Tree.SetNode().

                    // The C++ version is a lot better!

                    var unlabelledLeafCopy = tree.GetNode(leafIndices[unlabelledLeafIndices[u]]);
                    var labelledLeafCopy   = tree.GetNode(closestLabelledLeafIndices[u]);

                        = (HistogramAggregator)(labelledLeafCopy.TrainingDataStatistics.HistogramAggregator.DeepClone());

                    tree.SetNode(leafIndices[unlabelledLeafIndices[u]], unlabelledLeafCopy);
